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File: 196 KB, 1031x1580, 71xEoZOB-1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11362858 No.11362858 [Reply] [Original]

Post books on and lightly politicians (American or otherwise) with interesting or important history behind them or their actions. Keep it short and civil: nobody likes scrolling through your word war over exactly how kosher most kosher salt is.

Picked up pic related on a whim because I remember being fascinated by Kissinger's political activity in high school. Have not began reading it yet. Also ended up with a book on Reagan called When Character was Key, also unopened

>> No.11362864

>Post books on and lightly DISCUSS politicians
somehow wriggled out of the sentence

>> No.11362879

Kissenger is a good pick, however if you want to understand American foreign policy I would pick world order, and to supplment it I would pick up The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinsk.

>> No.11362899

Posting here in the hopes that Kissingerposter or someone else sees this and posts a PDF of Kissinger's dissertation.

>> No.11362924

>Kissinger's dissertation
curious, is it the insane?

>> No.11363100

Is that "a world restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the problem of peace 1812-22"?
I'm pretty sure he did his undergrad thesis on Kant too

>> No.11363279

Goddamn I love reading Kissinger. Read all his tomes on his White House years.

Lucid and brilliant writer. I've also read his other stuff. Strongly recommended; highly patrician stuff.

What I like about him is how European his mindset is despite being a US guy.

>> No.11363820

Good book, best if you read it in his voice.

>> No.11363996

The fact that this bag of shit is still alive is proof the only justice there is in the world is the one you make yourself.

>> No.11364235

Kissinger sent thousands of communist sons of bitches to roast in eternal hellfire. And for that, the world should be grateful. He was a great man and more importantly, a great American

>> No.11364243

Yeah that's the one. A long time ago some anon at the school was trying to find a way to get us all a PDF copy of it. He really wrote his undergrad thesis on Kant? Damn now I need to read that as well. Anyone able to hook me up with this stuff?

>> No.11364259

I was going to read this until I saw he was a jew

>> No.11364261

He also helped plan and fund numerous communist uprisings and civil wars around the world. He played both sides like the kike he is.

>> No.11364421

Well he was German after all.

>> No.11364436
File: 32 KB, 630x315, http _i.huffpost.com_gen_2157808_images_n-KISSINGER-628x314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissinger is bae

>> No.11364465

I quoted him in a paper I wrote on the Congress of Vienna. He has a hard-on for Metternich, Talleyrand and Castlereagh.

>> No.11364475

You should read it anyway.
It's surprising how free of the usual Anglo-Jewish ideology of messianic, unidirectional history he is. He is really a highly intelligent and ruthless pragmatist, in the traditional conservative mold.

>> No.11364611

Justice will come to him in the afterlife. God makes the righteous live short lives so that they can go to heaven.

Honestly hes just really lucky to live this long and perhaps his actions prevented a greater evil.

>> No.11364614

>implying god won't automatically be on Kissinger's side because he is a chosen

>> No.11364625

I dont know what god will do. But I dont think being jewish is enough, mind you he was an atheist.

Salvation by faith (which he had none after the holocaust) alone isnt enough, action must follow.

>> No.11364695

>perhaps his actions prevented a greater evil
No they didn't.

>> No.11364710

one more educated idiot that added his own pile of wood and gasoline to the trashfire that is the 21st century
this is another:
>Question: And neither do you regret having supported Islamic fundamentalism, which has given arms and advice to future terrorists?
>Brzezinski : What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

>> No.11364742

How would you know that? Can you see all possible futures?

>> No.11364751
File: 29 KB, 257x387, The_Power_Broker_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be a really interesting thread but nobody's posted very much yet. There are a lot of really good political biographies out there that don't get any attention because they aren't about presidents or current political trends.

Starting with The Power Broker, phenomenal book on the rise and fall of Robert Moses, who exercised more power over New York than just about any other figure for 30 years. Caro is well-known so this work might be familiar, but it really is a tremendous examination of power, especially since it isn't military or executive power.

>> No.11364760
File: 89 KB, 510x680, master_of_the_senate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master of the Senate is the other classic Caro book, it covers LBJ's rise in the Senate from relative obscurity to national importance. Winding through it are the lives of the whole nation, segregationist senators, reforming liberals, Kennedy, Eisenhower, etc. Caro's tangents on the history of the Senate and the Civil Rights Movement are richer than many full books on the subject.

