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/lit/ - Literature

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11364797 No.11364797 [Reply] [Original]

She’s right you know

>> No.11364811

IJ is going to go down as a book that could have been great, but isn't.

>> No.11364814
File: 205 KB, 1219x601, 68110548-96F7-455F-B04A-E33C2E520958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Foster Wallace BTFO

>> No.11364823

>womenspreading: when women "spread" themselves outside of their proper domain (i.e. household chores and childrearing) and attempt to comment upon or involve themselves with matters that are not their business
we need to stop all this womenspreading

>> No.11364856

Why are western women so petty?

>> No.11364864

This is good. Keep meming it.

>> No.11364871


>> No.11364877

It's the easiest, laziest way to be "intellectual" in our society. One could become a Catholic intellectual, or a libertarian intellectual, or a Marxist intellectual, etc, but that would require thought and nuance. If one becomes a feminist, however, all they have to do is complain and use a few cliches over and over and they're perceived as woke in the academic setting.

>> No.11364879

Because they take their orders from a jewish culture that projects hatred of white men onto them.

>> No.11364883


>> No.11364889

irl women love that book idk where u find this internet harpys, dfw is a pseud who writes chick lit

>> No.11364900

In your heart you know it's true

>> No.11364915

based and checked

>> No.11364920


accurate 10/10

>> No.11364922 [DELETED] 
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This is now a Jezebel thread.

>> No.11364925


>> No.11364929

>"reads" audio books
>thinks her opinions are of any value whatsoever

>> No.11364934


>> No.11364941

DFW is a misogynist hack, deal with it nerds.

>> No.11364960

You do realize Socrates didn't sit around reading on a Kindle right?

>> No.11364965

>DFW is a misogynist hack
implying that's something bad

>> No.11364984

this we fucking hate women here, they're inferior to us as white men of virtue

>> No.11365000

If they actually read anything at all and had a single thought women would claim DFW as a feminist for his neuroticism alone. Not to mention his self-serving extraversion/phenomenal obsession. He was all but a woman.


I hate women. Morons.

>> No.11365002

Hi claude

>> No.11365051

what is this? reddit?

>> No.11365068

>hobbitspreading: when a hobbit feels thin (i.e. sort of stretched) like butter scraped over too much bread
we need to stop all this hobbitspreading

>> No.11365074
File: 47 KB, 594x458, BTPFe8eCcAAHsgq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is obviously untrue
for a start he was friends (possibly more) with zadie smith. feminists don't tend to hang out with misogynists that much.
in fact she wrote a nice tribute to him on that subject
of course infinite jest is still like 400 pages too long

>> No.11365081

the character of feminism is changing so rapidly with every passing year that women who were considered "good feminists" less than a decade ago are now considered mansplainers and self-hating women by today's insane standards

>> No.11365083

not even a feminist been dudes who be manspreading on the train are annoying as fuck, its liek they are too homophobic to cross their leg, when u put one leg on the other knee and shift your weight on one ass bone and it opens up a space for your nuts to hang, get over yourself you fat fuck

>> No.11365088

>feminists don't tend to hang out with misogynists that much.
Feminists will jump on the alpha dick as fast as any woman.

>> No.11365094

As a person who knows very little about DFW and has never read any of his books, why is this guy so reviled by certain groups of people? I've seen some of his interviews and he really doesn't strike me as a polarizing figure to be hated.

>> No.11365095

I thought manspreading was just a meme and then I sat between two guys on an airplane who splayed out enough to take up like 25% of my space

>> No.11365106

at least on a plane u got individual seats so u can be like yo bro wanna keep it between your armrests that your section dude, but on nyc subways there are just these long benches, so if a dude sits down and spreads out he can take up the space of 1.5 or 2 people easily but since there are no seat markers he can claim its "one seat", its usually dudes in suits in my experience, its like alpha chad business bros feel emasculated having to slam their legs shut squeezed between some french tourists and a puerto rican granny

>> No.11365108

It's more about his fanbase, he said some weird shit about women in private at times but was mostly fine

>> No.11365119

Learn how to use periods unless you want to sound like a nigger.

>> No.11365139

>implying i dont want to sound like a nigger

>> No.11365145

He's right you know

>> No.11365150

some people sit like that because it hurt their nuts otherwise. women are so retarded

>> No.11365153

if your flabby thighs are squishing ur nuts it might be a sign to lose weight

>> No.11365156

t. balls like peanuts

>> No.11365185

Say that to Godzilla too, fagette

>> No.11365238

Is it something that can easily be perceived as misogynistic by females?

>> No.11365246

/lit/ - every tweet with seven likes that triggered me

>> No.11365248

Women vs Infinite Jest: A Fight for the Ages?

