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/lit/ - Literature

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11372159 No.11372159 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your routine, what you’re reading, and your goals here.

>> No.11372170

BJJ three times a week (although, despite enjoying grappling, I might switch to boxing at some point)
Bodyweight resistance train three times a week
And going for long walks /out/ in the countryside a good few times in the week

Reading Latro in the Mist at the moment

My reading goals are to read good books, that are a rich experience when read, and enrich my experience post-reading

>> No.11372187

I do some reddit approved routine with milion upvotes
I'm reading textbooks for finals
I want to pass, be a big boy, have a qt gf and learn the whole Gotterdammerung piano reduction by heart

>> No.11372194

I work out 3 times a week at home and run 4 times. Trying to get my 6km time down to 20 minutes.

Reading Stoner and Paradise Lost

I've just finished my university exams and going to read as much as I can in my 3 weeks break

I was thinking about picking up grappling but I'm worried that injury might poorly affect my studies. Do you think it would?

>> No.11372196

Post the routine? I’m curious

>> No.11372197

I do 120 push-ups a day. Used to run, but the smoke in my lungs is making it less enjoyable.

I'm currently reading Eisenstein's bibliography and IJ, my goals are to be able to finish both till the end of vacations.

>> No.11372200

Grappling is pretty low risk tbqh

Just tap when a guy gets you in a submission, and learn to breakfall

>> No.11372203

I'll find the post later, sorry

>> No.11372313

quit smoking retard

>> No.11372947

I like it better. It helps me with a steadier concentration in intellectual activities. The benefits of running are fine as well, the increased disposition and vitality. Idk, smoking is great.

>> No.11373360

Third cycle of EXRX sample powerlifting program. Works surprisingly well.

Reading The Myth of Sisyphus...been in a funk

Just trying not to turn into my father

>> No.11373390

Used to do strongman, now I just do regular bread and butter workouts with an hour of cardio. Been shredding a lot of fat off. I'm reading mythology now, I plan to be well versed with the Greeks. The only other two things I'm confident discussing would be critical theory and organic chemistry. I want everything Greek to be the next thing I'm confident in

>> No.11373399
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I love how that quote is repeated by brainlets who've never even read Socrates. Absolutely pathetic - deluding yourself into thinking you're not a pleb. Socrates didn't just lift weights you dumb fucking meatheads.

My routine, because I'm not an insecure little bitch like most people who "lift":

Monday: heavy weights (3/2/1 on the major compound movements)
Tuesday: a long, reflective walk (usually 2 hours)
Wednesday: sports (tennis, usually, sometimes golf if colleagues ask)
Thursday: nothing because I have chess club
Friday: combat sport (used to do boxing, now BJJ)
Saturday: bike ride in country side with girlfriend
Sunday: morning walk, mostly to help with hangover (I get smashed on Saturdays)

You see, you don't have spend your life picking up heavy objects and putting them back down. You can combine physical activity with socialising and enjoying yourself.

>> No.11373400

>read Socrates

>> No.11373412

i went mountain biking the other day. I'm definitely down to do it again once my body recovers. that shits a full body workout

>> No.11373422

I do general strength training 3x a week, hit 5pl8 squat yesterday desu.
Reading Oblomov, Against Nature, and some Schoppy

>> No.11373428

i don't believe you

>> No.11373446

I mean 5pl8 isn't anything too special.in the PL world, you can hit it if you just eat more and grind out Texas Method.

>> No.11373487

Other then Mishima, who are some other writers tbat write /fit/ books?

>> No.11373504

Not so much in terms of weightlifting etc
but there are a fuck load of /out/ authors
and tbqh anyone into being /fit/ should really be /out/ as well

There's obviously a lot on physical and martial excellence as well, with Pindar's Victory Odes and The Iliad coming to mind

>> No.11373509

>/out/ authors

>> No.11373519

There was a thread about this a few days ago: >>/lit/thread/S11358761

Some good recs in there. Tbqh Storm of Steel is one that really inspired me to get out in the countryside more. Have a look at the travel look chart in that thread as well.

>> No.11373674

sure, but i don't believe someone who does "general strength training 3x a week" can squat 500 pounds without cycling

>> No.11373697

>without cycling
i don't know what to say then. you obviously have low standards from being around weak people or you have no focus in your training :/
again, 5pl8 is respectable but it really isn't anything special. i have been putting a lot of focus on getting my squat stronger and it's not like i didn't gain some chub either.

>> No.11373708

texas method and eating more is great for your squat (don't do tm for your other lifts), highly recommend. you are adding 5 pounds to your 5rm each week.

>> No.11373733

Gym 3x week. Big compounds combined with some ab isolation. Long breaks between sets where I read on my e-reader.

