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11375718 No.11375718 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody would willingly read this man. you're pretentious and a brainless if you actually do.

>> No.11375730


brainlet bingo card center square

>> No.11375735

Hey man I read Kant, my intentions are all that matter... golly gee I'm a good person, blah blah blah blah blah

>> No.11375739

my philosphy professor was a kant specialist. when she would lecture on the grounding the metaphysics of morals in class, i felt like kantian ethics just made sense. then i got home and realized I didn't really understand anything. got a b in the end. kant is big gay.

>> No.11375745

Why? Which philosopher would you prefer to read?

>> No.11375746

jordan b peterson

>> No.11375749

the patricians choice truly

>> No.11375750

Plato, Nietzsche, Montaigne, Augustine, Pascal, Emerson, de Spinoza, Wittgenstein

>> No.11375752
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>> No.11375753


>> No.11375754
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>> No.11375755

You can't really accept even half those philosophers' ideas together

>> No.11375756

So? Only an idiot takes in a full ideology

>> No.11375758

Unless you're mostly just interested in the history of philosophy (for which Kant is essential) I can't imagine how you'd reconcile Plato and Nietzsche, or Nietzsche and Augustine, or really Nietzsche and anybody else.

>> No.11375759

Ah, another case of only knowing Kant's moral philosophy

>> No.11375763

>only read philosophers you can reconcile

nigger fucking what

>> No.11375766


>> No.11375768

Do you ever read anything more contemporary?

>> No.11375770

I'm not the guy youre asking. if you're interested in philosophy you'd read everyone you can get your hands on, from Aristotle to Zizek

>> No.11375771

Ta-Nehshi Coates is my favorite philosopher

>> No.11375774


>> No.11375777


>> No.11375783

So you enjoy reading contradictory philosophies and respect wildly disagreeing philosophers, yet get buttmad at Kant, one of the most important theorists who ever lived?

>> No.11375788

im not the op you tard. anyone whose afraid of contradiction shouldn't be reading philosophy

>> No.11375803
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>> No.11375849

I don't read him for the same reason I've never watched Fight Club. Growing up it's always the worst sort of mouthbreathers that constantly talked about the movie and kept telling me that I had to watch it and I wanted nothing to do with them. Now when I talk about philosophy those same sort of people keep telling me I have to read Kant. I suspect they don't even know what Kant has to say about anything that isn't found in a 3 minute Youtube video because they're utterly incapable of explaining their reasoning after telling me "Kant totally refutes this and that" and acting like they've won a point.

>> No.11375852

>a brainless
Sure, OP.

>> No.11375854

Who is she? Always love reading a Kant specialist.

>> No.11375875

Aristotle and Plato, Averroes too he makes a great defense of previous works.

>> No.11375887

You might as well skip out on Plato too, because most of the people who namedrop him are "mouthbreathers" as well. He's still one of the most important thinkers ever, whether people are faggots are not, and if you refuse to read him for a reason like that then you're the "mouthbreather." There's a reason everybody says you have to read him, and it's the same reason you have to read Plato, Aristotle or Descartes if you're interested in philosophy.

>> No.11375888

>tfw just started the transcendental dialectic today

can't WAIT to see cucks who try to apply the ideas of reason transcendentally get blown the fuck out


>> No.11375890

>I don't want to be smart
>because people are fucking stupid

>> No.11375893

Kant on Practical Life: From Duty to History (Cambridge University Press; 2013;
paperback 2015)

>> No.11375894

>t. haven't read Plato
Plato is a great introduction.

>> No.11375897

I have never had anyone appeal to Plato in an argument let alone refuse to explain why they're appealing to Plato. Kantians are an entirely different breed.

>> No.11375907

>I have never had anyone appeal to Plato in an argument let alone refuse to explain why they're appealing to Plato
Let me be the first, he can make you understand how obnoxious smartasses are plain assholes authoritarians and he makes you see their treacheries.

Thank The Republic.

>> No.11375915

If you actually wanted to make an example it should be relevant to the conversation. You're just talking random shit.

>> No.11375919

I provided an example, be specific on what you claim is random.

>> No.11375937
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There is not even one alternative to Kant

>> No.11375942

Even if we suppose your example is pertinent what exactly does it prove? That Kantian fanboys can argue the same way with other philosophers when they think they're proving somebody wrong?

