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File: 101 KB, 1000x670, tankies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11399093 No.11399093 [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.11399102

TOP KEK tell me that subtitles isn't real.

>> No.11399813

It's Memri TV so it likely is.

>> No.11399816

Same as it ever was

>> No.11399822

Memri TV subs are slightly mistranslated to make Arabs seem more stupid, but the general sentiment is accurate.

>> No.11399947

But look where my hand was

>> No.11399952

We need a Memri TV version of Ninja Warrior with comic dub.

>> No.11399953
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who would lie on the internet?

>> No.11399971

I went to a dominatrix a few weeks ago. I was actually really enjoying myself and thought I could take more, but eventually things started getting too intense/painful and I started crying. She told me not to be a wimp, asked if I was going to cry, and told me not to cry like a baby. That totally broke me and I started bawling like a child right there. I told her I couldn't take any more, tipped her, and left. I cried all the way home and masturbated thinking about her before I went to sleep.

I also enjoy writing cheesy, sci-fi romance about twenty-somethings.

>> No.11399988

I got a short story published this week for the first time in my life. Feels good man.

>> No.11399995

To be fair Arabs are pretty retarded, with or without mistranslation.

>> No.11400027
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I am a secular turk and for whole my life i believed that there is hope for my nation that we can progress and even surprass the west if we unite.
Seeing all the apeslike voting mindlessly for Erdogan and the situation that the country is in, i lost all my hope. And around 52% of my people are brainwashed and want to be part of the middle east.

It hurts my soul deeply.

>> No.11400031

move somewhere else, it's the 21st century

>> No.11400035

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
Congrats btw

>> No.11400070
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I already have. I live in Germany for 4 years now. But this doesn't change the fact that it's a lost cause with all those people. Around 26 million voted for the dictator at the last elections and his main oponent got 15 milions. Crushing defeat, desu.

BTW, most of the turks in Germany are also braindead or are in a critical conditions of heavy autism.

>> No.11400085

>26 million
>for the dictator

I think the reason why they seem "in a critical condition of heavy autism" is that you are not capable of talking to them, you lack a mutual language. Perhaps this is because it is you who has lost touch with them and not the other way around.

I hear Tunceli is nice though, would like to see it for myself one day.

>> No.11400108

Do they actually vote for him or do they "vote" for him

>> No.11400112


Both of the sides are unable to change their views, this is the problem. Because we are raised being enemies. Accepting the other side is like accepting a defeat.

And also, i think that there is only one reasonable way to get to point: by being rational. If the seculars make problemes, we will point them out. If the religios lunatics make problems, their followers won't point them out.
We have a term for this, it is called getting freezed. They don't see the mistakes and are unable to think and critisize them. And actually, they don't want to. Because this is what a low qualified worker does, all the information he gets about the world is true the television which is now already 99% under the controll of... guess for yoursell under whoose control it is.

Germanturks are the worst because they profit of the economical desaster of Turkey. If they were having a vacation for 1 week for 1000 euros before 6 years, now they can enjoy a 2 weeks vacation for 1000 euros.
And... yes, they think this means economical growth for Turkey.
Those are the type of people that are included in the 52%. So you do the math who is out of the touch.

BTW, main opposition party is full with Erdogans agents. Which makes thins worse.

>> No.11400125

man reddit is stupid


>> No.11400130
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I am a shell, trapped inside a private hell of repetition that I cannot expel. I never thought I could get this low again, a taste of disdain wrapped in pain of a mental stain. She is a stain, a blot, residue to be removed yet her scent lingering, a reminder to never lose guard or else become charred by the expected discard. God my heart beats quickly and I feel hollow, all of my self scooped out and any excess leftovers culled by the memoric chisel lurking about. I wish to escape the limbo of suffering, escape into the void of nothing and return to nothing as I truly am, as she has made that abundantly clear, the neon light bringing my eyes to a squint as its luminance leaves its imprint.

>> No.11400131
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Not everybody. The elections were declared though an agency that is owned by Erdogan on 5 TV medias that are owned by Erdogan. The institution that checkes the votes is under the control of Erdogan.

I actually was hoping for him to win with cheating. That would mean that the nation is not "freezed" but lost it's ability to fight agains a modern-day Hitler. But even his main oponent said that there is no possibility that 10 million votes were stolen.
So, he actually won. Which is worse than winning through cheating.

>> No.11400136

Don't worry, America will liberate your country one day

>> No.11400172
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It appears that this is what we deserve for having a shit ton of people being middle-eastern-minded.
Yep. But we don't have petrol. Why would they want to liberate us tho?

>> No.11400199

America will drone strike Erdogan in the near future, don't worry. If we can get off al Assad's cock long enough.

>> No.11400215

What would your mother think of your behavior?

>> No.11400288
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Light femdom is the thinking man's fetish.
I legitimately think that being attracted to feminine boys or traps doesn't make one gay. Bi curious at most.
4chan is an absolute waste of my fucking time and I hate myself for being addicted to it
I've been reading dubliners recently. I really really like "Eveline". It's so good.
I'm scared that I won't like studying translation.
I should stop trying to learn east asian languages and start focusing on more useful and more simple ones, such as german and french.
I think that videogames have great storytelling potential, but they're all shit.
If I ever wrote a novel I'd make it completely plotless, have it be a simple yet long study of a character or characters and an enviroment, concentrating on drawn-out descriptions of everything and everyone. It's a shame I'll never have good enough prose to make something like that enjoyable.
I find it funny how I agree with every book I read. I go from anarchism to fascism to marxism to classical liberalism on a monthly basis. I'm such a brainlet
I really like anime

>> No.11400642

Gender is a social construct.
I repeat: a social construct. A person on an island has no gender because there is no one there to treat that person like this or like that. Gender is made in between relations amongst people. It is real insofar as it really affects how we are treated and how we see ourselves, though it is not tangible or concrete in the sense of having an essential core male or female characteristic. This "identification with a gender" is merely an idealization of gender, men transitioning to women are basically guys thinking they know what it means to be a woman in their heads.

I don't mind guys dressing like women, even chopping their dicks off, it's their dick why do I care. But they are still men as long as people read them as men. Just like women could once only wear dresses and now it's okay for them to wear pants, no one minds that and no one thinks they are less of women. Scotsmen in kilts or japanese in kimonos are still men.

No one has the right to dictate how others should be treated, but also no one has the right to dictate how others should treat them. Even if trans people suffer from prejudice and what not, they must not expect that to not happen, simply because what they are doing is unusual and new and you can't push it as if it was natural. It's not wrong that it isn't natural, but their and our gender are made through a delicate game of social interaction to which no one holds the rule, but we pretend to accept people how they are and pretend we are showing our true selves so that we can survive in a society. This artificial pretense is not that a bad thing.

>> No.11400668

Trannies expect money and sympathy, they're degenerates because it's logically impossible to feel like a woman and to be a man or vice versa, they're degenerate hedonist who expect all others to allow (and therefore approve) of their rampant behaviour. You imply people should be free to do what they want, I am free to not want to see a trannie or have them around me. People should be free to band together and create tranny free zones. Just put a bullet in your head and pull the trigger

>> No.11400674

you're a fucking idiot
by your logic EVERYTHING is a social construct, a baby raised in a sensory deprivation tank has no idea of anything so why don't we all just act like random hedonistic animals

>> No.11400762

I like you, anon. You sound very cute.

>> No.11400795

mental illness: the post

go out into the world and say this, people will burst out laughing into your face

>> No.11401101
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>> No.11401102

I like writing but a lot of the time I find myself unintentionally stealing ideas I've seen from other books or tv shows and I get mad at myself because I'm not good enough to create my own stories.

>> No.11401112

More important than isolated ideas is the arrangement and specificity involved. You can easily make it very much your own, even if the impetus was not.

>> No.11401114
File: 282 KB, 700x900, 1494830336921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i believed that there is hope for my nation that we can progress and even surprass the west if we unite.

>> No.11401136

I have possibly the stupidest pet peeve ever, which is using search engines for my interests. They're completely harmless, non-pornographic things - usually just obscure bands - but the thought of typing their names out and just diving right in really distresses me. Sometimes I'll try and skirt this by writing in a tangentially related thing and going from there, but even then it's still painful. Why is this? I have a theory that it's because it completely demystifies them. For instance, it was a bummer to learn that Jandek is doing tours. And whenever I watch an artist give an interview, it's also really disappointing. One band I loved turned out to be really soft spoken and generally said nothing interesting. Another turned out to be cold and distant in a way that really put me off. And then there's others who hit on something special and immediately moved on to produce music that is inexplicably dull and indistinguishable from countless others. It's almost to the point that only idealistic things can interest me, and I am happiest when given the least to work with. Sure it's probably an extension of being depressed, but as long as I am in this state, I can't settle for less.

>> No.11401169

i'm gonna send him to outer space
to find another race

i'm gonna put on an iron shirt
and chase the devil out of earth

>> No.11401178

>Muh tortured poet
please shut up faggot

>> No.11401180

sounds like a good idea for a short story


>> No.11401184


>> No.11401277
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Haha, capitalists BTFO! XD

>> No.11401282

the ecco the dolphin soundtrack is amazing


electronic music and movies are seriously the only thing keeping me from going full anprim

>> No.11401293

Honestly, nothing. Nothing is on my mind. I'm a thoughtless subhuman.

>> No.11401299

Are you a subhuman if you can realize this though?

>> No.11401314
File: 119 KB, 576x768, 9068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just lonely mang

>> No.11401329

Perhaps I'm just going to be alone. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to justify it or try and rationalize it, but I don't think it's a sexy enough thing to warrant either of those.
I'm perpetually dissatisfied with people, they always disappoint me, and me them because of my contempt that always becomes apparent after awhile.
I just need to learn how to accept this, need to read more Pessoa

>> No.11401333

Actually no, I'm an arabic speaker and they're dead on accurate.

>> No.11401336

It astounds me that this bread has not rotten. I cannot count on it to stay that way.

