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11356056 No.11356056 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone sensed the dead, stale air of this age? It is as though it is timeless, not because of some victorious or triumphant feeling, but because there is no movement at all. Heaven has receded utterly from the earth, and now man receives not but inklings of the ancestral spirits, seeing only fleeting phantoms in dreams or in rare moments of accidental contemplation. All the mysteries and rites are forgotten and their alters sunken into secret places. One can hear faint bellows in the hours when all are sleeping, when one goes out in solitude, liberated from the asphyxiating dullness of society—one senses some deep and forgotten vitality slumbering, some glowing secret hidden in the dark forests and chasms that still have some enchantment cast over them. This time of ours is the twilight of a dying race, grown senile and childish, knowing neither youthful gaiety nor somber reflection, only a bitter comfort and a shallow rest to its tired bones. The whole veil of the earth has long been cast aside—there is no real vibrant feeling in men, not even for life; everywhere there is only a kind of feigned sincerity, as though one were most impassioned by another's doubt of their really being passionate. About what it is not clear. We are too tired to assert anything definitive, there are only vague and obscure platitudes. It is clearer by the day that a grand exasperation seems to cling to man, unfailingly accompanied by a short temper in regards to trivial things. The world has not even the earnestness for a martyr (a real one at least); for there is no real religious feeling in the world, only the half-hearted somnambulism of repetitive cults. There are no kings or leaders. There is no rhetorician who does not speak with a vaguely ironical or outright mocking tone. Man is reduced to the blank placidity of the cattle herd, yet there is still some vague loyalty to the bygone spirit of the race in him. It is as though the guiding light of this world has been lost, and it has been left, abandoned to wander aimlessly in the dark. Now it huddles blindly around a dying flame, speaking in hurried, frenzied tongues. There is nothing for seeing eyes in this place but horrors and psychosis. What shall be its fate, this creature that erected temples and wonders, that sung and danced in festive, glowing evenings and hailed a resplendent sun in the morning? Is there still a cold, quivering devotion ripe for a vaulted heaven slumbering in his breast? Or is he really in late autumn, sinking disgracefully into the deathly ground? Where are the men who carved columns and inscribed immortal epics into the heart of a people, alive, awake, grand, and godlike?

>> No.11356070

Trying too hard, senpai.

>> No.11356113

Man searches out the depths of his neighbor for any and all traces of insincerity and vanity. For there it must be, behind all seemingly genuine feeling. Thus, he cannot even trust himself—he does not even believe himself to be authentic. His own existence and that of others must be a farce characterized by ridiculousness and untruth. He was born into a mocking world and he mocks at it in return. Everyone is a liar, a cheat, a thief, a deceiver—everyone has ill intentions and pathetic, selfish heart and most of all himself. His father was a drunkard and he a neglected bastard child. Is it a wonder if life has lost all enchantment?

>> No.11356140

Ignorance is bliss desu, we have culturally rationalized nihilism and by declaring (and legislating) all beliefs are valid, we have inadvertently invalidated them all. There exists no harmony in an orchestra whose sections play in different keys. All of the colors of our society’s palette have seeped together into black. I’m afraid we might not recover unless our culture becomes one and unifies around a common purpose and belief.

>> No.11356147

your gay

>> No.11356148

Speak for your self. Living in the decline of an empire is pretty exciting to me.

>> No.11356152
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>> No.11356273

It feels like it was only a few days ago that I woke up from a dream and found that western society is collapsing.
Pleasure has overrun our perceptions of other people. There is a societal expectation to always be happy, and if you are sad, then quite simply there must be "something wrong with you" and you should "go see a therapist." It seems that it does not even occur to the average person that being sad is an integral part of the human experience that should be treasured equally to being happy. Society has found it normal to shame people for being human, for being sad, which not surprisingly, shifts people towards leaving society.

The constant search for a speck of insincerity is disturbing. There is always a reason to not trust someone. Friends are thrown away in an instant for new ones. Divorce rates are only climbing higher and higher as people throw away their lovers in search of something greater and better. Why? Why is it normal to chase something we are never going to catch?

And about that bit on not trusting oneself. I can empathize. Even now, I doubt myself writing this. I feel as if something is not right with what I am saying, as if I were always going to say something wrong or dumb and be mocked for it. I am unsure of these things, but even so I want to talk about it.

>> No.11356369

One is too exposed and the world feels smaller the more its bounds are searched out. I feel myself desperate for a serious mode of being, a true, genuine sincerity, along side which rises again that enchantment that permeated the world in youth, when one was still an alien, a shipwrecked voyager discovering the world for the first time. Then one was really serious, really in earnest. But then one became too acclimated to life. Things gained a familiarity, one made acquaintances... and yet deep down one is no nearer to them than before. The world is still strange, alien. Because of this, distance is what the contemplative mind longs for. One needs to remind himself and others that he is really a stranger, a traveler, that this is not his home and that his future lies over the horizon. There, where the blazing sun, to whom he is kin, sits in a sober solitude. To be "happy" in this fleeting age is tantamount to a betrayal of the true, unbound spirit that knows a higher bliss.