Long stretch routine with a lot of variance, I really have to come up with a routine which is less comprehensive and instead just focuses more on problem areas. I might average ~3 times a week but I'll get lazy and only stretch once a week, or I'll have a lot of spare time/motivation and stretch ~7 times a week.

Lots of brief walks around the neighbourhood, ~15 minutes on average. Mostly for stress and anxiety relief.

Bicycle commuting. Mostly because I am poor.

I've been recently reading a lot of high school assigned lit, da greeks, and dosty. I'm interested in getting into eastern philosophy, resuming with the romans, and psychology.

All of this adds up to me being in the best shape of my life. I'm a neet of 3 years but I am commited to self-improvement because mummy is too sick to work now and I'm generally depressed, and I'm causing serious problems for her romantic life. I still feel like I can't hold down a job because of intense social anxiety, but I do feel like I can put in effort, so I'm trying to cure myself through /fitlit/, psychological self help, therapy, and both legal and illegal drugs.

>> No.11373745

Reading Moby Dick and working on my bench

>> No.11373752

Routine: I'm doing SS again because I've gone over a year without progress due to coffee ruining my sleep. I go jogging on rest days but I am awful at it

Reading: A Peter Hitchens book on my phone during commutes, a book about English kings at home

Goals: I'm too unspooked to have goals

>> No.11373755

>I'm too unspooked

You disgust me

>> No.11373762

Obviously that means early Plato, but chances are most people on /fit/ and bb.com wouldn't know anything about either.

>> No.11373819

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Lifting routine; compound lifts, accessory lifts, core work. 5km run, bike back and forth to work, work is physical. Mediate.

Tuesday/Thursday - Bike to and from work, 7km to 11km run depending on level of exhaustion, or an extra 2 hour bike ride depending on the season, sometimes just a straight rest day. Mediate, push ups (trying to get to one handed push ups right now), work. Thinking of replacing this with a sport, a boxing gym is very close by.

Saturday/Sunday - Most of my free time is spent with friends going to concerts, doing hikes, reading, listening to podcasts, playing piano ect, ect. I also make as much time for this during the week as possible too after all my other shit is done before I need to sleep.

Currently reading Albert Camus The Myth of Sisyphus, but I am going to go back and start with Greeks pretty damn quick. My goals are to mogg everyone.

>> No.11373826

Not sure why meditate got changed to mediate both times there. I meditate 7 days a week anyways, or at least try to.

>> No.11373827

post a video

>> No.11373851

>Obviously that means early Plato,
please also read Xenophon and Aristophanes

>> No.11373880

Meditation will make you mentally ill

>> No.11373900

>says some anonymous poster on an image board

Okay then.

>> No.11373902

Would being a trip fag change anything?

>> No.11373919

The only thing that would change my mind is multiple, independent, relevant, peer reviewed, published scientific articles that have done experiments to test this hypothesis while adhering properly to the scientific method, and that all these independent experiments have come to a similar negative consensus. So far it is the exact opposite.

>> No.11373950

plz update

>> No.11373961

That's great but I honestly don't understand how it makes the quote in OP's pic retarded

>> No.11373973
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>Mon/Wed/Fri: jump rope 3 minutes, do 30 pushups, 5-8 pull-ups. Repeat 5 times. Takes about 35 min
>Tues/Thurs: 50 two-handed kettlebell swings w/ 54 lb kettlebell, two sets. Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 15 reps, then same but on each side for obliques. Takes about 30 min.
>walk a lot during the day
Keeps me lean and healthy, feeling great

>Literature: Within a Budding Grove by Proust, Steppenwolf by Hesse, Major Works of William Blake
>Philosophy: Basic Writings of Aristotle, Basic Writings of Nietzsche
>Nonfiction: Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk, want to get into Jung

Goals here:
>get decent book recommendations because Reddit is retarded

>> No.11373992

>Lower back is fucked for a couple of days every single time
T-thanks, /fit/

>> No.11374000


>> No.11374021


I mean I enjoy going to the gym and lifting but I never understood the allure of lifting 6 days a fucking week.

>> No.11374028

Im tackling traditionalism and the greeks at the same time. Honeslty very so enjoying the works of aristotle and martin lings.

My routine is the reddit ppl.

My goals are to move toward beauty and purification of body, mind and soul. Im a purgatorial pilgrim.

>> No.11374037

>does exercise wrong
>points finger
You are clearly not lifting with your legs. I've never had even a sore back and I've deadlifted 3 plates(which i know isnt impressive)

>> No.11374055

i don't do bodybuilding splits but it's not about enjoying the activity, it's about achieving results

>> No.11374058

Why wouldn't you want to enjoy it and achieve results though? Seems like the superior way to go.

>> No.11374072

youre supposed to enjoy the results

>> No.11374074

>swimming, dancing

>> No.11374089

that would be ideal, sure.