>> No.11401364

Memri tv is funded by Israel btw

>> No.11401378

Memri never mistranslate. They just select sequences that fit their agenda. The best propaganda is truth.

>> No.11401383

I found this today while reading about video game sound chips.
Awesome stuff. It's almost sad that 80's synths sound so outdated because some of them are gorgeous.

>> No.11401393


I worry I've done irreparable damage to my soul. It's been causing me to go on a purging and cleaning spree around my apartment. I have boxes of books I'm donating. I'm getting rid of as much stuff as I can. It doesn't change the feeling I get late at night. A desperation to ameliorate some aspect of life during the wee hours when I have no energy or time.

>> No.11401424

Memri TV is a jewish psyop meant to portray arabs in the worst and most caricaturist depiction possible, yet it turned out to be a memes goldmine

>> No.11401482

you're going to get rid of all your possessions and still hate yourself. dont bother.

>> No.11401486

something something sunlight best disinfectant

>> No.11401489
File: 24 KB, 390x376, yzHWbqV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss being a NEET

>> No.11401490

Good lord, I want to leave.

>> No.11401521


>> No.11401528

lol this is an old joke

>> No.11401535
File: 309 KB, 775x775, 104975-md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is our society today unusually toxic, or this how its always been?

>> No.11401541

Big sis, why am I tied down to my bed with you standing beside me?

>> No.11401810

That's very nice of you to say, anon.

>> No.11401954

GF is from Syria, she says they're usually pretty accurate

>> No.11401981

No, you have no right to exclude people if they aren't doing you any harm.

Also, the more you push them aside in that way, the more they gather, the more in their right they feel about their mental fantasies. You are actually validating them and making shit worse for yourself.

Nah, if you read my post carefully you'll notice I'm not in to say "fuck social constructs", on the contrary, I think we should embrace social constructs and deal with them, but not identify with them as if they were not constructs.

Human beings are artificial. Both knife+fork and chopsticks are cultural things, constructs. You can do with either, it's not a big deal, it doesn't mean you have to eat by hand just because tools are artificial (unless you want to eat with your hand, it's still allowed, just don't complain of greasy fingers later on). But if you are to argue knife+fork is some ultimate naturalistic way to eat, I'd disagree. In the same way, social constructs are not false things, they exist, they bear a weight in the way we relate to each other. Trannies forget this and think they can just turn their back to it and conservatives are too engaged in their own traditions to see they could be different (not that they should, but could).

Yes they would, because people are idiots and I'm mostly alone in my nuanced opinion. I was never able to talk about this throughly outside anon posting.

I think there are three basic positions on this subject
>gender and sex are the same thing, cold stone hard fact of life that men should have short hair and wear trousers, women long hair with dresses, anything other than that is degenerate

>identity politics
>gender is in my head regardless of my body, I may not look like it but I have a hidden gender inside that should determine how you act towards me and if you don't get my pronouns right you are the degenerate one

>third position
>gender is a social construct, you cannot force people into a dress code, you cannot force people to accept you when you don't follow it, your mental idea of what gender is is yours alone and should not dictate norms

I have the third position. The term "social construct" is wrongly used by identity politics who think that means gender is a "mental construct" and that it would exist apart from social interaction or that how you see yourself should dictate how others see you (this goes even beyond the gender debate). In the past, tranvestites, even if they suffered from marginalization, they didn't mind being understood as men who want to express themselves and be treated as women. The quest for respect and not being killed in the streets turned into a quest for getting pronouns right. It's not who one IS, but how one lives and is perceived in a given society. I think gender is more superficial than people think. When men think they are women, they merely think they are like their idea of what being a woman is like.

>> No.11401984

What did David Burn meme by this?

>> No.11401985

Good word to use there, because "the dose makes the poison", anon. There is nothing particularly evil about people today, we are just having too much of a high dose of each other thanks to the connected world, imo.

>> No.11401995

The dominatrix was his mother.

>> No.11402016

I agree with this 100%.

>> No.11402095

My gf is 8 years younger than me(29/21), depressed, with alcoholic parents, no money, saying her life is shit and that the only thing that works is our relationship.

But I want to break up and don't know how to do it. Also ashamed to be such a beta faggot to let this go so far. I've learned my lesson not to accept a relationship with the first girl that falls in love with me.

>> No.11402178

When I discover a great most beautiful or useful book/movie/music/author/etc I don't recommend it to anyone because I fear that people could use that knowledge to make themselves more successful or popular and I want everything for myself.

>> No.11402182
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Oh god i have my finals tomorrow oh god i cheated the whole year and i'm gonna get fucked in the ass tomorrow someone send help

>> No.11402184
File: 32 KB, 1172x675, 206E812E-8181-481F-89D4-C2B0F4EF84DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im doing it /lit/, i declared english w/ lit concentration as my major

>> No.11402224

It’s fucking July
How are you in school?
Good luck regardless

>> No.11402257

We all beta faggots need to learn that first. "Never stick your dick in crazy," as they say.
It is kind of sad.
I am with my second gf. I thought she was pretty sane, having a better grip on her life than I have on mine and so on. Yet here we go again, the past months she’s been losing it more and more. She’s grown so anxious we can’t really interact anymore without her getting angry at me / me being afraid she will.
Psychosis runs in her family too. Tough luck.
Most of my father’s women were schizophrenic. The one he had his first son (my half-brother) with went on to kill herself. My own mother has pretty severe borderline tbqh.
So I guess getting with psychotic women runs in mine.
Still I hope I do not give up hope. There are so many wonderful things in this world.
What’s social problems compared to the sight of a green tree?
And just as I am pondering these thoughts, I pick up a book and find the protagonist talking to me about them. Thank you, Hermes.

>> No.11402283

>was 5+ IQ above people around me growing up so fell for the 'smart but lazy meme'
>actually have low IQ halogroup genes
>terrible quantitative & spatial IQ, middling verbal IQ
>born an indolent worthless subhuman
>brain also permanently damaged by 20 years of super stimuli dopamine released from high speed internet pornography
>also had terrible genetics & hormones, tried to use steroids in my teens to 'replicate' a healthier male with better genes, not mainly for strength but in a misguided attempt to fix this background immutable general indolence, so now I've lost all my natural testosterone & feel like crap all the time
>entire family is a rogues gallery of subhumans and poors
>doomed to be part of the cognitive underclass
>sam harris is telling me I'm doomed like an animal on a fixed path
>even jordan peterson who seems to have the answer to everything is left shrugging with the problem of 'what should low IQs actually do'
>doomed to a life of constant ambient confusion & relentless abstract humiliation in a high IQ society raping me with nebulous concepts like compound interest, debt, interest rates, sugar, cortisol things I don't understand

I've washed out of university twice due to not being able to keep up with the work since it all flies over my head, I fell for the the 'smart but lazy' meme, everywhere I turn for a better life of a specialist my IQ & genetically and environmentally stunted willpower won't let me learn/retain anything to pursue a career

currently working as a street cleaner/refuse man, books for this feel?

>> No.11402289
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forgot pic

>> No.11402306

Im consistently feeling like im in agony emotionally. I do not have any reason why or how to fix it. Been trying things to fix this feeling so that i dont have to go and sui. Ive been meditating and exercising everyday, eating well, working at a social interacting job 3 days a week, hanging out with friends on weekends. Been doing this the last few months but my feelings have not changed. Went to a monastery for 2 weeks but still no change. Tried psychs, tried dmt, tried a bunch of other esoteric methos but i always seem to stay feeling like this hell state for 90% of my life. I cry not from sadness but in a strange agonising way probably 3 times a week. Someone please give me some advice that has helped them. please

>> No.11402352

Fuck you man. Fuck you. I've been writing for over a decade and the only thing I have to show for it is the absolute knowledge of my own mediocrity. I will never see my name in print. Not a living soul beyond the neighborhood of relatives and friends and maybe coworkers will ever see any of my work. And probably not even them.

I'm too much of a pussy to quit. Writing is cocaine except there's not even the rush anymore. Just pages and pages of garbage without any hope of improvement. I don't have anything else going for me. I'm not great at my job. I actually wish I hated my job, but all I feel is ambivalence. No romantic prospects. No real friends. One of these days I won't get out of the car, I'll just leave it running in the garage and doze off to the fumes. But I'm certainly too much of a pussy to do even that.

I know you're supposed to "love the process", but fuck that man and fuck you. I'm getting an ulcer. I'm growing it. Every morning when I sit down to write I can feel the sucker swell up with oil, pus, acid, bile, raw mediocrity. I hope it's cancer. I hope its stage 4, inoperable, beyond-modern-medicine, 3-months to live cancer. I hope it's a new kind of cancer that's contagious, a prion that spreads through muccal secretions, a fucking biblical plague--not that I want to spread it even, but just so I have a valid excuse for hermitage.

You know what? Fuck publication and fuck you again. I just want to write one great story. Just one. Just between me and god, no one else even has to know. But I know that no matter how hard I try it will always be the same recycled, repeated and retried garbage because no matter how much I delude myself, a great story is not in me and it never was. Everything we ever write is only a rearrangement of our DNA. This is not waxing fatalistic. This is fact. My whole destiny was written in the zygote. Probably even before then. A pathway of 10 thousand fertilization events and chromosomal crossovers that ultimately spelled out "no discernible talent".

So fuck you man.

And congratulations.

>> No.11402587

Yeah, but it wasn't a joke

>> No.11402591

Women in general chaps

>> No.11402679
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I hate myself. More than hate myself, I am disgusted by myself to the point that I'm afraid of leaving my house, because I don't want people to see me or look at me. The thought that I live in my own body makes me nauseous. Every time I make a mistake, I feel like it's just one more reason why I'm such a fucking abomination against god.

I don't know what to do. Even leaving the house is a nightmare. Nobody really understands the extent in which I'm absolutely revolted by my own existence. I can't make it stop, and I can't escape. I'm getting real tired of this.

>> No.11402771

I think you got the gay

No really, try get some personality

>> No.11402826

What do you hate about yourself anon?

