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11407140 No.11407140 [Reply] [Original]

books is wild

>> No.11407289

The vast majority of people appealing to sources and external authorities don't actually verify them. It's a bluff meme for psueds.

>> No.11407302


Half the time if you look up the original source you'll see no one in the professional community takes it seriously.

>> No.11407309

I don't think you understand how academia works, an essay being poorly sourced (or not sourced at all) are grounds for terminating scholarships, career and so on.
Of course you think academia is a secret coven of marxist wizards so you won't believe me, but that's ok.

>> No.11409000
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This guy gets it. I wrote a math paper and it got reamed during peer review because I forgot to cite a major author whose work was an attempt at solving the same problem.

Knowing who else is writing in your field is half the game.

>> No.11409007


that sounds more like a problem of academia than some personal failing of yours. Tell them to fuck off, unless you actually care about your academic career. In that case, you are a lost cause.

>> No.11409013

>not fabricating footnotes
>and the scholars that comment on their obvious fabrication and urge readers to disregard them as spurious
not gonna make it

>> No.11409058
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It was definitely a failing of mine. Going back to look at the other author's work made me realize a handful of useful things. When I finished rewriting the paper, I'd changed my approach slightly to make the proofs more elegant and re-framed the issue to clearly differentiate between my approach and his.

Peer review forces people to think more seriously about the problems they're solving, and be more involved in their fields. It's a good thing.

>>11407289 is right when it comes to popsci books, though. Most publishers don't do a very good job checking sources beyond verifying that they exist.

Can't speak to the quality of humanities journals because I'm not in that field, but my friends in the liberal arts department tell me the classics scholars, history of lit scholars, and analytic phil. scholars tend to be anal about footnotes, in a productive way.

>> No.11409245


I get full marks, straight 4.0s on history papers by including lots of citations to relevant texts, but if you were to actually check my footnotes, you'd find that most of those facts don't exist on those pages. That's because I pick pages based on index entries in books I don't even read and nobody checks so I always get away with it.

>> No.11409391

Wow. It's almost like nobody gives a shit about undergrads.

>> No.11409409

epic bro, you sure owned the system #schoolcheats

>> No.11409441

peer review in most (medical) journals doesn't include reference checking. Nobody really has time for that shit. I have lost count of the times that I've looked up a ref only to discover that it doesn't support the original authors statement anywhere in the article.

>> No.11409623
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Wow, you're a fucking idiot

>> No.11409629

Good thing I don't live in China haha

>> No.11410303
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Academia is an institution that perpetuates group think. One way to perpetuate group think is to force the next generation to not only read but incorporate past thinking into their current thinking. And proving that you have done so is done by (((sources))).

>> No.11410533

Folks, can we all agree there's a spectrum here?
Blind appeals to authority are bad. Judging a work based on how many sources it cites is bad. Jamming external references1 and citations2 everywhere to trick the casual reader into perceiving your work as more solidly substantiated than it really is is very bad.
But ignoring what's come before you and reinventing the wheel is just plain stupid.

>> No.11410536

(fucking Christ I went out of my way to find the little superscript characters for added effect and 4chan just turned them into regular numerals. Dang main.

>> No.11410560

but i want to have a black-and-white position so i can either laugh at academics or mock pseuds

>> No.11410602

This only applies to STEM.
Humanities fails at this horrifically (in practice).

>> No.11410946


>> No.11411056


>> No.11411449


>> No.11411453

mom's gonna freak

>> No.11411460

Did you ever take more than one class in a real Humanities department?
Do you know what happened to Nietzsche's career?

>> No.11411462

All academics must die.

>> No.11411645

The Adam Ruins Everything series is really the pinnacle example of this. They're very proud of quoting sources and never forget to mention this in their pr but actually investigating it I don't know why they would even bother (even if what the bulk of what they're saying is accurate)

>> No.11411660

First one is Kaczynski, second Wittgenstein, but who's the third quote?

>> No.11411690

There was one video of his that really irked me. I can't remember which one it was, though. I just remember every time he made a claim, the source would appear at the bottom of the screen. The problem was it was literally the same source for every claim in the video, and it was a relatively dubious source at that.

>> No.11411692

There are so many examples of humanities bigwigs citing badly or falsely, and being basically discredited as professionals for it. Maybe no one cares at an undergrad level, but once you get past third year you'd better smarten up or you're going to get fucking reamed.

>> No.11411699

Nikolai Berdyaev

>> No.11413223
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Can you cite some examples?

