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/lit/ - Literature

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11403623 No.11403623 [Reply] [Original]

do you?

>> No.11403634

God damn it sure is summer.

>> No.11403640

Every other form of media is full of the shallow messages she's looking

>> No.11403647
File: 373 KB, 500x375, 1445281016860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another /pol/ bat thread

>> No.11403652

>another le /pol/ boogeyman post

>> No.11403655
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is that a yes?

>> No.11403664
File: 163 KB, 1150x720, 1530564506734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instantly defensive about getting outted
classic /pol/ post right here, thanks for clearing it up for us OP

>> No.11403671

that's not OP

>> No.11403674

>don't you like wish we lived in a nu-communist asshole
No thanks it's bad enough already. What a shit thread by the way

>> No.11403687

Sorry, I should've opened with "what book for this feel?"

>> No.11403764
File: 130 KB, 640x836, Jaroslav_Flegr_-_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She never read Nothing's Changed by Tatamkhulu Afrika in English lessons in school


>> No.11403785

>there are straight, white dudes that WILL defend people like this

Remind me again why whites don't deserve extinction

>> No.11403786


>> No.11403796

i didn't go to high school, so no. also, i have no interest in race, class, gender, or existential anguish. good day to you.

>> No.11403798

because the western culture that allows your current life of luxury was created by whites.

>> No.11403810

I wish i at least learned something at all.

>> No.11403812

I don't live in the west. In fact the west fucked my part of the world up a bunch.

Anyways, if random toxic people not only are allowed to straight up insult white people over the most retarded shit, but white people themselves cheer along, who am I to stand in the way?

>> No.11403816

god i wanna fuck her so hard

>> No.11403822
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He looks like an autistic Hollabecque.

>> No.11403841

One of my classes in high school touched on feminist and Marxist criticism for a bit. We never really did anything with it. It's probably good to understand the perspective, but I am glad that it didn't devolve into the same choreographed dance that a lot of progressive criticism takes the form of.

>> No.11403859

What piece of literature is this twitter post from?

>> No.11403870

I'm a muslim from the Middle East and all I learned about in my English lit classes was Martin Luther King, Maya Angelou, Anne Frank, and Jesus.

>> No.11403879

i'm scottish
we studied steinbeck

what do they teach you mutts in the USA? macbeth?

>> No.11403882


>> No.11403889

>implying the existential anguish of any other race has been as meaningful

>> No.11403939

>studied steinbeck

>> No.11403952

Does anybody else think back to their twitter posts and wish they learned about proper capitalization and punctuation?

>> No.11403953
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>race and gender are social constructs

>> No.11403960

This. Mods please.

>> No.11403964

Can twitter just cease to exist already

>> No.11403972

i REALLY need to fuck her

>> No.11403980


You don't have to be from pol to disagree with that cunt.

>> No.11403982

why is male sexuality so weird

>> No.11403992
File: 441 KB, 620x324, adam-and-eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11404023

It's a cool stylistic choice made by mentally ill 27 year old communists, they all do it

>> No.11404033

what's with white men and Americans?

Why is every twitter American so obsessed with white men? Polish here

>> No.11404048
File: 147 KB, 360x362, 1525892530239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants people to be brainwashed to the point where they can't enjoy literature, just like she was.

>> No.11404054

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/177292093