>> No.11402853

It's good that you are tired of it, you can stop now if you want. If you hate yourself as much as you say, I can tell for sure that the whole world will be more supportive to you than if you actually trust your own judgement. Since you don't get out of your house and do anything, you have no chance to change the scenario you are in, no chance to fail further nor to suceed at anything, no chance to hear criticism or praise. Maybe people around you either tell you you are shit, or try to help you by saying you are better than what you say you are, which means they are not truly listening to your complaints. I'm here listening and taking it seriously. Even if you are the worst person on earth, you can improve and become only the second or third worst person, but only if you move. If you only sit there thinking you'll have nothing to think other than the thoughts that you already have, that's why you are right that you can't make it stop it or can't escape by using the strategies you have been using to cope with it, for that sets you in a downward spiral. Above all, even if you are the vision of hell incarnate in a person, realize that this is not really important and does not stop you from doing things you like, helping others, and so on, living anyway. Instead of wishing you were better or wishing you were dead, realize that you can get out of your house and be looked at people in spite of being that horrible and nothing will happen. You'll see the world won't end and in time you'll see these preoccupations diminish and a more practical mindset take its place, engaged in what you do and the world around you and not so much on yourself.

>> No.11402861

your soul is fine.

>> No.11402874

proud of you anon. you fool.

>> No.11402911
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i'm gonna miss my girlfriend. that's pretty much it. we're gonna be long distance until January (long distance since June, together almost a year). hella time difference and even different beliefs re: how much communication is needed. i grew up living on my computer, so it's easy for me to live (and even expect) an LDR where we are like permanently connected. But she was never a homebody, inside alone type, she was popular and always socializing, and still is, so she's always trying to live in the moment and not text me every hour of every day. our lifestyles are ideal together, but our differences are becoming apparent in the new dimension of "apart". love her to death tho. we'll see

been thinkin bout what to do with my life. been thinkin bout a new direction to take the music i make, to do something more ambitious than write the song and record it immediately and not care about how it sounds

>> No.11403028

Everything. It's irrational, and stupid, and I know, intellectually that I've done things I can be proud of, but in the face of myself in my day to day life, it's nothing. I'm short and overweight, but I'm not disfigured, or even particularly ugly, just a bit, uh, unique, but when I see my reflection I recoil out of reflex and I become hyper aware of the fact that I'm... somehow grotesque, both outside and inside. I'm positive that everyone is staring at me, as disgusted with me as I am. It's exhausting and terrifying, and it hurts. I'm not suicidal, but I get these fantasies where I just... erase my existence. Smudge my soul out so it never existed at all. I want to destroy even the vague metaphysical concept of myself. Medication and therapy hasn't helped. I do things with my friends, I try to stay positive, even when I lock myself up in my apartment, but it's like I have a monster living in me that's sinking it's claws deeper and deeper into my brain.

Sometimes I can ignore it, at least if I stay home, but today it just hit me again, really hard.

>> No.11403295

I like what you've put here - what Is think about it is pretty much the same.

I'm not sure exactly what the person you were replying to meant by "trannies", whether people who have changes done medically to themselves, or that and also people who disregard the conventions as to what accessories are forbidden to men. I am actually someone who distegards those conventions, but does not do any medical bodily transitioning.

There is obviously an extremely strong reaction against the imposition of certain forms of affect on men. Here I mean "affect" in the usual way - the totally of the signals that one conveys to the persons one encounters. The hatred of this impostion has clearly become white hot amongst certain sections of the population - the medical stuff that full-on trans-sexuals have done to themselves is clearly a *very* big deal. (I am talking about MtF, whom I think are the majority anyway by far.) I have beliefs about the provenance of these conventions & impositions: that they are relics of the public 'grading' of men according to propensity for mating. A man who has less propensity has been required for time-out-of mind now to show through his entire affect that he is utterly subject to that grading system, and that he relinquishes any idea that he might ply some other system completely. The man who has the greater propensity requires this of him, that his prosperity may be calibrated or showcased by the relative (or even absolute) unprosperity of the man who is lower on the scale. If the less prosperous man decides to ply a different system of affect by wielding accessories deemed according to those conventions, and ancilliarily to them, feminine, the 'trough' has lost its 'bottom end', and now men who formerly had a place reasonably high-up are now at the new 'bottom end'.

That makes the system out to be *really very* atavistic; but I do think it is *for real that* atavistic! Afterall, it concerns mating, doesn't it; and when we bear in mind that it could be a plausible defence in a court of law against even a *very serious* charge of assault that another man in some way 'alarmed his girlfriend', it seems less implausible that it is indeed *that* atavistic.

I think that the 'trough' explanation is the reason at root for men habitually finding it so very abhorrent that a man should be effeminate. It is not *explicitly* figured that that is the real reason; but I do think it is the underlying enginery of that abhorrence. And now it has been exposed, men all over the place are asserting a new freedom to refuse their consent to rutting behaviours. The man who is prosperous in mating will just have to let that prosperity speak for itself ... and it does speak for itself - I don't even begrudge it! What I do begrudge is that I must show in my whole manner and bearing that I am merely a not-quite-attaining aspirer to that estate. I am asserting my freedom to be something else not measured on *that scale*.

>> No.11403323

I currently work in a shit underpaid job at a library. All of my life I've been in studying/working in "small ponds" because of social anxiety, but now I feel much better and ready to put myself to work for the benefit of mankind and perhaps make some cash too. I'm intelligent, cultured, handsome and charismatic, I've worked as a teacher before and excelled at it. I personally don't know anyone who knows more about art, tech, physics, psychology and politics all together like I do. Not that I'm a snowflake or above everyone, but I want to go somewhere in which I'm less competent than my peers so that I'm challenged, inspired and recognized. Hard admission tests are not an issue to me, although money is since I'm a poorfag. Where should I go? What do?

>tfw underachieving genius

>> No.11403335

Replying to myself here ... I just want to add that I don't know quite how it has come about that these matters are being discussed on the lirerature board! I'm up for it though - I'm just saying that if anyone grumbles at it, I understand why. I'm not grumbling myself, though.

>> No.11403352

You really need to work on your vocab, meter, and concision

>> No.11403357

Apologies, meant to reply to myself, but just made a slip.

>> No.11403359

>i saw your earthling body wrapped in wool
>the glow surrounds you
>when you breathed in I felt the pull

Sorry man

>> No.11403427

The internet. Seriously, most people everywhere (especially prestiguous places) will be uninterested semi-frauds, I think. You’re not going to meet a bunch of "not Bill Murray"-level folks simply by joining any kind of special organization.
Cf. what that John Kidd, Joyce scholar, said:
>Across the great landscape of understanding are the gauchos, at once both rugged and audacious. “They roam the pampas,” he told me, taking care of the vast terrain by knowing its vastness intimately. Meanwhile back at the edge of the pampas, in civilization, are the gauleiters. They are everywhere, they are busy, they are overwhelming. The gauchos are few — iconoclasts like himself, or the occasional Joyce fanatic like Jorn Barger, a polymath who in the earliest days of the internet wrote a lot of brilliant Joyce analysis on his weblog (a word he also coined). But, Kidd said, it doesn’t matter. In the end, the victory always goes to the gauleiters because of their peevish concern for “administrative efficiency.”

>> No.11403431

When I looked at what post you'd replied to, I just couldn't keep myself from putting my oar in. Did you really need to bait him quite that coldly? I've seen plenty on this site that truly *deserve* that kind of baiting - would it not be more fitting to wield your baiting talents themwards?

Please don't think I'm getting all 'fluffy-bunny' at you - I know this is a 'hard' site. It's just that I've seen so many who *do actually deserve* that kind of handling.

>> No.11403467

my bitch is away and i'm stopping subotex after fourteen years. i feel like shit but there;s also liberation and the world cup and my other bitch that comes at the start of AuGUst from Hong Kong so we can go vacation together and i just popped a stedon.

>> No.11403469

Wow anon, what a big post, I had to read it twice to get it, very complicated words for what you are trying to say, I believe.

From what I understood, you mean that macho men feel threatened when weak men quit trying to be them and start trying to be women instead. If so, I agree, they feel that as an attack to their manhood.

I don't think it has much to do with "mating" or success in that area either. That too works in an artificial way on us, we are not animals. Although we are guided by sex, and you could argue everything else is an excuse for it, the excuses themselves take central role and a life on their own. Just like you can become a weakfag intellectual in academia and go for the prestige and recognition of old professors and feel absorbed by that quest and satisfied with it. You could say this desire for recognition is in some way a deviation of being accepted in the tribe and chances of mating from an anthropological point of view, etc, but this deviation becomes the thing in itself.

I'm saying this because there are plenty of possible values one could cultivate for oneself. There are plenty of "parallel scales" through which we measure each other. To a bodybuilder, the quest of that intellectual is futile and vice-versa, even if they are both engaged in a similar game of winning and losing.

I don't think we should dwelve too much in this subject, it doesn't matter much why people do what they do in this case, imo.

I admit parts of your post I didn't understand, I didn't get what you were going for. The use of *these* all the time is very distracting too, makes it seem you can't articulate the thoughts, so you emphasize the words. It reads like an old comic book with arbitrary bold words lol. I don't mean to shit on you, just something for you to think about.

>> No.11403490

Okay, you’re right, I feel bad, here are some ways i improved vocab, meter, and concision

1. Start a vocab/trope book
Read books for their breadth of vocabulary, write them down in a journal, along with the part of speech, pg number, and sentence in which the word is written . Then look up the etymology, usage. I have journals of words over the years, online entries etc. that alone will help you with conscision and nuance. I’ve also started cataloging tropes, eg vampirism, orthopedics (Foucault) . By using other author’s words, you add a statum of nuance; a word natal and sagacious; a whisp of the original that only you or other deliberate readers are aware of.

2) meter is a percussive exercise; becom familiar with alien patterns. Count syllables and rhythm. Listen to math rock /free jazz, that might really help (not even trolling).

3) eliminate every word that that you do not NEED to use; this will force you to write more.

