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/lit/ - Literature

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11372042 No.11372042 [Reply] [Original]

My only exposure to Japanese culture is anime and Japanese wrestling.
Can I just jump straight into the Mishima guide, or should I read other materials first for cultural context?

>> No.11372056

Holy fuck he is so fucking embarrassing.
Yeah, you'll be fine.

>> No.11372057

Mishima is a LARPer, no background information is necessary nor discernible talent

>> No.11372088
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You should read Hanachirasu, which features Mishima as a little girl.

>> No.11372115
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Not really, Mishima wanted to be a world-famous writer so he purposely made his writing as accessible as possible to westerners. He was heavily involved in the translation process and at times he even goes out of his way to explain some aspect of Japanese culture to the reader.

Context helps more with other Japanese writers like Kenzaburo Oe or Yasunari Kawabata

>> No.11372130

>that screengrab

god kill me now

>> No.11372144

Lol I liked that pic

>> No.11372176

>mishima guide
Please post it

>> No.11372188

start with hiragana and katakana, then start tae kims guide + anki drills

>> No.11372193

Just watch anime

>> No.11372295
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>> No.11372364

Anime is the only thing of value in nip "culture"
Also how is this faggot in the screen shot? I want to beat her up

>> No.11372368

I would read Forbidden Colors over Confessions of a Mask for a sample of Mishima’s gayer writings ... the former has much more daring.

>> No.11372374
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someone did.

>> No.11372386

If anyone from /pol/ is reading this, this (OP image) is how you look in the average conversation or post you have.

>> No.11372395

>white americans
No such thing.

>> No.11372407


the former has more to do with the gay scene and how gay men relate to eachother whilst confessions is just a personal account of an individuals struggle with his sexuality.

>> No.11372410


This misses out like half his books, dislike

>> No.11372424

We're all indians and white indians exist

>> No.11372470

What’s your favourite puro match? Definitely check out Kikuchi/Kobashi vs. The Can-Am Express from 1992 if you haven’t already for some kino

>> No.11372526


I sound a lot like you when I started with Mishima 10+ years ago. (Though I watched Jap. cinema rather than anime [Kurosawa, Shunji Iwai and Tsukamoto are my favorite directors]. Also, to give you my 'cred', my favorite Japanese wrestler is Jumbo Tsuruta).

Don't worry about cultural context. Mishima is the most 'western' of Japanese authors (more so than even a Murakami, and you'll discover how western Mishima is once you get around to reading others) and in the books he presents historical/cultural context very clearly. Whether that is the situation of war time Japan in Confessions..., Buddhism in the Tetralogy, or the 'samurai mindset' in his non-fiction.

In fact, I think you would probably benefit more from reading the likes of Greek classics, Rilke, Racine, Raymond Radiguet, 'A Picture of Dorian Grey', Mann, Mauriac, Dostoyevsky, etc, to get an idea of Mishima's framework. Throughout his work he wears the above truly on his sleeve.

>> No.11372611


load of crap. Just start with the Sea of Fertility tetralogy, as it's his best work. Spring Snow is great enough to even stand on its own.

>> No.11372623

mishima was a poseur, jünger was the real deal

>> No.11372642


Mish borrowed a lot from Radiguet in particular

>> No.11372675

Let’s all point and laugh at this product if eurovagrancy rape

>> No.11372869

Friendly reminder that pewdiepie is going to be making a video on him so thpusands of normies will be getting into him soon and /lit/ is going to hate him even more then they already do.

>> No.11372871

Shalom Rabbi!

>> No.11372878

Mishima is mostly popular with the west, jumping in wont weird you out.

>> No.11372886

>The Bell Curve

You just know he doesn't understand Hegel nor philosophy. It's kinda funny how within a few weeks after Charlottesville he came to be absolutely irrelevant. Even more than he was already

>> No.11372888
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How is Mishima actually viewed in Japan?

>> No.11372893

It's a good thing Mishima and Murakami exist to fuel my weeb elitism.

>> No.11372897


>> No.11372909
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>Takes over your thread

>> No.11372919

Pewds said when he was in Japan people said that it was awesome he was reading Mishima and got excited

>> No.11372972

He's generically respected as a famous author, if a controversial figure (though idk how many younger people even know how he died). He's not one of those guys that people blow like Melville for Americans or Shakespeare.
That's likely because Japanese people actually like it when you take an interest in their culture beyond the games and shows (though most assume they should break the ice with those). Chefs in local restaurants are another good example.

>> No.11372990

Mishima is a greek

>> No.11373095

I wish some rabid leftist would put this fag in a coma so the right and left could share a win for once.

>> No.11373139

The guy literally just sucker punched Spencer, ran away, then a bunch of /pol/tards doxxed him and turned out he was a literal shit eating cuckold working in the porn industry.

