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11352473 No.11352473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The true meaning of life is consciousness development. Our indivudal consciousnesses are simply offshoots off a grand universal consciousness, restricted from true insight, we humans after billions of years of evolution, have reached a state where we can experience glimpses of the mighty universal. Spiritual experience, the highest form of enlightenment and the pathway to true happiness is derived from the universal consciousness, religion being its human expression often misinterpreting and enabling dogma (which is needed in human societies). The whims of the materialism hold back man from true happiness, man succumbs to this and fails to reach the highest, he throws away the billions of years of effort all for vein lowly pleasures. He becomes animal, who, unlike him has no other choice but to accept his material fate. It is therefore a moral sin to submit to these desires, this is not to say that we should not enjoy and take part in hedonism at times, we must fulfill these desires lest we perish and have no hope of fulfilling either but we should never surrender ourselves to them as our sole meaning in life, as Carlyle profoundly said:

"Enjoying things which are pleasant; that is not evil; it is the reducing of our moral self to the slavery by them that is."

>> No.11352490

t. first time weed smoker

>> No.11352496


>> No.11352505

>doesn't understand quantum mechanics
>doesn't understand idealism
>doesn't understand hard problem of consciousness
>doesn't understand the religious question
>doesn't understand panpsychism
>doesn't understand human psychology

>> No.11352527


I had an experience in Europe but mostly all it did was confuse me.

>> No.11352530

I'm curious, did neetchan ever talked about consciousness?

>> No.11352555

there is no universal consciousness

the universal is an impersonal void

>> No.11352562

I hate when people use "quantum mechanics" to support their new age nonsense

>dude we can't measure a posited value without influencing the result of the measurement, all must be one!!! reality breaks down man!!!!

Reminder that quantitative physics is the elaborate articulation of a very approximate and isolated part of reality and not an account of being

>> No.11352872


>> No.11352878
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1x9r18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already there lmao


>> No.11353244

General agreement but you give animals short shrift and as for sin, well everyone starts from a place of ignorance and all paths eventually lead to the divine.

Quantum mechanics are our gross misunderstanding of the laws of physics based on incomplete information.

>> No.11353540

While I agree that pseuds using to support fringe philosophies, it does have some interesting implications. Heisenberg and Schrödinger themselves thought so, though they didn't turn it into mystical bullshit.

>Quantum mechanics are our gross misunderstanding of the laws of physics based on incomplete information.


>> No.11353549

You don't understand those things either and almost all of those things are nonsense anyway lol.

>> No.11353565

It shatters the Newtonian clockwork universe ideal though

>> No.11353713

No man has come up with a good explanation of why a deterministic Schrodinger's equation gives rise to a stochastic process, mostly because there is no good explanation.

>> No.11353759
File: 262 KB, 1920x1278, 1441365350487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice anon.
I'm going to smoke weed this weekend after a long break too.

>> No.11353779

>and isolated part of reality
Such a thing does not exist.

>> No.11353794
File: 58 KB, 626x602, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Perennialism is the true meaning of life and really deep and shit, man"

>> No.11353899

Maybe, but there are category errors to make about that reality. For example, the technical solution to a mathematical quandary can be known or unknown but the fact that 'this' equation means 'that' is a publicly verifiable and objective thing of experience that nonetheless would never be susceptible to a physical analysis because it isn't extended in space.

>> No.11354023

that consciousness is something that everyone will get eventually, at some point in life. it is valueless in itself, for what matters is what one does with it, which is always revealed in the way one describes it.

you still speak of materialism, happiness, sin, morality, desires, animals as inferior etc... the point of the new consciousness that one gets is not answering the old questions,such as that of the meaning of life or of the universe or whatnot,but of changing the whole perspective into one where none of those questions arise as such, but one that provides you wit new perceptive tools that allow you to live life and die in peace.

if you use that new consciousness just to preach about the old one youre wasting its value just for the sake of praise from others.

>> No.11354109

"As I have said so many times, God doesn't play dice with the world."

