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File: 3.93 MB, 1400x2169, British_Class_Divide121233432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11354092 No.11354092 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books on the British class divide?

Pic related

>> No.11354101
File: 58 KB, 326x499, wiganpier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11354102

>tfw northern

>> No.11354117


>> No.11354122
File: 3.92 MB, 1400x2169, British_Class_Divide_Final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have added.

>> No.11354129

Nooooo :(

This shit is bad enough already. Why do wages in the uk suck so bad?

>> No.11354136

What job do you have?

>> No.11354137

Engineer but i just started

>> No.11354147

How much do you make a year?

Rule of thumb is that if you're making anything less than your age, you're a prole. If you're making as much as your age you're a mediocre suburb dweller #0011228833. If you're making more than twice your age you're Elite.

>> No.11354149

A little more (before tax)

>> No.11354154

Life at the Bottom by Theodore Dalrymple. Goes on about how a lot of these attitudes that the poor have been inculcated into them from the top-down, and gives grim anecdotes from murderers and the like explaining their actions with expressions like "dunno m8, knife went in". It's fascinating how they've been stripped of their agency.

>> No.11354157

The making of the English working class is a history classic.

>> No.11354159

Wow, a Vernon Dursley in the making!

>> No.11354163

If you're looking for non-fiction, The Son Also Rises is pretty good.

>> No.11354165

>Theodore Dalrymple
He actually understands the British underclass better than all the handwringers put together. Superb essayist

>> No.11354166

>i just started
then don't be so fucking greedy
everyone gets paid shit when they are just starting

>> No.11354169
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*teleports behind you*

>> No.11354189

>understanding the British underclass

Yeah, nah.

>> No.11354197

All Dickens is about class. Frankly almost all English literature from the last 200 years has class themes. Some more prominent than other but its so pervasive in English society that there is no way round it.

>> No.11354207 [SPOILER] 
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just don't read anything else he's written

>> No.11354208


Jews can be underclass too m8

>> No.11354216
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>tfw making less than half my age

>> No.11354225

At least he lives in the south :(

True. Just wish i got american pay

Lol story?

>> No.11354236
File: 356 KB, 1200x799, gold-hill-shaftesbury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi oi bloody hell mate

British class divide ain't as simply as that chap

You need to consider the inferiority of the northerners no matter what their class

British Class System:

Southern Upper Class
Southern Upper Middle
Southern Lower Middle
Southern Upper Working Class
Southern Working Class
Southern Working Class Underbelly (Honest chaps who are down on their luck)
Northern "Upper Class" Tribal Leaders
Northern "Middle Class" Bigger Apes
Northern Lower Class - Orcs, Thieves, Pikeys, Scoundrels (Although that goes for all northerners)

>> No.11354246
File: 18 KB, 405x270, Ronnie-Corbett-GQ-31Mar16_rex_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to be nasty to our northern chums anon
they can't help it. they are just born that way

>> No.11354253 [DELETED] 

OP here.

Do you think a working class autist from a broken home in a shit area with a mediocre academic background and barely any savings to his name ever had a hope of dating a privately educated (~£36,000 fees per year), Elite, genetically profound English Rose who is on track to pursue a highly lucrative, highly esteemed career (earning twice as much as him, at least)?

>> No.11354268

tfw bigger ape

>> No.11354273

Yes. Posh women love rough boys. Look at titanic

>> No.11354345

I'm 25 and earn £8,000 a year. I work in an office part time, and it's the only job I've been able to get. I apply for jobs constantly but never hear anything back.

I have no idea what to do, I think I'd actually be earning more if I was unemployed, but I'd become suicidal if I was NEET again.

>> No.11354358

brush up your linkedin profile. even a part time job will mean you have some contacts and experience.
there is a practically unlimited supply of free training available on the internet. learn some new skills. post about them on linkedin so that people can see you know what you are talking about.
make sure there is nothing weird on social media under your real name. when i google you i only want to see positive stuff.

>> No.11354362

> when i google you i only want to see positive stuff.
y-yes daddy

>> No.11354367

When are we just going to issue a blanket ban on book recc threads, maybe 1 in 10 are sincere

>> No.11354369

Just walk up and give the manager a firm handshake anon

>> No.11354382 [DELETED] 

I am literally in the middle. I am insulated from the bottom yet, despite my education and intellectual hobbies (if reading more than the average person makes someone somewhat intellectual), I don't have the social capital, family money, or currently personal money to be in he above. I think the major differences between me and the top are that I rent and apply to jobs like a regular prole.

