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File: 116 KB, 547x316, Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 2.46.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11386919 No.11386919 [Reply] [Original]

So you're telling me that THIS is /ourguy/?


>> No.11387085

>wasting 11 minutes on Memerson

just tell us what he said

>> No.11387945

the face cut at 0:51 made me fucking furious I'd hurt him so badly

>> No.11387951

Reminder that Peterson is for brainlets. Motherfucker even wrote a self-help book, the ultimate moron genre.

>> No.11387963

>Jungian finds symbols everywhere

>> No.11388052

How can you guys trust a guy who-was defeated by vaporwave?

>> No.11388066
File: 644 KB, 1868x1140, the boys are back in town.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a Marxist
>calls someone else an ideological charlatan

>> No.11388075

Yin and Yang symbol is just a flattened DNA helix.

>> No.11388079
File: 57 KB, 851x666, Todd degenerates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've been shitting on peterson since day one

>> No.11388091

This literally isn't even wrong. I know a girl that was rejected from doing her PhD at several secular universities because she wanted to do her PhD on a pro-life organisation.

>> No.11388093

>Runs an atheist channel
>Calling anyone else a pseud

>> No.11388124

I'm confused where vaporwave plays in all of this

>> No.11388126

Thanks for sharing the same opinion. That cut is a prime example of youtube shit.

Not to defend Peterson or anything.

>> No.11388628

I unironically think that the ancients had secret knowledge about the cosmos and that most of the scientific discoveries and profound literature ever written were probably influenced by this secret knowledge. It can sound pseudo-scientific and nuts at times, but there is some truth to it.

>> No.11389010

>conspiracy theory tier

into the trash....

>> No.11389049

>spirals are dna man
Yeah, I love Jordan Peterson, but that is pretty brainlet of him to say. Peterson is a loose-associative thinker and despite his notable work in the field of psychology, I see him as more of a lit professor than a psychologist.

Take everything he says with a grain of salt. His discussion of archetypes is not incorrect, but I think he always overstates the case. I personally think there is something like a genetic component to archetypes (which explains their universality across cultures) in the same way there is a "universal grammar" as Chomsky believed. The instantiation of each archetype is slightly different between cultures, but it generally follows the same patterns.