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11410022 No.11410022 [Reply] [Original]

Are you religious?

What religion do you adhere to, why?

How did you discover it?

What are some books you'd recommend to someone interested in it?

>> No.11410038
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I was an occultist but became Catholic after reading Meditations on the Tarot.

>> No.11410041

What's the connection there?

>> No.11410044

I'm an atheist, but I draw great pleasure from reading scripture and believe religion has a place in the world today

>> No.11410045
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It's stealth Catholic apologetics.

>> No.11410047

Specifically Christian scripture or what other scripture do you enjoy?

>> No.11410070

1. Yes
2. Biblical
3. Indoctrinated as a child; then, reviewed and studied later in life and until I concluded it was true.

Start with the bible. Make a list of anything you think is contradictory, and then check it afterwords. This way you will at least decide whether it is consistant or logically inadequate. Don't waste your time with other writers unless you decided that the bible is a consistent foundation. On the other hand, don't waste your time with christianity if you cant affirm that the bible is consistent.

>> No.11410080

No, there is no God. There is no Heaven. There is no such thing as Souls. Matter isn’t real either so there is no joy of the flesh.
its propaganda book

>> No.11410093

>Matter isn't real

You need to get some epistemology in your life.

>> No.11410098

I've been religious, agnostic and atheist. Now I'm not sure what I would call myself. I'm reading Ecclesiastes right now. Needless to say, I'm somewhat depressed by it, though its message rings true.

>> No.11410103

Maybe my interest there is more in mythology and legend than in scripture itself. I'm a trained archaeologist so the human aspect of religious text is more interesting to me than the philosophical aspect. So any I can get my hands on, really.

>> No.11410105

Ive taken upper division epistemology courses at. university for my degree. Matter isn’t real. Objects don’t real. Pyrrho was completely right just didn’t go far enough. Things only appear to happen but that isn’t true because appearances are not real. We are compelled by unknown “necessity” to follow what appears (erroneously, both the appearance and the belief it instills) to follow laws but they’re arbitrary and fall apart on close examination. All of human technical prowess is a game of obscuration and amnesia. There is no Matter or energy or force or space or people or life or death. Its all miraculous and obscure. And before you give some snotty retort i have never gotten worse than an A in a uni level phil course

>> No.11410129

So what is real?

>> No.11410161

Pseud alert.

Also are you really using your GPA to validate the phrases you memorized at uni?

Your professor really coddled your ass.

>> No.11410610

I'd like to believe, it would be a great solace :[

>> No.11410620
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>Are you religious?
Yes. Used to be atheist, then agnostic, then I fell to pieces and found God.
>What religion do you adhere to, why?
Christian. Leaning towards Orthodox, but not sure yet. They seem less heretical than Catholics and definitely Protestants, but non-denom works for me right now too.
>How did you discover it?
Life was going nowhere, I was a neet for years, I hated myself and everything around me, then my health started going to shit with anxiety and depression. A smart man once had recomended me to read through the gospels about Jesus. I did it twice. The one day I just woke up, cried a lot, prayed and since then I have transformed so much that I can hardly believe myself how much of a better, happier person I have become since I devoted my life to God.
>What are some books you'd recommend to someone interested in it?
The Bible, obviously. There are charts going around the boards with quality lit. I haven't read much, but I do my best. I have C.S Lewis books on hand and started reading Path to Salvation by St. Theophan the Recluse. I also have Saying of Desert Fathers somewhere, must read that too...

>> No.11410626

You can’t rely on the bible if the church which assembled it is fallible.

>> No.11410648

That sounds stupid to me.

>> No.11410653

Not as stupid as believing scripture appears ex nihilo.

>> No.11410658
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the way of the gun, because there are many who must be judged.

the gest of Roland Deschain

The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger

>> No.11410660

Maybe... But you're wrong.

>> No.11410666
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>> No.11410725

Because of your digits alone.
Also there are many very smart people who believe in God. Unlike the very smart atheists who turn out to either be edgy wannabees or psychos.
Also the Biblical Scripture is possibly the greatest literally work of all time.
And there are more than one Church. Neither one is infalliable, but nothing truly is in this world.

>> No.11410733
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Only one Church assembled scripture, and only one possesses the fullness of the Truth.

>> No.11410745

Anon, can you please talk more about Meditations on the Tarot? What exactly in it that propelled you towards Catholicism? What is it about?