Seriously though, why do women hate it so much? I haven't read it

>> No.11365259
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To think you could be hitting twisties right now, /lit/

>> No.11365266

Why did she randomly insert "libertarian" in there?

>> No.11365337

*gives handbag it's own seat on the train*
fucking manspreaders

>> No.11365357

It was something along the lines of "I think my purpose in life is to stick my dick in as many pussies as possible" so yeah

>> No.11365368


Lol, good one

>> No.11365378

that was obviously an attempt to be faux-deep by eluding to our natural reproductive instincts as the only thing not "socially constructed" etc. but his fanbase too brainlet to even get it

>> No.11365709

As of recent, no. Davie's the emblem of everything wrong with Whiteness and Maleness and is the absolute focal point of misogyny in contemporary lit. Being that boy who tells you to read Infinite Jest is something to be embarrassed about and will make any socially conscious young woman cringe at the suggestion because you fit so neatly into one of the boxes made for you by mainstream feminism


>> No.11366048

dubs of truth

>> No.11366074

>why are women so stupid?


>> No.11366134

imagine dying and then woke nu-feminists shitting on your grave,
what a nightmare. this is a lesson to everyone to treat these garbage fake woke bitches like the trash they are while you’re still alive

>> No.11366293

How could we as a society ever let women get this uppity? Unbelievable

>> No.11366300

because low-t beta bugmen who made a lot of money in silicon valley and only have daughters want to keep their dynasties going but without having to fuck their wife enough to actually get a son

>> No.11366322

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.11366325


>> No.11366349


>> No.11366357

90% of the posts in this thread were made by me.

>> No.11366367

wow that's a lot

>> No.11366368
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That was good, anon

>> No.11366372

when did hipsters become libertarians? am i really that out of touch?

>> No.11366455

Women are economically more valuable in the post-industrial world. Changes in the economy have necessitated these changes in gender relations.

>> No.11366472


>> No.11366475

Why do they not like david? he's like one of the nicest authors to live. Maybe not Dr. Suess level but still.

>> No.11367088

what does emotionally expensive mean?

>> No.11367191

>one of the nicest authors to live
>stalks the children of his ex

nah mate he was a creep

>> No.11367199


>> No.11367460

I get it, they really hate söy prose for effete beta males, Chad would never read something like this and women hate all men whomst've are not Chad.

>> No.11367493

womp womp

>> No.11367823

Can we stop pretending IJ is good? Yes I finished it. It's not sincere whatsoever, it's just as detached and sarcastic as the rest of modern writing. DFW is self-indulgent and whine-y. I pray you guys will grow out of this phase.

>> No.11367831

Is mansplaining just another word for pontificating?

>> No.11367873


Was DFW libertarian enough to be insulted as one? Also, does she not realize she's a white hipster? but I guess she's a woman so that's all fine.

>> No.11367892
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Unironically this

>> No.11367906

Do intelligent women exist?

>> No.11367912
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nah they love it

>> No.11367916

Everyone who posted below this post should be killed. You guys don't even realize how low you are. Literal cockroaches. Plebeian mentality should be violently repressed.

>> No.11367951

No U

>> No.11368805

Do you realize the whole Plato argument against psychical books was because they lacked a figure with which to interact dialectically? Audiobooks not only don't offer that but further inconvenience comprehension; they are merely a tool for vapid and lazy people.

>> No.11369455

> tfw no art hoe gf

>> No.11369732

Wife material.

>> No.11369758

We knew that the moment you took such a liberal position.

>> No.11369815

No, no. You're not our of touch, friend. It's the Hipsters who are out of touch.

>> No.11369940

Yeah, most of them seem to love it aside from the cherry picked images. It was basically the first YA novel

>> No.11370020 [DELETED] 

It doesn't matter. I have no interest in IJ either way. Still, I doubt that IJ is a better example of male strength expression than Thus Spake Zarathustra, Call of the Wild, or quite nearly any of Rudyard Kipling's stories.

Actually, I think the man-spreading of books was written by a woman - Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. How will anyone top that? I can sincerely imagine John Galt spreading his tweed covered thighs so hard the seam nearly shreds as his gives Ayn's pontifical lecture near the end.

>> No.11370033

It doesn't matter. I have no interest in IJ either way. Still, I doubt that IJ is a better example of male strength expression than Thus Spake Zarathustra, Call of the Wild, or quite nearly any of Rudyard Kipling's stories.

Actually, I think the man-spreading of books was written by a woman - Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. How will anyone top that? I can sincerely imagine John Galt spreading his tweed covered thighs so hard the seam nearly shreds as he gives Ayn's pontifical lecture near the end.

>> No.11370173

She's right.

