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/lit/ - Literature

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11390572 No.11390572 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures of what book your reading

>> No.11390597
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>> No.11390610

Mann's Dr. Faustus

>> No.11390629

Just finished Rhinoceros by Ionesco, really liked it. Any more good absurdist theater, except Beckett of course?

>> No.11390633

Which translation is that, OP? I recently finished Matthew Ward's translation of The Stranger and I want to check out The Plague but Ward only translated The Stranger so I don't know which translation of The Plague I should pick up.

>> No.11390635
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>> No.11390638
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>I suggest you put a veto upon their possession of arms. Make them wear tunics under their cloaks, and high boots, and tell them to teach their sons to play the zither and harp, and to start shopkeeping. If you do that, my Lord, you will soon see them turn into women instead of men, and there will not be any more danger of their rebelling against you.
I just got to the part where Cambyses btfo'd the corpse of Amasis, good stuff.

>> No.11390646

Weingarten, Arrabal, some Genet I guess.

>> No.11390681
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>This much heroism and friend in one book
>You'll never have friends as true as Rüdiger and Volker
>You'll never have a woman as perfect as Kriemhild
I'll re-read it in German later, and I've read half of the Völsunga Saga for a bit of background information.

>> No.11390693

I fell for the greek meme and I don't regret it. The histories are sometimes quite boring, but it is a great book.

>> No.11390696

The version I have is a translation by Stuart Gilbert. It was the first English translation so it may be hard to come by. I am unaware of who wrote the translation for the copy available on Amazon.

>> No.11390702

I read this last summer. Didn't really enjoy reading it but parts of it have stuck with me.

>> No.11390725
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Reading this atm, its pretty comfy

>> No.11390730
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I'm glad I didn't listen to the /pol/ memes. Adorno might have been the most intelligent person to ever exist.

>> No.11390748
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For history class

>> No.11390749

Very interesting book. The Jews are godly intellectuals.

>> No.11390783

That's probably his best work desu but yea, Adorno is great. His art critics are vulgar (and racist), but the rest is astounding.

>> No.11390835
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didn't realize Ulysses had such a complicated publishing history.

>> No.11390982
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Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence

>> No.11390990

Looks interesting. Is there any revisionism going on

>> No.11390994

Just finished this. Like another anon said, there were some boring streaks where he explains local customs (they were interesting, just not "riveting" ) The stories he tells are great though. The story of how Indians were able to steal gold dust from giant ants by using female camels with offspring at home was memorable.

>> No.11391005
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>> No.11391006

Finished the martian chronicles today
It became a favourite today

>> No.11391045
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Started this a couple of days ago and I really love it, it has some of the most beautiful prose I've ever read. I'm not that far in (just about to finish Chapter 1) because the prose was hard to get used to since most of what I read is in translation and the amount of notes. This is the first time I'm actually reading a novel outside of what was required for my schooling, all thanks to you people speaking so highly of him. Thanks.

>> No.11391048
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>> No.11391053

>dat cover


>> No.11391058

top fucking kek my dude

>> No.11391061

Are the notes/footnotes on the face of each page, or are they on the back?

>> No.11391093

They are in the back, which can get annoying at times. The book also has selections from Stephen Hero, Ulysses, Finnegan's Wake, and other works of Joyce relating to A Portrait and many critical essays from scholars, like Pound.

>> No.11391100
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This is very humbling to read. I’m constantly reminded of what a pleb I am with each and every sentence. Nevertheless I’ve been learning a lot.

>> No.11391165

Thanks, anon. What do you think of Stuart's translation?

>> No.11391294

Bradbury is a god. I suggest the October country or Death is a lonely Business

It’s actually really good. Some sentences are worded weirdly but that could just be that I read too fast. I’d totally recommend it.

>> No.11391321

He's quite underrated, even here. I think /lit/ will come around to realize how good he is.

>> No.11391353

Currently thinking about reading either Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? or What We Talk About When We Talk About Love...

Which one is the best collection ?