If I didn’t think the work did not have the potential to be brilliant, I wouldn’t have replied :)

>> No.11403511

I'm not sure I agree completely, but throughly makes me think. I'd be willing to go as gauleiter, even if as an undercover gaucho, if that's even possible. But thanks anon.

What the hell do you mean by a '"not Bill Murray"-level folk' though?

>> No.11403731

If you're worried about antifascists then you are a fascist who deserves the wall

24 hour television was a mistake

>> No.11403744

I have nothing to write about. I'm still going to do it though, put my stream of consciousness into words and hope to grow from it, maybe be to write more next time. Nothing feels fulfilling to me besides this right now, drawing, making music, playing video games, it all feels so bland and empty like it's slowing losing it's flavor everyday. I don't know what else to do anymore.

>> No.11403758

You can't paint a clock quite as good as she.

>> No.11403920

I am delighted you have taken the trouble to answer so thoroughly. I do contest the ... what shall we call it? ... "superloquacity", maybe? I used the word "propensity"; and made an adverb out of "ancilliary", which is an innovation, but one which I think conveyed the meaning correctly. And the asterisks denote emphasis. This I understand to be standard in some places, but people have grumbled at it on here, I admit. But there's no markup in these fields, and sometimes I *really want* emphasis! But we could discuss syntax & semantics endlessly; and since you didn't dwell on it, I shan't either.

I'm glad you agree that the conjugally prosperous men (what you call "strong" men in that paragraph, but I'm not quibbling about that) feel threatened by effeminacy in other men. Not that I want them to! - it just explains their behaviour in a way that makes sense - and at the same time supplies a solution, which is, just *don't* feel threatened! Please, just learn not to be!

There are indeed other parallel scales of achievement (and indeed of strength); but, whatever a man does, that 'fencing-off' of certain modes of affect to minister to the 'feeling threatened' of the conjugally strong man is there permeating absolutely everything he might do; and to me it feels too much like an absolute condition that must be met before anything else can proceed. And so the suay of the conjugally strong man has become an omnipresent law, as though it rises up from the very ground on which everything else is built. And like I said, and wish to emphasise again, he is welcome to his prosperity; but I repudiate the idea, which has become a habit so ingrained in society that it is often difficult for people to discern it as a habit atall, that I ought to 'hardwire' a celebration & affirmation of that prosperity into every public presentation of myself by holding the habitually-deemed-feminine modes of affect utterly forbidden to myself.

I'm beginning to repeat what I said at first now. But we've actually come back to the 'superloquence', or whatever we are calling it. I am not content to say merely "feminine modes of affect ... " - I actually feel compelled to say "habitually-deemed-feminine modes ... ", because I do not regard those modes of affect as *intrinsically* feminine (I really do have need of emphasis there!). And I think it would be found on examination of stuff I have written that something similar to that is usually the grounds for it.

And here's another lovely word - a German one - "eingefühl". If a native German speaker thinks I am wrong please tell me; but it is my understanding that this means "perception of the inner self", and says rather a lot more than "feeling", and doesn't really have an equivalent in English. So I have sometimes said "it is my eingefühl that prompts me to broach a more (habitually-deemed-) feminine affect", because it simply does not seem adequate to me to say "it feels right to broach ... [etc]".

>> No.11403947


So I hope that I have supplied more explanation of why I defy the prohibitions on the gender-signification of mens' affect; and also why my phrasing is how it is - genuinely the issue of my struggle to say the things I need to say.

I know I've cheated a little bit there cramming more words in - but I really did want to include that little 'coda'!

And I do very much appreciate your taking the trouble to reply so thoroughly, maugre the small admixture of 'tough love'!

>> No.11403957

>eingefühl". If a native German speaker thinks I am wrong please tell me; but it is my understanding that this means "perception of the inner self",
completely wrong. actually infuriatingly wrong. a more appropriate translation would be empathy, since eingefühl isn't actually a word, and "sich einfühlen" is to "put yourself in another person's shoes"

>> No.11404016

As >>11403957 said, it's nothing to do with how you perceive yourself, it's about putting yourselves into someone else's perspective/skin/shoes

>> No.11404041

only because it doesn't actually exist :^)

>> No.11404101
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>> No.11404122

I found this book on the floor while in manhattan.

>> No.11404128
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Forgot the damn photo, I’m tired

>> No.11404162

Apparently France still owns an island off the coast of Newfoundland. This is a surprise to me, I didn't expect European nations to still have holdings in North America outside of the Caribbean.

>> No.11404201

Looks interesting af

>> No.11404349

How do I stop lusting after someone?

>> No.11404354

I'm beginning to 'fühl' cornered beast mode coming on again!

Actually it's not that bad. I'm exaggerating! However ... hmmm! I possibly detect a subtext in that. Let me give you a brief lowdown on where I am genderwise. For a very long time I tried to play the mating game, & utterly failed in it. I became a bit like ... those unmentionable ones ... the incels!!! (my post has probabiy been detected by national security now because of using that word!) A *bit* like them! When I discovered their agenda I was seriously shocked, I can tell you! But please, don't start any mock violin music or anything like that because it's *not* my purport to lament.

Well, I knew my longings for (hitherto-deemed- (yeah, yeah, yeah! I'm saying it anyway)) feminine accesories, and one day I thought "let them have all that! Just let them have it! I'll just do something completely different. I'll just unbar all the gates containing these feminine tendencies & just let them all out!" And I did ... and it worked. Since then I have been at peace with men who prosper in their conjugal relations. I just do something different. I no longer have the spectacle of a tall man backing off from me quaking because the hate I have projected at him has withered his very soul!

Now if you look round, especially on the LGBT board you will find that there are many transgender people & hons & non-binary people who are NOT at peace ... no, not by a VERY long way. They HATE, HATE, *HATE* those whom they call "breeders" and reference by many other forms of vituperation.

So I hope you are not implying that I am *inconsiderate* towards conjugally prosperous men, by reason of my broaching (hitherto ... yeah yeah) feminine affect and their feeling threatened thereby! I'm just saying "I don't seem to be able to do that very well (after all, it's about mating isn't it ... and mating *is* a rather cruel business), so I'll just peaceably do this other thing instead". And some would begrudge me even that much, and would say "no, you MUST abide by & uphold & be seen to be upholding the very system by which you are deprecated, coz I need you to do that in order to consolidate my feeling of superiority!"!!?

I do hope it wasn't what you were implying - that I am beholden to be more *considerate* to such men.

>> No.11404374

Fuck them.

>> No.11404394

I had a memory, a spurious one evidently, of that word being used to have the meaning I attributed to it. Is it not possible (after all, I have read some archaic German literature) that a poet of the olden days has used that word to mean that. If not, then I'm still searching for a word that conveys that meaning of "proceeding from a thorough perception of one's inner person" ... and strictly *more* than just a feeling. I think possibly the word "diagnosis" ought to be usable for that, but it's become specialised, as is well known. "autopsychognosis" is a theoretical possibility; but can you imagine how much pœps would grumble if I went round saying *that*!?

>> No.11404404


>> No.11404410

... or possibly, when you said "... it's ... ", were you just talking about the meaning of that word, & my rant was actually uncalled-for?

>> No.11404417

Anon, you sound exceptionally autistic. Don't worry, I'm not mocking you, it's just an unironic observation. You have a very characteristic way in reaction - mainly because it's very over the top - that makes me wonder. Are you on the spectrum? Genuine question

>> No.11404426

Forgot to link

>> No.11404427

Do you have even the slimmest chance with them? Ask them out.

If there is literally no hope (think long and hard before reaching this conclusion), tell them how you feel and then ask them to get the fuck out of your life for both your sakes. I did that a few weeks ago. The first while I wanted to kms every second of the day, but I got over it. Things are much better now, would recommend.

>> No.11404440

I really want to know how it feels to be infatuated. I unironically envy your suffering.

>> No.11404510

It's a very reasonable question, and I absolutely believe there is no mockery in it. Even if I were convinced that you actually *are* saying I ought to be more considerate to alpha-males, it would *not* follow that I would consider your question, or anything else you have said, to actually be mockery!

I actually don't have diagnosis to that effect, but I have been argued over by doctors. I'm sure that if they really wanted me to have such a diagnosis they could very easily fix me up with one without any cunning or dissembly, or any other breach of medical integrity.

>> No.11404513


>> No.11404561

I don't really want to lose contact since this person is really important to me, but I can't stop wanting to fuck her,. I don't know if cutting her out of my life is necessary since it's not like not fulfilling my desires will have any negative impact on me. I only want to feel like a decent human being and not some kind of animal.

>> No.11404585

My whole 'syndrome' is contained within reasonable limit, so it's never actually an emergency. As you have seen, for instance, I speak of the desire to be at peace with men I perceive as more prosperous in conjugal relations. I always manage myself such that nothing ever actually spirals-off out of control.

I very much appreciate your kind solicitude. I wouldn't really want to get into one if those lengthy one-to-one therapeutic type exchanges; but if you ever wish to converse with me on other occasions you are most welcome to do so.

>> No.11404673
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>tfw got 73% on an essay that i put weeks of research into, in the subject that i pride myself in, ruining my GPA.
It wasn't meant to end like this. I guess i can still go for first-class honours.

>> No.11404711

It's been hitting me real hard lately that my job is a dead-end job. I have these ideas that it's not, but at the end of the day no matter how much I feel that this "project" is mine it's really not. I'm given the freedom to do what I want with this "project" in many respects and I love that about the job but at the same time it's a nasty trick that's been played on me. I work as if this "project" is my own, I accept the stress of it as if it's my own, I do everything I can to improve it, I work extra hours, etc...but the reality is that it's not mine. And at the end of the day, it'll never be mine. I'm not sure what to do.

This job taught me that I can be diligent, hardworking, conscientious...All these things I was sure I was not as little as a few years ago. And in those respects it's given me a lot of confidence. But at the same time I'm afraid to change, to ask for the right things (a raise, a share of the company), etc.

>> No.11404738

take it up with your professor dude, what was the subjective and why'd he dock so many points?

>> No.11404840

Haven't got any feedback on it yet except for grades, and i've already booked a meeting in a few days to discuss them. It was a political philosophy course.

