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11362265 No.11362265 [Reply] [Original]

What do your bookmarks look like? Any special story on how you got it? Did you make your own? Do you like defacing books by folding the edges?

I’ve been using scratch paper like this to do list to mark my pages but I’m switching to the one on the right that I handmade

>> No.11362278

I used to made bookmarks in school but I still reuse one from the american embassy in argentina

>> No.11362281
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I just use whatever Amazon sends along with the book.

>> No.11362291

Literally just use whatever is around. Mostly little scraps of paper ripped off of some larger piece of paper. Occasionally I’ll pick up a free one from the library. I’ve used grass before. Photos people have given me. It’s all the same to me. I tend to lose them so I never use anything of value to me.

>> No.11362292

Receipts, pieces of paper, page tears, etc.
Recently a friend gifted me a bookmark in the shape of a geisha, but it was bulky and my ended up damaging it.

>> No.11362296

I use a rose because I'm gay

>> No.11362343

Does the grass stain the pages though? Also I like the idea of using an old photo

>> No.11362447

Not if it’s dry grass. Also I wouldn’t care if it did, so long as it’s still readable.
Old photos are kind of comfy, but like I said I lose bookmarks frequently so I never use any of like my dead dog or mother or something important. Just like a picture of some shoes or like near-strangers’ kids that they sent me in a Christmas card.

>> No.11362622
File: 1.58 MB, 2496x3366, bookcity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a bunch of these from Book City in Toronto, they were all my dad's. He was the biggest reader I've ever known, but I didn't get into reading until after he died. It depresses me to read books of his that I know he loved, that I now love, and not be able to discuss them with him.
But at least I can feel some connection to him by using his bookmarks, and it makes me laugh.

>> No.11362638

I use orphan playing cards

>> No.11362644

A knife.

>> No.11362645

i use ones from my local used bookstore

on the back i write all the words that i dont know or interest me then i transfer them into flashcards or enter them into vocabulary.com

its a nice site and it lets me make lists for each book.

>> No.11362650

God tier

>> No.11362663

That's touching, it's fortunate you have that connection

>> No.11362685

I use a Peppa Pig bookmark that I got for free the last time I ordered books online. Fuck you

>> No.11362694

That’s a good idea. I usually have my phone out to quickly search up words but it interrupts my reading

>> No.11362731

book suppository nice. I have like 100 of their bookmarks.

>> No.11362782

i dont

>> No.11362843
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I use business cards from restaurants I've visited.

>> No.11362876


>> No.11363361

100$ bills.
If the book is interesting enough it stays until I'm done reading it or I rip it out and leave that book half read.

>> No.11363386

i used to use strips of paper but now i just use those gay little bookmarks from bookdepisotroy since i have million of htem

>> No.11363387

reading Kafka on the Shore now (pretty good anime), and i'm using one of those kids books bookmarks from book depository, one with "the tale of kitty in boots"

>> No.11363388

>pretty good anime
my sides

>> No.11363441
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You people are boring. I care about my bookmarks and like using a combination of ones I get from bookstores, art exhibits, overseas, and book darts (the true patrician way to keep your place).

>> No.11363507
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i don't actually need to use bookmarks, since I remember the page numbers, but I've ended up with a few of my own. I bought jewelry making stuff and made a bookmark for fun and practice, but my favorite bookmark is this thing.

>> No.11363582

Holy fuck a Dickson one. How's it going Fayetteville anon

>> No.11364004

Look at that subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful wrinkles on it...
Oh my god, it even is a bookmark!

>> No.11364430

When did a nitwit like you get so tasteful?

>> No.11364487

I use tarot cards, slowly building an association between the book and whatever card was draw.

>> No.11364546

That little piece of foil that you rip off a fresh pack of cigarettes or something that pertains to the book I'm reading.

>> No.11364562

It goes well fellow anon. Haven't been in F-ville for years but man, I miss it and that bookstore. Truly god-tier. Good to know there are other Arkansans that aren't drooling idiots.

>> No.11364621

>fresh pack of cigarettes
this pseud doesn't roll his own and use a paper as a bookmark

>> No.11364674

I did that too

>> No.11364691

i too use tarot cards, reading moby dick right now with the empress

>> No.11365101

I'll use the receipt for the book as it's own bookmarker. That way there's a record of when and where I got it, and how much I paid. I have books dating back to the early 70s in my collection with the original receipt in them.

>> No.11365126

I use a korean ornamented metal bookmark that an ex-girlfriend who I still love gifted me. It reminds me of her whenever I read.

>> No.11365160
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today i bought a secondhand book published in 1986 and discovered this old information leaflet about AIDS, which was published by the government around the same time, tucked inside it.

>> No.11365162

good idea

>> No.11365180
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wash your hands stat

>> No.11365187
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My bookmark is a souvenir I bought in marocco.

>> No.11365197
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I use one of the hundred bookmarks i got shipped with the book 'for free'

>> No.11365202


>> No.11365206

I just remember my page

>> No.11365213

I use a lot of different things, notes, tickets, actual bookmark, wire, etc.
But I use a different bookmark for every book and I keep it in the book when I'm finished with it

>> No.11365244


>> No.11365306

thats depressing shit that my man, try an remove the object from the sentimentality

>> No.11365319

i had a french class in high school that would give out laminated fake euros for participation points, and i kept one of them, and one side has print on it and the other side doesnt, so i can put the bookmark horizantally with the non-print side facing the reader to mark my specific line. also when i read i pull the euro down as i go line-by-line, which is a habit i have not been able to lose for years.

>> No.11366113

Just finish a chapter every reading session and memorize it lmao

>> No.11366334
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>> No.11366355
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I use the one that my dead aunt gave me. Quite heavy duty and has a nice message handwritten from her on the back. I like to read it sometimes. But other times I avoid looking at the writing because it makes me depressed. Strangely enough, seeing pictures of her is completely numbing.

>> No.11366922

I use clothes price tags and I tend to buy bookmarks from the places I go on vacation. I don't use the same twice and whenever I lend someone a book I gift them a bookmark I've already used that I don't like that much

>> No.11366926

wow that's pretty personal and sad, man. sorry <3 <3 <3

>> No.11366955

that's nice! i mostly read on kindle so i got used to just highlighting words, but i rarely go back to them. this seems like a better idea

>> No.11366957

cool bookmark
but autist alert

>> No.11366973

that' the best thing

>> No.11366981

Another book

>> No.11367358

I use a simple one made of card, and I sribbled a sentence or words that either comes from the book that sums it up, or a conclusion that I thought up about the book.
The next time I read the book again I'd look at my bookmark and try to reconstruct the book by memorizing why I scribbled the words. If I can't, I try to read the book again and finding out why. If I feel it's not suitable, i make a new one baded on new conclusion.