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11392230 No.11392230 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any estimates ? genuinely curious desu senpai

>> No.11392291


>> No.11392298

Not a lot I imagine, how much of a share do publishers usually take?

>> No.11392316

Well under a million. Probably low six figures.

>> No.11392375

I mean he got the MacArthur grant, and combined with his successful with publishing I'd guess about one or two million

>> No.11392380


>> No.11392381

Pretty sure he got some neat literary prizes/grants/awards for his fiction which allowed him to pretty much be independent and have some money in the bank. Also had pretty amazing sales for his books, all the hipsters were reading them. Then there’s the money from his professor job. If you google it the first website that pops up estimates him at a net worth of $5 million.

>> No.11392394


5-6 sounds about right

>> No.11392564

Infinite Jest still hasn’t sold a million copies and he died over 40 years ago.

>> No.11392578

Wrong on both counts anon. DFW died 9 years ago, and Infinite Jest passed 1 million copies sold in 2016.

>> No.11392593

Holyshit you are too stupid to recognize a joke much less forecast incomes

>> No.11392599

That was a joke?

>> No.11392610

The 40 years thing suggested it was a joke, but I think that anon probably didn't realize that IJ had sold over a million copies.

>> No.11392619

Google says 5 millions

>> No.11392631

Why sell billions when we could sell millions?

>> No.11392673

The 40 was a joke. I did read somewhere that Infinite Jest had yet to crack the one million copies sold mark but it may have been back in 2016 or before.

>> No.11392689


>> No.11392697

The fact it took so long means you were right in spirit. Wonder what proportion of those sold after he gave his belt a stretch

>> No.11392701

Seriously? Holyshit

>> No.11392709

90%+ for paperbacks. Who do you think runs this industry?

>> No.11392715

I'm surprised well known authors don't self publish after becoming famous
How did Rowling make so much? Wasn't she a billionaire at one point?

>> No.11392718


Her book's cinematic steam carried her fortune forward.

>> No.11392726


I'll bet it's the jews!

>> No.11392737

Stephen King tried it with that plant thing years ago.

The results were odd:
>"My friends, we have the chance to become Big Publishing's worst nightmare."

>The book received more than the desired 75 percent for its first installment, but it fell to 70 percent after installment two. With the third installment, the numbers surged back to 75 percent. All told, after six installments, King revealed that he had made nearly half a million dollars from the release of The Plant, in what has been called his e-book experiment.

>The last installment was published on December 18, 2000. The book has yet to be completed. The original installments are now available free of charge on King's official website

>> No.11392798

All that plus all those freelance essays he did for publications probably earned him decent side money in between publishing new books

>> No.11392809

...i got news for you anon, whatever that was, it wasnt a joke.

>> No.11392940

isn't he from a rich family?

>> No.11392941


Also television appearances, speaking engagements, lectures, and readings often come with at least honorariums, if not pay.

>> No.11392953

I was going to make a pun about Infinite Jest but I realized puns are for faggot redditors so I'll leave it at saying it was a jest and not a joke

>> No.11392954

>isn't he from a rich family?
You don't get a name like David Foster Wallace coming from the sticks

>> No.11392965

Foster is his middle name, right? Americans are weird. "Foster" lol like foster home

>> No.11392968

I still find it hilarious that this retard an hero'd

>> No.11392973

How did Pynchon write V in his 20s and then never have to work another job for the rest of his life, while DFW had to be a professor to avoid going broke? Did Pynchon's early books really sell that well? Better than George Saunders who also has to have a teaching job?

>> No.11392975

pynchon won national book awards and shit, right? dfw was writing essays on nigger music before IJ lol different levels m8

>> No.11392976

>lol like foster home

Named after Sir Allen Foster, a puritan philanthropist who organized a number of homes for orphans in Victorian Britain. Not a strange name at all

>> No.11392979

WTF. He looks EXACTLY like I pictured Hal in my mind.

>> No.11392983

Pynchon came from a richer family than Wallace. His ancestor literally founded a city.

