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/lit/ - Literature

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11369416 No.11369416 [Reply] [Original]

Why did nobody tell me sooner that Nabokov was this good

>> No.11369426

why didn't you tell us sooner that you were a pedophile

>> No.11369456

Nabokov has no talent, he's a hack.

>> No.11369460


>> No.11369466

Solely for prose, he's one of the best

>> No.11369486

Great book

>> No.11369494

What did you like about it?

>> No.11369503

are you deaf and blind?

>> No.11369504
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Was Nabi the first one touching those themes?

>> No.11369685

>talk /lit/ online
>mention that Humbert Humbert should be looked down upon instead of sympathized with
>get ghosted or banned
Like clockwork

>> No.11369704

wait'll you read pale fire

>> No.11370725

Yeah Nabokov just gets shit on all of a sudden cause its trendy to call him either superficial or just simply having a good prose but no content.

He's got a tight imagination and sense of wordplay and if you only see that while reading him, i dont blame you for feeling like he's a superficial writer. However if you really just read the story (Lolita in this case) it's extremely vivid and compelling. Its almost too bad nabo had such a flair for words, it makes people only see the prose. Lolita is a moving masterpiece and Nabo was a genius.

I recently read it along with the jeremy irons audiobook. Idk why i chose to read along but it just set the tone in the best way possible. (Its available on Audible)


Love Nabokov, will hopefully finally get to be seen as a genius author in a hundred years

>> No.11370790


Pale Fire is his best work and the prose in it isn't that great.

>> No.11370796

He already is seen as a genius writer, don’t get all your opinions from /lit/. Nabokov was really respected on old /lit/, now on /nu/-lit its all “he was just good at prose nothing else” and “lel lets meme about his opinions about other authors”. I mean that was a meme for a while to be fair but now it’s not even a fucking dead horse it’s unrecognizable manure, rotten biomass

>> No.11370855

You deserve it desu

>> No.11370870

On Dostoevsky

>I approach literature from the only point of view that literature interests me - namely the point of view of enduring art and individual genius. From this point of view Dostoyevsky is not a great writer, but a rather mediocre one - with flashes of excellent humor, but, alas, with wastelands of literary platitudes in between. In ''Crime and Punishment'' Raskolnikov for some reason or other kills an old female pawnbroker and her sister.

>> No.11371007

Is that all or is there more?

>> No.11371276

Any thought behind that claim?
What more can you ask for other than an artful manipulation of diction throughout a philosophically challenging concept?

>> No.11371680


>> No.11372600

I'm seriously starting to suspect that maybe 10 people on /lit/ actually read and are interested in and have knowledge of literature. It's such a good model for a forum where anything lit can be discussed, just too bad its 4chan

>> No.11372618

Definitely read the Russian novels when you get a chance. The most popular around here (for good reason) is Invitation to a Beheading, but his best (and supposed favorite?) is The Gift.

>> No.11372622

oh and the greatest thing about the guy is that he, Vera, and Dmitri did all of the translations for his Russian works

>> No.11372627

>“he was just good at prose nothing else”
this is the brainlet interpretation of a valid statement about how with Nabokov content and form are often blurred.

>> No.11372673

>the most popular here is the invitation to a beheading
No, it's definitely Lolita

>> No.11373549

I'm going to correct you before you're pilloried: Lolita wasn't written originally in Russian but this anon is referring to Nabokov's works that were.

>> No.11373771

Nabokov works originally written in Russian: Mary; King, Queen, Knave; The Defense; The Eye; Glory; Laughter in the Dark, Despair, Invitation to a Beheading; The Gift; The Enchanter; The Return of Chorb [stories and poems]; The Eye [short stories]; A Russian Beauty and Other Stories; Details of a Sunset and Other Stories; Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories [mostly]; He self-translated Lolita into Russian in 1965, and wrote/published a fuckload of poems in Russian.

Nabokov in English: The real Life of Sebastian Knight; Bend Sinister; Lolita; Pnin; Pale Fire; Ada or Ardor; Transparent Things; Look at the Harlequins!; The Original of Laura [fragmented notes for a novel]; Nine Stories; Nabokov's Dozen; Nabokov's Quartet; Nabokov's Congeries; etc.

>> No.11373782
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>> No.11373814

The Dostoy stans on this board are always negging old Nabs because Nabs didn't like Dostoy

>> No.11373890

Are there any books about lesbian pedophiles / hebephiles?

>> No.11373912 [DELETED] 

See: >>11373782

>> No.11373928

Please answer, I need it for an important personal research.

>> No.11373956

>Oscar Wilde was a pedophile
Wew lad

>> No.11373976

Anyone reading either Alice book hoping for salacious pedophile descriptions will be sorely disappointed. Carroll portrays Alice as a normal kid: annoying, obtuse, pompous, and rude, and gives not the slightest indication that he wants the reader to find her beautiful or attractive. Sylvie and Bruno, however...

>> No.11374054

He was. He would do that fuckin thing where he wrote extensively about how pure a love it is between a man and a boy of age ~13, how that was why the greeks and caramaggio and those guys did it. It basically is just your nature to be attracted to boys that age and thats why you feel it is pure love when you fondle them. Oscar wilde was icky and also thought love isn't for poor people, only for the rich. He was probably a really fun friend to have though, but those kinds of ideas turn me off from his works.

>> No.11374830

the movie was better

>> No.11374877

Nabokov is already recognized as a genius writer. /lit/ pseuds talk about muh prose because "his prose is ok/bad" is the only thing they're mentally equipped to talk about.

>> No.11374886
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I'm glad someone else sees it, I enjoyed Pale Fire but it's the only Nabokov I've read and to me the prose wasn;t worthy of all the adulation he receives