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File: 14 KB, 300x300, bill-hicks-s235moking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1135665 No.1135665 [Reply] [Original]

“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” ~ Bill Hicks

>> No.1135670
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“Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.” ~ Bill Hickes

>> No.1135672

"Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever!" ~Bill Hicks

>> No.1135674
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“We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.” ~ Bill Hicks

>> No.1135677
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"Marijuana is only a dream and we are the unnatural law upon our planet." ~ Bill Hickes

>> No.1135678

wow, way to misread Henri Bergson bill hickes you hack.

>> No.1135680
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“Children are smarter than any of us. Know how I know that? I don't know one child with a full time job and children.” ~ Bill Hick s

>> No.1135685

"They lie about marijuana: 'Marijuana makes you unmotivated.' Lie. When you're high, you can do anything you normally do just as well. You just realize it's not worth the fucking effort. There's a difference." ~ Bill Hicks (this 1 is extra pwnage)

>> No.1135686

"Smoking doesn't kill you, running does, LOL YOU FAGGIT" - Bill Hicks, dead at age 32 from smoking-related cancer

>> No.1135691
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I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are.” ~ Bill Hickes

>> No.1135693

that's stupid logic. there are also thousands of plant species that will kill you. there may not be a law against consuming them, but your instincts naturally dissuade you from harming yourself, so you wouldn't consume it. marijuana just doesn't kill you, but the law takes over your instincts in this case. laws are in place to protect people, even stupid people who do drugs.

>> No.1135694

Bill Hicks = Wisdom Incarnate

>captcha = vitlyked lungs

/lit/ you cheeky board...

>> No.1135700
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“I believe that certain drugs grow naturally upon our planet to help speed up and facilitate our evolution." ~ Bill Hickes

>> No.1135698

Ugh, the things they teach in schools...

>> No.1135707

You obviously didn't learn anything, insulting other opinions instead of actually bringing arguments to the table.

>> No.1135709

LOL you really believe all laws are to "protect people"? You are the most naive person ever.

>> No.1135713
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"American women are monsters. Leave the country if you want good pussy." ~ Bill Hicks

>> No.1135715

opium grows naturally too, why isn't heroin legal?

>> No.1135721

because crybaby potheads use heroin as the strawman e.g. ''it's not like im doing heroin'' potheads are the worst kind of hypocrite and most of them are the most boring people on earth. seriously, legalize heroin--it actually has legitimate medical uses. Diamorphine is also less harmful to the body than marijuana (smoked), and the medical problems which arise from morphine use are directly related to conditions which are the result of its criminal status.

>> No.1135722
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"We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively." ~ Bill Hickes

>> No.1135730

give me an example of a law that does not directly or indirectly protect or benefit someone?

>> No.1135729

Well I didn't want to engage you in discourse, I just wanted to insult you for being so naive ;)

>> No.1135728

"I made my living telling rebellious teenagers what they want to hear in an inflammatory way look at me smoke and look all mysterious and tormented aren't I brilliant?" ~ Bill Hicks

>> No.1135734

income tax

>> No.1135735

death penalty for gay sex in uganda. doesn't benefit any fucking body. also, laws against ''crimes against nature'' in my homestate NC which means you can't get a fucking blowjob~~~not who you were asking but ffs.

>> No.1135736

I'm for the legalization of all drugs. However, that's a fucking stupid argument.

>> No.1135737
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>> No.1135738

Exactly. Not all laws are made to "protect everyone so we can have a happy, happy society and live in peace."

Many laws, in all societies all over the world during all time periods have been made to benefit one group, often at the expense of others.

>> No.1135740
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“I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your fuckin' mouth.” ~ Bill Hicks

"I deal only in facts, that's why I'm a cocky fuckin' bastard." ~ Bill Hickes

>> No.1135745

income taxes fund the government. governments exist for the people's benefit. regardless of the state of politics, the concept of government is precisely that.

>> No.1135744

Wow. You TOTALLY do not understand taxes. At all. While I do agree that income tax is far less effective than consumption taxes, to say "taxes don't benefit anyone" is absolutely retarded.

>> No.1135743

Now you include benefiting someone. Sorry, but that's way off from your original post.

>> No.1135748

"What I'd like to do now - well, what I'd like to do now is grow my beard very long, weave it into my pubes and strum it like a harp." ~ Bill Bailey

>> No.1135751
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>> No.1135752

you will argue that people do not benefit from protection?

just to be clear--there is someone else replying too.

>> No.1135753

Ugh. Can we just go back to trading Bill Hicks quotes? This thread is turning into psuedo-philosophical bukkake party.

>> No.1135757
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"Asian people have jam instead of sperm." - Zack Braff

>> No.1135758

....I agree with this post.

>> No.1135759

France, England, Germany, Italy, and every other industrialized nation on Earth seems to get by just fine without an income tax.