>> No.11392988

google "socioeconomic conditions" hth retard

>> No.11392989

did u notice dfw killed hisself right during the financial crisis of 2008? i would love to see his financials i bet mr pseud overleveraged on investment he didnt understand and got smoked, not to mention his thought wife was probably blowing all his cash in exchange for looking the other way while he asshammers groupys

>> No.11392990

it's weird to name people after another person's first name, the normal thing would be to call him David Allen Wallace, if you wanted to honor the other guy, but of course Anglo culture and its eccentricities, plus it doesn't have the same ring to it.

>> No.11392994


I meant "it's weird to name people after another person's *surname*", sorry.

>> No.11392996

People bought more literary books back then before Western IQ plummeted due to (((reasons)))

>> No.11393072

you don't have to sign your name at the end of your posts

>> No.11393082

thanks retard

>> No.11393086
File: 2.09 MB, 268x268, 1527031582423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393087 [DELETED] 

He said stopped doing that

>> No.11393101

i'm not saying this is the reason but Pynchon is married to his editor too, right? wives supporting their jobless artist husband is very much a writerly thing

>> No.11393106

Dave was married though, never thought to wonder what she did though.
They never had kids so she must have been a cold snatch working woman

>> No.11393107

pynchon probably had money from being in the navy, that's why so many veterans are bums, the govt gives em free gibs for life, which like all socialism, eventually ruins their life

>> No.11393113

i think his wife was a visual artist, i know she did the cover for the pale king

>> No.11393120

also i definitely remember reading that dave expressly didn't want kids because he didn't want to pass on his depression

>> No.11393121


>> No.11393125

What a fucking faggot, no wonder he killed himself

>> No.11393128

dfw was a manlet wasnt he? thats why he's always squating in photos hoping no one can tell he's tiny, just look at his forearms they're way to thick for anyone over 6 feet tall, but being a manlet has advantages early in life because everyone thinks they're younger than they are so they always get doted on as gifted and prodigious, until they hit 30 and it's obvious they're just short men, i used to skate with a kid who was like 5'5 at the most, everyone thought he was like 12 so he actually got sponsored for a while, but then when people realize he was actually like 19 they were like "he's good for a 12 year old, but not for a 19 year old!"

>> No.11393136

Its true. He looks 6'3 standing beside people but its all lifts. Its the hidden shame and cause for his death

>> No.11393141

dave was around 6'3"

>> No.11393144

ive never seen him standing beside anyone except that british pocthot and im willing to bet shes not 6'3

>> No.11393149

Stop calling him Dave you fucking faggot. I hate retards who treat authors in an informal way to look cool and familiar with them. It's just so cringy.

>> No.11393150

citation needed

>> No.11393153

Franzen, but he's another secret manlet

>> No.11393163

yeah its like when some corny teen alt-girl talks about "kurt" lmao

>> No.11393169

Dave was actually my real life friend you fucking asshole

>> No.11393170

he told me to call him that at pomona

>> No.11393177
File: 48 KB, 560x374, eugenides111017_5_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393181

The woman there is 5'5"

>> No.11393188

God, that overbite makes him look like such a massive cuck.

>> No.11393218

Can someone post that copypasta of Wallace by the guy that attended his class in Oakland I think it was?

>> No.11393236

Foster is his mother's maiden name. Sally Foster Wallace.

DFW never used the Foster in real life; he was encouraged to add it to his published name in order to differentiate himself from an already-published Dave Wallace.

>> No.11393247

>he was encouraged to add it to his published name in order to differentiate himself from an already-published Dave Wallace.

Its lucky he did, it sounds much cooler. Just saying it out loud sounds gangster

>> No.11393437

that guy was lying or was misinformed. foster has some relation to his mother's side of the family iirc.

>> No.11393915

Go to bed Franzen

>> No.11393934

He won some genius grant. It was like 250k and he was living in some shack on the beach that would probably sell for a million now but back then he could live pretty frugally but comfortably for like 10 grand a year.

>> No.11393942


He was at least 6'1.

>> No.11393950

Disregard this. He didn’t get the McArthur fellowship until 1988