>> No.11374090

If I'm a plump dude who lives by the seaside, is it possible to lose a considerable amount of weight by going swimming every day during the summer?

>> No.11374091

My routine
-read or write, sometimes both, currently Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms. Next is IJ
-Walk for a half hour
-Bodyweight exercises and solo martial arts training since I live in a flyover with no good schools

Anyone have any tips for when they lack motivation?

>> No.11374523

>>swimming, dancing

>> No.11374537

I run and eat very well. I've been working out for many years and my baseline physique is really nice and easy to maintain. Also I am happy with my general health and fitness. I'm currently reading H2G2 and am going to pick up dancing, because that shit is fun.

>> No.11374614

>Boxing and Ballet
>Guenon, Evola, Plato

>> No.11374643

Just started a bodyweight routine, alternating upper and lower body 4 times a week, 6 sets of 6-12 reps:

- A: Pushup + Row
- B: Deep Squat + Hip Thrust/Hinge
- A2: Handstand Pushup + Pullup
- B2: Single Leg Squat + Single Leg Squat (left and right)

No cardio but I bike every day.

The most important thing (at least according to the research articles I read) seems to be diet. So I cut all bad carbs (no soft drinks, no breads/rice/pasta), upped lean meats and started drinking protein shakes in the morning.

Just finished up Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (do not recommend, too touchy-feely-weepy and no actual substance). Reading a biography of Julius Caesar right now.

My goal is to simply finish reading the backlog of books that I started but quit halfway and to improve my writing and concentration. For fitness, I'd like to be able to do one-handed push-ups, one-handed pull-ups and pistol squats (with perfect form)

>> No.11374646

Gym (2-3 times a week), Football ("soccer") (twice a week) and occasionally going for a run. Long walks every other day

I'm reading Graham Greene and Goethe

>> No.11374651

I pretty much do my own adapted version of a Push Pull Legs right now, run twice a week on top of that, I've been working out 4-6 days a week for the last 10 years, ever since I was 14

currently I'm reading Lolita, and have Portrait of the Artist and 2666 lined up for once i finish that

i know im reading entry level stuff, just trying to improve

>> No.11374655

Losing weight depends more on diet than exercise. The exercise will ensure you lose more fat than muscle but you have to cut calories regardless.

>> No.11374665

this is so incorrect, you should absolutely enjoy yourself while lifting, its not like you compete or some shit

>> No.11374670

you can lower the amount of days a week, dont feel like you are pigeon holed into having your routine fit perfectly in a week

>> No.11374675


It's the same with reading. If you don't find at least some enjoyment in what you're reading, then what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.11374701

Enjoyment is a low virtue.

>> No.11374704

Shut up you pretentious posturing liar
Grow up

>> No.11374997
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I run about five miles and do circuits after five days a week, and I'm about to finish John Williams' Augustus. My main goals are to get into an actual lifting routine (I've tried twice and always end up getting bored or interrupted then switching back to running because it's more fun to me) and to write more short stories so I can eventually have enough to try to get some published.

>> No.11375054

I'm a rising senior.

I run a mile every day, but gyms aren't near me and I'm looking to get natty.
What's a good routine? I'm not fat. I guess the best way to describe my body is someone whose just got away from being skinny fat.

>> No.11375064

Run more and more. Stretch before and after. Find one of those steadily-increasing mileage plans online (Couch to 5k is popular) and stick to it without fail. Monitor every single thing you eat and pay attention to it. Stop eating shitty processed foods, learn to eat actual food and learn to cook some basic shit you can prepare in bulk (much easier than you think).

>> No.11375181

Ppl 4-6 times a week
Try to cardio every few weeks so i dont die at 50
Reading man and his symbols by Carl jung and the federalist papers

>> No.11375507

I'm sure /fit/ reads self-help garbage and I can't bring myself to read that trash. How do you put your ideas into motion? I always have ideas of what I want to do but then I don't do them. I lack the motivation or I think they just won't be good enough so I don't start but I still say, "you're going to do it" but never do.

>> No.11375539
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>making a highly biased critique

>> No.11375545

>and I'm causing serious problems for her romantic life.

It is your solemn duty as a son to ensure your mother doesn't whore around with other men. For the sake of the father who made you.

>> No.11375643

> calisthenics on one day, jogging on the other for every day
> Don Quixote

>> No.11375798

How do you hide your swastika tattoos when you're in your tutu?

>> No.11375830

What Greek mythology books are you reading? Have you checked out Apollodurus' Library?

>> No.11376040

Quit being a faggot. I smoked nearly half a pack a day in the Marines and kept my 3 mile around 20 minutes

>> No.11376061

I do calisthenics 5 days/week and 3 max sets of pull ups every other day. I've gotten my max up to 24 reps.
Currently reading C&P but considering quitting, it's getting pretty boring and I have a few other books I'd like to finish before summer ends.