>> No.11404883
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I just took a wild chance and sent some poems to The Atlantic. Wish me luck, Anons.

>> No.11404973

>hit it off with girl at college
>we're a total match, supported by everybody
>both too beta to further relationship (from almost-couple to actual couple)
>communication breaks down
>I (reportedly) at a party black out and ruin the relationship
Like a few days after she said I have no shot at redemption but that was almost 3 months ago. I'm building confidence to send her a hand-painted postcard, or something

>> No.11404987

Did a semester of this. It's horribly destructive, no matter how perfect you two are together in-person. You just gotta keep believing, deep down, in the relationship you had pre-LD. I couldn't bear it and we fell apart. Communication is key anon--if you're dissatisfied, don't internalize it because you're fearful of being a buzzkill or something

>> No.11405449
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i just inadvertently passed up sex to read infinite jest on the toilet

>> No.11405463
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>Not having sex while reading IJ on the toilet
You really fucked up there anon.

>> No.11405468

I can’t remember the last time I woke up at 7 and felt well rested, but I’m glad it happened now.
I don’t know how or why, but it feels pretty nice. The last few days I keep having vivid nightmares and other half lucid dreams, and I can’t fathom the reason why.

>> No.11405483


I was thinking that women, with their peer pressure and goupthink, should not be allowed to write literature.

>> No.11405489
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>> No.11405585

nevermind i saved it
later virgins

>> No.11405789

Motherfucker peer pressure and groupthink is keeping men from pursuing writing careers or becoming english majors

>> No.11405794

How did you save it man? We need the details. Not a virgin though.

>> No.11405852

Philosophers should be genocided

>> No.11405898

Not Bill Murray is one name given to an enigmatig, very well educated poster on /lit/ whom some took, semi-ironically, to be Pynchon.
lurk more

>> No.11405905

i want to hang out with you

>> No.11406073

Summertime, all the scantily clad women in the streets can be quite a pain in the heart. Hence I’ve thought about adapting metrics for slatternliness, enabling me to discard––at least in some cases––fantasies of fervidly impregnating them.
One metric that I have tested is number / visibility of tattoos, and boy have I come to notice a load of tattoos. I feel like there must be more tattooed women than men at this point. I’ll notice the most moderately dressed girl, wearing a pale blue dress that looks tasteful enough and doesn’t even show any cleavage, then upon second glance I see that running up all the upper arm on her far side are several large tattoos.
So maybe it is working well, maybe too well. I remember overhearing the first girl I ever asked out talking about possibly getting a tattoo. I think she wanted a cassette tape on her wrist. What a terribly hipster thing. Honestly while she was cute and intellectually interested and had pretty nice groodies, most of the time now I still think she may have been too dumb and quirky for me and there is nothing to bemoan about my catastrophic attempt at winning her affection.
Later I met another girl that reminded me a bit of her. I came to notice a Ginkgo leaf tattooed to her wrist. We only really talked once; turned out we shared a favorite book.

>> No.11406100
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i recently started smoking because of an irrational allure i feel towards pictures of qt anime girls doing it

>> No.11406115
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>> No.11406143
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Television sucks, my parents just keep watching late night show that might as well be propaganda at this rate. I hate it so much and i don't even like trump, i mean there has to be a point where you call it a day and take the loss
that's a very bad reason to smoke

>> No.11406176

how are you liking it anon

>> No.11406251
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is there such a thing as a good reason to smoke? i dont stress about my health

i enjoy it a lot, i smoke a couple a night on my veranda and listen to music

>> No.11406289

Somehow reminds me of "Nancy from now on" by Father John Misty

>> No.11406314

holy goddamn, you're fucking obnoxious

>> No.11406330

Depression is no longer an option. It stands to reason that the point of life can't be to kill yourself. I'm drawn to both Advaita and Christianity. I don't know which to choose. At the end of the day what I need is tradition, or at least something higher than myself. I need something to strive towards, to be a better person and to be forgiven for my past mistakes. I need that to survive day to day like my ancestors needed to hunt. I had a relationship with a girl I loved, I wasn't happy. I got a job working with my hands for a couple of month, I wasn't happy. I've gone back to school, I'm getting straight A's, I'm not happy. I don't know why I have this desire to believe, I don't even know if it'll really make my happy. I just know that I need to survive.

>> No.11406425

good luck

>> No.11406460

Commit suicide as quickly as you can.

>> No.11406509
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>> No.11406528

Like everyone else I use this thread like mental health journal. I try to be chill and calm down my head, but it's difficult, it takes a lot of effort. Lately I try to think "Is it useful?" as in I ask myself if it's useful to think about a thing. It kind of works, but as I said, being chill takes a lot of effort and my head is chaos.

>> No.11406598

All these anti-soundcloud rap posts are made by globalist shills. Think about it for a minute. Every major mainstream rapper that became famous in the late 80s and 90s (what was considered the peak of masculinity and misogyny in hip-hop) is now a PC soap box talking head for corporations like Spotify and Apple Music (Eminem, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg etc...). There's been an incredible amount of backlash against soundcloud rap because it's the only movement in entertainment right now where open display of misogyny and aggressive masculinity is acceptable. I say this without a hint of hyperbole: Soundcloud rap is the last bastion of self-expression and it terrifies corporations as well as every political ideology that purports to be definitive movement for free-speech. The leftist know that soundcloud rap is run by POCs and it scares them because they don't have a grapplehold on what they can and can't say. The alt-right people that lambast these musicians because of degeneracy or lack of talent are the same people that praise slack-jawed, frail, and utterly enervated bedroom indie rock hacks that elicit the same amount of testosterone as an invertebrate. Why do they do this? Because they know they'll never be as misogynist and high-test as these übermensch. No movement in history has ever been a threat to corporations and all sides of the political spectrum. For this reason alone, Soundcloud Rap should be recognized as a movement that elevated the medium to heights previously unknown.


>> No.11406609

amazing post.

>> No.11406612


>> No.11406623

I'm not a meth head

>> No.11406626

well then don't ask for drugs you fucking idiot

>> No.11406631

I want to fuck a blond guy in the butt and kiss him
memri is literally owned by jews. pick a side.

>> No.11406635

get 6 hours of sleep a day instead of more and you will have better focus... just facts.
smoking is retarded.
however I love opiates.
pls be bait
tldr beta LOL
I hate professors. Just fake a mental breakdown dude and theyll fix your grade.

>> No.11406636


>> No.11406640


>> No.11406682

>write whats on your mind

>> No.11406702
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I realized that I'm a gigantic faggot.
I always had this idea of myself as a super introspective person,and I often dismissed things like meditation or even just taking time to do stuff for yourself because I thought I already did that. Only now do I realize my mind is literally running at high gear all day long, and I never take any time to chill. The worst part is, it's not even like I do productive things all day long. But I force myself to read unfun things for my education even when I'm not in the mood, and then I crash and end up watching the dumbest shit I can find like Pewdiepie.
I need to stop. I need to take some time for myself and stop alternating between doing tasking activities and brainlet ones only so I can recoup. I'm going to stick to fiction for a while, maybe stop listening to podcasts when I walk my dog and do groceries, and take a few minutes to do nothing every day.

>> No.11406709

I... I like that song. Fuck.

>> No.11406715
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If you're the one who keeps making pewdiepie threads then you need to cave your skull in
also read some genre fiction rather than literary fiction.

>> No.11406745

Toxic masculinity -- even from black men -- is bad though.

>> No.11406783

The reason you don't do something is because you don't want to. It's simple.

>> No.11406812

>If you're the one who keeps making pewdiepie threads then you need to cave your skull in
No? Why would I? It was just a placeholder example. And there is no good genre fiction that I haven't read.

>> No.11406814

>Hate Conservatism because of Capitalism
>Hate Liberalism because also Capitalism
>Hate Leftism because they're all massive manginas
What political policy do I conform to?

>> No.11406821

Well literary fiction is just as attention requiring as non-fiction, sometimes more so

>> No.11406829

Hmmm, I guess it depends on the nonfiction. Obviously there are easy reads. But apart from meme reads I definitely wouldn't say literary works are as hard as most works of philosophy.

>> No.11406839

>grandma gave you 50 pound
Will i ever get them?
>... Its going to your licence
>she got you a clothes coupon for ur birthday
>she cant really afford much more, you know she doesnt have as much money as your grandad, also, your sister didnt even have that... Im giving you as much money as possible

This sure is irritating

>> No.11406853

Monarchism, three estates.

>> No.11406888

What stops Monarchism from being a dictatorship and how are the three estates better than Capitalism's social classes?

>> No.11406946

If I see an actress portrayed as a slut in one movie, my mind sees her as a slut in every movie I see her in and there's nothing her character can do about it.

>> No.11406960


How do I want to do things

>> No.11406961

>Hate Leftism because they're all massive manginas
Leftism is not progressivism. At least, not unless you're an American brainlet.

>> No.11406987

Beautiful girls make life worth living. I don't want no thot. I want a beautiful girl with a heart of gold. I want to love and be loved, cuddling in bed, our soft perfect skins touching each other so that our souls become one. Fuck all stupid books, fuck all this hierarchy work shit. Nothing matters if you don't have a perfect girl with a heart of gold. With her even living poor would make life a blessing.

>> No.11407004

just because something is a social construct doesn't make it any less valuable. In fact, social constructs exist because their existence provides (or at least provided) some value to society.

>> No.11407022

What a terrible argument. Normies are retarded. You think they'd burst into laughter any less if you taught them Spinoza?
Stupid anon.

>> No.11407026

>why don't we all just act like random hedonistic animals
uh, yeah. that's a good question. all bad things in life sure as shit aren't pleasurable. there'd be a lot less war and nazis, that's for damn sure.