>> No.11354119

'I am a determinist. As such, I do not believe in free will. The Jews believe in free will. They believe that man shapes his own life. I reject that doctrine philosophically. In that respect I am not a Jew.'

>> No.11356157


>> No.11356209


You make quite harsh assumptions about the true nature of the OP. While it remains a faggot, it could also be a soccer mom who just red Eckhardt Tolle and/or started banging her yoga teacher, a college dropout too often on acid, all the above or just yummy OC/lit/pasta.

>> No.11356227

Can you share?

>> No.11356359

>though they didn't turn it into mystical bullshit

Are you stupid, or just uninformed?

>Schrödinger stayed in Dublin until retiring in 1955. He had a lifelong interest in the Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism, which influenced his speculations at the close of What Is Life? about the possibility that individual consciousness is only a manifestation of a unitary consciousness pervading the universe.


From the Wikipedia alone, we find a literally identical formulation to what OP has written themself. I've read an entire biography on Schrödinger, so I could write plenty more on him, but to you, my blissfully ignorant friend, I'll just tell you that even a cursory glance at any page related to Schrödinger evidences how deeply Vedantic spiritual knowledge informed his conception of life and science.

>Nirvana is a state of pure blissful knowledge... It has nothing to do with the individual. The ego or its separation is an illusion. Indeed in a certain sense two "I"'s are identical namely when one disregards all special contents — their Karma. The goal of man is to preserve his Karma and to develop it further... when man dies his Karma lives and creates for itself another carrier.
>Although I think that life may be the result of an accident, I do not think that of consciousness. Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else.
>The multiplicity is only apparent. This is the doctrine of the Upanishads. And not of the Upanishads only. The mystical experience of the union with God regularly leads to this view, unless strong prejudices stand in the way.

I don't normally even comment here, but you're a real rogue, trying to belittle the mystical view as "bullshit", which is fine if you were simply stating your opinion, but your asserting facts about figures that are literally the opposite of what held true for them.

>> No.11356523


Fuck it, sure. This is going to be long.

It began in 2014 when I had a series of harbinger dreams that I became obssessed with. After that I started hearing a voice. She was cruel but helpful, like a drill sergaent, and without her I wouldn't have been able to function. I began studying the occult, but also got diagnosed as schizotypal. The occult helped me to contextualize everything, but I also started taking medication just to be sure. I began unraveling more and more until eventually there was an incident that got me expelled from college in which I tried to defend the voice in my head, who I had contextualized as a spirit, from people who were threatening her.

Rather than understand that I was schizo, my family apparently decided that I was on drugs or something and kicked me out of my house after this. I was living off of credit but couldn't find work despite 6 degrees. So I decided to go to Europe, ostensibly to die.

In Europe, in Belgium, I had an encounter with the archangel Michael. In literal terms, there was a tour guide named Miguel who gave a free walking tour, and I schizophrenically understood various things he said as messages for me: for instance, in describing how to discern the names of the buildings in the public square, I discerned a description of how to discern the true names of things, and in his description of one of the buildings, a cosmogony, and in his description of some people who killed themselves, a reference to my suicide attempt.

All I said to him was that I thought it was fucked up that all those people killed themselves and the king (IE, God) didn't take mercy on them. He didn't exactly agree, saying that what they were displaced for was more important, but said that someone should remember them.

Later, in Germany, I concluded that he was talking about my own suicide and freaked out and had a psychotic break and emailed a bunch of schizo gibberish to a friend who I also thought was host to an angel. And at the same time something like a gnostic apocalypse happened, in which I discerned a bunch of my friends (and some enemies) speaking to me, and there was an alternative internet that later wasn't there filled with a whole bunch of posts directed at me, and I had conversations with some of my friends on alternate reality facebook. And I heard myself, other versions of myself, and I felt like I was moving automatically, and I felt like I was possessed by many spirits, and at the same time I felt like I was burning in hell. And I discerned myself as being at both the gates of heaven and the depths of hell simultaneously, and also as being at a terrible black gate that would entirely destroy me if I passed through it.