>> No.11354409

When I lived in Britain (doing postgrad work) I knew someone who was the son of a magistrate, went to an old public school and Oxbridge, always wore a suit and tie and spoke in a plummy accent. I once referred to him as "upper class" and was sternly corrected by my British peers. "That's the definition of middle class," they said.

>> No.11354430

JUDAISM? are you a pagan faggot?

>> No.11354438

shut it wetty its spelt pagon mate

>> No.11354446

It's different in Britain from America because of the aristocracy and shit

>> No.11354476

Yeah, the only upper-class in Britain is if you're born with a title, or if you're closely related by blood to a title (i.e. one can't marry a Duchess and thereby become upper-class, not really)

The old fashioned public school, RP, landed gentry Oxbridge type (although nowadays Oxbridge has become too academically selective, so the less intelligent toffs go to Durham, St. Andrews, Edinburgh) is actually what you'd call upper-middle class

t. middle-class Oxford student, made friends with many upper-class people, knew a few of the Buller (which is frankly pathetic nowadays) and Piers Gav people (which is more an orgy society). Class is fairly poor way of ranking people in a genuine sense though, many of the real posh people are absolute cunts to a horrific degree, but then so are the resentful, ignorant leftists who want to abolish formal hall. If you want to know where the real power is, go to the Union, OUCA, or Lawsoc, the people who attend but don't go overboard on hacking are the ones who'll be making decisions in twenty years

>> No.11354550

I'm the anon who posted the rule of thumb you're replying to and I was joking btw.

Where do you live? What qualifications do you have?

>> No.11354556

They are retarded.

If you attended public school you're already in the top 7%, and chances are he attended one of the better ones (not some 1980s upstart school) so he's probably in the top 4%. Oxbridge is a given. He's upper-middle, if not upper-class itself. I think restricting upper class to people with inherited titles is naive, as it encourages very wealthy, spolit brats to place themselves alongside someone whose parents are teachers or something.

>> No.11354588

ignore >>11354446 >>11354476
A lot of brits get autistic about the class system with muh titles and whatever but like in any other society it all comes down to money and resources. If you earn over £90,000 a year you are upper class. There is no barrier like you have to be white or come from old stock or anything the toffs accept new peasant new bloods all the time who manage to get rich.

>> No.11354628

>If you earn over £90,000 a year you are upper class
not even close mate
£90k is a mid-ranking IT consultant
upper class would be more like £2million a year or more

>> No.11354633
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>itt min wage workers and neets pretending to be experts on the upper class

>> No.11354643

It depends on age etc. I know someone who is 26 earning around £100,000 (depending on bonus etc). Top private school, Oxbridge, etc. I'd say that's upper class, if I consider that my mate whose dad worked as a local GP is considered middle class.

>> No.11354661
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You've just exposed yourself as a neet with no experience of the world at work, middle management IT consultants don't get paid anywhere near that amount

>> No.11354662

£90k is in the top 6% of British workers and considered upper class

>> No.11354666

>£90k is a mid-ranking IT consultant
embarrassing post m8

>> No.11354704
File: 116 KB, 1211x941, 2018-06-21_1539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you utter dolt
i'm an IT contractor. at the moment my daily rate is £500 per day. i work about 200 days per year. 200x500 = £100,000
according to you that makes me upper class but it's only about average for the kind of work i do.
have a look at totaljobs and search for jobs paying >=500 per day. there are loads. my current contract ends next month so pic related is one i was thinking for applying for. not sure if i want to spend any more time commuting to central london though.

>> No.11354728
File: 46 KB, 326x499, Rich cunts reeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11355553

Robert Tressell

>> No.11355654

>tfw scot

>> No.11355714
File: 61 KB, 340x332, bennett2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read Arnold Bennett's novels and stories of the five towns. They're all about life in the north of England at the turn of the century, and deal with the industry up there, london complexes, etc. A lot of very good and enjoyable books. He's not better known because Virginia Woolf, an effete upperclass Londoner, did a hatchet job on him. His best novels are easily up there with Forster and D.H Lawrence. He was admired by Conrad, Wells, and a lot of other eminent contemporaries, and nominated for the Nobel.

He just doesn't do the modernist gimick. (Despite being an early recognizer and advocate of both T.S Eliot and Ulysses.) He's a realist, very influenced by Zola, etc.

He's actually a huge influence on British literary fiction. Basically all the kitchen sink realists owe him a debt, as well as Kinglsey Amis. He's one of the people who first wrote empathetically about the English working class.