>> No.11407030

It's sad. Honestly, it would've been so much better if Istanbul and some of the western territories just became their own separate countries. Eastern Turkey drags down the whole country, and just as in every other east European country, these dirty peasants are using their new-found riches to move to the city and shit things up for everyone. Just the other day I saw some protest in my city that resembled a vigil, against a abortion. These two Pentecostal thots with scarves on their head and only their ankles left uncovered walked up to me trying to give me a Bible.
Stalin was right. Kill all kulaks. All of them.
t. angry Roman senator

>> No.11407254
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There is literally nothing wrong with audiobooks,

>> No.11407274


But...it makes me like them more?

>> No.11407278

Get some friends, then you'll go out and wont do productive work-like hobbies all the time like a robot boy.

>> No.11407298

No thanks. I had friends like those and I spurned them all. I hate going out and listening to their shitty talks. Maybe if I had friends with nicer interests, but those never want to go out anywhere.

>> No.11407402

redpill me on penguin clothbound classics

>> No.11407415
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>> No.11407770

Can you get horny out of loneliness/boredom? I came 2 times today and I'm still not satisfied

>> No.11407784



>> No.11407794

How I wish I had a gf

>> No.11407819 [DELETED] 

/leftypol/ and /litpat/ are both great boards on 8chens

>> No.11407834


Hop on tinder and be super ironic with your bio, not terribly hard

>> No.11407864

I tried it before. I'm not conventionally attractive, not muscular... I barely got a match.
What they say about girls on tinder is true, they have no reason to pick anything other than the absolute best.
Also I don't have a smartphone, lol

>> No.11407980

The brain is like a WiFi router. It doesn't store any memory itself but merely gives us access to our memory similar to how a router doesn't have any internet within itself but connects us to it. I think this is true because of the way amnesia works. If you get hit in the head hard enough you'll lose access to some memory's. Being hit in the head isn't causing you to lose memories because you'll most likely recover them and start remembering the things you've forgotten. This is your router repairing itself and restoring access to the internet.

>> No.11408030

>i dont stress about my health
yeah cause you haven't been smoking for very long lol just quit

>> No.11408207

Every time I come across a captivating, reasonable idea that resembles a universal truth, there is always an equally reasonable argument against it, and if there isn't, one will be found.
So why is it that we place ourselves in this eternal conflict for the abstraction called truth? Does truth even exist?
If one wishes to be content with life, is it not more practical to simply observe and admire what we can?
Not a day passes when I lose more and more belief in logic and philosophy. Surely, logical reasoning has a place in science as a means of survival, but as far as finding a way to live satisfied, perhaps an ignorant mind is best.

>> No.11408225


I don't know how to keep my earring holes from fucking closing. I've had them for ten years and every two days I have to just slamdunk my earring through the hole that's closed up AGAIN. this is fucking INFURIATING. Don't get me wrong, I fucking do it, but I'd really rather fucking not.

>> No.11408507

It was my birthday yesterday. Usually, birthdays get me down completely, making me believe I've wasted my years, and longing for that blissful feeling of an upcoming birthday I had when I was a kid.
It's the biggest surprise, but I'm not feeling down at all. I don't remember the last time I celebrated it, but yesterday, I did. It was just a small group of friends and we didn't do anything out of the ordinary, we simply got together for food and drink. Yet it was truly pleasant. I feel totally fine. Didn't even feel the need to drown out my sorrow by ordering take-out and playing my favourite vidya, which is how I usually celebrate. Everything was so nice I don't need to distract myself any further.
The comfiest party about the whole day was with this qt. I went to her place early in the day, we baked muffins together and drank tea. I feel so at home and completely at ease whenever I'm with her, it's incredible.

>> No.11409019

I've accepted that I will most likely have to settle with a woman i am completely indifferent to or even dislike. No woman i have ever felt strongly for has ever seen me in the same way.

>> No.11409033

finally realized that my autism is just me being a selfish dick, and my loneliness is just me shutting everyone out and hurting them emotionally more or less unintentionally. fuck how do I make up for this dickery?

>> No.11409090

I am still bothered by the fact that I can eat a bunch of allergy medicine and have a deep schizophrenic religious experience.

>> No.11409101

I just wish I could get laid already, I'm so fucking thirsty I can't even look at women in the eye without staring at their tits first.

>> No.11409510

Why does Hegel have to be so damn confusing with his words?????

>> No.11409522

I'm alone

>> No.11409533

by killing yourself for this embarrassing effacement and internalizing of mitwelt sociopathy you pathetic slave

>> No.11409536

He wanted to be hard to read which is a good reason not to bother with him.

>> No.11410097

I am so sick of Americans

>> No.11410140

I'm so sick of non-Americans.
In reality, I saw an article in the news today titled "Trump administration to reverse Obama-era guidance on use of race in college admissions" and on closer inspection it turns out that really the Obama administration overstepped its bounds by creating "guidance documents" trying to circumvent congress - something 100% unconstitutional - and the Trump administration is reversing those documents.
>"In previous administrations, however, agencies often tried to impose new rules on the American people without any public notice or comment period, simply by sending a letter or posting a guidance document on a website. That's wrong, and it's not good government."
This is a CNN article. How is this journalism today? The title alone reduces the article to having the journalistic integrity of an opinion blogger. Is this the world we live in today? I don't even like Trump, but it really is just pure propaganda. Why are we protecting the right to spread propaganda?

>> No.11410164

Do you agree with their Israeli Air Force colonel leader's assertion that Arabic word order works like English? As an Arabic speaker you will be able to identify this issue specifically.

>> No.11410179

yo so i was reading naked lunch right, and i got to the hassan's rumpus room part where the mugwump break a kids neck and fucks his ass etc. and it triggered a memory of when i was locked up, some probably junkie had left a copy of naked lunch in my room, this was in one of those medium security joints where you have six men to a room in bunkbeds, and this older irish-american guy (there are a lot more catholics in the slammer than the sjw want u to know) sometimes would put me in a headlock and crank my neck as far as it would go, like i didnt know a neck could turn that far, like the bones totally maxed out, anymore and it would snap...well now i realize he must have seen me reading naked lunch and knew about the part where the mugwump snaps the guys neck and fucks his ass till he cums and dies, and he probably thought i was into it! what a fucking pervert, well i have to say i have all kinds of fucked up fetishes and many bdsm scenarios are appealing, but being a centimeter away from having your neck snapped, just not that erotic i must say, but still i never realized that's probably why he would do that shit, he probably thought i was into it, maybe hoping to see an erection popping out my shorts, but for better or worse i remained flaccid

>> No.11410245

My life is shallow and meaningless. They say that being aware of time makes it go slower. Days drone on like weeks and can't stop counting every second. I can't read a book more than a page at a time without stopping to take a break. There's some mental block in my mind that associates it with work and I can't seem to get past it. I can't afford enough piano lessons to make each day feel valuable and accelerate my progress and every job I apply to doesnt call back. I dont feel like myself or like I'm worth anything unless I write something like this or create anything of value each day. Maybe it's the screens I stare it for 14 hours a day bringing me down. Maybe it's my mother who's just as lazy as I am, twice as belligerent and whiney, and who can produce the most infuriating hour long stream of rants and rambling at the top of her voice whenever I leave my room that can only be compared to listening to pieces of styrofoam being rubbed together until it makes your teeth grit and grind and your canines lose their points. I can't help but feel guilty though. Being near her is like passing the event horizon of a black hole of her own stress and insecurity and it's making me not want to leave my room for fear of my hair falling out and having to apologize profusely for her problems for hours on end.

>> No.11410264

Yes. Viciousness and malice and the new cool.

>> No.11410273

My HDD is going to die pretty soon, don't know how I will live without a computer.

>> No.11410279


>> No.11410285

it's because everybody's standard of living is dropping so people are lashing out, people always get more liberal when times are good, and more tribal and conservative when times are bad, remember civil rights movement and the immigration law that opened up america to non-europeans happened in the 60s during the strongest economic times ever (some might argue the powers that be engineered it to increase the labor supply and push wages back down, mission accomplished!)

>> No.11410336

I hadn’t been eating right. Just started eating vegetarian. My girlfriend is making me do it. She’s a vegan so she said I had to go vegan or vegetarian. I’m choosing to go vegetarian. I don’t have a problem with it. I enjoy the idea that I am lessening the amount of dead animals in the world. It’s a good feeling. I’m just not getting the right nutrients in these first few days of adjustment. I can’t focus properly. I almost passed out at work. It doesn’t feel good initially, she warned me of that. I think it’s fine, because the amount of suffering I inadvertently caused animals when I ate meat was obviously way more than what I’m going through now. I don’t feel so bad.

>> No.11410343

>She’s a vegan so she said I had to go vegan or vegetarian.

Stop letting yourself be pushed around because pussy is not that important.

>> No.11410344
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ITT: anon shiting up the fucking thread by literally writing whats not in their mind but in their asshole

>> No.11410349

going vegetarian for your gf is beta af unless she's like a 10/10 hindu goddess, if shes just some hippy white chick who smoke 3 packs a day kys, but on the other hand how much fucking meat do u eat a day that not eating meat is making u feel bad? did u like eat nothing but cheeseburgs or what? i eat meat like once a week max, oh shit that just reminds me i got bag of peaches in my bag, hell ya they are ripe af super juicy

>> No.11410354

I don't mind being pushed around by her. It's not a sexual thing or anything like that. It's just her aura. I really believe she completes me as the feminine side to my masculine. She's really sorting me out and I can't deny that my life has improved since she moved in with me. It's going great. And hey, the sex isn't bad too.

>> No.11410357

yep, anon should just save some time and chop off his dick now instead of waiting till he's 40 and she makes him pay for impromptu "date nights" to the kind of establishments that serve pinot grigio to eunuchs and their medusas (hence the need for chopping your dick off before hand)

>> No.11410358

Yeah I've been there done that. You will get tired of it.

>> No.11410361

I respectfully disagree. The freedom that one gains from a dedication to a sort of 'little matriarch' like a girlfriend or wife is the most liberating kind of freedom. If she thought I should chop my dick off, I wouldn't immediately say no. We'd sit down and talk about it because that's what human beings do. I'm really into doing that, obviously, but the point stands. If I could go back in time I'd live in Elizabethan era England.