>> No.11391385

started Resurrection today, wanted to do The histores but after War and peace I wanted to continiue the Tolstoy streak

>> No.11391408
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went from turbo gay to pussy destroyer--interesting read, 40% in

>> No.11391484 [DELETED] 

If you like that I suggest you pick up some of his other works too. He was 93 when From Dawn to Decadence was published. Several other great books preceded it, such as The House of Intellect and The Use and Abuse of Art, the themes of which you won't find unfamiliar.

>> No.11391528
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They're both pretty good

>> No.11391531
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>> No.11391556
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It's been good, it hasn't truly begun yet though.

>> No.11391584
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Maybe I was too much of a brainlet at 13 but does anyone else finds unrealistic that the kids are giving existential speeches and what not?

>> No.11391626

Is there any specific translation that I should look for? Read Fagles' Iliad, Odyssey, and Oresteia but he gets meme'd on here a lot.

>> No.11391629
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I prefer the cover we have here in Brazil

>> No.11391631

You were a brainlet at thirteen

>> No.11391636

Shit now that's a cool cover

>> No.11391643

Delete your comment

>> No.11391662

do him a favor and don't overhype him which usually just ends up in a situation where he is misunderstood as badly as it gets. Adorno is one to ask hard questions by stating dogmas ("no poetry after Auschwitz", "it's a sin to see a purpose in world history" etc.). his philosophy is anti-systematic and the last thing on this world that would make anyone happy.

>> No.11391671
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reading on weed great or not? should i try?

>> No.11391741

all who ever tried were too high to surpass the first page

>> No.11391753

No, you'll take an hour to read a page, forget everything after you've read it and then go back

>> No.11391756
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eng. title is ”Vertigo”. great thus far (read a third today).

Adorno is very good.

>> No.11391762

thanks, guys
i'll keep listening music then

>> No.11391819

Almost done with "The Suicide of the West" by Goldberg. It was surprisingly thorough in its arguments. Goldberg gave reference to a couple dozen of other history/political history books that I've already purchased. Just started "Intellectuals and Society" by Sowell

>> No.11391837

Very nice. Ive underlined the hell out of that book. If you haven't already id check out Wes Cecil's youtube lecture on Barzun, really complements this book

>> No.11391854


>> No.11391864

Iz good. Have you read Demian?

>> No.11391869


>> No.11391878
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anna karenina. am i wasting time?

>> No.11391886


>> No.11391892

i've only just got to part two, but i think its great so far. tolstoy is outstanding

>> No.11391918
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>> No.11392012

Do yourself a favor and stop worrying about happiness.

>> No.11392029

I actually just picked up a copy of the Satanic bible at a local used bookstore. More out of curiosity than anything.

>> No.11392110


>> No.11392214
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Just about at the halfway mark. I still need to figure out some of the underlying structure and symbolism in characters and themes, especially as they may relate to pre-WWI Europe, but it's a compelling work. It's especially interesting when Mann delves into our ideas of time, perception, and knowledge.

Finished this a few months back. It took me a while to get into it, but it ended up well worth the time sink. How are you liking it?

>But at last Dahoum drew me: ‘Come and smell the very sweetest scent of all’, and we went into the main lodging, to the gaping window sockets of its eastern face, and there drank with open mouths of the effortless, empty, eddyless wind of the desert, throbbing past. That slow breath had been born somewhere beyond the distant Euphrates and had dragged its way across many days and nights of dead grass, to its first obstacle, the man-made walls of our broken palace. About them it seemed to fret and linger, murmuring in baby-speech. ‘This,’ they told me, ‘is the best: it has no taste.’ My Arabs were turning their backs on perfumes and luxuries to choose the things in which mankind had had no share or part.

>> No.11392274

Nice shit, gonna buy it.

>> No.11392301

Awful cover, fantastic book.

>> No.11392307

I guess I can see what you mean but honestly I didn’t think that the chief was that smart. His philosophical speeches are just edgy and don’t really amount to any real insight.

>> No.11392321

sounds like a great edition. Keep going, it only gets better

>> No.11392339
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Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman