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11392760 No.11392760 [Reply] [Original]

HEADS UP- Fanged Noumena Fifth Edition out now.
What's your favorite essay? Is Land just a Burroughs wannabe hack? Is Fanged Noumena even decipherable? Let's discuss

>> No.11392768

>What's your favorite essay? Is Land just a Burroughs wannabe hack? Is Fanged Noumena even decipherable?
Cybergothic, no, not all of it.

>> No.11392771


>> No.11392781

>viral spam marketing


>> No.11392802

>30 dollars for a paperback
thanks but no thanks Nick

>> No.11392811

What does the fifth edition add?

>> No.11392813

I'm reading through Nietzsche now (halfway through Thus Spoke Zarathustra), where do I go after this to get to Land?

>> No.11392817

>Obscure book
>Frequently discussed by /lit/
>Usually goes for $400
>Urbanomic prints more
>Excited anon shares info with others
I'm not somehow making money off this. Just hoping to bring back Landposting

>> No.11392839

Thanks, just bought 16. Going to scalp these for $150 a piece.

>> No.11392843

Where do you sell them?

>> No.11392853

Just eBay.

>> No.11392858

I ordered it and I regret so much falling for such meme bullshit

>> No.11392866

Kant and D&G

>> No.11392872

I'm still glad I got read this, of only because it introduced me to Georg Trakl

>> No.11392879

just bought two. Planning to sell one back at double the price to pay for the first copy. Thanks for the free book.

>> No.11392886

>bring back Landposting
There was a sublime Land thread like a week ago

>> No.11392991

I'll never forgive you guys for memeing me into Behead All Satans. Total trash

>> No.11392999

What's it about? Only one guy shills it on here (and it's probably the author)

>> No.11393019

does this fuckin faggot ever stop shilling this trash jesus fucking christ

>> No.11393099

then resell it at 300% profit and buy manga instead you fuckin dweeb

>> No.11393102

Its obviously Land's hand in the picture, pathetic

>> No.11393108

That was the best thread /lit/ has seen in months

>> No.11393146

it's like $30 on amazon

>> No.11393184

they just printed a fifth edition thats the thread your in rn

>> No.11393193

the post i'm responding to says it was going for $400 before this new run

>> No.11393204

it was, 400 is high but i've seen dozens sell at 200-250

>> No.11393211

lmao bullshit

>> No.11393214

are you new here or something?

>> No.11393219

i usually just scroll past shill threads but the board is so dead now there's nothing left

>> No.11393221

Imagine being retarded when the book has been in stock for months for $30 on several websites

>> No.11393222

its definitely worth $400 though. the cover design is fantastic, the title is fantastic, and even nick land's name is dope. then you crack open that bad boy and it's a big brick of schizophrenic occult jabber about pure unalloyed robotic capital. i'm kissing my damn fingers over here

>> No.11393224

well last printing sold out in under a week and everytime this thread comes up the scalpers come out of the woodworks. its a rare book

>> No.11393229

lmao they probably print 10 copies, it's a puny little vanity press that makes books for fake academics

>> No.11393238

jesus where did he touch you anon?

>> No.11393243
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just got my copy today my body is ready

>> No.11393249

Why not just get this one

>> No.11393253

What a gay image

>> No.11393540

eyyy I finally got one

>> No.11393779

Reminder that it's not a rare book since Urbanomic reprint everything that isn't the collapse journal.

also >>11392991 is a fucking idiot. How did you get shilled into buying Behead All Satans? Every thread about it is the author shilling it and then 5 other anons saying how shit it is, and then proving it by posting captions.

>> No.11393788

That's the one this thread is about retard
Never saw much about it other than the cover which is fucking dope. Thought it was supposed to be an underrated contemporary novel

>> No.11393811

The arcane lore of CCRU is not contained in Fanged Noumena anyway. The book is more of an introduction to several themes.

Thirst for Annihilation, the CCRU collected writings, Cyclonopedia, and everything written on the Numogram is what constitutes the whole and true corpus. There are also some more hidden stuff that I can't divulge in here, such the true workings of Hyperstition.