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File: 104 KB, 524x400, Nietzsche_gat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11366729 No.11366729 [Reply] [Original]

How does the Ubermensch live his life?

>> No.11366733

However the fuck he wants to. He doesn't care for what cucks and thots on /lit/ have got to tell him. He knows what is right, and what is good for him, and if things don't work the way he thinks they should, he'll circumvent all of the laws of logic just to do what it takes to get his shit done.

>> No.11366736

he reads the culture of critique

>> No.11366740
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Writing YA for girls

>> No.11366742

If he thinks it's good for him, he will do it. If he thinks it's not good for him, he won't do it.

>> No.11366751

you go up to people, pat them on the back and say something like "how are you holding up, old chap?" and they will reply "who are you?" and you will say "why, i am god and this farce is my creation"

>> No.11366756

Why would the Overman go even talk to random people? He has surpassed the human condition HE HAS NO NEED for society or idle chat

>> No.11366765

pseud detected

>> No.11366822
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>the gay science

>> No.11366831

yo can someone explain how dudes have that weird farmer tan on their boners?

>> No.11366834
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>ecce homo

>> No.11366842

jews in the medical industry

>> No.11366844

Just read TSZ. Am I a brainlet if I feel like most of it went over my head?

>> No.11366845
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>you go up to people, pat them on the back and say something like "how are you holding up, old chap?"

>> No.11366858
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>> No.11366883

i don't know why but this made me laugh a lot

>> No.11366949

Its from one of the letters that N sent when he became mad

>> No.11366972


that sounds like a confident hedonist rather than the übermensch. "über" what is the kind of man you're describing exactly?
The übermensch is over nihilism that comes with the death of god and the replacement by man. The übermensch has figured out to get rid of the negative animalistic feelings humans feel if they get to close to the real world/ determinism and that's why religion and god existed in the first place - a system that appeals to the nature of humans. Reality is a system that appeals to the übermensch and therefore he is true. I didn't exactly use nietzsches rhetoric but that's my oversimplified interpretation. I am well aware that nietzsche has been wrongly interpretated many times.

Also; Nietzsche didn't consider himself an übermensch just the beginning of leaving the humans, "the bridge" to the next species, i think he thought himself as to be too spoiled and too impure because he was born and influenced in a more primitive time to be a righteous and innocent übermensch, but that's just my vague remembrance of his books, i should read them again sometime.

that made me laugh

>> No.11366979

that's just wrong, you probably have some weird conception of perfection and you think the übermensch embodies that

>> No.11366984

>he thought himself as to be too spoiled and too impure
So, like Moses, he would never be allowed to cross the river. Interesting.

>> No.11366985

This thread makes me want to write a short story about the ubermensch, except he spends the whole day sleeping. Like, the sort of thing that's happened to you before: you wake up somewhat early, and you still feel tired, so you just go back to bed. And then you wake up in the afternoon, and you still feel a bit sleepy, so you lie there in the covers, feeling warm and comfortable, and you just drift off into a nice nap again, and then by the time you wake up again it's dark outside.

And the ubermensch could justifiably get away with doing this because nobody could tell him what to do anyway, because he's the ubermensch.

>> No.11366991

if i wake up at night it's time for some EPIC sonic unleashed shenanigans

>> No.11367006
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De imitatione Christi.

>> No.11367065
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like him

>> No.11367070

Like Nietzsche?

>> No.11367097

Elon is an übermensch

>> No.11367098

Like master chief

>> No.11367313


>> No.11367317

how do you come up with the definition that the übermensch can do what he wants? as i said before, this definition can be applied to hedonism. The übermensch sees god as a made up but a historic Necessity to help humankind cope with life and do things in the direction towards what is right and the übermensch then replaces this old system (killing god) made for the old species with claiming responsibility himself and he faces the world (an existence closer to reality if not reality, which may be impossible) with all its tragically hard Truths, accepts them and pushes through and over the reactions of Nihilism and Apathy to become the übermensch.