>> No.11370223
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She ripped that off of a New Yorker cartoon that was published a few weeks back.

Somebody call her out for plagiarism

>> No.11370263

>donates to free domain radio

>> No.11370288
File: 35 KB, 620x414, back-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at a restaurant with my family and I was sat on a long bench type seat with my mum directly next to me and then a few people on the other side of her. It was mad cramped and I was getting claustrophobic or whatever so I managed to create some space to the other side of me (moving coats or something) and as soon as I moved into my freshly created space that fat bitch moved over into the half inch of breathing room I'd managed to create and was back in my shit. Naturally I was furious.

>> No.11370317

it is now bitch

>> No.11370324

What the fuck is wrong with writing a long book, jesus fucking christ I hate being alive.

>> No.11370342

I'm not upset about the comic, in fact it's quite a clever jab at DFW's work that any mature fan should be capable of appreciating in good humour.

However, people ripping off ideas from TNY in order to get likes is quite loathsome.

>> No.11370345
File: 9 KB, 279x180, 1505019332401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

900-page tangent-filled endnote-heavy fractal-structured maximalist hysterical realism dave/zadie slashfic FUCKING WHEN?

>> No.11370351

how is this misogynistic?

>> No.11370365

It's amazing that you've never just had a fun conversation with a bunch of dudes. To take something like this and make it an emblem of a person is fucking ludicrous.

>> No.11370368

yeah well orwell didn't happen, congrats for huxley

>> No.11370377

>fucking women is misogynistic
wtf I'm gay now

>> No.11370990

Standards have gotten low and Marxism is retarded but, yes, it does require a great deal of study and knowledge to be an expert on Marxism.

>> No.11370999
File: 98 KB, 800x750, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beta wizard shocked that successful men talk about gettin the pussy when not in mixed company

>> No.11371613

calm down autist it's a joke

>> No.11371660

why are these millennial nobodies going after my boy David? is it because he is a white male? or because he is dead and can't defend himself? these women have absolutely no class, and probably no smarts. i fully expect a dim-witted "review" or whatever diatribe against IJ as seen through gender tinted glasses garbage either of these sub-average college students cough up.

>> No.11371677

>is it because he's a white male?

>> No.11371685

Have you fucking seen the shit women talk about to one another? Ever watched a female dominant movie or a movie written by women for women? Women are as bad or worse than men but just hide it well behind outrage

>> No.11371693

what does this mean

that the majority of the book is balls?

>> No.11371703

it's a meme among younger, american women who consider themselves literary (whether they write fiction or criticism or just read) that infinite jest has an undeserved reputation among men as the best book ever written, for which reason men are, supposedly, constantly recommending it to women all over the US even though almost nobody reads and almost nobody who reads has actually read IJ, much less recommended it to anyone or had it recommended to them. Cf. >>11365709 (and https://electricliterature.com/men-recommend-david-foster-wallace-to-me-7889a9dc6f03?gi=1bfeeffe4db5 and https://www.thecut.com/2015/08/david-foster-wallace-beloved-author-of-bros.html and try to count how many concrete instances of this actually happening are ever referred to, as compared to someone referring to it in an abstract sense).

>> No.11371784
File: 25 KB, 448x412, 1525141262901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> War & Peace
> Anna Karenina
> The Brothers Karamazov
> Doctor Zhivago
> Les Miserables
> Don Quixote
> Middlemarch
> Ulysses
> "it jus literal manspread yuh yaaaas kween *snaps fingers* nothin personnel, you're a white male"

>> No.11371852

Gas liberals and enslave their women already

>> No.11371870


>> No.11372366

Read I am Malala instead you shitlord, humanity needs to collectively purge itself of misogynisitc literature. The stories of strong women speaking truth to power is what's really important these days.

>> No.11373338

Outliers don't make the rule...99% of long books are long for the sake of being long

>> No.11373345

You misspelled Lean In

>> No.11373378

>White male

Pick one.

>> No.11373541


>> No.11373545


>> No.11373559

i was merely pretending, laddie

>> No.11373571

Sometimes I can't even tell anymore, mate

>> No.11373585

someone reply to her calling her dumb

>> No.11373589

Is it bad that I used to go here for serious literary and philosophical discussions but now I’m just amused by gossiping and memeing here?

>> No.11373602


>> No.11373628
File: 159 KB, 960x640, D54ABAA6-E9A5-4648-BEB4-2C1559AD76C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”I think my purpose in life is to wrap my vagina around as many dicks as possible”

>”I think my purpose in life is stick benis in vagina many times”

If it’s fine to be a female whore, it’s also fine to be a manwhore, liking sex with women isn’t misogyny.

>> No.11374736

On the one hand, feminists are shit. On the other, so are DFW's books.