>> No.11356390

Ok til
>as though one were most impassioned by another's doubt of their really being passionate.

>> No.11356441
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>excerpts from The Song of Goonan

>> No.11357675

Unironically thought the first half was quite good, second needs refinement.

>> No.11357677

>. The whole veil of the earth has long been cast aside

this is awful writing.

>> No.11358139
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when a cloud comes to block out the sun, and in shade the woman carrying water is attacked by the men who've been watching her come and go from her family hut in the woods. They take her, they hurt her. The child, a girl, will be outcasted, made to live as a servant. She will have an opportunity to travel to Egypt, to be wedded off, but will die en route by typhus. Her generation ends there, no longer will that story be told again.

>> No.11358187


>> No.11358234

well, a few reasons. what's _good_ writing? depends what you're trying to do, in this case it seems archaic vernacular is being used in a pretentious way to imply what? a truism? your opinion shaped like a truism?

You can reduce most of that chunk into repeated cliches about how everything is declining, except that's just called stability. if everything was declining you'd we working in a shoe factory china offshored to america for cheap labor and be crushing on some poor mexican girl sewing leather next to you. I think good writing does several things, it plays with the reader and gently guides them to a shocking conclusion. This is so gradual and eloquent even if you violently disagree with where you arrived, you applaud the process and audacity of the journey. It's clear and easy to understand. It's neutral, or uses characters to convey certain ideas and other characters to counter balance those ideas, this gives the reader an aesthetic sense of balance and proportionality, mirroring the symmetries we find pleasant in nature and the general shape of things.

eg. Shocking conclusion - no scientific breakthrough has been made in 80 years.

take 1-5 sentences playing with the readers perception of time and structure by showing through description how modern conversations are happiness drips of beeps and flashing lights and not the content of what is being communicated. in a world befuddled by over saturation of digital information, receiving a sliver of attention PROVES your worth, because you have been selected out of an infinite possibilities of things another person could focus on. This becomes sadism, torture is pleasure, pain is now sought after if it attracts more attention, love becomes hate in a twisted game of information and image control. begin to hint at a darker undercurrent of why this is occurring. that the very scientists who built these wonderment machines were deeply insecure and proud people desperate for attention, having spent their formative years fixated on long dead saints and icons of their particular odious religious tradition, which has its own initiations and ritual sacrifices, it's heavens and hells. the religification of science happened so gradually nobody stopped to notice that giant temples of progress were being built, machines that could detect the very beginning of beginnings, and well educated and important people agreed that this was not only a rational but essential thing for the advancement of understanding and knowledge, some weird abstractions that replaced faith and god. so the narcissism in being recognized among a crowd of quiet studious academics who rarely get attention, the desire to create a revolution of the mind, the rapid capitalization of the information industries as they began to far outstrip the old mediums of print, radio and television and enter the digital network medium of constant information. the ghettos being formed as generations migrate from online ghettos...

>> No.11358242

if you can then make your perpetrator a tragic figure, the scientist as a jew in a cultural diaspora perpetually unable to fit and wandering the wasteland of the universe looking for the homeland of ideas, a wellspring of inspiration but no divining rod with which to find it. and as their power grows in society, a quiet panic rises, in hushed corners of academies all over the world. what is our project? our quest? what are we doing? i don't know i was following you? me? i was following you.. and so on, this pantomime plays out until the network they created must now turn it on itself and recurse for infinity, all of their magic and wisdom boiled down to a mechanism nobody can escape, and endless cycle of meaning derived from perpetual meaningless, a sailor drowning in a sinking boat.

etc. that type of shit. it's really boring to read though, but if you make jews look sympathetic you'll get published. you'll make 5 times as much money writing hardcore furry fanfiction.

>> No.11358284

yooo bruhh (look emoji) this nigga talmbout literal garbo rn lmfaooo yo lemme real quick snap this coz yall know niggas gotta contribute to the gotdam insta (clap emjoi x2 ) cringe ya boi finna get mad followers from this a1 material yfm lmaooo (crying laugh emoji x5) tho lowkey just like my main shawty jus gotdam gave ya homeboy that clap fr shit is not one hunna lmaoo squad finna roll 10 DEEP in this bitch pronto once my damn test results get back got the uzi strapped n the sizzurp fizzing alrdy coz yall know a nigga aint payin no support fee and been holding done ont he cuffin season uplift

>> No.11358371 [DELETED] 
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I unironically (sadly, it needs mentioning) enjoyed reading this, though it would benefit from a bit of editing.

>> No.11358386
File: 1.41 MB, 2471x1389, WP_20180211_16_00_28_Rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically (sadly, it needs mentioning) enjoyed reading this, though it would benefit from a bit of editing. It seems to lack a conclusion, too.

>> No.11358448

That was real gay, nigga.