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/lit/ - Literature

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1136022 No.1136022 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to get into Dune. Any advice, /lit/?

>> No.1136031

You'll want to study Lacan, Marx, Foucault, Barthes, and maybe a bit of Zizek before tackling it.

>> No.1136033

Stop after the first 3.

>> No.1136038

yes, read page 1, 2, 3 etc.

>> No.1136037 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure if this OP is a troll or not.

Read Dune. Simple as that.

>> No.1136052

No need to go beyond the second novel. The second one is a missed opportunity, though. The third has its moments but that's about it, no need to waste your time. Don't touch any prequels or sequels written by Frank and Kevin.

>> No.1136062
File: 39 KB, 220x249, Dune-I-prefer-Kevin-J-Andersons-Star-Wars-novelizations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Frank and Kevin.

>> No.1136071

Sorry about that. That must have been Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson.

>> No.1136081

Ain't nothin' wrong with reading every book involved with the Dune universe. Just don't expect the same caliber of story. It's still a good story, it just isn't up to /lit/s impeccable standards.

>> No.1136095


Er, after the third book, that is.

>> No.1136102
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How far are you in? Early chapters are kinda slow.

Personally, I've always been partial to Messiah and God-Emperor. They make everything worthwhile

>> No.1136104

>Ain't nothin' wrong with reading every book ...
I'm sure one can find better things to read.

>> No.1136362
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