>> No.11375948

Proves words can be deceptive and you mustn't stay with the first idea.

>> No.11375951
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That is an awfully long and peculiar name for a woman to have but I'll be sure to check out her work.

>> No.11375963

I can't have a conversation with you because I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11375966

Ok bait. Bye.

>> No.11375968
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sorry i forgot to mention i am big gay as well; her name is kristi sweet and i thot a book rec would be cool

>> No.11375973

Sorry to hear big gay guy. I found her name alright. Have you read this? I might look up her CV later to see what else she has published that is of interest.

>> No.11375984

fuck no, guy. i ain't payin for no book that ain't on the syllabus.

>> No.11375991

>He doesn't know how much Kant influenced Nietzsche

>> No.11376005

Damn son. What was on the syllabus? I want to learn more on Kant.

>> No.11376006
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>I only read what confirms my beliefs

>> No.11376016

i'm having a hard time finding the syllabus, sorry; i took the course over a year ago :-(

>> No.11376024

Ahh. RIP. Post latter if the thread is still live or you happen to find it soon :/ I wish more profs would just post their syllabus materials online for everyone to access.

>> No.11376158

>Nobody would willingly read this man
I ordered the first volume of his collected works yesterday, try and stop me.

>> No.11376197


Nope. Kant is the threshold outside of which pseuds like you will be forever stuck. Beyond that threshold, the true philosophers and intellectuals of this world are having wonderful conversations, sitting in comfortable armchair while smoking pipes of wonderful

>> No.11376204

kant is overrated and sterilized philosophy with his autistic emphasis on epistemology and denial of the classical intellectual intuition. thank god for hegel

>> No.11376217

>Nobody would willingly read this
retarded thing to say

>> No.11376291

I still without getting why /lit/ hate him so much.

>> No.11376924

Yoooooooo, this is the dumbest thing i ever read haha

>> No.11376946

Critique of Pure Reason is far beyond the grasp of the shit-covered brainlets that clog up 99.99% of this board. That includes me.

>> No.11376954

True philosophers and intellectuals sound pretty insufferable then.

>> No.11376962

How about just reconcile Nietzche period? Oh wait, that's not the point is it.

>> No.11376971


because he's too complicated for the teenagers here to understand, so they'd rather posture and call him a fag than actually read him.

yeah gee wonder why a philosopher would be interested in problem of knowledge, least of all because of the historical situation between rationalism and empiricism

>> No.11376980

They really are.

>> No.11376993

Yet everyone who says you have to read Plato and Aristotle never insists on you reading Sextus or Democritus or even Epicurus. The foundation of philosophies which don't suit their ends are usually entirely dismissed or minimised to general understandings. Yet, these philosophers underpin every system of modern philosophy either merely because of their encounter with other philosophers who are the precursors to people Descartes or Kant or Hegel.

>> No.11376996
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>> No.11377060
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Anyone have a link to the thread where anon did a good job summarizing Kant for a brainlet?

Pic related

>> No.11377069

yeah gee wonder why other philosophers might get a little tired of the obsession with this problem that has helped transform what is supposed to be path to wisdom into glorified propositional sudoku

kant is not a brainlet by any means but that doesn't mean he's everyone's philosophy daddy, we're allowed to not get sucked into the same problematic he did. his antimonies are bunk anyways, this fixation with what thought can prove only within its self-defined boundaries is honestly a fear of the irrational and unquantifiable. kant can't think the mystical negation/coincidence of opposites, so no wonder his droid brain gets fuckin fried trying to contemplate God, freedom and the soul. Does God exist or not? He neither does nor does not. put that in your pipe and smoke it you prussian autist. oh wow you mean to say the way I process experience is pre-determined by the properties that make me up? Protagoras had an intimation of this 2,500 years ago (albeit at the collective level of humanity). everyone thinks Kant threw open the windows of the subject and blah blah blah when he actually started tying the noose, and based Hegel tried to salvage something of God out of his distinction between representation and the thing-itself but ended up locking the absolute within the same horizon Kant had already begun to build.

also the dude never left his home town and I detect no real struggle or pathos in him which always has a sterilizing effect. but these are the more typical /lit/ brainlet ad hom criticisms which is why I saved them for last

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Jacobi did nothing wrong.

>> No.11377090

Shut up you stupid twat.