Strongly reccomend A Man from the North, Anna of the Five Towns, The Card, The Old Wives Tale, the Clayhanger quadrilogy, and all the five towns stories. The Old Wives tale is the best, but you'd better go into it expecting a long slow novel. His London/war novels Riceyman Steps and The Pretty Lady are also both pretty good.


Here's a good article about him.

>> No.11355723

border reivers come down... mak southrons tremble

lowland/ulster scots are the masterrace of the British Isles, unmatched savagery and martial spirit, southerners are decadent crypto-French

read Teutonic GERM theory, Westminster Confession of Faith, Nordic Gaels strike fear in the Anglo Ayylien

>> No.11355753
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>> No.11355806

not even sure what language some of that was mate
have you been at the bucky again?

>> No.11355812

mayb I rayp ur wife and steal ur cattle

>> No.11355828

>all these classlets thinking salary = class
Just no. Did your parents buy their own furniture? If so, you aren't upper class.

>> No.11355832
File: 162 KB, 632x377, lifespanayear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah yes the self-appointed aristocrat who posts on a Malaysian backgammon board

>> No.11355837

Not saying I'm upper class, but the furniture thing is a pretty good test.

>> No.11355843

Road to Wigan Pier.

If that book doesn't make you hate the bourgeoisie even just a little bit afterwards, you have no soul.

>> No.11355847


My parents inherited their furniture and they're state school maths teachers

>> No.11355848

Yeah this is a good idea. Also I want a ban on starting threads with any images that aren’t directly related to books. No Jezebels, no wacky memes, no screenshots etc. They derail basically ever thread otherwise. We don’t even really need images at all on this board.

>> No.11355863

it doesnt matter really today. i am utter utter prole, grew up dirt poor, and i get called posh all the time (mostly as an insult) and actual posh kids always act like theyre from the hood and end up wasting away their privilege.

>> No.11355873
File: 126 KB, 658x1000, 61aWqtUwRGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill yourself OP.

>> No.11355878

All the Americans and Australians reading this thread should be grateful that they don’t have to deal with the British class system. It’s nowhere near as important it used to be but it’s still extremely pervasive in British society and is a fundamental part of your identity which you can never fully escape.

>> No.11355879

>top 6%
>upper class
Jesus dude

>> No.11355880

I'm a trust fund baby and just failed out of my fourth year in a elite bachelors degree. Looking forward to becoming prole over the next few years.

>> No.11355887

You a NEET now?

>> No.11355894
File: 333 KB, 451x469, IMG_2854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will die before I give up my daves

>> No.11355895

You should be grateful it's explicated mate. The easier it is for the rich to LARP as middle class, the less people see their class interests, and the more needlessly unequal societies become.

>> No.11355908

I suppose I am. Just living this last summer without telling my parents - when I do in July / September I might go live at home for awhile, or try to sneak into an entry-level office job with my strong extracurriculars.

I expect they'll pressure me into doing a different degree in a few years. Not sure about that thought - I feel pretty guilty about basically burning £36,000.

>> No.11355918

Sucks to be your parents then doesn't it?

>> No.11355927

UK dropout meetup when?

>> No.11355950

Would be interesting given the breakdowns when I mentally acknowledge what's happened lmao

>> No.11356025

I am increasingly insecure about my dropout status. Whenever university is mentioned I can feel myself immediately become slightly more defensive.

>> No.11356084

Yep, exactly the same. No idea how I'll end up confessing to university peers, especially as most of them are becoming very successful. I don't want to ghost them, as I think most would still be friends with me, but it would fundamentally alter my self-concept to be honest about my failures.

I should probably be planning this stuff out, or getting a little high and coming to terms with it, but have acquired solid mental habits that discourage that. Even typing this I have a big heart rate.

>> No.11356117

/lit/ why are British people on this site so insufferable?

>> No.11356129

Good post anon, thanks

>> No.11356131

My friends already know and, at this early stage, its not been too catastrophic. But when the difference between my income and their income inevitably starts to really increase it will probably become a strain.

Anyway its always nice to know that there are others in the same boat, anon. Degrees aren't everything.

>> No.11356163

>tfw you'd try uni again if not for the fees

>> No.11356231

Agreed! Thanks for the fellow-feeling.

>> No.11356330

Is pie-throwing contests essential British upper class or what is going on in the upper centre picture?

>> No.11356336

>Life at the Bottom by Theodore Dalrymple.

>> No.11356397

Oxbridge tradition after final exams.

>> No.11356410

Eva and Ryan are seperated?!?!

>> No.11356478

This check the white tie in the image.

>ywn trip into a £200,000 sinecure after bumping into a fellow old boy of Caius ('82, you had the same Ancient Phil tutor) in White's.