>> No.11413235

I strongly agree with this sentiment. Proof is ghey and Socrates was a nigger

>> No.11413450

>Academia is an institution that perpetuates group think.
t. has never seen two humanities professors in the same room together

>> No.11413466

That is literally just the effete low testosterone cardiocel version of fighting, they believe exactly the same, but they have to establish dominance.

>> No.11413712
File: 327 KB, 777x656, 12472482_1759290040971281_1620382343698562056_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me give you an anecdote from a "discussion" (i.e. poorly-moderated debate) I attended.
>Speakers A and B were both gender studies professors.
>Speaker A was a 2nd-wave feminist who believed that womanhood means "possessing a womb."
>Speaker B, on the other hand, was a 3rd-waver who believed that womanhood means "performing femininity."
>In the opening remarks, speaker A insisted that MtF trans people are not, even if they pass as female, women.
>Speaker B immediately countered with the assertion that "trans women are women."
>The actual topic of the discussion (how effective was the feminism of the 1980s?) got completely sidelined in the back-and-forth about gender.
>After 15 minutes, the "host" (i.e. moderator with no spine) reminded them that the actual topic had little to do with trans philosophy.
>Both speaker A and speaker B take turns putting the moderator on blast for saying this.
>Speaker A calls speaker B a traitor for selling her gender out to undercover men.
>People start to leave as the "discussion" becomes a straight-up shouting match.
Speaker A and speaker B had conflicting beliefs both in general (womb vs performance) and in specific (MtF trans people are/aren't women). Neither was going to convince the other of her belief. And it was funny af to watch.

>tl;dr academics can and do disagree with each other.

>> No.11413784

Without academics there would be no computers, no internet, and no medicine to keep you alive fuckface

>> No.11413795

computers and the internet were developed by the military and then popularized by private capital, faggy academics didnt do shit except train some code monkeys

>> No.11413802

>he uses """"medicine""""
The frail constitution of the academiacel revealed at last

>> No.11413839

I'm sorry that you had to sit through this

>> No.11413869


Wow, interesting thesis, how do you explain change in thought though? If all academia does is perpetuate groupthink by incorporating past thought why is it then that universities aren't doing medieval scholastics anymore?

>> No.11413926

We all still read Aquinad and those inspired by him, tbqhfam

>> No.11413950
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>books is wild

>> No.11413974

>no MOM I don’t WANNA do it their way it’s DUMB
how 2 spot a pseud 101

>> No.11414016

Seriously this. People never invented things until they invented schools. Wait...

>> No.11414026

Yes, the great schisms of the humanities, principally marked by disagreeing on what decades-dead people actually thought.

Thanks for proving his point.

>> No.11414033

Generally caused by people who refuse to participate in the group-think, typically labeled as radicals and largely shunned during their life time, almost always for eschewing the old and presenting ideas wholly their own (or as close to that as possible.)

Again, thanks for proving his point.

>> No.11414109
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>people in academia disagree
>somehow this is evidence for group-think among academics
Ah, yes, this big-brained individual is so much smarter than accredited professors.

>> No.11414558

cursed image

>> No.11414657

>implying humanities profs are doing anything even remotely comparable to STEM researchers

>> No.11414694

What books are these?

>> No.11414711


Truth is ur """"edge"""" wont ever get u laid son

>> No.11414850

Which works are you citing?
>inb4 none they all came from a dream

>> No.11414905

>t. attends directional state university

>> No.11415018



>> No.11415060

No. Lest he creates a paradox

>> No.11415076

The funny thing is you probably think you're intelligent.

>> No.11415358

>Not engaging in a international conspiracy to create fake citations and whole schools of philosophy with other academics

>> No.11415371
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>> No.11415376

See >>11415371

>> No.11416638
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Thanks for the citations.

>> No.11418108

This made me laugh more than it should have.

>> No.11418838
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>> No.11418901

>an essay being poorly sourced (or not sourced at all) are grounds for terminating scholarships, career and so on.
oh no, a bunch of certifiable nincompoops might not approve of my writing because they're to unintelligent to judge content and rely wholly on empty signaling.


>> No.11418908

This guy gets it

>> No.11418953

imagine believing this is a meaningful disagreement and representative of viewpoint diversity in academia.

the sad part is i guarantee you no terfs will even be hired today, but i guess that's fine because all things considered i hate trans people less than women, colored people, and regular gays

>> No.11418959

imagine believing this is a meaningful disagreement and indicative of viewpoint diversity in academia.

the sad part is i guarantee you no terfs will even be hired today, but i guess that's fine because all things considered i hate trans people less than women, colored people, and regular gays

>> No.11418967

imagine believing this is a meaningful disagreement and indicative of viewpoint diversity in academia.

the sad part is i guarantee you no terfs will even be hired today, but i guess that's fine because all things considered i hate trans people less than women, colored people, and regular gays

>> No.11418977

prove to me this isn't already a thing

>> No.11418999

You're not to think you are anything special.
You're not to think you are as good as we are.
You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
You're not to imagine yourself better than we are.
You're not to think you know more than we do.
You're not to think you are more important than we are.
You're not to think you are good at anything.
You're not to laugh at us.
You're not to think anyone cares about you.
You're not to think you can teach us anything.