>> No.1135764


>implying the Bill Hicks quotes weren't pseudo-philosophical bukkake

>> No.1135761
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"They call me a young Al Pacino - I'm a young Adrien Brody, thanks." - Adrien Brody

>> No.1135762

bill bailey is awesome.

>> No.1135766

sure, but that doesn't discount the utility of income tax. for argument's sake, none of those countries are super-powers, either.

>> No.1135772
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>> No.1135773 [DELETED] 
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>she thinks bill bailey is funny

>> No.1135775

German here, we have an income tax... sorry to disappoint you :(

>> No.1135776
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>> No.1135777

very obviously "the"

go read a horoscope or something

>> No.1135783



>> No.1135784

>that doesn't discount the utility of the income tax

Do you even know what income taxes are used for? You probably don't, because the American government refuses to tell its citizens what it does with the money. Billions of dollars vanishing. I'm willing to bet that it goes towards our military, which already has a budget 400% larger than any other country's. It's a fucking waste of money and it doesn't profit anyone, it only shows how overly decadent our country is and how stupid our citizens are.

>> No.1135789

i'm just fucking with you, man

i just always find it funny when people turn a possible coincidence into something magical, or ethereal--forcing meaning onto an insignificant happening. hence the horoscope suggestion.

>> No.1135788

Black Books was awesome and you should feel bad for not liking it.

>> No.1135792


i think he was implying he was staring at his feet and looking at his nails cause is shy and well into her and that

>> No.1135798

if all my knowledge of income taxes came from the speculative documentary called zeitgeist, i too would assert this. however, even if it did all go to the military, my claim still stands, because the military is organized for the benefit of its country's people, just like government, as i wrote.

>> No.1135800
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Bill Hicks is a ill-educated hick ~ Anon

>> No.1135805

the only truth we will ever know.

>> No.1135811

>what stoners think the word 'consciousness' actually means

sure is stretching the concept of consciousness too thinly to be of any use.

>> No.1135814


Eh, I'm pretty sure most people hate taxes, certainly ones that put a dent directly into their income. But unless you can figure out a way put a libertarian congressional majority into power, that shit ain't gonna get abolished any time soon.

>> No.1135829

"Law, by definition, cannot obey the same rules as nature." - Albert Camus

Suck it up, hippies.

>> No.1135842

>the military is organized for the benefit of its country's people

the military doesn't help American citizens. They're off in Iraq fighting a war that has nothing to do with America. The coast guard might benefit American citizens, but then again they couldn't even stop the 9/11 attacks and aside from that instance America hasn't been under attack in 200 years.

>> No.1135850

"I'm a hack who got off on half-baked new age shit and did the same routines for the best part of 3 years and edgy grim-dark teens love my shit aren't I swell?" - Hicks

>> No.1135874


>> No.1135877

Video related to this thread:


>> No.1135890

Weed is a plant that produces passion and feeling; why do you try to explain it with logic and rhetoric?

That's almost as dumb as trying to explain God with logic...which many philosophers wasted their life doing. If a God truly exists, then he cannot be explained within the boundaries of human logic. To ants, human beings walking by are huge, strange, and terrifying entities that they cannot understand. The universe is a huge, strange, and terrifying thing that we cannot fully understand. Our brain limits us. Our size limits us.

>> No.1135897
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You're going to the gulags first when I become dictator.

>> No.1135901
File: 16 KB, 319x305, bill_hicks_rush_limbaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a positive LSD story, that would be newsworthy. Don't you think? Anybody think that? Just once, to hear a positive LSD story. "Today, a young man on acid, realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... here's Tom with the weather." - Hicks

>> No.1135904


your age is showing

>> No.1135913
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>implying government was smart enough to target rampant school use before it spread
At this point, radical reform is basically the only way to get a flawless victory

>> No.1135928


oh rly bro what age am I?

>> No.1135936

>Bill Hicks appeals to nature
>No one notices this is a logical fallacy

>> No.1135940

>if I don't get it, its pseudophilosophy

>> No.1135945
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>bill hicks is a comedian, all quotes are from comedy routines

>> No.1135983
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What is this a Bill Hicks thread? Any good material here? I need somethings for my new routine.

>> No.1135986

>He has never encountered anyone who takes Bill Hicks words as fucking gospel

Not even that god damn funny.

>> No.1135993

Bill Hicks was fucking annoying, he thought he was the ultimate badass.

>> No.1136094

projections people, projections

it was the 1990s, being badass was new

>> No.1137342

bill hicks = gr8

>> No.1137347

Because its cheap & easy to grow at hme and then use with little to no other labour involved, therefore not good for corporations or the taxman.

>> No.1137349


this doesn't make sense. go back to 420chan you fucking stoner

>> No.1137354

I much prefer George Carlin

Bill Hicks annoys me for some reason

>> No.1137363
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