>> No.11377099

>summarizing Kant
That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo

>> No.11377141

>is honestly a fear of the irrational and unquantifiable

umm no sweaty actually quantity is only one facet of the understanding, do you think the transcendental unifying function of the imagination is "quantifiable?" think again kid

kant can't think the mystical negation/coincidence of opposites

umm yea except he specifically allows for the coincidence of opposites by raising intuition back to its proper place, unlike the rationalist metaphysicians who could admit no coincidence of opposites because they attempted to think things only through rational conceptions??? read the amphiboly

>Does God exist or not? He neither does nor does not. put that in your pipe and smoke it you prussian autist.

lmao wtf do u even KNOW what Kant said about god's existence? shaking-my-damn-head

>also the dude never left his home town and I detect no real struggle or pathos in him which always has a sterilizing effect. but these are the more typical /lit/ brainlet ad hom criticisms which is why I saved them for last

actually he was a virgin which gives you incredible powers.

>> No.11377145


jesus christ what the fuck are you talking about.

do you read philosophy? honestly. that's a very serious question.

getting "sucked into the same problematic he did" is precisely what dozens of philosophers did after him.

being and time would have never been written had the transcendental aesthetic never been written. heidegger himself admits that in kant and the problem of metaphysics. that's a fucking metaphysical solution to an epistemological problem.

husserl spent much of ideas 1&2 rewriting the categories of experience, and phenomenology itself is a largely epistemological question stemming directly out of the kantian picture. there is tons of work being done now on the kant-husserl connection, like from julia jansen over at KU. there's no doubt that merleau-ponty was also greatly influenced by kant's transcendental idealism, even if he came to heavy criticize it by phenomenology of perception. you don't think phenomenology attempts to solve a kantian problem directly, namely the relationship between sensuality and knowledge? what the fuck do you call the intuition of ideal essences?

henri bergson likewise "got sucked into the same problematic" as he did by producing tons of work directly related to internal time consciousness. kant's influence is palpable in duration and simultaneity.

what did bachelard call his philosophy of repose? oh yeah, the contrast between scientific rationalism and the "free play of the imagination." ever read the fucking third critique? wonder what kant has to say about aesthetic reflection. thankfully he wrote a whole fucking book on the matter.

foucault's discussion of the archeology of epistemology is fully analogous with kant's account of a distributive justice and its parts. did foucault also "get sucked into the same problematic"?

"kant can't think the mystical" -- no shit, he heavily criticized swedenborg for decades for making constant and critical metaphysical mistakes. if you have a critique here, especially after reading the Religion and not merely just regurgitating Hegel, please feel free to expound.

do you really think that kant did nothing but talk about knowledge, the soul, and god?

>> No.11377202

Its called schitzophrenia
>we're allowed to not get sucked into the same problematic he did
+problematic =/= noun (verbiage confusion)
>Does God exist or not? He neither does nor does not
+repetitive language
> Protagoras had an intimation of this 2,500 years ago (albeit at the collective level of humanity).
>Individual had (idea held collectively by many)
+difficulties with social ideas and coherent thought

>> No.11377258

I didnt read the whole thing, but critique of pure reason was really solid from what i read. Not sure why all the hate

>> No.11377284

because OP is just repeating postmodernism hip-critique

>> No.11377311

I don't mind the /lit/ attitude when it's backed up by the appropriate erudition. I got nothing to say to you guys. Gj

>> No.11377324

Modern philosophy was a mistake

>> No.11377474

This. Schiller, who expanded on Kant's aesthetics, also influenced Nietzsche significantly. Though Nietzsche is at odds with Kantian philosophy at a fundamental level.

>> No.11377737

I like kant. I read him regularly. Really a fan of his persistence and curiosity towards proving if anything can be known; one of the few Philosphers that is IMO actually responsible in that manner. Sure his shit exhaustive but at least he didnt put out half-hashed ideas.
That being said would he have been diagnosed with autism or OCD? The afformentioned exhaustive attention to detail was.....not normal; not to mention all the weird shit people said about him as a social individual. Wish he had a little journal like kierkegaard (oops i like him too)

>> No.11377799
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>lived a life dedicated to his ideas and moral purity, one of philosophy's most courageous, ingenious, and tenacious thinkers
>"did he have autism?"

>> No.11377823

was this intended to make you look retarded?

>> No.11377837

based and redpilled

>> No.11377920
