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/lit/ - Literature

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11387838 No.11387838 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.11389458
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I literally thought I'd pay for uni by writing a book or two.

>> No.11389482
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Published some short erotica. Making a couple sales a week. Feels okay.
Working on a 5th right now. I swear to god, this was supposed to be a fluffy love story. But as I broke the story it turned out that having the main character raped by giant eels actually was the natural starting point.
This is incredibly annoying because this one was NOT supposed to be monster porn!

>> No.11389506

>Found new hardware

How long are these, anon?

>> No.11389507

How much do you make? Enough to live off that income?

>> No.11389513

this board is fuckin dead not one good thread bro seriously

>> No.11389538
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Between 9 and 14,000 words.

>enough to live off the income?
It's a progressive curve though. I'm told that if you keep publishing the older books keep picking up momentum.

Right now I -should- be writing a sequel to that Barbarian story (since it is the one which most consistently sells) but I don't want to.
So I am writing about an alchemist being raped by eels instead.

>> No.11389546

>, and pounded by a gay Oxford comma

Well done.

>> No.11389549

In the story there are NO oxford commas except when the living Oxford Comma is speaking. The human MC explicitly makes fun of them.

>> No.11389573
File: 73 KB, 800x408, drone-schlong-censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that I am allowed to post the uncensored version of this picture on a blue board.

>> No.11389586

What the fuck.
Can you write str8 porno, or just gay?

>> No.11389595

still waiting on one of my perfectly good novels to be accepted by a publisher aimed at an audience that stopped reading books circa ten years ago.

>> No.11389620

Mostly gay. I have two straight ones in the works which are being neglected out of boredom.

I am currently considering writing a story titled "Assaulted by a Satanic Cablecar Gondala," but I think that genre might have been done to death.
(Seriously. I've got a rough outine.)

>> No.11389630
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Being this delusional, good luck pal

>> No.11389965

Is VCR Repair Virgins gay Red lettter Media fan fiction?

>> No.11389970

I wrote a fictional loli story on r9k earlier that I passed off as a real event in my life and it got a few people horny. I'm pretty proud of it. It got a good response and was prettt convincing and flowed perfectly. So, to answer your question: my writing career is popping off.

>> No.11389976

Judging by the picture and past tense, I'm guessing his delusions have been thoroughly broken.

>> No.11390584

>Is VCR Repair Virgins gay Red lettter Media fan fiction?

Yes! There is even a movie review in it!

>> No.11390721
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>> No.11391285

I alsojudge my career by my (You)s, which reminds me I need to check /his/.

>> No.11391343

Each time I try to write my idea for a novel series I get 20-30 pages in and realize there's a glaring plot hole or inconsistency or other serious issue and stop writing, then I pick it up again a few months later to rewrite it from the beginning again because the old one won't work at all with the way I fixed the issue, and this has repeated for about 5 years now and haven't gotten far at all. The good news is over these years its gone from a shitty weaboo edgefest to a grounded low fantasy setting so at least its going in a less cringey direction but I don't see it getting published any time soon...if ever. At least I have a nice engineering job that can easily pay the bills. Maybe when I retire I can dedicate some more effort to it.

>> No.11391435

Try writing short stories, something unrelated to anime or fantasy, something grounded. Don't give up anon or wait until retirement, but don't waste years on a fantasy novel that will remain unfinished forever. Think of a simple idea and go with it, describe a scene of your childhood in verse: something!

>> No.11392053
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10 years past broken.

>> No.11392160
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>got a short story published at nineteen
>soon went from writing 12+ hours a day to 0 hours a day overnight
>journal that published my story has since shut down
>feel nothing but guilt and fear over wasting the past three years and now having to "start over" from scratch
>the published story was dogshit written in an afternoon yet it immediately got accepted while the stuff I actually spent months laboring over repeatedly failed to get published

>> No.11392164

Getting close to finishing my first novel, so I'll just have to see where it goes from there

>> No.11392212
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>tfw mom called your prose undistinguished and your dialogue unconvincing

>> No.11392258
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>> No.11392333

>pic related

>> No.11392346

I've published a few poems here and there.
I'll make it one day. . .
>when mom said you'd never be remembered for anything