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11397717 No.11397717 [Reply] [Original]

>dude I’ve studied all these Christian books but I’m not really a Christian lmao
>here’s what Jung would think about this thing lmao
>here’s what Nietzche would think about this thing lmao
>here’s what Freud would think about this thing lmao
How does anyone take this guy seriously?

>> No.11397722

We've moved on to Kevin McDonald and especially his magnum opus Culture of Critique. Try it, if you want the truth

>> No.11397728

>We've moved on

I hope to god no one ever took Peterson seriously on this board.

>> No.11397747

Why are lefties so afraid of him? He's just one man.

>> No.11397748


People take him seriously on other boards...

I agree that he's a fucking idiot though.

>> No.11397751

Have a cry commie.

>> No.11397756

philosophy for 15 year old boomers by a boomer.

>> No.11397759

I take him seriously. Going to see him, Sam Harris and Douglas Murray soon. Mite b cool

>> No.11397760

>elderly man gives simple advices to confused youth

>> No.11397769

Rick and Morty in psychologist form

>> No.11397775

Basically this. Even if you think the guy is a retard, he is a positive force for college normies who realize how the educational system just produces brainwashed pieces of shit for the most part.

>> No.11397778
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Peterson isn’t enough of a tautological pseud for OPs liking, if only he sprinkled some more purple prose into his writing then he would be on par with the e/lit/ists. And its common knowledge that this board is filled with communists waiting to be thrown out of the helicopters, OP being one of them.

>> No.11397789
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>> No.11397799

What? He's pretty adamant about actually being a christian

>> No.11397801

It's a pity about the whole serial killer thing because Ted was right about a lot of stuff

>> No.11397813

He openly admits he doesn't believe in the resurrection. He's a cultural Christian and only because he feels others are attacking his boomer lifestyle.

>> No.11397819

>He openly admits he doesn't believe in the resurrection.
You may be confusing your religions here buddy

>> No.11397820

This thread was moved to >>>/his/4934965