>> No.11410757
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>Are you religious?
Yes, i’m an Orthodox Christian (ROCOR)
>How did you discover it?
At 16 I got back into Christianity but disliked the Protestant idea and disliked the Catholic Church for a variety of reasons.
>What are some books you'd recommend to someone interested in it?
From a fictional standpoint, anything by Dostoyevsky (Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and The Brothets Karamaziv spring to mind). From a non-fictional standpoint metropolitan Hilarions 4 volume “Orthodox Christianity” is a great start, as well as Kallistos Ware’s “Orthpdox Way”, “on the acquisition of The Holy Spirit” by Seraphim of Sarov is also amazing.
Because I feel connected to 2000 years of Christian history, because it’s theology makes sense, because it’s tone is less about legalism and more about individual cases, because it’s Divine Liturgy is beautiful, too many reasons to count really.

>> No.11410781
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The only one possessing the fullness of Truth is God. Repent your heresy, anon.

>> No.11410802


Catholic, though I have a great admiration for the Orthodox Church and the Radical Reformation

Wrote a paper on the history of the Amish movement in college, found them incredibly inspiring; decided to investigate Christianity; find myself more and more convinced; was born into Catholicism, so decided to start there. Haven't looked back.

>> No.11410809

>Are you religious?


>What religion do you adhere to, why?

I like to pretend there's different gods sometimes for aesthetic purposes

>How did you discover it?

Went walking and looked up at the sky

>What are some books you'd recommend to someone interested in it?

Read your own damn books

>> No.11410907

It's going to fine anon. God loves you if you love and accept him.

>> No.11410958

Not him, but I've read a little bit of it. It's a very interesting book, I think it was written around the start of the 20th century, possibly by a Russian occultist who moved to southern France and converted to Catholicism.

It goes through each of the major tarot cards (the tower, the hanged man, the magician, etc.) and how each one represents a different aspect of reality / the spiritual journey / humanity, whilst also weaving in these ideas as to why Christianity (Catholicism) is the true path for mankind.

I enjoyed it, especially in the way it talks about esoteric ideas, but since I'm not a Catholic obviously a lot of the Christian-focused stuff didn't mean much to me.

>> No.11410966
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I posted this a while back but I don't know if it'd give perspective or if it's overwrought


>> No.11411161

My man.

>> No.11411182

a lot of very smart people believe a lot of stupid things

>> No.11411185

>Are you religious?
Spiritual, but not religious.

>What religion do you adhere to, why?
I take inspiration from all traditions, including Christianity, Sufism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, etc. I have a personal affinity for Buddhism and Sufism, however.

>How did you discover it?
How cringey would it be to say "it" discovered me?

>What are some books you'd recommend to someone interested in it?
If you're interested in Christian material, some books I've found inspiring are the Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila, and the Orthodox Way by Bishop Kallistos Ware. If you're open to other traditions, I'd recommend the Dao De Jing by Laotzu, the Dhammapada attributed to the Buddha, and the Tibetan Book of the Death.

>> No.11411193

what convinces you rationally speaking that your god is real? if its scripture what makes you trust it is true?

>> No.11411194
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Yeah but don't be too hard on Dawkins, he just got addicted to being a counter cultural edgelord. Unfortunately for him he's watching his country devolve into a moral relativistic shithole where getting upset at systemic child molestation makes you a racist, but I can't say I feel any sympathy for him

>> No.11411196

im lds

>> No.11411197

Philosophical arguments followed by a mystical experience where I felt the presence of God come upon me.
>B-But how do you know it wasn't just a delusion?
How do you know you're not a brain in a jar being fed sensory information? If you don't go through life handwringing over whether your personal experiences are real, neither am I. The only thing in this reality I can trust are my own experiences so I will trust them

>> No.11411209

I can. I'll pray for him to find peace with God and that he finds a way to take his country back.

>> No.11411228

the sensory information is somewhat consistent jar or no jar. One off spiritual experiences Im more skeptical of.

>> No.11411238

I'm not religious, but I thank God for this containment thread.

>> No.11411239

>Are you religious?
No, but I have an infatuation and appreciation for many religious traditions
>What religion do you adhere to, why?
None, but I find a lot of the philosophy behind Buddhism very convincing and comforting
>How did you discover it?
Art history classes in school made me interested in the religious material that was represented
>What are some books you'd recommend to someone interested in it?
Depends on what religion you're interested in. All I can say is to read from something you wouldn't think you'd care about because you might be surprised. I don't take my own advice well; I know next to nothing about Islam to this day because I think it looks so boring compared to other religions.

>> No.11411247

>Matter isn’t real
>Objects don’t real
Get a load of this wack-job
Fuck off mate

>> No.11411257

I think he meant that everything starts to break down on a quantum level. Sounds like angsty nihilism to me. Surely he'll grow out of it.

