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File: 15 KB, 220x298, 220px-SorenKierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11396399 No.11396399 [Reply] [Original]

Kierkegaard? More like graveyard haha he's boring me to death lmao

>> No.11396455

>tfw too dumb to read Kierkegaard


>> No.11396470

Kierkegaard is just another life-denier, he might as well have been a NEET hikkikomori hermit living in the desert.

>> No.11397046

Seeing this here, I noticed that Soren Kierkegaard brings monty python to my mind, dont know why, anyone else feels this way?

>> No.11397146

>t. hasn't read Kierkegaard
Jesus was a life-denier in the sense that he commanded his followers deny the world, but it's only so that their perception can be reintegrated. Read Job

>> No.11397288

Kierkegaard was one of the first philosophers I could stand reading, desu he's entry level

>> No.11397656

More like kiergaygaard lol

>> No.11397663

more like graveyard in the sense that he's in a graveyard

>> No.11398199

good thread on a good board

>> No.11398214

It amuses me how stupid people are who’ve read Nietzsche and then claim about all forms of theology and mysticism, no matter how intricate and even life-affirming they may be, “HAHA THATS SOME LIFEDENYING SHIT BRO HAHA MISS ME WITH THAT LIFEDENYING SHIT”. You do realize you’re not thinking for yourself and letting Nietzsche think for you? Nietzsche had some insights but you’re not obligated to agree with him on everything.

>> No.11398335

I love this joke

>> No.11398354


>> No.11398480

To be fair, there's no life-affirming variants of christianity, it mostly ends with "I am shit, my life is shit, at least Jesus loves me". Here you can see the christfag affirms himself or herself, but in a vague, pathetic and indirect manner, he or she has no confidence, but has to resort to God's authority even then.

You can try to contemplate how amazing creation is, God made this beautiful world with all its wonders! But chrisfags always have to remind themselves that "the world is fallen, corrupted..." and "We are imperfect, sinful, inheritors of Adam's sin".