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/lit/ - Literature

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11407219 No.11407219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/erati,

old /lit/ has died— to those of us who have browsed the board for years, it has become apparent that the quality of the board has decreased. One can blame this on a number of factors— the introduction of /pol/ to 4xhan in 2011, an increase in the number of younger and less experienced readers into the folds of /lit/ (and 4chan, generally) over the years, the introduction of general threads, the exodus from /lit/ due to the creation of /his/, the influx of genre-fiction related posts, etc…

/litpat/ does not have captcha, you can upload pdfs, its mods actually care about the board, it is old /lit/"

>> No.11407237

I don't give a fuck about your faggot political bogeyman unless you can actually maintain a standard of discussion that isn't r/books with imageposting

>> No.11407238

Wtf is this

>> No.11407248

hell yes.

>> No.11407251

>that 30 year old boomer who gets triggered by right wing opinions

>> No.11407252

It's exactly the same as /lit/ but with added threads where people complain they were banned from here. Your board is shit too, there's no escape.

>> No.11407263
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>yet another "it's all /pol/'s fault" thread
>not realizing that it's actually reddit's fault

>> No.11407280

>Anonymous is replaced by Tao Lin
Deeply disgusting

>> No.11407295

I have yet to see a single post where anyone has even mentioned being banned from here

You might have a point, in any case, 8chen is such a strange, anarchic platform that redditors would never actively browse it

>> No.11407304

ah yes, second thread in the catalog /litpat/res/692.html

>> No.11407316

I'm not triggered by right-wing opinions, I just think a board focused on literature (along w philosophy and other forms of art) should not include politics as a large part of its cultural weltanschaung

If this has to be integral, I'd rather the politics be leftypol, so that it is irreverent while maintaining a respect for literature as a discipline

>> No.11407317

It’s reddit’s fault for sure. The status of /r/books is now appealing. /r/Literature is run by exceedingly far left SJWs and selectively posts the least interesting articles imaginable. There’s nowhere to go on reddit to have an actual discussion about literature. And the users who have noticed this have been making threads wherein /lit/ comes highly recommended.
We are fucked

>> No.11407318

/pol/ is filled with reddit

>> No.11407324

>I'm not triggered by right-wing opinions
>If this has to be integral, I'd rather the politics be leftypol, so that it is irreverent while maintaining a respect for literature as a discipline
You're triggered by right wing opinions

>> No.11407330

>it has to be irreverent by upholding the standard ideology of todays world

Yeah thought so, triggered bitch boomer

>> No.11407336

Right wing politics isn't even a problem here. The problem is children or their mental equivalents posting the same stupid 'non discussion' threads ten times a day. Mods need to sort themselves out.

>> No.11407341


What's the difference? The majority of nu-/pol/ came directly from reddit back in '16. Used to be that /pol/ mostly minded it's own business. Now it's all 18 year old ex-plebbiters who didn't go through newfag training on the shittier boards and are killing all the other boards with their /pol/-inspired /b/tier shitposts.

>> No.11407348

you really have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.11407349

summer baby

>> No.11407350


>that 18 year old plebbiter who calls everyone who isn't a post-2014 newfag a boomer

>> No.11407356

This site has become eternal summer, kid

>> No.11407359

Eh ever hear about Neo-Marxism bucko? Yeah thought so

>> No.11407365

Correct. Right-wingers are retarded.

>> No.11407369

>/pol/ is no longer the board where you talked about libertarian conspiracies involving the federal reserve between shitposting about the news
>Its just 24/7 frog posting

Kill me, the Reddit virus has made /pol/ uninhabitable. Even worse than when stormfags colonized it desu

>> No.11407372

>self responsibility and self-preservation is retarded

Uh huh

>> No.11407387

>Neo-Marxism comes under the broader framework of the New Left.

if you think Marcuse and his middle class yuppie faggot ideology is representative of Marx's ideology (or of the views of major socialist parties even in the Western world) then you know very little about Marxism

>> No.11407398
File: 129 KB, 1091x643, card carrying commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a member of a literal Marxist political party but then I realized its all anti-life bullshit for retards
I talked about it IRL with people, I worked to get people elected, I read the entire first volume of Capital. I was familiar with tons of Leftwing thinkers from Tariq Ali to Christ Hedges
Its all fucking bullshit

>> No.11407401

Oh yeah because oppressing opinions you don’t like are the intellectual thing to do
> yes I’m aware the left now are doing this too and they are just as retarded as the right these days

>> No.11407403

Suddenly this morning the idea is being pushed in multiple threads that /lit/ is all of a sudden worse off than before. I want to remind you that every time a board lets this attitude fester it rots the board. Identifying the truth of the matter only strengthens the presence of the idea. Of course OP profits, because he's advertising his site. Check rules 8, 10, 11 before you continue to shill here.

>> No.11407405

Reddit killed this board. nu/pol/ is merely a symptom of reddit. I'm surprised no one else brought up the fact that /lit/ has been rapidly declining since the inclusion of /sffg/. SFF is literarlly reddit incarnate and apart from a few notable others is almost completely shit. Ban /sffg/ and watch the quality of the board rise once again.

The creation of /his/ also didn't help.