>> No.11411263

>Are you religious?
Yes. I was raised in a secular household, was an anti-theist for a time, then became an agnostic before finding God.
>What religion do you adhere to, why?
At the moment, I'm a non-denominational Christian. I feel closest to the Eastern Orthodox church, because they've preserved the mystical tradition and are closest to Christ in my opinion. I am struggling to take the final step to join a congregation, because I'm also interested in and try to incorporate Taoism and Buddhism into my spiritual beliefs, which would probably be considered heretical or at least heterodox.
>How did you discover it?
Went through some really hellish years when I was a teenager resulting from a terrible mixture of general adolescent depression, being in a terrible relationship with someone who was mentally ill, losing most of my friends as a result of this friendship and problems associated with being a NEET. Then, during one of my Philosophy classes, we studied Tennant's Aesthetic Principle and for whatever reason, it really resonated with me. Began to read Aquinas, Dostoevsky and the Bible around this time and was ultimately fairly certain of God's existence. I have had several religious experiences since which have confirmed these beliefs. I think the despair I had made me much more receptive to Christ's message, since I had always had a vociferous hatred for religion previous to then.
>What are some books you'd recommend to someone interested in it?
The Bible and the early Church fathers, the greats of Russian literature (Dostoevsky, Gogol, Tolstoy e.t.c.), Fr. Seraphim Rose's writings, Fear and Trembling, Augustine's Confessions, the I Ching and the World as Will and Representation by Schopenhauer.

>> No.11411265

I don't think that's what he meant. babbies first skepticism

>> No.11411279

Have you heard of Christ the Eternal Tao? It's a book written by an Orthodox priest comparing the idea of Christ as Logos to the Tao of Taoism. I am this guy >>11411185, however, so I don't know how acceptable my ideas are to mainstream Christianity, lol.

>> No.11411292

I haven't heard of it, but it sounds like something I would be very interested in. I'll definitely check this out. Do you have any other recommendations for similar reading material?
>I don't know how acceptable my ideas are to mainstream Christianity
I'm happy to read most things about religion, out of curiosity more than anything else.

>> No.11411307

I am spiritual with a proclivity toward Gnosticism. I decided that it's the best branch of Christianity for me, because it retains the fundamental strengths of Christianity, while granting oppertunities to explore esoteric ideas that help my spiritual growth. It also exempts me from the dogmatic noise of rubes.

I was raised Catholic, but fell out of touch with God by the time I was in 7th grade. In college I meddled in Norse paganism for a year, and then one autumn I had a very serious breakdown mentally and spiritually which caused me to go back to Christianity. After floating around different churches and denominations, I was re-baptized in the summer of 2012; my first baptism was Catholic as a baby.
Later that year, I moved and became distanced from the group I studied with. In the winter of 2012, I became focused on studying gnostic literature and texts.

I would start with the basic Gospels of Thomas and Mary.

You can find pretty much everything here.


A book on the study of Gnosticism which I highly recommend is called Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels.

>> No.11411316

For your specific interests, I'd recommend Jesus Sutras by Martin Palmer, which is a fascinating look at how Far Eastern Christians in the early Middle Ages used Buddhist and Taoist terminology to fit Christianity into an Eastern worldview. It's kind of the same thing but from the opposite side.

The history of religion is fascinating stuff, desu. The more you study it the more you begin to see just how much overlap all the major traditions have with each other, despite their superficial differences.

>> No.11411318

Raised secular, now I'm interested in paganism/hinduism.

>> No.11411323

The Quran is a better piece of literature than the Bible desu. Saying this as an agnostic atheist with no attachment to either ideology.

>> No.11411328

*My mum* told me it's poorly written, why should I trust your opinion on the Quran, frend?

>> No.11411334

I've only really read the Pentateuch and the gospels. What else should I read?

>> No.11411337

the rest of the Bible

>> No.11411341

Thanks for the recs senpai. The history of Christians in the Far East is an area which I have a lot of interest in, so this should be good too.

Yeah, I've recently been reading Eliade and his comparative religious studies, and it certainly seems like there's a great deal of truth in the Perennialist position. I think the figure of Christ for many people (myself included) is incredibly powerful though, but that isn't to say there isn't any value in other religious traditions, and even there isn't, it's still pretty interesting to read about nonetheless.

>> No.11411342

Where do I start?

>> No.11411357

Bhagavad Gita. The Gathas.

>> No.11411431

If that is the case then you cant rely on any book, because the human who wrote it is fallible. (Includes textbooks).