The nihilistic Hedonists, decadent atheists, blind consuming Materialists and the follower of crumbling faiths to a god today tossed the old system away but are not ready to climb and fight through this vacuum so they find themselves helplessly lost in nothingness and turn to Hedonism in the best case and Nihilism in the worst, although it doesn't really matter because their lives have become meaningless and lost. They're not really at fault, the time was ripe and they were not ready for it. "God is dead and we killed him" (what now? here are my books as guides, buy them - Nietzsche)
That's also why Islam is growing stronger because the west hasn't made the necessary leap (bridge) over this "bad time" succumbing to Nihilism although the west is farther on the ladder of progress, maybe God will be born again as Allah or a Christian Renaissance and we go back one step to restore the old status (of going into the right direction) and abandon degeneracy until another nietzsche will appear and try to transform the furthest civilization to the next status of humankind, if we don't make it this time, although it would be much more difficult and dark times would await, I believe.

I suppose, what i originally wanted to say was that killing god and becoming god doesn't mean you're now omnipotent and morally unbound to the conclusion that you can do whatever you want now. Becoming god is another allegory than literally inhereting the control over what is moral and what not, that's not a oversimplification, it's wrong.

>> No.11367318

Like the guy from Fountainhead

>> No.11367393

what are the übermensch's aims in life? i mean both on a small and large scale. if i suddenly transformed into an übermensch now, what would my daily priorities be and what would give a sense of meaning to my life on the whole going forward?
as it is right now, i guess my daily priorities focus on getting some reading done, trying to stay healthy with diet and exercise, and trying to keep somewhat good relationships with my gf and family. my long term goals are just to finish my education, get some kind of career and maybe get married. i don't feel that committed to any of this really. what would change for me if i became übermensch today?

>> No.11367423

That's not right.

>> No.11367554

I can't answer you this. I can only give you my opinion what Nietzsche may would have told you because for me to know what the übermensch would do i would have to be one.

Nietzsche would want you to find your own philosophy and not follow him blindly, anticipating that you would be wiser when you come back to him but he wouldn't consider you a übermensch, a übermensch cannot be born yet, because the world is not ready, just more people like Nietzsche can exist, pushing the narrative.
Become a politican, philosopher, fiction writer, start your own company and implement your philosophy, even make youtube videos and broaden the bridge and possibility to Nietzsches Übermensch. Take religious values and inspirations where you can't find the post-nihilistic counterpart yet and try to be good, that's much nobler than it sounds.
I think this would have a higher value than just trodding down the path that is laid out for you, which is easiest. I'd even call it freedom to take this fight, but that would take too long to explain.
This answer is based on my memory of Thus spake Zarathustra, i really recommend it to you if you understand his philosophy a little so you know what he talks about. Towards the end of the book, at the morning of the übermensch he has various names, categories and allegories to call his followers that are growing in number, that's probably something for you.

hope you can do something with this, cheers

>> No.11367562

also i used too many comas

>> No.11367577

one all admires

>> No.11367580

Spoilers!! My sir!

>> No.11367597
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Disregarding women.

>> No.11367629

He's also a retard.

>> No.11367733

I wonder, is there a book besides nietzche that embodies this feelings?

>> No.11367835

The Ubermensch will be by definition not a human.

>> No.11367859

The Ubermensch is a generous soul.

>> No.11367865

maybe i can do something with it if you can answer a few further questions
so, i couldn't become an übermensch now, but i could become that nietzschean pre-übermensch you describe. and that would involve:
1) being good
2) developing and implementing my own philosophy
3) spreading the gospel of the coming übermensch
but my problem then is: firstly, i'm precisely asking what "being good" consists in. and secondly, (2) and (3) are in conflict with each other, because what if the philosophy i develop is not the philosophy of the coming übermensch?

