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11369180 No.11369180 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11369191

guy debord? He is a boring guy

>> No.11369194
File: 138 KB, 1200x800, zuckerberg_vr.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worth reading, maybe could use a new and updated revision. it's been half a century+ after all.

>> No.11369201

While mostly accurate it was written by a student so it mostly ignores the production side of capitalism and thus tacitly buys into bourgeois conceptions of economics.

>> No.11369260

basically sums up much of what the screenslaver is talking about in incredibles 2

simulated favored over direct experience, a culture of larval people with constantly open mouths being fed stimulation and not actually participating in real life

>> No.11369264

It's a crazy piece of writing. I liked it, but I don't think people take situationist writing very seriously. Some of the chapters would go better with historical background that I didn't really have. The stuff about periodic v. linear time as constructed by the bourgeoisie is the thing I most remember. If anyone's got other texts about spectacle or virtual life, I'm into it.

>> No.11369296

Is this replacing CoC as the meme book?

>> No.11369323


>> No.11369325

i wish

>> No.11369329

Damn, we really do live in a society of the spectacle....

>> No.11369361
File: 253 KB, 611x474, 235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads debord once

>> No.11369366

What is so bad about this? How is it different than us posting on computers?

>> No.11369367

like most faggy situationists he didnt really have anything to say and when he didn't immediately get tossed like he expected he had nothing to say

>> No.11369378

We spectate in a society.

>> No.11369379

Damn, we really do live in a society....

>> No.11369497

nothing in particular. just thought the image was iconic. and that the world has become computerized. an updated SotS could talk about the internet, VR, all of the rest of that.

same basic premises, more kahntent.

>> No.11370418


>> No.11370423

Damn, we really do live ...

>> No.11370424

this, advertising has evolved, and with the slow death of local businesses thanks to the internet who knows what ramifications that will hold

>> No.11370435


fuck debord and faggot pseud marxists/situationists. biggest waste of time imaginable

>> No.11370456

what's this from

>> No.11370458


I seem to remember proposing in some previous thread that this image be used as a cover for a reprint-the work is in the public domain and so anyone who damn well pleases could prepare such an edition.

The fat guy at center corresponds exactly to the dominant frontal figure at bottom in the OP-neither man is smiling, in fact, the frown is quite pronounced in the newer manifestation (people are becoming less happy).

Also tbqh OP some of it went over my head, though I have a basic acquaintance with Marx. I understand the basic "I'm correctly predicting the internet and social isolation and inauthenticity of media culture" stuff, which is clear enough in the text's basic thrust, but posters here sometimes refer to larger conclusions which I don't recall actually getting out of a read. I didn't read closely, but I did take my time and paid attention during the first pass. Such larger points and conclusions may include observations like: leftists are just as bad, or similar (I forget even these claims. one anon will recommend reading the commentary, who is quite keen on it).

Also thesis 207, which treats of plagarism, is itself a direct rip of a brief passage from Lautréamont.

>> No.11370460


>> No.11370462

One of the biggest problems with the 21st century has been that only the wrong people have taken situationism seriously.

>> No.11370689

A student? you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.11370694
File: 215 KB, 527x531, 1528045255518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That mofo just ripped the plot of They Live

>> No.11371126

Increasingly I think its only worthwhile contribution is its definition of late Capitalism as based on consumption, rather than production. Other than that there's not a *whole* ton of insight you couldn't already find in the works of Adorno

>> No.11371207

the revolution of everyday life is better