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File: 47 KB, 727x487, Albert Chadmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11389563 No.11389563 [Reply] [Original]

>never had less than 3 girl friends
>Believes that life is inherently meaningless, but fuck it live life to the fullest
>played soccer and won the african cup
>Died in a car wreck with a thot driving
Was he the most chad philosopher?

>> No.11389571

Camus' argument against suicide isn't particularly strong. His answer to nihilism came from a perspective only tenable for those who have already come out the other end of the existential crisis themselves and either knowingly or unknowingly rejected nihilism.
It's like saying "The answer to being afraid of dying of cancer is to survive your cancer treatment :^):
That only really benefits the individual falling into nihilism by affirming that the situation is in fact survivable, but doesn't give them much in the way of motivation from there.

>> No.11389577

lol nigga shut up lmao what are you even talking about lol

>> No.11389580

this nigga finna bout to get DABBED on

>> No.11389583

>with a thot driving


>> No.11389585

I've never met a camusfag who's posed a rational argument.

>> No.11389592

Camus contributed nothing Nietzsche didn't already say. He's a first rate Dick-Rider that is only redeemed by his storytelling skills.

>> No.11389598

Nietzsche predicted that man would develop their own systems of meaning in the post-nihilistic world, but didn't get around to strongly defining what those systems of meaning could be. Camus at least attempts an answer.
Camus would be nowhere without Nietzsche but really that's true of the whole of Existentialist thought.

>> No.11389602

nietzsche contrbuted nothing that previous philosophers didn't say, he simply made trodden concepts accessible to the layman.

>> No.11389614

Because Nietzsche knew he was still to hopelessly conditioned: he knew his limitations. Camus had reddit self-awareness in this regard.

>> No.11389618

layman detected.

>> No.11389624

ayo dis nigga be dabbin on dis NIGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.11389629
File: 167 KB, 360x252, 1530213831341.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make an argument, or you are BTFo'ing yourself faggot

>> No.11389679


>> No.11389681

I can't figure out what the fuck is happening in this webm

>> No.11389682

Agree to a point, but Camus does the very French thing of spending pages to identify a problem while offering no solutions. Case in point, his rant on bad faith (mauvais foi) in Nausea. It's a big deal to his characters and is a huge problem with the existential life but do they do anything about it? Nope.

>> No.11389687

The man tried to kick the ball victoriously, he hit the frame of the goalpost and got BTFO

>> No.11389692

Nigga get your titles and authors straight

>> No.11389712

Oh, for a second I thought he was the goalie and was trying to do some sick rebound trick and fucked up.
Soccer is fuckin' gay.

Camus is very much more interested in transferring the impression of an idea or state of being to his audience than he is in outlining the exact form of that idea/state, true. But then Camus had a real bone to pick with the Germanic nihilistic tradition of great thinkers sitting at their desks getting rich and famous while arguing that people should kill themselves (or shouldn't NOT kill themselves)

>> No.11389735

You're right, fuck me.

>> No.11389763


It’s all posture

>> No.11389912
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>> No.11389916

I agree with this
I immediately came to dislike Camus in general after reading The Myth of Sisyphus, despite enjoying The Stranger

>> No.11391441

Right, because Nietzsche made so much money off writing. Stirner was a businessman and made little to no money off writing.

>> No.11391468
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Guys, seriously...

>> No.11391481

For the record, I wasn't saying Nietzsche was a nihilist, I was merely pointing out that since this guy >>11389712 was categorizing him as such and making claims, even if I granted his intial nihilist premise he was still wrong.

>> No.11391516
File: 35 KB, 372x300, 1519086057395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11391567


>> No.11391570


>> No.11391572

Define 'rational'

>> No.11391573


>> No.11392942

damn some nibba finna shook homie

>> No.11392974

holfy fuck imagine having terminal illness oh my god maybe 4chan should have trigger warnings ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can you imagine that shit

>> No.11392978

He wasn't a philosopher

>> No.11392981

first poster here, this was my exact same experience

>> No.11392993

Camus wasn't writing in direct response to Nietzsche, insofar as he was trying to divorce his existentialist thought from other continental nihilists. Nietzsche did unquestionably set the stage for that discussion, though.

>> No.11392998
File: 124 KB, 981x500, 1517931697326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be yourself, bro. We're all going through the same existential crisis, bro.

>> No.11393002
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>> No.11393005

existential crises are for pseud brainlets

just do something you fucking noob LMAO

>> No.11393013
File: 84 KB, 656x638, 1525363695299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>G-god can't exist cuz bad stuff happins to ppl !!!

>> No.11393194

Sounds pretty boomer-tier to me

>> No.11393216
File: 333 KB, 652x370, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books and videogames arent the same as life!!! ahhh!!!!!

>> No.11393261

i love this board

>> No.11393588
File: 393 KB, 2048x2046, massive cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was he the most chad philosopher?
Yes, more Chad than Philosopher desu.

>> No.11393941

>most chad
>died in a car wreck
Real chads die peacefully in their sleep surrounded by their twenty bastard children of varying ages from 20 different women.

>> No.11393945
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>> No.11393952

Based and nigpilled

>> No.11393970
File: 276 KB, 2518x1024, camusceline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was he the most chad philosopher?