>> No.11364788
File: 9 KB, 153x235, huey_long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't comment on this one, but a friend gave me a copy of this highly recommended. Supposedly this is THE biography on Huey Long.

>> No.11364799


>> No.11364812

which one is this, the picture won't open

>> No.11364878

This. I think the site is acting up.

>> No.11364975
File: 249 KB, 248x459, Bugs...EasyOnTheCarrots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huey... why the Long face?

>> No.11365263


>> No.11365574

Not him, but the one by Harry T. Williams. What are the other Long biographies like?

>> No.11365945

Any other good recommendations like this?

>> No.11366348

Grant's Memoirs might be the single greatest book ever written by a president.

>> No.11366773

And why is that?

>> No.11366780

more like kissnigger

>> No.11366798
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kissinger the goat

>> No.11367264


>> No.11367291

>guys let's bomb the fuck out of everything
Truly a political genius

>> No.11367301

what are you referring to retard

>> No.11367303

based and redpilled

>> No.11367312
File: 40 KB, 327x500, 9780394500850-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone interested in Kissinger should read this. Kissinger is just Morgenthau applied.

>> No.11368511

He is fairly dated though.

>> No.11369187


>> No.11370225

Seconding this.

>> No.11370799

You'd think it'd be easy to find Kissinger's undergrad thesis and dissertation.

>> No.11370815

*quickly skims a wikipedia article*
He is a little dated, though.

>> No.11371040

I've read him and must say, unironically this.

>> No.11371057

Concise overview of world history set as the backdrop to the scheme of modern diplomacy. Must read even if you dislike the dude.

>> No.11371383


>> No.11371389

Why is some freak bumping this thread with contentless replies every few hours?

>> No.11371419

Depends on how far you want to go into international relations. Morgenthau is the father of realism though.

>> No.11371466

>Everyone who bumps a thread I don't care for is a samefag

>> No.11371583

Isn't that what you did there genius?

>> No.11372751

Yeah but there have been so many advancements.

>> No.11373414

Culture of Critique

>> No.11374793


>> No.11374836

I'm sorry the thread turned into such shit, but I'd like to recommend Martin Anderson's Revolution. Anderson is pretty biased (for which reason I don't suggest you read any of his other books), but he was around Reagan for much of the crucial period needed to understand Reagan as a phenomenon. Mostly, people are excited about or care about the president in the limited period before he becomes just The President™, and Anderson was there. More importantly, he was an early convert. The book is a good mix of personal opinion (underrated), insider knowledge, and pure smarts (often missed).

On that note, I think Diplomacy is a good book because, not despite, its often extreme bias. Kissinger has a certain view of the world, and pushes it with an aggressiveness and intellectual rigor that's rarely seen. He's not necessarily right, but seeing that anyone in undergrad history has the ability to discern his argument here would give me genuine hope.

>> No.11375414

Bumping this. Also a lot of other good Reagan material out there.

>> No.11375879 [DELETED] 

Still hoping someone out their find's Kissinger's undergrad thesis on Kant and dissertation for us to look at.

>> No.11375898

Still hoping someone out there finds Kissinger's undergrad thesis on Kant and his dissertation for us to look at.

>> No.11375938

based kissinger comparison poster

>> No.11375950
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>muh people are innately evil tripe
>not state competition is caused by structural factors in the world system
Classical Realism is old hat, Structural Realism is where it's at son. Read Mearsheimer. https://samuelbhfauredotcom.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/s2-mearsheimer-2001.pdf

>> No.11375958
File: 25 KB, 318x426, all of them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissinger by Walter Isaacson
The House of Morgan by Ron Chernow
The Life of John D. Rockefeller by Ron Chernow
Goebbels. Mastermind Of The Third Reich by Irving David
The Rockefeller file by Gary Allen

>> No.11376247

Love me some Mearsheimer

>> No.11376301

To all the anons about Kissinger studies.

The Meaning of History: Reflections on Spengler, Toynbee and Kant, was Kissinger's senior honors thesis at Harvard. Kissinger's doctoral dissertationPeace, Legitimacy, and the Equilibrium (A Study of the Statesmanship of Castlereagh and Metternich)was later published with the titleA World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-1822(1957).

You can find A World Restored on libgen.