I was clear that if you don't think the bible is reliable, then you should just forget about christianity. Any alternative author worth a damn on the subject will indefinately use the bible as his foundation, so it makes no sense to continue with christianity if you think the bible is inconsistent.

>> No.11411436

What if I told you there was an infallible Church which assembled the Bible.

>> No.11411444

I already hold that the bible is reliable. I was showing a brainlet how retarded his post was. Reductio ad Absurdem bitch.

>> No.11411478

Why is the bible reliable?

>> No.11411480

most books dont claim divine revelation

>> No.11411484


>> No.11411490

maybe I'll find god someday
maybe I won't

>> No.11411502

> he’s never had a tutor mark him down for disagreeing with them

>> No.11411514

Because of the Trips of Truth

>> No.11411532

Irrelevant observation as far as my point goes.

>> No.11411549

The bibles only authority is that it comes from God, if that is in doubt it's value is nothing. Few other claims are dealt that badly a blow if the author is not who they say they are.

>> No.11411551

You shouldn't. You prolly owe it to yourself to be educated on other major religious to some degree though. Otherwise that'd leave a pretty narrow minded understanding of these things.

>> No.11411558

>3. Indoctrinated as a child;
>Life was going nowhere, I was a neet for years, I hated myself and everything around me, then my health started going to shit with anxiety and depression. A smart man once had recomended me to read through the gospels about Jesus. I did it twice. The one day I just woke up, cried a lot, prayed and since then I have transformed so much that I can hardly believe myself how much of a better, happier person I have become since I devoted my life to God.


And here you go: the 2 main reasons for people to be religious.

Either they had their psyche modeled since early childhood or they need it because they cant find meaning in the Universe but desperately think they deserve to live forever, and be meaningful, and be loved.

None of those people would keep being religious if it werent for pre big prize of life after death. Let us say there is some form of Divinity, some kind of force or fist mover or first cause, but that this force dosen't care about humanity (and let us not forget that natural selection disproved all religions in the world: there might still be a God, but certainly not the one of any religious doctrine). Let us say ther is this sort of "God", but life after death dosent exist (altough Divinity - for a lack of a better word - exists).

If that's the case and it was proven to religious people - Divinity exists in a form that humans can understand, but life after death dosen't exist - if that was proven to them (some form of deep congnitive and irrefutable proof) they would all abandon religion right away, because it dosen't offer what they need anyore. Thy're only in it because of life after death, only in it because of "me" and the "I am loved and meaningful" feeling: in the end it's a defense mechanism, or some sort of extremely common egocentrism, viral among all human populations.

>> No.11411561
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>> No.11411573

>Divinity exists in a form that humans can understand,

cant understand

>> No.11411583


Nice argument.

But it dosen't matter.You will die and become nothing, just like everyone else.

>> No.11411590
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Do me a favour and read something. Even Mere Christianity. You need something.

>> No.11411596

>heh, nice argument
>also here is my argument which is even more retarded

But for real, drop the fedora and stop being such a fag.

>> No.11411601

History, Writings, Prophets, Epistles. You already read the hardest books of the OT (except Chronicles, just grit and bear it for those).

Whether or not you end up converting, don't close your mind to other religious traditions and listen to this guy >>11411357

>> No.11411614

And here are the 3 main reasons for people to become atheist.
Either they were taught as a child that Atheism is true.
They need it because they fear that life and the universe has meaning, but desperately fear that this would entail a change in their behavior and so decide to choose that Life has no meaning so they could lead how they want whatever the consequence.
Or that they were just teenagers who were socially awkward or thought they were superior to everyone else on an intellectual level so went to Reddit and "got enlightened by their own intelligence"

>> No.11411623


natural selection

It is proven and disables all the religions of the world (Judaism, Christianity and Islam in particular).

As I said, there may be some kind of deity -something like the god of Spinoza or Einstein, who knows - but not your Christian God: there is no longer any way to support your "theories" when you oppose them to facts.

You have exposed yourself before as you really are: frail people who have suffered and still suffer and who have adopted religion in times of pain and anguish in your lives. You literally admitted: I chose with my feelings, not my reason; I chose with my guts, not my brain.

Again: natural selection (and the whole biological record of the path of species and mutations that lead to us, humans). I will wait for which of you will be able to overturn this argument.

And one last note: I read religious texts and admire some books of the Bible for their beauty, like Job and Ecclesiastes. I also admire many Buddhisttexts for their wisdom, as well as many poems from the sufi muslims. But I have never resorted to religion in the difficult times of my life (which every human being faces): that would be dishonest and weak on my part.

