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File: 17 KB, 230x312, 230px-Bulgakov1910s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11375305 No.11375305 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone riding Dostoevsky and Tolstoy's nuts
>ignoring the fact that Bulgakov and Lermontov are the greatest Russian authors of all time

>> No.11375311

hey that's not chekhov

>> No.11375326

Golgol isn't Russian, but he is a Russian language writer, and he's better than the whole lot.

>> No.11375469

Haven't read him

>> No.11375649

Is Pushkin any good?

>> No.11375904

yes. - a good translation of Oneguin is worth it.

I've read the first 250 pages of Master and Margarita and just can't keep reading. It's too empty and boring. Last week I read another chapter but could definitely not continue. I won't give up though, so I guess I'll reach the end by 2020.
He's definitely the most overrated writer on /lit/.

>> No.11375943

What do you mean by empty and boring?

>> No.11376303

Well, I feel like the story isn't going forward. Like... Even if it's not the story that makes the book, usually a good book has a story to tell. Now there's no interesting character, every now and then a new character pops out and gets tricked or killed by Woland and then he disappears. There's nothing I want to know or discover because I've been used to finding no answers for the past 250 pages.
There must have been a few funny passages here and there, maybe every 50 pages, but that's not a lot.

As a teacher, I often ask myself, is there a nice page or passage (10-50 lines) that I could cut out and show to students ? Something interesting, funny, useful, insightful, whatever, just something that would appeal to any reader - and I don't find anything.

>> No.11376499

This. Gogol basically created surrealism and magical realism. No Russian-language writers were as ahead of their time as he.

>> No.11376525

You have to see it as a whole.
The experience of a man in front of the insane machine that was the Russian communist party.
It is an allegory.
Characters appear and disappear at the same rate heroes would be erased from history, or citizen would disappear in the night.

>> No.11376667


>> No.11376737
File: 97 KB, 640x960, bald_french_theoryman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw try to flirt with a Russian qt by trying to talk about Dosto but she hates it because it was their required reading throughout highschool
Why do schools ruin everything, /lit/?

>> No.11376756

Lermontov is ace, Bulgakov is worse than the magic realism he inspired. Fucking Lermontov though, that midnight smuggling, that duel.

>> No.11376758

>The experience of a man in front of the insane machine
>It is an allegory

>> No.11377334

I keep finding myself coming back to that book. It's one that never leaves you once you've read it

>> No.11377406
File: 189 KB, 1200x1200, anton-chekhov-9245947-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.11377420

The greatest russian writers are Pushkin, Lermontov and Turgenev. runner up is Gogol

>> No.11377447

umm no sweety

>> No.11377789

Best translations of each of these authors and where to start?
I want to read them

>> No.11377821

can't help with translations but for an intro to each I'd read Pushkin's Ruslan and Ludmila, Lermontov's Hero of our Times, and After Death(clara milich) by Turgenev. For Gogol the Overcoat.

Lermontov and Pushkin have loads of great short poetry, which you can pick up wherever really

>> No.11378024

Reading poetry in a translated language always seemed like such a waste of time to me.

>> No.11378218


>> No.11378243

Gogol is vastly superior to both Turgenev and Lermontov, although he wasn’t really “Russian”.

>> No.11378250

Why do you think Gogol is so much better than them? And he wrote in Russian right? I think that makes him part of Russian literature

>> No.11378278

Have Lermontov and Turgenev ever written anything as original and ingenious as «Шинeль», «Hoc» and «Зaпиcки cyмacшeдшeгo»?

>> No.11378288

I think the guy praising Turguenev was kidding anyway.

>> No.11378305

Reading M&M as a Soviet state allegory is the most pleb thing one can do.

>> No.11378316

I've only read the first two and I posted what I like best from both of them. Шинeль is what I listed for gogol