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/lit/ - Literature

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11394272 No.11394272 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the appeal of this guy? For me, he is right up there with Pynchon in terms of being the pseudointellectuals' favoured writer.

I really loved Notes from the underground. But c&p, TBK, and the idiot have all been extremely boring melodramas filled with aimless conversations that are interspersed with half assed attempts at "insights".

I can easily see that, if you are a pseudointellectual who wants to look smart, it would be hard to pick a better author to worship than him. He wrote long books, made (half-assed) references to Christianity and Socialism within the prior 100 years of the Russian Revolution, his books are old. He is foreign in that freakish Russian way where us Westerners see them as their own weirdo civilisation. His books are translated in to English so if his writing is shit then that can be conveniently ignored. In conclusion, if you want to use books as launching pad for inane "literary analyses" that talk about women / Christianity / faith / Socialism in society, you are unlikely to find anything better.

He wrote about contemporary issues in a serialised format. Both of these attributes are more than enough reasons for pseudointellectuals to disregard books today but they give Dostoevsky a pass because he is foreign and over 100 years old.

There is an excruciating feeling I have while reading these types of books where, as I read the book, I am also imagining how the pseudointellectuals could claim that every little aspect is proof of Dostoevsky's "incredible psychological / philosophical / societal insight!".

Another aspect that pseuds abhor is "translating" the societal commentary to the present day. The pseuds make the two contradictory claims: Dostoevsky's books have huge timeless human insights AND any attempt to describe his insights in modern language is automatically wrong because Dostoevsky is so timeless, his characters are literally the platonic form of "humanity". So if I claim that, "Well clearly that female character is a Stacey who gets away with everything" I am assailed by the pseuds. "How DARE you use the genius, timeless insights to say anything about our times!" This is the pseud's disgust with our "vacuous" era.

But I don't want to complicate things. His books are boring.

>> No.11394315

You are like notes from the underground guy in that you have "figured it out" and now are so bored of what's good for the hives of drones who like to enjoy good literature and get girlfriends ect, now all there is left to do is kill yourself but you won't, because like underground guy you consider yourself significant enough to be worthy of an audience for no reason

>> No.11394318

OP absolutely btfo and butt blasted to outer oblivion. Fpbp

>> No.11394331

You’re literally having imaginary arguments with people in your head while you’re reading. Get help OP

>> No.11394456

I’m convinced all the people on /lit/ who criticize Dostoevsky as being “shallow” and “melodramatic” and “boring” are literally just soulless. They haven’t suffered deeply, they haven’t agonized about the meaning of life and the existence of God and of suffering and so on. They’re so sheltered, effete, cynical and soulless they just read Dostoevsky and yawn. They have no passion and no balls.

>> No.11394470

How did you not enjoy the grand inquisitor chapters or the defence lawyer's speech? And if you set aside the insight or messages of c and p, how do you not enjoy the glimpse into the mind of a criminal on the run?

>> No.11394479

Yeah you're probably right. Most of us including me were not having many social experiences during our formative years

>> No.11394517


On the run. LMAO. You mean lying in bed?

>> No.11394530

You literally posted the same shit hours ago. Fuck off.

>> No.11394532


It was deleted because of one of my other topics was an off topic post

>> No.11394729

I didn't mean literally running, rather the fact that he was a wanted man

>> No.11394751

wow conjecture this shallow is hard to come by. SNAP yep this is going in my cringe compilation

>> No.11394781

>His books are boring.
HAHAHAH sorry your brain got fucking fried on video games and anime and 4chan so you have to resort to calling great authors and their readers "pseudointellectuals" in order to feel good about yourself HAHAHHA reddit spacing idiot

>> No.11394972


>> No.11394975
File: 90 KB, 790x960, 7ytaEnq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got these all didn't you.

>> No.11395061

It isn't even about that. Many of Dostoevsky's characters are proto-NEETs.

>> No.11395077

You are the pseudo-intellectual in this case.

>> No.11395088
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Yes, what's the solution ?

>> No.11395092

>reads a book
>The only thing he thinks is how others react to it
There is something wrong with you mate

>> No.11395112

Jokes on you, I don't drink.

>> No.11395113

Literally every anti-Dostoevsky poster is a pseudo who got memed on by those Nabokov greentexts. Nabby not liking Dostoevsky is a dumb crank opinion like Tolstoy not liking Shakespeare. Pseudos assume he knows what he's talking about because of how prissy and opinionated he is, ignoring the fact that all his favs (Joyce, Proust, etc.) revered Dostoevsky. So many people here are more concerned about seeming "patrician" than learning about literature and developing their own tastes, hence the state of the board.

>> No.11395168

Well, Dostoevsky did write in rather dull fashion (in russian version ofc) but i do enjoy his books, while it is gets annoying with the amount of characters he throw into the mix

>> No.11395601


>> No.11395613
File: 213 KB, 540x540, 18DEF5A1-A179-4DF3-A02E-E41AC4B1AA50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close but that only matter with hand grenades.

>> No.11395628

>So many people here are more concerned about seeming "patrician" than learning about literature and developing their own tastes,
this shit is an epidemic and it's not just in literature. the narcissistic consumption as fashion accessory culture is everywhere

>> No.11396253

>Nabby not liking Dostoevsky is a dumb crank opinion like Tolstoy not liking Shakespeare. Pseudos assume he knows what he's talking about because of how prissy and opinionated he is, ignoring the fact that all his favs (Joyce, Proust, etc.
>hurr you can't dislike a book if people I respect like it
conformist brainlet