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File: 19 KB, 219x298, 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11378721 No.11378721 [Reply] [Original]

Why was so afraid of taking a political position? I don't buy all that "I'm too cool for politics" crap. There is no way he could be so retarded.

>> No.11378726

was he*

>> No.11378791 [DELETED] 

Why take a political position when we're all just insects popping in the fires of our own heaps of trash? What interesting questions are their to solve? To let or not let immigrants into the country? Matters of national pride? Or taxes? What about health insurance? Oh! what great topics for a petty caste of beings who barely live a hundred years IF they're lucky.
And these hundred years shackled by tradition, morals, expectations and duties of a society, of a state they did not choose - just complicity, banality, lethargy everywhere you look. Because why ACTUALLY care? Poof, it's over.

There exists in some people a yearning for something very distant, an absolute affirmation of unbridled life and a love which cannot but feel contempt for all that contemporary lack and ignorance.

Now you take a political position. Left, right? Up, down? Where does your little compass point you towards? Go vote little-mind.

>> No.11378805

Why take a political position when we're all just insects popping in the fires of our own heaps of trash? What interesting questions are there to solve? Let immigrants into the country? Matters of national pride? Or taxes? What about health insurance? Budget application? Movie ratings? New laws? Waging wars? Oh! what great topics for a petty caste of shit dwellers who barely live a hundred years IF they're lucky.
And these hundred years shackled by tradition, morals, expectations and duties of a society, of a state they did not choose - just complicity, banality, lethargy everywhere you look. Because why ACTUALLY care? Poof, it's over.

There exists in some people a yearning for something very distant, an absolute affirmation of unbridled life and a love which cannot but feel contempt for all that contemporary lack and ignorance.

Now you take a political position. Left, right? Up, down? Where does your little compass point you towards? Go vote little-mind.

>> No.11378810

Good post. Most politics are spectator sports where you root for the home team. Eat, drink, and be merry, and be GOOD. That's all you need.

>> No.11378813

Nations aren't real and politics is a big spook. People that deal with politics are cucks and untermensch.


>> No.11378820

Politicians are cucking you anyways you turbocuck.

>> No.11378829

Based magapede! Drain the swamp!

>> No.11378840


I hate them so much. All of them. This is one of the reasons I am an anarchocommunist.

>> No.11378859

Exactly. So let's keep the politicians and capitalists in check.

>> No.11378932

Fuck off Stirnershit you dont speak for Nietzsche

>> No.11378935

The fuck does that even mean
What do you define as a "political position"?

>> No.11378940
File: 7 KB, 267x323, 1445892671820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you

>> No.11378968


27. Why?

>> No.11378977
File: 21 KB, 477x280, 1476935349569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew laddie

>> No.11378983

Could it be that working within politics can be akin to working in lower categories?

>> No.11378998

I'm a literal leftist you liberal swine

>> No.11379003


Do you think anarchism is "lol fuck da rules purge time LMAO"? I'm sorry to assume this but are you American? They never know what anything is.

>> No.11379017

He was more into general critique. He did come down in support of hierarchy, eugenics, pan-europeanism, etc, but he thought of short term politics as dull and ultimately irrelevant except as furnishing evidence of cultural decay.

>> No.11379024

Fuck da rules is probably infinitely more intelligent than whatever your solipsistic fantasies tell you anarchism will be

>> No.11379027

>Why take a political position when we're all just insects popping in the fires of our own heaps of trash?
To organanize and stop being cucked into being an insect popping in the fires of our own heaps of trash.
You can go on and try to be le epic artist but you are still being owned by the people who control the means of production. If you are not trying to fight that you are asking to be enslaved. And even if you get to be a bussines owner you are still a slave of your own workers.

