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/lit/ - Literature

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11386531 No.11386531 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, what the fuck?

Inb4 "what did you expect." I just didn't know we'd gone this low.

>> No.11386535

all the toy shit is in one small area, just fucking ignore it do you want them to go under or nah

>> No.11386549

suck pussy under toy

>> No.11386555

It'd be better if they just went under. Local bookshops can take over where there is still interest.

>> No.11386573

I saw a walking stereotype buy 20 of those things at Barnes and Noble a few weeks ago

>> No.11386584

Same, except it was a group of stereotypes and they were all poos.

>> No.11386594

Mine was a basedboy

>> No.11386595

This one wasn't. There's more toys than that.

>> No.11386603

Yeah that's what I meant. They were basedboy and basedgirl poos.

>> No.11386664


Be wary. Modern distribution methods work like a cartel racket. Big companies dictate how many toys another company will buy before that company is allowed to even stock them.

This is how Disney, and their failed Star Wars, accidently bankrupted Toys R Us. They forced them to take on a ridiculous amount of shitty stock that never sold.

>> No.11386682 [DELETED] 


>> No.11386688

Books about this?

>> No.11386812

Shame toys r us was pretty gud

>> No.11386915

I’d like you to know that it’s poor form to inb4 as op.

>> No.11388101

Okay, this is epic!

>> No.11388116


That's one aspect of it, but the other, much bigger problem was their shitty financial management in general. They leveraged too much of their capital, and it fucked them when they couldn't pay it back anymore.

>> No.11388258

does anyone actually buy that shit? I presumed it was money laundering or some sort of tax write off

>> No.11388264

yeah it's a shame that they stopped selling books

oh wait

>> No.11388276

Well sure but the limited titles in a small area means you often have to order them in advance, and at that point you may as well just have them ship it to you, meaning you're really just shopping online with extra steps.

>> No.11389232

>does anyone actually buy that shit?
It gets non-readers to come into the store during X-mas. That is literally the only reason it exists.

>> No.11389234

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.11389274

My nearest Barnes and Noble was selling these, candles, dolls of other kinds, beanie babies, and novelty pens and stationary near the end; they had a full starbucks attached to them. But I stopped going for about a week and when I came back, GONE, GUTTED, no sign of anything left, just totally blank wiped clean building with a For Lease sign. And this was in a major shopping area with loads of tourism and foot traffic, people just don't care about books anymore, and even less about physical ones. And no number of gimmicks will save some of their stores. I hope wherever you took this at continues to turn a profit for a few more quarters before you lose a book store.

>> No.11389294

half price books is the master race

>> No.11389298

the union square barnes and noble will never die

>> No.11389339


>> No.11389371
File: 12 KB, 249x243, 1526212232464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to Barnes & Noble
>looking for philosophy section
>fat neckbeard in the anime section is reading through a manga and chuckling to himself
>loses balance and bumps into a shelf
>fungo-pop landslide starts in the store
>have to take shelter in the in-store starbucks megaopolos
>emergency services finally manage to dig us out hours later
>finally make it to philosophy section
>it's full of school of life and alain de botton books

>> No.11389392

I went in to buy pseud cred books from /lit/core list and it was mostly hobby books and trinkets and people looking for biographies, and memoirs. less than half the people in front of me in line were even buying literature mostly just bios and gift cards for relatives they don’t love. Humans are swine we deserve climate heat death

>> No.11389409

>Humans are swine we deserve climate heat death
how about a holocaust
That's an interesting thought, actually. If whites evolved from blacks, and blacks killed all the whites, would whites once more evolve from blacks?

>> No.11389413
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>If whites evolved from blacks, and blacks killed all the whites, would whites once more evolve from blacks?

>> No.11389424
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how high are you?

>> No.11389430

masterful shitpost

>> No.11389431

whites are the results of humans and neanderthals interbreeding

>> No.11389461

My nigga

>> No.11389467

Amazon is a blight upon this earth, and Jeff Bezos deserves to be hunted through the wilderness like an animal before he's finally cornered and shot to death.

>> No.11389468
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I chuckled. But it was a sad chuckle.

>> No.11389474

ya i hate being able to have any book ever published delivered to my door in like two days, jeff bezos is such an asshole!

>> No.11389555

>tfw Amazon no longer ship to Australia from thier US store and the Australian store's selection is shit
Even local chain book shops here like dymocks have a better range.

>> No.11389846

I mean lots of kids stuffs or pop stuffs as well..can you even buy comics or artbooks there (like marvel dc stuffs)?
I fucking hate them as they're stupidly designed and some really butcher up the character..but it has a good pricetag and uses cheap materials. It's gonna be a cashgrab.
I don't think it's low as actually selling books is not that easy as well-especially as big retailers.

>> No.11389876

Just like how the 5th Ave FAO Schwartz would never die, or the Times Square Toys R Us, huh? It might take a decade or two but that sucker will be a fashion flagship before you know it.

>> No.11389879
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Which way, western man?