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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 779 KB, 647x656, hegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11367843 No.11367843 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone please explain the proper Hegelian Triad to me (the thing-in-itself, thing-for-itself, both one, not the Fichtian), specifically the second term? I am planning to read him in the next few months but would like to have a rough understanding before hand. Thank you for your responses !

>> No.11367844

This isn't a fucking philosophy board


>> No.11367854
File: 148 KB, 708x302, hypocrisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its hardly out of place, seeing the rest of the content on the board (pic).
More conducive to discussion than a bedside table thread, too.

>> No.11367857

My cock in your ass is more conducive to discussion faggot, fuck off

>> No.11367863

Well that's just not very nice of you.
You beat me! Yay! Feels good, doesn't it?

>> No.11368022

Hegel has triads within triads friend.

Like the think you want explained(thing-in-itself, thing-for-itself and the resolve) are the triadic processes the world concept goes through before passing over to the next.

The triadic historical resolve since the Greeks has been Art > Religion > Philosophy

East concept first(as the Absolute itself has before them) gives birth to knowledge of itself(due to dialectical struggle withing itself) which accumulates into thing-in-itself, but just knowledge. Then the concept begins recognition and negation of it;s own thoughts about itself, which eventually through the master-slave struggle reaches full knowledge of itself(thing-for-itself). Don't remember the last part of the triadic process.

>> No.11368028

1. don't read anything written here by pseuds
2. don't read hegel directly
3. get yourself logic of desire

>> No.11368041

>history board

>> No.11368051

It's the non-literary humanities containment board

>> No.11368126

are bible discussions /lit/?