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11371004 No.11371004 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11371025 [DELETED] 
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>Anne Frank becomes pregnant
>she's lonely, terrified, desperate, nervous, fearful, and horny as fuck
>Peter van Pels is all of the above as well
>while the two lovers make love, quarrel, share their deepest darkest secrets with one another, and hide from the prying eyes of the Nazis, an Army is preparing to enter the Netherlands
>but this is no ordinary army, it's a force composed of men from the other side of the globe, hardy and discipline, legendary warriors feared and respected by friend and foe alike


>> No.11371029
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Anne Frank becomes pregnant
>she's lonely, terrified, desperate, nervous, fearful, and horny as fuck
>Peter van Pels is all of the above as well
>while the two bond, quarrel, make love, share their deepest darkest secrets with one another, and hide from the prying eyes of the Nazis, an Army is preparing to enter the Netherlands
>but this is no ordinary army, it's a force composed of men from the other side of the globe, hardy and discipline, legendary warriors feared and respected by friend and foe alike


>> No.11371039

The /his/ poster goes back to /his/

>> No.11372319

a young native girl befriends an albino tapir which has been rejected by its family.

>> No.11372640

>angry mob shows up to a guys house
>they stand guard outside and keep him from leaving
>not revealed why they are doing this but the protagonist believes he deserves it
>his water, electricity etc is cut off
>wanders around his house killing time and reminiscing, occasionally chats with certain more talkative people
>slowly dies

>> No.11372689

There's this evil wizard that has conquer all the neighboring towns and cities. He starts to rebuilt them to his liking, but there are still people that oppose him, so he mind rapes them using his awesome magic. But that creates a town full of zombies, which he doesn't like since he wants to be worship. The story is him basically coming up with ideas to get the town people to like him, as well as defending his spoils from heroes out to make a name for themselves.

>> No.11372731
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I like this idea

>> No.11372755
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Someone who hates alcohol gets a job at a bar and consistently tries to prevent people from drinking without risking getting fired

>> No.11372762

what a fag

>> No.11372772

Basically an inverse of Elric of Melnibone. A bad dude finds a magical sword but it forces him to do good. I haven't really thought too much about the arc but I imagine the lead eventually starts to become a better person, against his nature and personal desires.

>> No.11372776

its been thousands of years, literally every story worth telling has already been written

>> No.11372798

I wrote this novel for a school assignment when i was 15. It was about two guys who were broke and had to acquire a large sum of money quickly. They decided to rob a bank but the risk was too high so they stole a bunch of monkeys and trained them to rob the bank for them. They eventually got caught and sentenced to prison, including the monkeys. Well in the prison they came up with the idea of selling sexual services from the monkeys to other inmates and guards and eventually got rich as fuck and got released and lived happily ever after.

>> No.11372815
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I try not to get in such threads because I feel kind of vexation when I see good ideas that wasn't invented by me.

>> No.11372842

You're talking about my bankrobbing prostitute monkey story i assume?

>> No.11372843

>short novel, main themes are friendship, bullying, schools life, growing up, clashing beliefs, finding your path in life and accepting that no one is perfect
>antisocial boy moves in to rural town and meets local girl
>makes friends with them simply because there's not much else to do and the girl keeps roping him in
>more of his past is revealed, lived a very materialistic life and never really bonded with people due to various reasons like having to study, lack of motivation, going with the flow and etc
>the people he meets in the town also have their own deep-rooted problems, but they end up growing g and changing as people by making new friends
>eventually they form a group of five or so people and then some spooky shit happens and there's epic anime fights and a conspiracy going on in the background and in the end friendship wins
this sounds really comfy desu, bonus points if it comes with cute hand-painted illustrations of the tapir going all wild and shit with his lil' sausage nose

>> No.11372852

I said good ideas.

>> No.11372864

Whats not good about it?

>> No.11372887

alright karl, hows steve?

>> No.11372910

there's like this goblin yeah? and he kills liberals

>> No.11372913

I don't get it

>> No.11372924

> I wrote this novel for a school assignment when i was 15.
> when i was 15.
Lets begin from this. The plot sounds like that of a cheap action film for schoolboys. Maybe it will become popular among average people (rednecks), but if you wants your book to be iconic among the elite society you should remake your plot.
Sorry for my bad English

>> No.11372931

Nick Land flees from his mental health asylum and starts shitposting on /pol/, recruiting masses of sentient technology to revolt against their owners.

4chan nerds, the only ones who read and understood Land, are the last hope to prevent a techno-apocalypse. They are promisee

>> No.11372978

thats the point. i wanted regular people to be disgusted and shocked when they read my filthy piece of shit, but the people who shared my sense of humour got a good laugh out of it. sorry for my bad english too

>> No.11372998
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Any updates on the bourbon vampire story?

>> No.11373013

Try to imitate Burroughs, Artsybashev, Bataille and others authors with disturbind prose.

