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/lit/ - Literature

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11363280 No.11363280 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a chart for dark, violent, edgy books? Something like pic related or Kosinki's Steps is what I'm looking for.

>> No.11363287

I don't know about charts but look into Dennis Cooper if you haven't already.

>> No.11363301

I haven't and I really appreciate the recomendations. Thanks man.

>> No.11363421

There's that dark and disturbing lit chart that the guy who shills behead all Satan's uses.

>> No.11363469

Which one?

>> No.11363487
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i got it

>> No.11363498

Nice. Thanks man!

>> No.11364988

cool thread.

>> No.11365063
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The Kindly Ones - Jonathan Littel

WWII through the eyes of a homosexual SS-officer that desperately wants to fuck his twin sister.

>> No.11365136


>homosexual SS-officer that desperately wants to fuck his twin sister.
>wants to fuck his sister

>> No.11365147

no kidding. shit like that gets published and promoted to make Nazis look bad.

>> No.11365210


Dunno, the main character is pretty sympathetic. He isn't painted as a villain, he doesn't take a strong moral stance on what happens in the book. It's a very long novel and goes into great detail about the war.

>> No.11365514


I found a lot of The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea to be disturbing.

does /lit/ even like Mishima? he seems easy to make fun of with him being a samurai larping manlet after all

>> No.11365532

He's been a mainstay of /lit/ for awhile and one of the most popular Asian authors here. There's a contingent of his fanbase that wants to eliminate any gay connotations to his character and preserve him as the honorabru right wing samurai and so I think some of the mockery of him comes in backlash to that.