>> No.11411626
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This is the theist equivalent of a fedora comment

>> No.11411639

>natural selection

I dont really see how this is incompatible with religious thought (couldn't god have guided evolution? why not do it this way, it's not like time is a problem for him) I think there are better objections.

>> No.11411644

Your literally arguing against yourself fag.

>> No.11411650

It's to show how retarded >>11411558 is.

>> No.11411651
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Man you suck, and projecting a lot.
Natural selection doesn't disprove God.
t. fellow atheist

>> No.11411653

>couldn't god have guided evolution?

Yes, but the Bible, Torah and Quran all describe the creation of humanity as special beings, created right from the beggining in the exact way we are now.

>> No.11411656


That post is not arguing against the existence of some form of God, but against the veracity of the God of institutionalized religions, such as the Christian Church.

>> No.11411659

I mean if you read it literally

>> No.11411664

>special beings

because they have self-consciousness

>> No.11411739

>moving the goalposts for god of the gaps

>> No.11411767

That's the beauty of interpreting someone else's work

>> No.11411838

>Either they had their psyche modeled since early childhood or they need it because they cant find meaning in the Universe but desperately think they deserve to live forever
>None of those people would keep being religious if it werent for pre big prize of life after death
Wow dude. Just amazing how foolish you are.

>> No.11411843

>They need it because they fear that life and the universe has meaning, but desperately fear that this would entail a change in their behavior and so decide to choose that Life has no meaning so they could lead how they want whatever the consequence.
This anon has unmasked Satan.

>> No.11411914

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

Worshipping anything else like: statues, the virgen Mary, the pope, religion, the world, your life, etc. All these things will lead you to hell. Only Jesus saves.

>> No.11412086
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My journey was:
>atheist neo-pagan larper
>agnostic neo-pagan larper
>orthodox christian

>Are you religious?

>What religion do you adhere to, why?
Christianity, because it's the truth.
Orthodoxy, because it's the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church founded by Christ.

>How did you discover it?
Obviously I was extremely salty about Christianity. I blasphemed Christ non-stop and mocked christians all the time. I didn't "discover" Christianity when I converted.

>What are some books you'd recommend to someone interested in it?
What made me christian? I'd say mostly doubt and serious questions regarding existence, life and the after life. I began reading the New Testament when I was an agnostic neo-pagan so I read it from a very skeptical point of view. While looking up interpretations for some verses I came across the book 'Mere Christianity' by C.S. Lewis. That book completely BTFO'd my worldview and put me in an embarrassing position, realizing that my reasoning was absolutely unreasonable. It was also quite scary, thinking that maybe it's the truth, maybe Christ is the Son of God. Eventually I read more about theology and decided to begome.
What made me orthodox? Church history and the Church Fathers.

If you can't/don't want to get a copy of 'Mere Christianity", watch this:

>> No.11412122
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I believe that all expressions of the religious impulse outside of religion itself are perversions and often lead to disaster, but I'm not dogmatically religious in any serious sense. I suppose I just doubt whether there is any such thing as a lack of belief in some kind of transcendental force, and also believe that the religious expressions of this belief have significant pros over covert and atheistic anti-belief, which is just as religious as religion (And I'm here not just referring to obviously religious anti-belief, as in scientism, but of all professions of scepticism, for example in lebensphilosophie and existentialism).

I also believe that Christianity is very obviously historically unique, and is far more potent than other religions in its symbols and insights, but I acknowledge this may be because I don't have the background to appreciate the truth in eastern thought or Islamic thought (which despite my ignorance, I do respect).

I'd like to be able to commit more fully to a religion, and suspect that at some point in the future I will tip over from this state of pseudo-belief, into authentic belief.

>> No.11412226
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Plebby guy who thinks he gets religion mainly because he's taken 2 tabs of acid and 500mg of DPH. I couldn't be bothered to doubt the presence of Christ, or the value of the supplemental spiritual knowledge given by the Buddha. I am immune to fedoras on 4chan too.
To make this /lit/ I'll say that i also went through a phase of getting real high and reading the bible, for some reason reading The Prince at the peak of DPH psychosis also helped cement my "faith".

>> No.11412308

Why can't I choose to read the passage
>God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind
As a parable for evolution, or
> And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
As a parable for man being God's end goal of abiogenesis.

Fedoras love interpreting Genesis as a rapid succession of God's acts, and will insist that Christians that interpret it as a bunch of parables aimed at iron age Israelites are heretics.

>> No.11413519

Not that guy, but the monk that wrote Christ the Eternal Tao was evangelising in North Western China, so he wrote that book for the express purpose of converting Chinese people. So that way you know that it isn't just some watered-down Westernised understanding of the Tao