>> No.11367932

Nietzsche called the pre-übermensch höhere Menschen (higher men) if i remember correctly, he had lots of names.

firstly to your 2nd and 3rd point: If the philosophy you develop is disagreeing with nietzsches in a major way you don't believe in the übermensch, but if you blindly follow nietzsches philosophy you can't be a higher man because you didn't think for yourself, it's very likely that you just adopted his philosophy rather than coming to agree with Nietzsche after you had many different and opposing thoughts. If you come to a different conclusion you wouldn't really care that Nietzsche said that, because you'd think he was wrong in this point and you would become something else and by other means even if it's similar.
The only way you're going to do point two and three is that your own philosophy is the same as nietzsches or better on the same trail of thought.

>> No.11368175

to the first point; Excuse me, I shouldn't have said being good because i don't know/ remember what Nietzsche said about good and bad. He has a book called beyond good and evil and i liked it. I probably remember the content but I'm not sure what was Nietzsche and what was from someone else and i don't even know how much it concerned itself with what is good rather than dismissed the idea of it as the title suggests. I only know that Nietzsche really advocated being active and fight for yourself, your future and your destiny, to do something rather than not to.

I tried for about an hour to give you my personal answer in following several attempts to describe my take on good but it seems to be impossible in just a few sentences and my head is starting to fume if i try to long to write in english. I'll just leave the stuff here that i haven't deleted, make of it what you will

If you're interested in what I personally think what good is, the short explanation would be that doing something good is doing your choices (what you deem the right thing) - your philosophy, the contender why you shouldn't do that are your baser instincts. I'm not saying you shouldn't have emotions but emotions are and have always been a means to an end,. Being good in comparison to doing good is having discipline to do what you said was right.
So Nietzsche would tell you according to my description that good is following his philosophy... I feel i'm talking much bit saying nothing and just circlejerking here

To the first point, short explanation:
You consciously create a mindset to navigate in the world which consists of concious choices to do things because you thought about the benefits and downsides. You also do conscious choices to satisfy a need, that could be reasonable or unreasonable, but there's no thought behind it. By being good you're being active, you do something rather than give in to every impulse. You

ou're being good by having discipline, because having discipline means

there is determinism, each atom of your body and the whole universe reacting with each other as it should, if that weren't the case, that would mean there is coincidence which would in turn mean that things happen without reason, which is unreasonable in its definition and there's no grounds to accept that, so the easy conclusion after accepting determinism would be that good is arbitrary but that's

>> No.11368211

>i think he thought himself as to be too spoiled and too impure because he was born and influenced in a more primitive time to be a righteous and innocent übermensch, but that's just my vague remembrance of his books, i should read them again sometime.
This is what he honestly seems to come across as. I remember one passage that he wrote - something about his work only being a fishing hook for the future man. For the life of my I can't find it.

quality post

>> No.11368240


>> No.11368633

>yfw nietzsche and all of his retards were on welfare their whole lives

>> No.11368648
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>Socrates He just JELLY of MUH POWA'
Nietzsche was unironically the Last Man Jelly of Last Men.

>> No.11368663


>> No.11368668
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>> No.11368687

He only listens power metal, especifically manowar and blind guardian.

>> No.11368759

t. Butthurt last man

>> No.11368879

it´s drinking the water

>> No.11368898

icy pls

>> No.11368945
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t. varg

>> No.11368972


who cares

>> No.11369060

Removing the foreskin

>> No.11369069

he travels everywhere by uber
and orders food only from uber eats
and he's a youtuber

>> No.11369524
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>> No.11369550

>t. powerful reddit poster

>> No.11369565


>> No.11369756

To its fullest.

>> No.11369763

Like an average teenage white american girl

>> No.11371711
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>> No.11371718

>you go up to people, pat them on the back and say something like "how are you holding up, old chap?" and they will reply "who are you?" and you will say "why, i am god and this farce is my creation"

>> No.11371734

With a fedora and his virginity in tact.

>> No.11371827

he listens to Beware by Death Grips

>> No.11371982

Neither of those lads is Nietzsche.

Not every 19th century lad with bad eyes and a moustache is Nietsche.

>> No.11372023

thats a big fucken post m8

>> No.11372106

>Reality is a system that appeals to the übermensch
This was the string of words I needed, thanks anon