>> No.11376313
File: 26 KB, 366x306, Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classical Realism contained Structural Realism. The state of Anarchy is literally copy-pasted from Hobbes, which presumes a kind of Human nature as it's core argument; removing it from a human nature argument doesn't make any sense, and Hobbes also didn't think people were innately evil. NeoRealism assumes nations are black-boxes, which they aren't. Classical Realism understood the structure of the international system as one of many forces acting on the state, but also accounted for internal influences and, as Waltz would put it, all 3 "levels of analysis". Maybe it's just the natural outcome of the general shift in many humanities subjects towards a social science rather than philosophy, and in that context it is understandable to want to get rid of the less "empirical" elements, but it seems rather limiting to me.

>> No.11377209

Thanks. How different is the book from the dissertation? Any luck on finding his senior honors thesis anywhere?

>> No.11377316

I'd waterboard him in pig's blood if I could

>> No.11377322
File: 110 KB, 262x312, BigForYou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported to the FBI, CIA, Mossad, and JIDF.

>> No.11378098

Based Hobbesjack.

>> No.11378755

Thanks, looks interesting. If the thread is still alive later I'll post back after I've read more.

>> No.11379576


>> No.11380320


>> No.11380733

I understand that feel but Nixion said he was the only good jew (he hated all the others deeming them neurotic and trying to destroy America) and his books are top-teir

>> No.11380742
File: 58 KB, 1024x576, 1515035025893m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Power Broker
My Nigga, possibly the best book on obtaining political power I've read, 11/10

>> No.11380769

God, I need to read that after the Lyndon series and hopefully the writer doesn't die before he finish the series

>> No.11381210

You should be able to order a copy of the honors thesis, (instructions in that first link) or possibly even access it online (I'm not in the US, but it's marked "No pubic access" [sic]). Link here: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/003744013/catalog
The process should be the same for the Ph.D. thesis, except that it doesn't seem to be online. Link: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/003879621/catalog
If any anons have ProQuest Dissertations & Theses it's also on there. Finally, both should be accessible to anyone who physically walks into the Harvard library.

>> No.11381325

Excellent recommendations. I've read them all except the last one.

I would like to comment on and emphasize Irving's book.
I deliberately ignored him for a while (because of his dubious exculpation of the Fuhrer), and I was astonished how excellent a writer he is!

Try to read the opening chapter of his "Goebbels", which is freely available.
He is just a goddamn great writer.

>> No.11382356

As if there are a ton of us who could just walk into the Harvard library? As I've said before there was one anon who was working on this and making us a PDF but he never came through. I'm not paying for it. Hopefully someone here has or knows how to access Proquest for free.

>> No.11382992


>> No.11383013
File: 138 KB, 600x600, nixon did nothing wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nixon and Kissinger are my rolemodels @33:18 https://youtu.be/gi0jP4CBsc0?t=33m18s

>> No.11383045

Read the first two volumes, Path to Power and Means of Ascent. It's an incredible biography really.

>> No.11383060

guiz I heard he is a little dated

>> No.11383162
File: 36 KB, 297x474, 5179BE841QL._SX295_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11383569

Lee Kuan Yew's From Third World to First and The Singapore Story

>> No.11383694


>> No.11384450

Someone please get these for us.

>> No.11384460
File: 908 KB, 763x646, rousseau island tomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't dated.

>> No.11384496

I'd suggest Failed States by Noam Chomsky for a good outline of American foreign policy. Chomsky does a great job explaining the policy, then criticizes it. Though I disagree with Chomsky's assessment (I like American dominance), he does a fantastic job of remaining unbiased until his critiques.

>> No.11384680

t. 30 year old boomer who is already dated

>> No.11384772

The only writer who isn't dated is Fukuyama

>> No.11385345

Go to bed Fukuyama. You are old and dated, get over yourself.

>> No.11385546

Bumping this for >>11381210 since the other thread in which Kissinger was brought up in devolved into a shitstorm.

>> No.11385580

My University has it available in offsite storage. Apparently it's on Microfilm though.

>> No.11385608

Not sure how you'd go about getting that into a format for us to use but this is big if true.

>> No.11385637

Hoping this pans out and actually turns into something.

>> No.11385762

I would manually scribe it if it were short, but it's the longest undergrad thesis in Harvard history at 383 pages.

>> No.11386662

Please anon. Take a laptop with you and type it?

>> No.11387783


>> No.11388315

mate, i'm not going to manually type out 380 pages verbatim from a microfilm.