>> No.11407406

>Oh yeah because oppressing opinions you don’t like are the intellectual thing to do
On a fucking anonymous imageboard?
Get the fuck out of here

>> No.11407407

Socialism is anti life. Capitalism on the other hand affirms life, making people spend half their day devoted to working for other people affirms life like nothing else.
Also, the fact that you list two literal who journalists as thinkers of merit makes me think you're not as well versed in leftist theory as you want us to believe you are.

>> No.11407410

How so? I can see how it could be considered futile and a waste of time but anti-life?

>> No.11407414

This. Chris Hedges is a liberal socdem and Tariq Ali is a boring old Trot, kek

>> No.11407422

Watch the mods do nothing, kid

>> No.11407426

>Also, the fact that you list two literal who journalists as thinkers of merit makes me think you're not as well versed in leftist theory as you want us to believe you are.

They were the first two that came to the top of my head who weren't obvious memes. I can list whoever you want. Adorno, Althusser, Gramsci. I got the whole block covered.

It negates the origin of all desire and experience which is the self. Its considerations take no origin from authentic experience but instead from abstract technologizing of human life. Its a despicable and insane tradition when properly viewed

>> No.11407432

>It negates the origin of all desire and experience which is the self. Its considerations take no origin from authentic experience but instead from abstract technologizing of human life.

This could be applied to any political activity that involves collective action.

>> No.11407437


>> No.11407453

So... I'm not sure why you think capitalist are much if at all better... politics is an intrinsically collective phenomenon

>> No.11407467

Once again, you only list a bunch of people who are memes in themselves.
Also, to think communism is purely technologizing of human life is to consider literally no marxist at all has ever read and answered to Heidegger. A lot of leftist theory past the second half of the twentieth century is trying to answer exactly that. I suggest Raoul Vaneigem, since Debord doesn't quite touch upoon it.

>> No.11407469

I don't. I think Nabokov was right and that interest in politics is as a rule an offence against the human soul

>> No.11407475

>Once again, you only list a bunch of people who are memes in themselves.

Its Leftism, they're all fucking memes

>> No.11407482
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Ok, good

>> No.11407518

Hi /lit/ mods, thank you for caring about us

>> No.11407519

What are you on about?

>> No.11407542
File: 612 KB, 2403x1886, 765F5A4F3A134693AFF02439EE1F2A8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a pollack on suicide watch

>> No.11407602

Is this thread kosher?

>> No.11407609
File: 50 KB, 383x453, 1530627553786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based my man, /lit/ is dead. Lets all go to /litpat/

>> No.11407636

>muh precious gook forumn

Can these boomers just fucking retire already.

>> No.11407653

I heard that the right stuff has been raiding /lit/ for awhile, are you one of the shills?

>> No.11407690
File: 36 KB, 354x546, gold.jpg.CROP.promovar-medium2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey mods, please ban me thanks

>> No.11407730

>i hate the majority of you posters
>that's why i'm inviting posters from here
really makes me think. great book would read again 10/10, sending this as my PhD

>> No.11407757

implying you even finished High school

>> No.11407768

Why do writers spend years preparing a novel?

They don't write it for every pleb who reads it; they write it for themselves and for the few who will be able to truly be changed by it

I shill because I know there are still people here who will appreciate /litpat/, because it is an attempt to revive what used to be a great board

>> No.11407772

Funny you raiders are the ones turning lit into shit lately.

>> No.11407775

>Slaving away for eight hours a day to put money in Porky's pocket is virtuous
This opinion is standard across in the entire right wing in one form or another. Fringe groups on the right believe:
>Feudalism should be restored
>19th amendment should be abolished
>Fascism is le cool. A totalitarian state would be BASED
So yeah, right wingers are either retarded or evil. I'm being serious

>> No.11407780

>obviously you're not coming to my board because you're too dumb for it
k, i guess i'll miss out on that and keep posting about lesbian rape in proust here. not even sorry to spoil that for you, losers

>> No.11407792

sounds like you're talking about america. they'd be definitely retarded and probably evil no matter their political affiliation anyway. who gives a shit they repeal any of their retarded constitution? only americans, and they hardly count as people

>> No.11407914

Good job inviting all the newfags you fag.
If you're really /lit/ you'll find the place yourself

>> No.11407932
File: 792 KB, 2800x2121, cdc481_6482601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing reddit is the air force's fault

>> No.11407936

>turning lit into shit
how do u turn shit into shit

>> No.11407941

If you don't want to work then don't and go starve to death you whiney fucking faggot

>> No.11407942


>> No.11407948

*then go

>> No.11407954

>if you don't want to work
That's not what I said. I want to work for myself, not a Turner or Koch.

>> No.11407959

>fell for the working meme
>wishes death on people who know better

>> No.11407966

Then go find a way to do that. Holyfucking shit
Leftists are absolute human garbage. Life is right there in front of you

>> No.11407970

>not becoming a neet
nice job, pleb

Enjoy eternal wagecuckery

>> No.11407976

>Life is right there in front of you
>posting platitudes on a chinese waterboarding forum

>> No.11407979

Good luck when the blockchain becomes turbo-memey and the welfare state implodes. You'll be my little slave bitch

>> No.11407983

Why are you so angry?

>> No.11407984

then suffer and die if that seems more convenient. up to you really.

>> No.11407987

Am I wrong? If you want to be self employed go use your melon and find a way to do it. Set up a potato farm in Patagonia and never talk to anyone ever again.
Except the Leftist garbage mind you have makes you want to complain because all you really want to do is be a resentful little loser

>> No.11407999

what is /litpat/?