God antifa is such cringe, at least anarchists like the CNT had a good aesthetic and weren't filled to the brim with drug addicts and sexual deviants

>> No.11373146

>You have to agree with everything you read

>> No.11373147

2018... All is faggot.

>> No.11373158

Since when has /lit/ hated normalfags becoming less normalfag by actually reading good authors?

>> No.11373165

No way that's real lmao

>> No.11373167


since forever

reading is a special club for weirdos

>> No.11373170

/lit/ really hasn't

>> No.11373172

jesus raised lazarus from the dead after three days, but spencer raised a gay porn star from the dead after several months just so he could get punched in the face, I know who I'm worshipping now

>> No.11373182

>Bell Curve

>> No.11373186

It almost was, there was a lookalike who was in the porn industry that a lot of people thought was the puncher (until it turned out the look alike had died months earlier) but knowing that a lot antifa members are picked up for drug abuse or have memberships on FetLife , the stereotype isnt wrong.

One member of antifa who was a uni Prof had his FetLife account doxxed to the world. Some weird shit about bondage and being peed on it in

>> No.11373188

All leftists are cringey and delusional

>> No.11373195
File: 76 KB, 653x458, mike-isaacson-fetishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, antifa definitely is.

>> No.11373199

Christ this is what ANTIFA is into? Fucking cancer

>> No.11373209

>Black block sex parties
>Pegging (recieving)
>Waterboarding (recieving)
>Seizing the means of production as a fetish
Imagine if your entire ideological beliefs stemmed from how you got horny holy shit

>> No.11373220

revealing one's encyclopedic knowledge of gay pornography and dating websites to own libs

>> No.11373241

>The only reason you know how to doxx people for their weird ass fetishes is because you have weird ass fetishes
Right, because anyone who knows of Hitler must a be fan of Hitler too you fucking nazi, get bashed

>> No.11373251

return from whence you came foul creature

>> No.11373346

Dann you guys weren't kidding about Mishima's gayness. I thought that was just a personal life struggle he had, but nah it's all throughout his works.

>> No.11373365

So he's like the average FBI director?

>> No.11374145

Too based for this board

>> No.11374407
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Hagakure best Japanese books ever.

>> No.11374419

why even bother trying to shame people on an anonymous forum

>> No.11375241
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Tsuruta vs Misawa's June 8 1990 match is a close second

>> No.11375655

He shot himself in the head as a political leader on stage with his "heil Trump, heil victory," speech at the exact moment the left needed him to do something stupid. Apparently a complete retard on the subject of public relations he claims himself to be a Machiavellian realist. How a sieg heil metaphor met with a hilarious moment of concentrated autism caught on camera by a left wing journalist fits into his grand scheme of creating a country for whites only is a mystery especially considering his insistent denial of Nazi sympathy and the immediate nosedive of his movement following the incident. He's really just a pathetic larper who wishes he was an aristocrat, pretty hilarious incarnation of /pol/ wanting to be taken seriously.

>> No.11375857

dickie is a pretty man, idc if he's a homo he cute. cute!

>> No.11375861
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>alienation in general
"Sun and Steel" in a nutshell.

>> No.11377035


>> No.11377157

Fetish shaming is wrong.

>> No.11377161

I used to get payed to talk to Japanese people for hours. Most of the readers preferred other classic writers like soseki and dazai. I think Mishima was extremely popular but after his little incident a lot of people lost interest. One guy told me how Mishima was his favorite author until his failed coup, after which he never read him again

>> No.11377163

That, and the raging-but-politically-correct hardon jap society has for rekindling militarism and imperial ambitions.

>> No.11377170

>Thats pepe he has become sort of a symbo. . . *SMACK*
>Leftists are so cringey lol
how dare you slander based nazipunch guy.

>> No.11377175

Not the society, just a small minority of it including the politicians. Most Japanese people don't know a thing about politics, don't care, and are embarrassed to participate in social movements

>> No.11377192
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To what extent was it an actually serious attempt at a coup though? It always seemed to me like an excuse for him to commit ritual suicide

>> No.11377212

Theres speculation on that. He never would have succeeded in reinstating the emperor, but blatantly going against society is something Japanese people don't tend to take kindly to. After reading the sea of fertility tetrology, my opinion is it was good attempt to separate himself from his time, so people would later see him as a manly, manly samurai instead of another showa wimp

>> No.11377263

What's wrong about liking any of that :( ?

>> No.11378424

Our boy pewds reviving Mishima

>> No.11378802

God those comments
I have no idea how Spencer has been in close proximity to people like Jonathan Bowden, and apparently he reads Mishima, and yet he still is a complete brainlet
This guy has no grasp of the #MishimaMindset at all
Not in a million years would this coward die for his beliefs or for his people, he's a bitter faggot who wants some pie in the sky "Ethno State" but he has no appealing ideas or policies to put forth beyond that