>> No.11410384

>she moved in with me

she's paying rent right? is this some neet larping as a cuck?

>> No.11410402

that explains it. I've only seen this dynamic happen fully with middle aged anglo-american couples for some reason. It's almost like anglo-american woman have an insatiable desire for material goods, and a hatred for the child-rearing duties they should be doing instead, and anglo-american men have no spine to resist them, either because they want sex, or because divorce would look too bad socially. So what ends up happening is that they continue to feed these menstrual brit-pigs more and more, and emasculate themselves in the process until you're a 50 year old man who has to announce to the entire office that you're going on a sudden vacation which is totally unrelated to the argument you had with your wife on the phone a half hour ago in which she repeatedly screamed at you over your pitiful whimpers.

>> No.11410405

>Get home from a long day out, barely eating anything and travelling all around the city doing shit, hungry as fuck
>Feel the need to do shit, read one of Piaget's essays and it all clicks instantly, write some thoughts on a .txt file so I can get to work on them later, do my daily language studying, cook and start planning out the remainder of my week so I can maximize my productiveness
>Eat some rice, vegetables and drink tea
>Now I want to do nothing, maybe I'll go take a nap or something
Is fasting the secret to productiveness? Feels like living a comfortable life kills all creative drive. Maybe that's why those greek farmer/warriors were able to attain such levels of mastery and discipline

>> No.11410418

blame chivalry.

>> No.11410427

I have turned down sex with two different girlfriends who both, in so many words, eventually left me over it.

But I don't care. I'd rather obey the teachings of the Church.

>> No.11410428

if youre not having kids then you're not serving the church u stupid fuck

>> No.11410434

I do want to get married and have children one day, but until then no sex.

>> No.11410443

thats fuckin gay, jut fuck like a normal heterosexual male and if u knock a chick up marry her

>> No.11410446

i can see 4chan being the virtual paris of our virtual generation. we are the closest thing on the planet to an original, thriving literary culture. do you think professors at oxford really have better taste than what can be found on this board? i unironically do not.

>> No.11410460

I kinda agree to an extent, but it's one of those things where the moment you acknowledge it, it gets ruined.

>> No.11410476
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What can I say? I love Christ enough to follow the commands of his Church.

>> No.11410488

My friend tried to have sex with me even though I'm gay, but i let her since i thought i've never had sex with a girl so how can i know for surely sure? I'm open i guess but it was pretty much her iniciative all the way i kind of just closed my eyes and went along. She sucked me off a little, my dick got hard but when she asked me to play with her pussy I just was really uncomfortable and we ended things at that. We're really good friends. She kind of said that my reaction was due to internalyzed misoginy, and that made me feel kind of awkward. now I'm avoiding her even though i don't really want to but i'm feeling really weird and now she's pissed bcus i'm avoiding her. I feel bad because i really like her

>> No.11410494

she's a fucking psycho, be glad you dodged a bullet and didn't get more involved

>> No.11410499

why would internalized misogyny make you not want to have sex with a woman? does she not believe you're gay?

>> No.11410508

Good point. Sometimes I feel like the shitposting that goes on in /lit/ is a great mask. It's a covering of foliage, as it were, that obscures the roots that one can find on this board if one digs deeper. But they're roots we don't want just anyone finding.

Also, fuck the four plus four chan fags trying to shill their own retarded board.

>> No.11410530

well it's have intellectual camouflage/sekrit clubism, and have genuine goddamn idiocy and pretension.

>> No.11410534


>> No.11410567

Yes, but that's my point. The second half hides the first half. The morons are like our human shields.

>> No.11410584

My family thinks I'm depressed and suicidal, both of which I'm not.

>> No.11410591 [DELETED] 

i'm listening to some old shit, street level album by beatnuts, man these guys are so mad and angsty, god they're all pissed off and bitter every song, i never noticed how negative these dudes were in the 90s, sheesh, the production is great, too bad every song is buttmad disses of every person who they ever met in their life

>> No.11410592


>> No.11410609

Hey, how the fuck did you get into my diary?

>> No.11410619

I'm on the upswing and I'm terrified of feeling this way later... Not living with your parents is worth it, right guys? you have freedom, can do whatever, right??

>> No.11410629

living with my parents forces me to act like a respectable human being for at least a few hours in between work, sleep, and weekends away with friends. I'd probably still be smoking cigs all the time if I didn't.

>> No.11410634

hell ya u can jack off basically all day

>> No.11410652

It can make you become a confident human being and develop your potentials or can make you sad and depressed sack either way you get to know yourself better

>> No.11410662

living on ur own makes u less depressed cuz u self sustaining and u can just do whatever the hell u want including nothing u dont owe anyone shit except the rent u feel me, i get insane anxiety from the creeping gentrification wave getting closer every day, but i havent been depressed in a long ass time

>> No.11410675

Tropicalia was a comformist movement that helped cement contentment with the dictatorship

>> No.11410686

A minor factor in the face of the insurmountable apathy and confusion in the Brazilian population. You might as well sing and enjoy yourself.

>> No.11410784

Cigarettes fucked up my lungs. I feel much pain if I smoke nowadays, that's why I managed to quit 6 months ago (after a year on and off trying to quit - It's really hard! but the physical pain was a very immediate motivation).
Cigarettes made me so happy. I'll hold this nostalgia forever with me. I miss them everyday. I often dream I'm smoking. I wonder if this craving will ever go away.
I am only 22, I feel unlucky to have this kind of problem after smoking for only 3 years, people smoke for decade before having this kind of pain that don't let they sleep if they smoke.
I went to a pneumologist and did some exams which came out normal and she sent me home, I felt like she dind't take my complaints seriously she just wanted to end the consult as soon as possible. I can't even do exercises properly without pain. I get very discomforted aroud smoke, even an incense is too much for me I can't stand being in a room with one on. I shall see a cardiologist soon too

>> No.11410889

Look into Quorn. It’s by far the best meat replacement ever created. I’m not even a vegetarian, but I used to eat Quorn all the time (when I still lived in a country where it was sold), because it’s easier to cook than real meat, and some Quorn products have a protein:carb:fat ratio as good as chicken breast.
I’ve served Quorn to several vegetarians and they never failed to suspect me of trying to trick them into eating meat, since it tasted so much like it.
One vegetarian told me he didn’t like Quorn, for he’d become a vegetarian due to his distaste for meat.

I should have Quorn pay me, I’m shilling them so well.

>> No.11410910

im a repulsive retch
i make no effort, and i find myself repulsive
and i complelty understand
but i still want to die every day
and nothing can be done

>> No.11411077

>I am lessening the amount of dead animals in the world
>the amount of suffering I inadvertently caused animals was obviously way more than what I'm going through
respectful bait

>> No.11411092

idiot me!

>> No.11411098

The world is my representation because I AM.

>> No.11411109

strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands strands

>> No.11411148

t. bot

>> No.11411195

I'm so fucking sick of MATLAB I want to jump out my window.
I should have done a damn philosophy undergrad like I planned on doing.

>> No.11411214

Lovely, do you have discord?

>> No.11411222

Eat more. I have been vegan for close to a decade and I feel great, get blood tested regularly to be on the safe side and everything always comes back fine. I had a similar experience to you at the beginning though.
The feeling you have is likely just from reduced calorie intake. Nobody develops a vitamin or mineral deficiency in a few days. Snack regularly (preferably on fruit or nuts, something like that) and you'll feel much better.

>> No.11411249


>> No.11411267


>> No.11411327


>> No.11411423

god damn you sound fucking unbearable

>> No.11411937

What is behind the current views of socienty when it comes to age gap on a relationship? Afaik, pedophilia is definied by being attracted to pre-pubescent kids, not teens. Also there is a long history of catamites, and young wives... Nowadats someone can have their life ruined by fucking an underage person, despite the age of consent.
Makes me think...

>> No.11411948

yeah because the medical sector will have access to all the resources they need under communism fffffffuck her

>> No.11411954


>> No.11411965

hey man smoking is an insanely tough thing to quit. your body will do all it can to repair itself in time. you’re doing a great job and you should be happy with yourself

>> No.11411977

The rappers all fall in line when the Jewish record execs tell them to shut up. Theyve even curbed their anti gay stuff somewhat.

The fact is that the people who really run the culture are Leftists, and everybody has to more or less obey them or they get kicked out of the highest social circles.

>> No.11411983

>hey man smoking is an insanely tough thing to quit
in terms of actual withdrawal and cravings it is not hard at all, not even close to alcohol or opiates.

The thing about smoking is that the short term negative effects are so fucking small that there is very little incentive to quit in the first place. If you break your streak and buy a pack you dont end up in the streets a month later like with other addictions.

>> No.11411995

I have been reading a translated copy of the Qur'an, it's the Oxford one, and I am really enjoying the read. I have read the opening chapter, The Cow, The Family of Irman, and Women. Some of the verses that describe God co-align with my own theological thinking of a monotheistic being outside the realms of time and space as well as human contemplation. I like how it stresses that God has no need for offspring yet still holds Jesus to a high esteem. I sometimes question if I should be ashamed of myself for reading more about a religion that most people on 4chan would call me a terrorist over. I also feel upset about reading this since I am a tranny too, but I suppose, "it is He who shapes [us] all in the womb as He pleases."