>> No.11389064

Weak. Just do it already.

>> No.11389453
File: 43 KB, 601x594, 1519528278031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be jew
>tell countries to submit
>bomb countries that dont submit

>What a diplomatic genius you guys.

>> No.11389557

Thanks Kevin McDonald, great insight

>> No.11389565

thanks for correcting the record

>> No.11389570

Exactly what I was looking for. LBJ is also a figure who interested me back during school, but I had forgotten what his name was. I want to hear more about "the Johnson treatment"

>> No.11390827

No problem

>> No.11390850

Metternich is the patrician choice for statesmen.

>> No.11392098

Agreed, one of the reasons I want some of his earlier works.

>> No.11393239

Any luck finding the undergrad thesis yet guys?

>> No.11393535
File: 508 KB, 864x849, anime girl with interrogation mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any idea how much is riding on your sacrifice??

>> No.11393543

it probably won't even be especially interesting. It occurs to me that I think Robert Dallek's Nixon and Kissinger summarizes it. I know it has something about the doctoral thesis.

>> No.11393554

"Regrettably, no pre-scanned PDF is available of the thesis for easy download. Library services may be able to scan/print a copy for you from the microfiche."

You can do it, I believe in you.

>> No.11393568

Wow they library services will even do it for you? This should be easy for someone to get now.

>> No.11393571

I'm this guy >>11381210 and don't have access to it. Still, here's the Dallek stuff:
>"As with everything else, the thesis set Henry apart from all the many brilliant Harvard undergraduates then and before who had written senior papers. A 377- page treatise on “The Meaning of History: Reflections on Spengler, Toynbee and Kant,” the thesis was the longest ever written by an undergraduate. So long, in fact, that Friedrich refused to read more than 150 pages and the Government department introduced a rule limiting such papers to 40,000 words. Marred by turgid prose and convoluted arguments, the thesis nevertheless helped make Henry summa cum laude in his 1950 graduating class and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Despite its flaws, the paper was an impressive achievement for a man in his twenties, asking questions not just about the meaning of history but also about man’s existence. It was, in historian Stephen Graubard’s view, “a kind of personal statement,” an existential assertion of the individual’s responsibility for his fate despite unmanageable historical crosscurrents. “Is man doomed to struggle without certainty and live without assurance?” Kissinger asked. “In a sense that is so. Man cannot achieve a guarantee for his conduct. No technical solutions to the dilemmas of life are at hand. That is the fatedness of existence. But it also poses a challenge, an evocation of the sense of responsibility to give one’s own meaning to one’s life. . . . The experience of freedom enables us to rise beyond the suffering of the past and the frustrations of history.” In brief, Henry had no intention of letting the horrors of his past and the world’s recent history make him cynical about leading a life of constructive activity. His grandiosity, which was evident in so outsized a thesis—both as a topic and a finished product— would be a valuable aid in advancing him toward personal success in a postwar America alive with opportunity for so bright and ambitious a young man."

>> No.11393578
File: 38 KB, 338x499, 51kh1eiSUAL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have a PDF of pic related or any other books by Spiro Agnew? I've been looking for this and The Canfield Decision for a long time. Also, any books about Agnew would be appreciated as well

>> No.11393581

This just makes me want to read it even more.

>> No.11393584

There are a few people on here that can though.

>> No.11393931
File: 3.28 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180630_132055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hadn't realised there were many Kissinger fans on /lit/. I don't have his undergrad thesis, but a few years ago I was able to track down a copy of the first volume of an academic journal Kissinger convened and edited when he was a student. I don't think theres any copies of it available online, but if any of you anons are interested I could probably find some time to scan it.

Pic is the Journal

>> No.11393936
File: 3.19 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180630_132112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the letter that accompanied it, which afaik was sent out with the journal to a bunch of academics in Europe and the US.

>> No.11394349

Hey this looks pretty interesting. Wouldn't mind seeing the whole thing really if you would be so kind.

>> No.11394438

Seconding this.

>> No.11394837


>> No.11395146

Giving this a third

>> No.11396054
File: 351 KB, 720x540, washizu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11396059

Haha this made me chuckle. Source?

>> No.11396090

Kek. It's from the anime adaptation of this:

Relevant clip:

>> No.11396508

Based. Wish someone would deal out the Kissinger stuff already though.

>> No.11397226