>> No.11379144

Individualism in general is a fucking joke but Anarchism is beyond retarded, its completely void of any logic whatsoever
Utopian idealistic trash

>> No.11379149

Also Communism is just another brand of the modern materialistic brain disease
Capitalism and Communism are both obsessed with economic systems and are only capable of measuring human happiness in terms of money and productivity

>> No.11379170

You sound like a christcuck. Youve been convinced everything is worth nothing so it can be stolen from you

>> No.11379213


>> No.11379233

Are you really so dense? What did you expect him to say -- "I am right wing!" or some such nonsense? Nietzsche's not the "retarded" one. You are.

>> No.11379237

As a business owner you are still slave to money and most of all still subject to death.
'Everything' is worth a whole lot. I love life but I despair at its finiteness and while that may not be subject to change, there seems to be a lack of awareness of how utterly shit this life is being made by all instances of society. The idea that you must work and provide 'value' to earn your life is ridiculous and unworthy of anyone except those who agree to it.
I'm unable to and entirely too bored to elaborate on that - maybe later I will attempt to. Maybe you can feel the whole picture with these shadows of my puppets dancing on the wall. I'm not a great mind, I'm weary and crank and righteous in that and too few people are. Too few who are smarter than me and who have much more power think about the things I think about, and they ought to.
... in that way, what I value is tainted and so is everything anyone else values in this ridiculous snapshot of a world. I don't care about most things people do care about, or rather I'd like to tear it all down and reframe it or help them to do it themselves.
I feel like I can glimpse what's wrong with this life in your reply alone - petty thievery, crabs in a boiling pot trying to get out. That picture sums up humanity perfectly.
Life's great, I value time and freedom but I advise against investing longterm into these things of fleeting beauty ~~~

>> No.11379338

>As a business owner you are still slave to money and most of all still subject to death.
So? Whats your point?

>> No.11379498
File: 56 KB, 645x729, d27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even are hierarchies

>> No.11379507

on the contrary, individualism is the only that makes sense. Everything is utopian and has to be made up(social constructs).

>> No.11379562

>What did you expect him to say -- "I am right wing!" or some such nonsense
Why not? Why is it non-sense?

>> No.11379581



>> No.11379601

How is glorifying Caesar and Napoleon as Overmen and outlining a hierarchy of souls "afraid of taking a political position"?

>> No.11379790
File: 407 KB, 641x641, 1517894175530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this board so saturated with pseuds like this idiot
You're not smart

>> No.11379797

you are making this statement based on your self-interest

>> No.11379800
File: 92 KB, 475x625, DP-12755-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes just telling the truth desu
Caesar was the proto-Chad

>> No.11379807

Yeah this one too:
Go fuck yourself faggot *dabs*

>> No.11379833

Doesn't matter if you own the means of production, you still are just an insect popping into the fires of your own heap of trash

>> No.11380135

he was an individualist
in his eyes, religion is for weaklings fixated on other-worldliness and identity is a value of the herd

>> No.11380443

Stop using their wigger vocabulary then

>> No.11380865

So I should be a slave to the state commie?

>> No.11381029




>> No.11381160

politics requires more serious thinking than he was interested in desu

>> No.11381196


>> No.11381197


american confirmed

>> No.11381205
File: 160 KB, 998x1022, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 19.11.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks his revolution will work this time

>> No.11381211


that isn't even what anyone is saying. communism is a stateless and classless society. crazy.


>> No.11381221

>public self government
>not a state
Next thing you're gonna tell me there won't be an army or police force

>> No.11381271
File: 5 KB, 184x274, last ned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11381352
File: 216 KB, 361x359, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche had his own political theory you retard. He even had an aphorism about laws being the best way to solve conflicts, etc. He also hated democracy (obviously) and was against mob mentality/mob rule/everything regarding the mob, because that is an embodiment of ressentment with influence.

>> No.11381796

i like you anon.

>> No.11381925

From Book One, Section 4 of, "The Gay Science."

