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/lit/ - Literature

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11367841 No.11367841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I spent this spring doing an internship with a publisher and gained a little insight into the inner workings of the publishing business. Recently I''ve been thinking about the idea of collecting some of the writings of /lit/izens and printing them in the form of little magazine. The contents might be anything i guess, short stories, poetry, essays, reviews, whatever may be interesting to read. It wouldn't be a big run obviously, I don't think more than maybe 50 or so would be realistic.

Would there be an interest in this kind of thing, generally speaking? Would there be anons interested in contributing? And would others be interested in buying a copy?

I'm based in Central Europe, so including shipping I may be able to get them out for 7-8 Euros/ 6-7 Pounds for Europe and 10-12 Dollars for the US.

Just wanted to make this thread to gauge if there is some kind of demand and interest in this. Clearly this wouldn't be profitable at all but It would be fun to essentially hold a physical copy of /lit/ in your hands.

so what's /lit/s opinion on this?

>> No.11367858

Cultural appropriation really makes me sad bros. Putting an owl like that in a native motif is so ignorant and wrong. Fuck.

>> No.11367862

If you are serious you should come up with a final cost and then publish the people who subscribe to it. Kind of like a group-published thing. Then if it is any good, you could try to get it on the rack in Powell's or something. 4chan fringe culture has enough presence atm to be a little interesting to the world.

>> No.11367871

I haven't really thought of putting it out into the open as of now, for the moment i had just intended it as a little project for anons by anons. Who know who else might be interested.

>> No.11367878

that's hot

>> No.11367886

Would it feature english language-only contributions?

>> No.11367887

very good idea actually, londongfrog should be in the first issue

>> No.11367891

I would pay for this, yeah

>> No.11367894

I bet she talks about her native heritage all the time but is less than Elizabeth Warren.

>> No.11367907

Cultural appropriation really does suck. I hate when non whites use the internet that white people made.

>> No.11367911

Just call it "obscura" and art hoes and hipsters might buy it. Most people don't have the time to dig through this shithole and just want a summary of the notable posts here (see: /r/4chan).
This idea might work

>> No.11367921

Litizen Bane

>> No.11367923

Only if it features the Three-for-free copypasta

I've dreamt of a sort of /lit/ anthology for years

>> No.11367957

not necessarily, no. I could edit english, german french and spanish, so why not. The focus should be on English texts, though.

I'm not sure it would be possible to extend his blogposting so far, but if he writes something worthwhile, why not.

I've no idea what that is. But memes are obviously greatly encouraged

That might be too specific for a title.

>> No.11368046

>that white people made
I hate when straight people use computing models that gay people made

>> No.11368112

>Cultural appropriation
A non factor, in the overall view of things. Cultures are to be shared. America is a melting pot of cultures from all over the world. Cultures are made to interact, not be isolated. "Cultural appropriation" is an apparition created out of nothing to create a problem that does not exist.

>> No.11368118

P.S. Bitch looks hot.

>> No.11368123

ppl have been trying to make /lit/ anthologies for a while now, but even the online-only ones crash and burn eventually due to lack of submissions

the main problem is that on the supply side, most ppl are talentless hacks, and no amount of shitposting here will ever change that

>> No.11368125

>Cultures are made to interact, not be isolated.
What's the basis for this extraordinary claim?

>> No.11368129

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.11368142


>> No.11368158

Kino !

>> No.11368228

I don’t know a thing about publishing, but why not start an online platform first to gauge interest before you go to print? I think the novelty isn’t really holding a copy of the site in your hands. It would just be seeing the best of the best some of the minds around here can come up with.

Also, I don’t know what IP law is like when it comes to content posted in an online forum, but it’s worth checking out.

Even if you’re not permitted to monetize it by the law, the idea of a /lit/ magazine has always seemed like an untapped vein of gold to me. With experienced editors, you can polish some of the content on here in terms of basic syntax and grammar and turn it into something remarkable.

For what it’s worth, I have had a few odds and ends published under my name, and been paid for my writing, but I would gladly work with you under a pseudonym if you need an sub-editor.

>> No.11368268

>America is a melting pot of cultures from all over the world
You're not really adding to your argument that cultures are meant to be shared when you give examples that the "cultures are best left to their own devices" crowd also uses.

>> No.11368279

Imagine getting mad at someone else's tatoo

>> No.11368287

That sounds kind of cool but I think you should publish the first few issues online as free pdfs to strike up interest and get a rough idea of what size your actual customer base will be before you print anything.

>> No.11368329

I thought about doing it online too, the problem is that I know barely anything about building or maintaining a website, so it would be extremely rudimentary i.e. a pdf on a filesharing website. But for a start that might actually be enough. Just to see if it were possible to spark anyones interest.

I haven't looked into copyright law yet but I'm not too worried about it, not at this point.

Would be great to have someone who knows what he's doing to help me out! Provided we even get enough qualified content to work with, it'd be cool t have you as a subeditor. Send me an email here: editorlitmagazine@gmail.com

I have some stuff to do right now, Ill post again in a few hours. If this thread is gone, i'll make a new one.

>> No.11368407

Gay isn't a culture. Nice try, faggot

>> No.11368414

falcor certainly is a lucky dragon

>> No.11368434


>> No.11369353

why would you charge people to print and then deliver something that can't be searched for specific terms, when you could just email them a pdf?

>> No.11369360



>> No.11369380

Years and years back, there was a /lit/ lit rag.

It sucked, and that was before /lit/ became a /pol/ waystation. Bad idea my dude

>> No.11369386

that just boils down to the debate between reading on screen or on paper, doesn't it?

>> No.11369422

anybody else want to see her mounted by that big pupper?

>> No.11369423

yeah i remember that

>> No.11369464

i get a 404 when trying to access the files themselves. anyone have a working link?

>> No.11369588
File: 383 KB, 621x889, CaptainBAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11369998

this is solid bait 6/10

>> No.11370011

No because bestiality isn‘t good at all.

>> No.11370015

There have been several /lit/ literary magazines over the years, from TAR to Pinecone Magazine to that one with the Blake picture. Fluland was also technically an offshoot of /lit/.

>> No.11370126
File: 51 KB, 480x388, bliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>implying white is a culture