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/lit/ - Literature

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1140641 No.1140641 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/, there are too many new threads asking for the same shit over and over again.

If mods (in b4 no mods) were to make a sticky, what should it include?

My proposition:

>Is there a list or recommended books?

>I want to buy an e-reader, which one should I get?

>What do you think about [title of an Ayn Rand book]
Discussing Ayn Rand is forbidden by Rule #4

What else?

>> No.1140643

>implying mods

>> No.1140644

>(in b4 no mods)
Have you even read the message?

>> No.1140645

I'm going to report this, if only to make sure the mods or a janitor sees this.

If that doesn't work trying emailing moot directly. It takes a while for him to respond, as his inbox is full of trolls and spam, but he's a bro.

>> No.1140646
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>> No.1140647

just because you wrote that doesn't mean i can't say it

>> No.1140649

picture of jogo?

>> No.1140650

Still, you should be adding constructive ideas to the thread

>> No.1140656

I approve... can't think of anything else.

>Is there a list or recommended books?
shows up way too often

>> No.1140659

Anyone willing to make a copypasta on "Essential" philosophy books? Every day we get requests for that.

>> No.1140660
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>where can I get free ebooks?

>> No.1140661

Ita a good idea but let's be honest about this. If this were to be done traffic on /lit/ would literally be two thirds of what it is now.

Also, I think we should remove the ayn rand rule. Most of /lit/ agrees that books should not be banned, so why should the DISCUSSION of a book be banned?

>> No.1140668

Someone should really do something about all the fantasy/philosophy/rate my poetry/rate my fiction threads. Put it all into one thread maybe?

>> No.1140664

>How do gifting threads work?
Go to a gifting thread, post your Amazon wishlist ONCE, be nice and hope someone gifts you. Posting a 'Thank you' thread once you've received your gift is much appreciated. You may also buy gifts for other people!

>> No.1140671
File: 4 KB, 356x94, gregre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linking to copyrighted books is against 4chan's first Global Rule, mods won't allow this, not in a sticky at least

>> No.1140674

>If this were to be done traffic on /lit/ would literally be two thirds of what it is now.
I'd rather have a slow ass board (even more than what it is now) without reposts than constantly seeing the same questions - and I know I can just ignore them but fuck

>> No.1140675

gutenberg is public domain at least. surely it's in the other sites hands, not 4chans?

>> No.1140676

well we should at least sticky our recommended reading lists, but they need to be expanded for sure.

>> No.1140677

gutenberg is legal, don't know about the rest

>> No.1140678

Yeah, sure, just remove Sandygunfox and shit, but let's keep Gutenberg

>> No.1140679
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I think they should ban Anon.

>> No.1140681

what if we link to a /lit/ thread that links to copyrighted books?


>> No.1140685

Im ok with this, I see a "is there a list of recommended books" thread every fucking day

>> No.1140687

I'm studying for a bachelor degree in US law and I can say foe a fact that if those links were instead posted on pastebin and the link of that pastebin pasted here, it wouldn't be illegal.

>> No.1140688

But if moot doesn't like it he may still ban this from 4chan

>> No.1140689

should add
> /lit/ != /hwk/

>> No.1140695

What does hwk mean?

>> No.1140698


>> No.1140709
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>> No.1140720

>Linking to copyrighted books is against 4chan's first Global Rule, mods won't allow this, not in a sticky at least

>/rs/ is full of copyrighted shit

>> No.1140722

The reason people bring up Ayn Rand so much is BECAUSE it's against the rules. Calling attention to it doesn't help at all, it makes it worse.

>> No.1140723

I don't really see the point. All lit does is talk about the same things no matter what. And it's not like the new thread count here is that high to begin with so new topic threads still get to stick around.

>> No.1140726
File: 77 KB, 376x581, ayn-rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.1140731

>All /lit/ talks about is the same shit
Tell me about it

>> No.1140733
File: 412 KB, 840x523, 1282517301409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do agree with the OP on what he suggested, /fit/ have somethnig similar to this to stop the influx of threads asking the same stuff about basic dieting or getting muscular.

nice call OP!

>> No.1140735

That recommend reading page is horrible.

>> No.1140736
File: 185 KB, 628x814, dostoevsky1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want to know?

>> No.1140745

That's because none of you fucking get it, and so the people who love Dostoevsky have to try and try before there's a good thread.

>> No.1140793


>> No.1140808


>> No.1140810

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eydude.gif" alt="Greetings Profile Graphics and Comments" border="0" /></a><br>
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<a href="http://www.profilebrand.com/graphics/" target="_blank">graphics & comments</a> | <a href="http://www.profilebrand.com/graphics/category/greetings/1" target="_blank">Greetings Graphics</a> | <a href="http://www.petrpg.com/" target="_blank">Virtual Games</a><br></center>

>> No.1140942
File: 136 KB, 1280x1002, rodney-dangerfield-redd-foxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two other suggestions from a concerned /lit/izan:

1. Stop bookshelf threads. I don't think there exists anything more masturbatory on all of 4chan with perhaps the exception of last.fm threads on /mu/ (and actual masturbation threads).

2. E-reader threads. Similar comments as those above, especially the fact that it has nothing to do with the actual writing at all. More of a "technology" thing anyway.

Also as a general suggestion, I think a conscious effort to discuss certain books LESS is in order i.e. Lolita, Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, Infinite Jest, etc. I am not suggesting banning these from discussion, just an effort to inject some newer topics into /lit/. Like Gogol, Gaddis, Barth, Flaubert, Roth, Bolano, Edmund Morris, Henry James, or Conrad. These authors (and others) rarely come up.

Represent from SC

PS: Can philosophy discussions be less insipid? That would be nice.

>> No.1140944
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>> No.1140954

I agree with 1), less with 2). That said I own a e-reader and I fucking love it. I agree it's more of a /g/ thing but such threads are far from invading /lit/ and they're not as retarded as bookshelf threads

>> No.1142484

let's keep this in the front page

>> No.1142494

Don't listen to this fucking Nazi. This is 4chan if you want a moderated forum go elsewhere.