>> No.11412021

When people think of human nature they often think of how an individual may act when removed from the civilized world, as in, to be removed from human invention and 'returned' to nature. These people would believe that within a 'natural' environment we would see some sort of baseline of human behavior.
The issue with this line of thought comes from the presumption of the existence of a natural environment as well as the reduction of the concept of human nature to a singular frame of being, a supposed baseline.
Human nature is not man's predisposition to do good or bad, be selfish or selfless, or to create civilization or destroy it. Human nature is the elements of being which all human beings share. Not a majority, not the most, and the default, but all.
Human nature, imagined as an object, would not be a three dimensional shape, into which a volume, characterizing the individual, would be molded into and forced to fit into its many quirks and faults.
Human nature would instead be a two dimensional shape, hollow on the inside, within which the volume of the individual would be 'funneled'. And while human nature would be two dimensional, the volume of the individual would be able to operate in three dimensions. Thus while in one way human nature can constrain the individual, the individual remains with the potential to inhabit many different stratum of this third axis.
Human nature is a collection of universally shared traits. And these traits impact how an individual shall act, when in conjunction with an environment.
So human nature is rather like a function, with the environment constituting as a variable within it, and the output being the individual. And there is how individuals reach the many different strata of the third axis which human nature does not touch. That third axis holds all the possibilities of an individual's being through the limitless variable of the environment, which shall change with time and thus so too the individual. And as this variable, the environment has no baseline, no possible reduction.
And it is in this way that any person can do anything, given the correct circumstances, the right environment to facilitate a certain behavior or action.
The civilized world is just one of many environments, and so too is the natural world devoid of civilization. Neither are inherently more 'true' than the other. The resulting behavior of the individual is less so a value within the function of human nature than it is a product of the environment.

And many people may find this abhorrent, because to them it may seem as though a justification or excuse for the evil behavior of an individual. But this is a worry wrought in error, because a reason is not an excuse. It is a way of understanding.

>> No.11412023
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I will be graduating highschool tomorrow (we graduate at 19 in Italy) and it will be the first huge milestone without my father. He passed away three months ago and these have been the most destructive three months of my life. For me, graduation is symbolic of all the things he has missed and will miss. It’s knowing that he won’t be there to watch me with his fill-the-room smile. That he won’t be here to take an entire memory card’s worth of pictures, and that the family pictures that are taken will feel incomplete. I won’t get a bear hug while hearing him tell me how fast I’ve grown up, and he can’t purposefully embarrass me just for laughs. Nor can he brag to his friends about my successes because he wasn’t here to experience them with me. It's not fair. Nothing will make up for the fact that he won't be there.

Every time a special moment will come in my life, something to be proud of or a big step to take, every time, everything will remind me that I'll never be able to share these things with him again. I find myself believing that maybe I'd rather not live these important moments at all, because they hurt too much this way...

>> No.11412043

literally amphetamines (vyvanse, adderall). it feels great to be so productive, and i've never been so popular as when i started taking them.

>> No.11412046

i once saw a homeless person playing fetch with their dog with a coin
i thought it should have been the dog tossing the coin

>> No.11412065
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Neocameralism. Read Moldbug's "Open Letter" or "Gentle Introduction." Then read the sources he quotes at length, particularly Thomas Carlyle. Then make up your mind from there.

>> No.11412083

it was probably Osama, not Stalin
memri tv is so crazy and the edits are so good it's hard to tell what's the original one
like the "is burning the only solution for feminists?" in the original it was jews

>> No.11412288

I know it hurts anon, but keep going. Don't focus too much on celebrating a milestone, but rather keep your mind on the next milestone. Your father would be proud of you, my friend.

>> No.11412384

If there is meaning in life, if there is such an act of finding a soul-mate and creating a family, achieving a job, then certainly it has evaded me.

>> No.11412394

Why do I wish I was one of those girls when I am a straight biological male currently undergoing gender reassignment?

>> No.11412398

Kill yourself.

>> No.11412399

>currently undergoing gender reassignment?
dont do it m8

>> No.11412406

You know there is more to gender reassignment than just the bottom surgery. I recommend the book, "On Becoming A Woman: A guide for transitioning from male to female" by Jennifer Corbett.

>> No.11412590

im thinking of buying behead all satans tbqh
i get that im just being memed into it and its probably dog shit but i have become interested in the authors particular brand of shilling autism

>> No.11412853

I hate myself and project that feeling on my surroundings, from which I assume that everyone hates me as well. I live in a valley between my feelings and reality. Do people talk to me out of pity or do they genuinely like being around me?

>> No.11412877

i know a turk like this and he has epicanthic folds
i theorise that the less "apeslike" turks have higher chance of mongoloid traits. can i ask if you have these and what do you think of the theory?

>> No.11413111

Im sad my thread was deleted :(

>> No.11413132

what was it?

>> No.11413190

i always thought the not liking inlaws thing was a meme until this week

>> No.11413424

im so depressed
i think i want to defeat people, overcome them or something. i think i got that satisfaction through videogames but i dont want to play them because i think they are a waste of time and i should be doing things to better myself instead
now i dont know how to satisfy that nebulous feeling

>> No.11413471 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, 489787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude there's a fucking boomerbomber face hidden on the front of every monster energy ultra zero i just notice that shit when i looked over at one of the many empty cans littering my desk

>> No.11413507

How is /lit/ spending the holiday?

>> No.11413627

I can't believe >>11412003 is being prevented from being bumped. Fuck neoliberals here.

>> No.11413633

maybe the mods are actually trying to make the board suck less, i mean if i want to read the top ten hits of the_donald ill just go to the_donald

>> No.11413635

Shalom globalist shill!

>> No.11413640

I feel that everything I hold sacred or special to me ends up ruined.

>> No.11413654

>he thinks hes fighting globalism by shilling ben shapiro and jordan peterson

ok buddy

>> No.11413658

>He thinks I'd shill (((Shapiro))) or Juden Peterstein
Ok Rabbi.

>> No.11413670

I feel blessed t'b'q'h

>> No.11413691

la creatura...il fiorentino

>> No.11413723

Remove that dumb writing from the door. Add a professional camera around the journalist's neck There, it's not shit anymore.

>> No.11413775

Honestly, objetive morality is an incoherent, poorly defined concept.

>> No.11413818

In my experience the sort of people who say this have no idea what is actually meant by "objective morality." They almost always assume people are claiming to know what is right and wrong in every situation.

>> No.11413837

I just want her here so I can tie her up and smack her bum around a bit and then have a shag and a cuddle

>> No.11413871

>They almost always assume people are claiming to know what is right and wrong in every situation.
It is not really that. Rather, it is either the claim that morality is universal(in the sense of everyone observing it), which is clearly absurd to anyone with even a passing knowledge of history; the whole "natural order" thing, which postulate axioms but in practice amount to "anything that violates X is bad because I said so"; or the classic "because God said so", which is the justificative of pretty much every major religion.

>> No.11413884


How are you so well written and articulate? I'm somewhat envious but admiring it.

>> No.11413910

Yes it is an absurd thing to believe that if objective morality is true that everybody would observe it and this is why nobody claims such a thing. The inability of particular people to express why things go against what they believe to be the natural order isn't a reason to believe a natural order doesn't actually exist. It only means the person you're talking to doesn't make good arguments for what they believe.

>> No.11413953

>Yes it is an absurd thing to believe that if objective morality is true that everybody would observe it and this is why nobody claims such a thing
I have seen people actually claim that, though.
Beyond that, nature doesn't really affirme or suggests any kind of moral rule, it is simple nature; and the concept of natural order is ultimately a vague platitude.

>> No.11414014

I don't believe you've met a single soul who believes that if objective morality was true then nobody would do evil but that's what you're saying. On top of that you're equivocating the word nature to mean that isn't being claimed. Natural law is concerned with rational known purposes or ends found in nature and they hold that the fulfillment of those purposes are what is good. Nobody is claiming that because something is found in nature it's good or that nature itself is some kind of moral ruler.

You really should admit to yourself that you have no idea what you're opposed to so you can start taking them seriously and consider what they're actually arguing. You'll be a better person for it.

>> No.11414061

>I don't believe you've met a single soul who believes that if objective morality was true then nobody would do evil but that's what you're saying
Yet I have seem people do just that, and when confronted by that claimed that bad people do bad things that they know it is bad because they are bad(yeah, it is pretty dumb)
> On top of that you're equivocating the word nature to mean that isn't being claimed. Natural law is concerned with rational known purposes or ends found in nature and they hold that the fulfillment of those purposes are what is good.
I know that, but the issue I have is that in the end it pretty much amounts to "it is bad because I said so", which pretty much is what moral relativists say, and certain moral "systems" actually do claim that morality is found in nature(see: social darwinism).

>> No.11414066

>moral relativists
*moral subjectivists

>> No.11414080

A bad argument for natural law is not a reason to believe natural law is actually false. Somebody attempting to justify their position by saying "it's bad because I said so" is giving you a bad argument. Find somebody who will give you a good argument instead.

Natural law proponents are not social Darwinists. This is really stupid now and I don't with it.

>> No.11414100

>Find somebody who will give you a good argument instead.
Do you know any?
>Natural law proponents are not social Darwinists
I didn't said that. What I said was that certain groups do, in fact, claim that the basis of their moral system are derived aspects of nature.

>> No.11414127

i remember you anon

>yo i tried reading some of naked lunch when i was in jail as a teen and i didnt really dig it, then i always mildly hated on burroughs when his name came up, but the other day i grabbed a copy of naked lunch off the library shelf and started reading, yo that shit is sooo fucking good, blew my mother fucking mind, it's like reading pynchon but published a decade earlier and without any dumb songs, i mean pynchon is the man, but burroughs like woah id read this shit for fun not even for pseud cred, as a kid in some rural county clink i did't have the worldliness to dig it, now im like this shit is sublime af

>> No.11414257

As a person with a meandering gender who is biologically female, I can tell you I've felt revulsion toward a man who expresses too much feminine sentiment at the wrong time. I do it myself and I am disgusted with myself when I do it.
But the other side of this revulsion is extreme attraction, and seeing the more feminine aspects of a man at the right time can be incredibly seductive. I believe this is why masculine guys are often encouraged to be more sensitive around women. They've successfully demonstrated their manhood and now it's not only alright, but highly desirable, that they show the hidden feminine aspect of themselves. But only once they've proven their masculinity.
Trans people don't adhere to this, which is upsetting to many people, but to men especially. There isn't as much pressure on a woman to hide her masculinity as there is for a man to hide his femininity. For some reason a man's femininity is highly potent and must be carefully maintained.
What's more, a transperson often does not have that potent sexual duality that a cisgendered man can possess (imo). This sexual dichotomy is openly expressed, which is probably healthier, but there is no chase, no breaking of walls to find the forbidden other.