"What preserves the species.-The strongest and most evil spirits have so far done the most to advance humanity: again and again the resumed the passions that were going to sleep-all ordered society puts the passions to sleep-and they reawakened again and again the sense of comparison, of contradiction, of the pleasure in what is new, daring, untried;they compelled men to pit opinion against opinion, model against model. Usually by force of arms, by toppling boundary markers, by violating pieties-but also by means of new religions and moralities. In every teacher and preacher of what is new we encounter the same "wickedness" that makes conquerors notorious, even if its expression is subtler and it does not immediately set the muscles in motion, and therefore also does not make one that notorious. What is new, however, is always evil, being that which wants to conquer and overthrow the old boundary markers and the old peities; and only what is old is good. The good men are in all ages those who dig the old thoughts, digging deep and getting them to bear fruit-the farmers of the spirit. But eventually all land is exploited, and the ploughshare of evil must come again and again."

It seems to me he was attempting to describe politics in practice, not adhere to a political ideology. One may ponder the parallels between his description of toppling boundary markers and the present refugee/immigration concern/issue/crisis. New fields of knowledge and experience are being tilled, the future will reap the fruits today sown.

>> No.11382021

Does this means that I should embrace my love for fat dicked trannies?

>> No.11382040
File: 42 KB, 560x455, 3a0d0f7ddb46ddaf4640a8986a6bc0397dcb2513ac8ff946607062db030e796a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks his petty-bourgeois concept of the individual isn't "made up"

>> No.11382044

>He also hated democracy (obviously)
what is so obvious about that

>> No.11382062

>As a business owner you are still slave to money
Literally the whole point of any development in marxist philosophy in the last 100 years. Fixing this (among other things) is the goal of the communist project.

>and most of all still subject to death.
So what's the point in anything? This is just run of the mill vulgar nihilism.

>> No.11382070

Perhaps, should it aid in your quest for self-fulfillment and betterment for humanity as a whole. Transgressors perform deliberately, with intention, not for the sake of fashion. Being swept along by a wave made by a pebble's toss into still waters, you will arrive at a new location yet within the same body of water. Better to be ejected altogether by a depth charge, flung to a distant shore from where you can begin to forage for yourself. Regardless of your destiny, don't stare at the balls.

>> No.11382073

The gay science is so fucking great.

>> No.11382117

haha you gay

>> No.11382121

if you think this is an attempting to describe politics you are beyond salvation. you literally cant escape from politics.

>> No.11382174

I concede that for mainstream appeal, for reasons of practicability the death stuff should be left out.
But yeah, what IS the point to anything? how many people can say that? Know that? Does the state of the world reflect this knowledge?

Either way, seriously, I'm annoyed that modern medicine is still basically butchery. It's 2018, why is cancer still a thing? Dementia? Fucking ridiculous. I refuse to believe that our lifespans can't at least be drastically expanded.
There's several other shortcomings of today's world that I don't accept but they all trace back to a culture that is actively anti-intellectual.

>> No.11382253

You are one of the little leeches that attach themselves to the climber's secret tender sores as described in "Zarathustra." You can't even live through yourself, you wait for one to play the artist so that you may play the clown, recall the tightrope walker towards the beginning of Zarathustra's journey, sabotaged by the clown and his own frustration, he throws away his balance and plunges to his death. You may be trying to get a rise out of people, yet they just find you irritating, and you betray your interest in them with your glib, derisive remarks. No thought just reaction, stimulus:response. It is likely you are better than that, and you don a mask, and then you should beware of the words of la Rochefoucauld regarding the deception of oneself when attempting to deceive others.

>> No.11382269

>You literally can't escape from metaphysics

>> No.11382500
File: 176 KB, 682x1024, 2011+New+Orleans+Jazz+Heritage+Festival+Presented+wdu5swsCjANx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really think he is talking about politics here?. really?. >>11381925
you can look from politics point but is evident is not limited to that. come on, dont be pigheaded here.

>> No.11382519

wow that is annoying as fuck to read. glad i have no plans to read that dogshit

>> No.11382538

Politics is an inherently disgusting concept and anyone who furthers its prominence in society through their own free will is an inherently disgusting """"""""""""""""person"""""""""""""""".

>> No.11383261

Ya nah