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11357002 No.11357002 [Reply] [Original]

There is no point to anything and the universe is going to end. Therefore fuck it. Experience life to its fullest and make it the best experience possible.

With that said what books should I read?

>> No.11357172
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Anything to do with epistemology so as to get to the root of the legitimacy of your claims and how knowing them is in any way connected to what it means to Experience life? and how so Fully? and what defines the quality of experiences.

>> No.11357213

No I don't give a fuck about the philosophy. I've already reached philosophical end point in my head.

Experience life means not letting time pass by doing nothing. Fully means all of it, the good and the bad stuff.

>> No.11357244
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>Experience life means not letting time pass by doing nothing. Fully means all of it, the good and the bad stuff.
What do you mean by doing nothing? Aren't you always doing something, your body at least? What do you not desire to do so badly that you need to be so active? Why prioritise anything at all if your good and bad are meaningless to you? And if they are meaningless to you right now, shouldn't you treat the universe as meaningful right now so that any good or bad experience can be meaningful to you as they happen so that you don't have to be ignorant of the fact that good and bad stuff are irrelevant?

>> No.11357285

How the fuck would you or any human know what the universe is or for you hubristic, insanely arrogant hairless mammal?

>> No.11357295

if you want the best experience possible you must be disciplined, diligent and have a pure soul

>> No.11357548

Epicurus I guess, and Shoppenhauer

>> No.11357577

>No I don't give a fuck about the philosophy.
*No, I'm too retarded to read philosophy.

>> No.11357589

Dud op friends call him smart and he is doing well at uni!that means he is smart.

>> No.11357628

Death Grips

>> No.11357643

I don't understand.If you don't want to read philosophy why did you ask for recommendations after uttering a unprovable concept(in the meantime at least) with the most disgusting conceited gusto i have seen in a while.

>> No.11357805

Such bold claims. Doesn't everyone want to experience life to the fullest you moron? Worrying so much about having a great existence is a bit counter productive no? What does it matter if you live it to the fullest anyway, you'll be on your death bed before you know it and the only thoughts you'll have are of what you didn't achieve, at least thats what I assume from your arrogant standpoint.

>> No.11357820

you sound like a person who should avoid breeding. maybe drinking and ocean swimming is more your style?

>> No.11357824

OP is clearly the Overman

>> No.11357854

>Doesn't everyone want to experience life to the fullest you moron
Haha no some people are obsessed with the philosophy and spend all their time reading boring preachy shit thats gonna go to the same conclusion in the end.
>Worrying so much about having a great existence is a bit counter productive no?
Good point
>What does it matter if you live it to the fullest anyway, you'll be on your death bed before you know it and the only thoughts you'll have are of what you didn't achieve, at least thats what I assume from your arrogant standpoint
It doesnt matter. I dont think about the future. I just enjoy what I have now.

Thinking I'm gonna read Proust in the end.

>> No.11358097


>> No.11358100
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>> No.11358111


>The inexperienced in wisdom and virtue, ever occupied with feasting and such, are carried downward, and there, as is fitting, they wander their whole life long, neither ever looking upward to the truth above them nor rising toward it, nor tasting pure and lasting pleasures. Like cattle, always looking downward with their heads bent toward the ground and the banquet tables, they feed, fatten, and fornicate. In order to increase their possessions they kick and butt with horns and hoofs of steel and kill each other, insatiable as they are.

>> No.11358123

The Catcher in the Rye is popular with edgy teenagers. It seems like something you'd enjoy.

>> No.11358128


>> No.11358131
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>fuck it. Experience life to its fullest and make it the best experience possible.

>> No.11358141
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>the good and the bad stuff.
>bad stuff
>embrace bad stuff

God millennials make me sick

>> No.11358143
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>> No.11358361
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>> No.11358668

just read Deleuze's ATP. Its pretty much whay you describe but developed

>> No.11358771
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>> No.11358787


>> No.11360365

I thought this was going to be a Bertrand Russel meme . . . but it wasn't.

>> No.11360454
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Sounds like pic related is on your level.

>> No.11361368

>"Running around accusing others is not as good as laughing. And enjoying a good laugh is not as good as going along with things."

>> No.11362861
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>There is no point to anything and the universe is going to end.
This is an assumption we can't know is true and we don't know what happens after that if it happens.

Therefore fuck it is an argument that lay person would make. If you read some philosophy and logic you wouldn't even think this is the proper way of approach.

Experiencing life to its fullest is also an argument that common guy makes, it is synonymous to YOLO in different words. Besides your premise of universing ending therefore fuck it doesn't justify experiencing life to its fullest (whatever that means, all experiences are just ourinterpretations). Also why would it matters you experience it or not if its ending and therefore fuck it? Wouldn't it make more sense to not care about even experiencing it to the fullest if you would adhere to an idea of "fuck it"?

Without going on for too long I will leave it at this: you are struggling to even know what you want and are bits of pieces everywhere and nowhere at the same time. What I wanted to say is you don't make any coherent sense and you seem confused or ignorant.

>> No.11362881


>> No.11364057

There are two logical courses of action: You can commit suicide cuz fuck it. Or you can have fun cuz fuck it.
The assumption that you can find meaning by reading a bunch of books is pretty weak. The nature of existence points to there being no point. Its just a pattern that I have picked up on.
The best humanity has done is the concepts of legacy, and of bloodline. Both of which are trash.
The only real value that can be gained from existing in life is the exhilaration of emotional peaks and valleys. Like having an amazing relationship with a girl and then mourning when you break up. The good parts and the bad parts give context to each other.
If you don't get value out of that, then really you might as well commit suicide. Reading books to create a narrative in your mind is escapism at best.