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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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11377707 No.11377707 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11377726

Francis fuck your mama

>> No.11378000

what a nice board

>> No.11378008


>> No.11378009

literally who

>> No.11378023

Man Into Woman by Lili Elbe

>> No.11378595

Not transex i said transhumanism you fucking retarded asshole

>> No.11378884

Anyone read "Manifeste des chimpazés du futur"?

>> No.11379734

Isn't it weird how all the early writers and welcomers of transhumanism all had one thing in common?
One little thing?
What was it?
Oh well, who nose, heh.

>> No.11379740

a bullet to the head desu

>> No.11379744


>> No.11379745

Back to your cantainment board, goyim.

>> No.11379746

Trans humans are mentally ill

>> No.11379750

this board is truly beyond saving

>> No.11379786

>Extended Thinkpieces
Homo Deus - Yuval Harari
Superintelligence - Nick Bostrom
The Singularity is Near - Ray Kurzweil
The Age of Em - Robin Hanson

>Science Fiction
Diaspora - Greg Egan
Accelerando - Charles Stross
The Golden Age - John C. Wright

>> No.11379794

I can't wait for this board to be broken down and converted into computronium

>> No.11379811
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>The distinction between nature and culture cannot classify molecular machines, and is already obsolesced by genetic engineering (wet nanotechnics). The hardware/software dichotomy succumbs at the same time. Nanotechnics dissolves matter into intensive singularities that are neutral between particles and signals and immanent to their emergent intelligence; melting Terra into a seething K-pulp (which unlike grey goo synthesizes microbial intelligence as it proliferates).

>> No.11379837


My diary desu