>> No.11376107

>stronglifts 5x5 with some accessory work
>Stoner and The Winter of the Black Snow

>> No.11376123

6'4" 180 lbs. 24.
Have (1) 50 lb dumbell, (1)15 lb db, (1) oly barbell w/ 180 lbs in plates, 1 wrist roller.
+ Indicates a superset. All final sets are AMRAP,except for the plyo. Shooting for 5 minutes rest or less between supersets

A. 2 X 10 Explosive Squats w/ 50 lbs

3 x 8 DB OHP w/ 50lbs + 3 x 12 SL Cross-body DB Deadlifts.

3 x 10 Pullups + 3 X 6 Hanging Leg Raises

2x Wrist rolls w/ 55 lbs.

B. (Warm -up wrists) 2 x 10 Clapping Push-ups

3 x 8 BB Rows (from floor) w/ 205 lbs + 3 x 8 Archer Push-ups

3 x 6 Chin-ups + 3 x 6 HLRs

3 x 15 Lateral Raises + 2x Wrist rolls w/ 55 lbs.

ON Fridays:
3 x 12 BB Deadlifts w/ 205 lbs) + 3 x 12 Shrugs
Neck Bridges.

Reading The Unwomanly Face of War, the Book of Disquiet, and some Hippy psychonaut/alternative psychology manual.

>> No.11376133

>tm for your other lifts
Congrats. Just hit 410 a few weeks ago. To the h8rs, it's funny because 495 is VERY doable natty, you just need to eat and train smart. 495 is nothing in powerlifting. I feel like the progression from a 3pl8 squat to a 4pl8 squat at least lets people know, okay, this guy's serious, but 495 would be a modest number for a powerlifting meet for someone 182-190lbs. A few years of quality dieting, bulking, training, recovery and rest will get you there.

I'm currently on my sixth cycle of Brandon Lilly's Cube Method, but it's my second cycle of running the Cube Predator bench cycle that has you benching 2x week instead of once which has really helped my bench progress. I like to throw in about six weeks of Bulgarian Method after cuts to get my strength back up and hit some PR's quickly before going back to accumulating volume. I'm considering trying Korte's 3x3 after I'm done with this quick cut because The Cube is very high volume and I think my body has been adapting to that.

Just finished Beckett's Molloy, started Anais Nin's Seduction of the Minotaur, and I currently have Juan Goytisolo's Count Julian, Ben Marcus' The Age of Wire and String, Don DeLillo's The Body Artist, and Curzio Malaparte's The Kremlin Ball on my to-read shelf.

>> No.11376176

Maybe your perspective of what it means to enjoy something is different than his (I'm not the guy you're responding to, but I'm taking his side). I absolutely don't enjoy many days at the gym. Today, for instance, was a very high-rep deadlift day where I accumulated 25,800lbs of volume between normal deadlifts, block pulls, and deficit pulls on the same session. Every set had me collapsing and heaving, and I wanted to call it quits after every set, but I had eight sets to get through, and I got through them all, and hit the max range of prescribed reps even though I wanted to quit after the minimum number of reps.
I don't go to the gym and say to myself, "Haha wow :) this is great, I'm just LOVING this squat workout!" I go to the gym, grind my shit out and put in the work 4-5x a week, suffer the exhaustion and resist my body's pleading to call it quits and rack or drop the bar before I hit my reps, and think, "Man, fuck this workout and fuck this program, but goddam I'm loving the results."

There is a huge diminished of returns once your squat, bench, and dead get to a certain poundage, and you have to accumulate a retarded amount of volume just to maybe put 5lbs on your total after a couple weeks or months. Strength training gives you different goals than just "wow what a pump" or "hey my deltoids are starting to pop more."

With that said, with respect to literature, I often don't necessarily *enjoy* reading, either. If you want to be serious as a writer, you need to put in the work, and that means reading and writing beyond enjoyment, for the sake of development, the same way I'm not going to enjoy a grueling 3 sets of 12-reps of deficit deadlifts at 300 lbs but I'm sure as fuck going to get it done.

>> No.11376201

Is there any Greek lit on fitness ?

>> No.11376206


>> No.11376209

>being a well rounded socially adjusted prole
Yeah no thanks

>> No.11376213
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>that guy who interacts with people at the gym

>> No.11376216

I was just fine with 8 cigarettes a day, as you were. The problem is that when I pass through stressful periods as exam weeks or filming and editing projects, I smoke almost three times more than usually. I suppose I will get back to running in a couple of days.

>> No.11376277

>not insecure
>shares diary on a Cambodian textile weaving board