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/lit/ - Literature

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11356715 No.11356715 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I've limited myself to only reading American and British literature

That is, literature originally written in English (so no starting with the Greeks, no German philosophers, no Cervantes, Dumas or Tolstoy), by British and American authors (so no original English works from foreigners such as Nabakov or even Irishmen like Joyce)

The furthest I've allowed myself to bend this rule is Conrad, who I can rationalise having read because he was naturalised British.

Before you call me a brainlet,I have a good reason. I believe that reading a translation is inherently dishonest, and I'm not doing the creator any justice reading a inevitably mangled version of their work, and this way I can focus and become more knowledgeable on this narrow range of literature, which is helpful because we are living in an Anglo-American planet after all.
Plus I'm learning Spanish, so maybe one day I will evolve my taste beyond my one language.

>> No.11356740

Why not works written in English by foreign authors?

>> No.11356745

Why would you not read Joyce

>> No.11356748

>by British and American authors (so no original English works from foreigners such as Nabakov or even Irishmen like Joyce)
brainlet tier

>> No.11356750

You are right and i only read American©

>> No.11356752

I kind of agree with this. I can't stand reading translations because I feel like I am not getting the author's actual intention.

>> No.11356761

What about Australian authors?

>> No.11356770

>A writer of kangaroo chronicles. A non-entity, means absolutely nothing to me.

>> No.11356786

Shittiest thread on /lit/ right now.

>> No.11356792
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Grendel too, is coming for you, my friend.

>> No.11356809

I consider myself an Anglo-American and I want to read into as much of my own heritage, culture and soul as possible.
Joyce, and all others are a distraction to this for the time being, though I am certainly not disregarding their influence or greatness. In fact, I wish I had enough time in life to read from all peoples and nations.

>> No.11356828

There are no good Australian writers
t. Australian

>> No.11356835

Best thread on /lit/ right now. Wish more monolinglets could be that committed.

>> No.11356843

>implying he's not shitposting

>> No.11356855

>not learning other languages to enjoy original, non-translated works
Classic Anglo

>> No.11356866


>> No.11356902

For poetry that makes sense, but for prose that's peak autism.

>> No.11356932

He said in the post he was learning spanish, mega brainlet.

>> No.11356954

What is the reason for exclusing someone like Nabokov? His best works are written originally in English and he learned the language concurrent with Russian as a child. Plus the guy lived in America about 60% of his life

>> No.11356972

I'm gonna be honest. I do include Nabokov in the same camp as Conrad; a naturalised native. I simply haven't read him yet though I intend to. I only included him as a meme to annoy /lit/.

Everything else I said stands, though.