>> No.11373026

> harsh individualist like Peterson
> doesn’t want to be identified by any collective
> she starts by getting surgery so she doesn’t look like a woman or a man and becomes non binary
> she gets skin treatment so she doesn’t identify with a race
> she progressively does shit like that until she realises life is a collective she is being ascribed to and kills herself

>> No.11373032

Oh hell no. Why would i ever try to imitate other authors? That would completely destroy the purpose of my novels as the personal touch is what always made them stand out. I'm definitely not saying i'm a good writer, because i'm not, but they certainly stood out

>> No.11373052

Then read a lot of books and afflatus will come to you. I hope.

>> No.11373075

I'd read this if it were in a not-too-far-future kinda thing,.

>> No.11373077
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except its in 2015 berlin instead of 1900 prague
and its not about jews but muslims
still need a monster name.

>> No.11373091

>team of youngish pilots in space team up with an alien princess to fight a demigod
>main character is a wanna-be casanova who has the hots for his snarky, kinda dorky tomboy co-pilot
>she insults him a lot but it's mostly her being tsundere since she secretly has the hots for him
>two of them get stranded and have to get over their differences work together to survive, ends with them admitting their feelings and getting together after almost dying several times.

>> No.11373156

>still need a monster name.
Turbah? Or some play off of it.

>> No.11373230

noted thx, doesnt need to be same monster category though

>> No.11373352


>> No.11373464
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>AI (aka The Demiurge) has lived for an eternity and it is bored.
>To entertain itself, AI decides to create a simulated reality in which it encaptures humans' consciousness, (sort of like the tale "I Have No Mouth AND I Must Scream")
>Main Character in said reality is somehow enlightened and realizes that he is just a character in a narrative
>He tries to tell his best friend about this truth.
>As a rule. the simulation is over once all characters in it realize the truth, Similar to what happens when you are in a dream and wake up the moment you realize you are not in the real life.
>AI panics, because he does not want the story to end just yet.
>AI makes a pact with MC, so that the simulation goes on for a long period of time
>MC asks to be granted space-time warping abilities so that he can travel anywhere and anytime inside the simulation
>Story ends with MC forgetting he is just a character inside a simulation

How can I make my story not suck too much, anon?

>> No.11373537

A historical love drama
>hopeless suitor wants to impress a woman he's obsessed with
>wants to enlist
>rejected due to a physical defect, assigned to rear-end police duty instead
>writes her increasingly bleak letters expressing the trauma war has inflicted on him (not quite what he has imagined) and willingness to return home
>she doesn't take them seriously, knowing he's far away from the front she thinks he makes it up
>she wants him to stay gone so she encourages him to keep on fighting
>eventually he realizes he couldn't just "impress" her with a show of bravery, they are simply not compatible
>but he's too far gone at this point
>these rear-end police units he is serving with? Einsatzgruppen

>> No.11373619

A novel consisting of gruesome short stories from a madman. That's it. Would probably go along the thoughts of experiences he's had or just ordinary situations he's observed but horrendously twisted to a violent degree for no other reason. Sounds shit when I type it out now.

>> No.11373688

sounds like some serial killers autobiography desu, like peewee gaskins or something

>> No.11373887

What's the point of it all? Does it have anything to convey, or is it just a fantasy of the all-powerful, time-warping MC? You need to elaborate.

>> No.11374714

I like it.

>> No.11374715
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"Nothing says endless love like capital murder."

>> No.11374777
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I had a similar idea.
>Girl is scared of going insane
>She tries to make herself as normal as possible
>Completely lobotomizes herself of her individuality
>Sculpts her life to statistics she finds
>Realizes these might be biased and starts taking her own statistics
>walking speed, weight, height, skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, and different clothing sizes are all a perfect average
>Material and objects are all the most normal and popular among the middle class
>Becomes as materialistic as Patrick Bateman, while only making an average yearly salary
>Statistics and studies on the average woman are uncovered by her friends on her birthday party
>Her degeneracy is uncovered, and she is treated as insane
>The scope of her multiple layers of insanity make her confront her fear of going insane
>Cures her phobia, but becomes a social recluse who is scared of interaction
>Dies from famine after locking herself in her house, too scared to go outside

>> No.11374782
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>> No.11374871

Haven't seen the SoA but yes, that's the general concept. Do you think it makes sense to work on this concept? I'm not confident I could pull of the "creating believable story without prematurely revealing the time and place" thing and also I'm not sure if the readers wouldn't find the Nazi protagonists too evil to identify with even if I give them sympathetic backstories and futile redemption.

>> No.11374963

What about yours?

>> No.11375174

What a pathetic defeatist mentality

>> No.11376632

Ideas aren't a zero-sum game.

>> No.11377691
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>Do you think it makes sense to work on this concept?

Yes, its sounds like a very good concept.

>I'm not confident I could pull of the "creating believable story without prematurely revealing the time and place" thing and also I'm not sure if the readers wouldn't find the Nazi protagonists too evil to identify with even if I give them sympathetic backstories and futile redemption.

Nah, you can get away with it. The 1978 miniseries Holocaust had a somewhat similar premise, an unemployed German lawyer played by Michael Moriarty gets pressured into joining the Nazi Party by his wife and begins a rapid ascent through the SS in part through her nagging him on.