>> No.11419006

I think you're mistaking the expectations of a student for the choices of a master

>> No.11419115
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>> No.11419129

Who is this mad man? Jacques Ellul?

>> No.11419151

I bet you're lazy and skewer shady info to support your edgy arguments

>> No.11420604

where's the lie

>> No.11421109

That sounds fun to watch, like a sitcom improv.

>> No.11421116

Oh, so you admit?

>> No.11421768

Absolute fucking madman

>> No.11421776

I’ve been laughing at op’s picture for a couple days now. Great stuff.

>> No.11421801

Oxford University Press has published books in which the author didn't verify their sources. I can show evidence if you want.

>> No.11421836

The amount of footnotes in an Oxford Classics Book is tremendous. It’s an entirely different beast than reading anything else. The experience involves constantly checking the back and understanding so much more than you would have otherwise.

I shudder to think how I could have comprehended Reflections on the Revolution one France without those footnotes.

>> No.11421865

I don't even mean their Classics. See, for example:

>> No.11421888

This is actually me

>> No.11422062

Why didn't you film this lmao

>> No.11422135


>> No.11423839

yer welcome

>> No.11424014

Handstand Satan has spoken

>> No.11424933


>> No.11424964

What is the source for that?

>> No.11424965

Reminds me of the slaves at the Roman triumphs who would walk by the chariots of the general and whisper
>you are mortal, you are mortal...

>> No.11425000

That´s pretty damn poetic.

>> No.11425057
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>Two hard leftists argue about a micro issue
>Diversity of opinion

>> No.11425114

>gender studies professors
>hard leftists

>> No.11425158

>Implying there are even centerists, let alone right wingers, in gender studies.
>Implying the subject itself wasn't funded and perpetuated by neo-marxists.

>> No.11425232

what does this have to do with the original point though?

>> No.11425367
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The post both anons were responding to was:
>The vast majority of people appealing to sources and external authorities don't actually verify them. It's a bluff meme for psueds.
Both responses argued against this, and claimed that verifiable sources are important (including for reasons other than "bluffing" for persuasion).

Liberal/bourgeois/conservative feminisms all exist. Even Christina Hoff Sommers, a straight-up reactionary, has her own brand™ of feminism. The reason these arguments break out so often is because "women are people" is the only thing all feminists agree on. Everything else can go any number of ways.

>> No.11425469

Nobody checks shit in humanities. I know because I've bluffed sources countless times and so has everyone I've asked

>> No.11425484

>/conservative feminisms
It's a basic contradiction in terms. With actual right wing beliefs you just have a series of hierarchies. King-Nobles-Commoners-Father-Wife-Children

that sort of thing. 'feminism' doesnt make any sense at all from a right wing perspective it basically just means 'chaos and disorder in the family'

>> No.11425488

>Hoff Summers is a reactionary
Guess I must be a fucking sith then

>> No.11425502

ITT /lit/ reveals itself to be somehow more retarded than /pol/, never mix frogs with pseuds

>> No.11425711


>> No.11425780
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I agree, it’s a contradiction in terms, but there are both “conservative” feminists and conservative “feminists.”

I don’t remember her name, but there was a famous women’s activist who said something to the effect of “The washing machine will set us free,” and argued that submitting to a patriarch could actually be liberating once housework became largely automated. That’s a kind of conservative feminism.

She’s pining for a mythologized past. That’s the definition of reactionary. Her mythologized past includes certain historical feminists, but not others. It’s pretty obvious revisionism.

>> No.11425850

Performance? Like trans can suck sick too so they count? I really don't get this argument because a trans can't really reproduce so their performance seems shot to me. But even guys can suck dick if not better so women have failed performance wise for hundreds of thousands of years

>> No.11425897

>"women are people" is the only thing all feminists agree on
Very epic meme.

>> No.11425924

Thats a terrible definition, and its a habit of pseuds to declare their terrible definitions...definitive. But I'm just another pseud, so nevermind, carry on, have your fun

>> No.11426210

no they basically just said it is necessary to get through school, but that's obviously not the same thing