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11381909 No.11381909 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books to help me overcome my depression?

>> No.11381919


None will help. Alleviating your depression requires major lifestyle changes. Books aren't a magic pill.

>> No.11381954

i'm making lifestyle changes with my health, better job, therapy, but im looking for a book as well

>> No.11382015
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When I’m feeling depressed I find it makes me feel better to read something I read as a child, like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

>> No.11382016

The Bible. Unironically, just download the app and read verses and try to behave like it says. Doesn't even have to be a Christian to do this. Just making goals for yourself and fulfilling them, as well as being able to be selfless and a kind human should help you overcome your depression.

>> No.11382025

Maybe if you're a soi boy. Otherwise it won't do shit.

>> No.11382027

Ready Player One

It’ll make you realize you can achieve work far better than that dude.

>> No.11382068

>implying it's possible to overcome depression
Depression is a natural consequence of being alive in the modern world. You are an expendable, rootless monkey trapped in a concrete box, a monkey who is biologically programmed to seek out things whose pursuit makes him unhappy (sex, food, money, social status), and whose acquisition proves ephemeral and unhealthy.

Basically, you will never be happy. You are designed to be unhappy. If you are not unhappy then there is something seriously wrong with you, and you are perhaps to some degree mentally retarded.

>> No.11382135

Tao te ching

>> No.11382140


>> No.11382204
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Go for a walk in nature. Not memeing. It's great for when you feel down. Feel the wind against your face and listen to the sounds of the birds; It's therapeutic. >>11382068 this anon is right. You will never "overcome depression". It's just not possible to be truly happy and truly at peace in this confused modern world we live in, at least not for any thinking person. Just try to keep it at bay. Read the classics, go for walks, listen to music that moves you, eat well and try to maintain a regular sleeping pattern. I can't stress how important it is that you socialize regularly. Social isolation for a depressive is like alcohol for an alcoholic. You need to force yourself out of your hole and talk to people. Even if they're vacuous normies in your eyes, and even if your social skills have atrophied from years of social isolation, you need to be around other people. You need to force yourself away from yourself. As for book recs, I've always found Montaigne's Essays consolatory when I've been down, so give them a read. I find Paradise Lost deeply inspiring and I always feel a bit better after reading it. Good luck fren.

>> No.11382216

Fucking shit I'm almost 30 I just want a gf already

>> No.11382220

take the monkpill

>> No.11382247

You need find a philosophy that makes sense within your world view and where your depression stems from. I personally get a lot of relief from freedom so all my suggestions will be jaded by that.

If you want to believe in a high power and fate, try the bible and other religious texts.
If you want like believing that everything is going to work out in the end, try new agey books that focus on the universe (Alan Watts).
If you have scientific mind, psychology books are great because they give awareness with is very freeing.
If typical american style, pull up your bootstraps style advice works for you then read self help books and stoicism.
Personally, I like Taoism as >>11382135 suggested but I also practice Tai Chi. I carry a copy of the Tao Te Ching most places and read exerts when I am in a bad headspace and it normalises me back into the moment.

>> No.11382251

Forgot to add that a lot of people find peace in literature and being able to relate to their lives.

>> No.11382257

Imagine being this defeatist, maybe all these things apply to (you) but I'm loved, the work I do is valued and if I were to die there would be a whole in a lot of peoples lives.

>> No.11383148

Having a defective brain is no reason to brag

>> No.11383207

i've just started reading this great book called Sertraline

>> No.11383282
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>> No.11383315

J S Mill found tremendous solace in Wordsworth.

>> No.11383345

>fulfilling career
Doesn't exist

>> No.11383369

Do you think those that work at CERN, Google, MIT, etc aren't enjoying themselves?

>> No.11383389

Not really. The suicide rate at MIT is insanely high, and you're basically expected to be an on-call slave when you're working at Google.

>> No.11383399

>The suicide rate at MIT is insanely high
Do you have a source?
>and you're basically expected to be an on-call slave when you're working at Google
And yet, it's consecutively rated as one of the best places to work and many employees say they love it. Do you think they're lying?

>> No.11383407

How do I find a personal philosophy? I find myself gravitating toward existentialism, stoicism, taoism, and the literature I enjoy the most is Hesse, Proust and Joyce

>> No.11383435

>Do you think they're lying?
I think they're demented sick fucks

>> No.11383443
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Never get tired of posting this after it helped me cure my depression.

>> No.11383539

ok im going to go stone a girl to death in front of all the villagers thanks anon!!!

>> No.11383554
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You then better have no sin on yourself to cast the stone, anon.

>> No.11383674
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>zhuang zhi
>Kafka - Das Schloß/Bau der chinesischen mauer
>Dosto -The idiot (only first part though)
are sort of the few works I can think of that aided me through my slump. Don't expect any one work to be your miracle work and don't expect to ever fully recover neither
>Daoism and love for nature (and DMT once or twice in your life)

>> No.11383685

This is the only correct advice ITT.

>> No.11384169

> not understand how the old and new testament work

>> No.11384243

>If you have scientific mind, psychology books are great because they give awareness with is very freeing.
Any recommendations, Anon? I would like to understand my feeling and state of mind a bit better.
Please keep in mind that my knowledge is limited when it comes to psychology.

>> No.11384350
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try this and do something different
get out of the house
take walks
talk to a professional
get some meds (temporary)
you cannot think yourself out of a depression - I've tried

>> No.11384459


>> No.11384546

thank u for this

>> No.11384549

So when I made a thread similar to this it got like 5 replies and died and yet a meme faggot get's proper advice. Thanks you for the replies

>> No.11385084
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Where my Brothers Karamazov at?
It's a long, often tough read, but after you stomach through it all, in the end it is really really beautiful.

>> No.11385088

Cloud hidden, whereabouts unknown

>> No.11385279

Although that's true, there are books that can create a positive impact

>> No.11386051
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