>> No.11356528

>The true meaning of life is consciousness development
fuck off

>> No.11356529


Later, I went to the mental hospital. There were people there who seemed to know everything that had happened to me. It felt like I was in an alternate reality, that angels or something had possessed the bodies of the people I was surrounded by, but there were also magicians there. They helped me calm down but they also made fun of me? I guess that about summarizes it.

>> No.11356536


Oh, and in the mental hospital I was diagnosed as full blown schizoaffective.

>> No.11356541

Thank you, pal.

>> No.11356573

So how've you been since?

>> No.11356577


Homeless and wanting to die still. I think I will get my wish soon, I am running out of outs.

>> No.11356583


Surprisingly lucid though. But that's probably because I was taking the meds again (which I've stopped taking again as of a few days ago because I was considering trying to join the military but also because I'm running out and haven't been able to get more yet).

>> No.11356609

You misunderstand me completely. I suppose I should have phrased it as "mystical new age bullshit" or something, but I am well aware of what you're saying and I agree with you. What Schrödinger did is not what I'm taking issue with. I was thinking of idiots like Deepak Chopra.

>> No.11356641

>tfw schizo
>tfw on disability
>tfw taking medicine
>tfw studying language and philosophy in uni
>tfw my schizo experience and the fact that meds fixed it convinced me that science was superior to spirituality and my previous thoughts were delusions
>tfw now view drug faggots using psychedelics and schizos off meds as people willingly deceiving themselves

>> No.11356667

Drug fags are retarded because they seemingly ignore or don't understand that drugs alter your mind, they don't allow you to see another 'reality' just alter the perception of this one. Nothing wrong with enjoying drug use, but something wrong with abusing it and claiming it is the end of a spiritual journey

>> No.11356893

righteous post

>> No.11357025

No, quantum mechanics has nothing to do with the metaphysics of the Upanishads. Schrodinger may have thought that, and it may have even influenced his conception of life and "science," but the indeterminacy of a physical system is very far from the conception of the unqualified Brahma of orthodox Hindu schools like Vedanta

Even Heisenberg was incorrect by invoking the Aristotelian notion of potency. Since you're already interested in this stuff, given reading biographies of physicists, I recommend to you the book Critique of Scientific Reason by Kurt Hubner. It's a work in the philosophy of science that lays out why the results of quantitative physics are unable to serve as an ontology

On the flip side, if you're genuinely interested in the metaphysics of the Hindu tradition and how it differs from Western thought, Rene Guenon's works are unsurpassed in this domain

>> No.11357050

>he's never taken ayahuasca

>> No.11357056

Schizo here. I've taken 'huasca. Teaches you more about your own neuroses than any ontological truths.
This post is correct about science but his recommendation of Guenon demonstrates an obvious orientalist, religionist, and neoreactionary attitude. Sad.

>> No.11357076

Never seen it here in aus, but I've had nearly everything else under the sun

>> No.11357169

NRx has nothing to do with Rene Guenon and his shadow swallows the entire field of comparative religion along with its scholars: they're inseparable

>> No.11357251

Only via Eliade and you must not have progressed beyond undergrad if you think Eliadean Religious Studies is currently in vogue though it's a comfy starting point. Of course, you will probably use this as an excuse to prattle on about how progress is an illusion and the academic community is nothing more than a bunch of airheaded bimbos chasing the next fad. C'est la vie.

>> No.11357287

Ironically, the anti-Eliadean vogue in academia is "reactionary" to its absolute dominance in the 20th century. They'll come around again

>> No.11357291

Oh I just saw you predicted this response. Solid acumen

>> No.11357296



>> No.11357318

Don't let this sit, I'm genuinely interested in what way you think it is inferior and what direction the wind is blowing

>> No.11357410

Eliade basically posited a universal, unique, and irreducible (structure[s] of) religious experience(s) which granted the subject privileged relation to the object in itself (the "Self") bu comparing various religions (that were known at his time). I add the parmetheses because he was actually misinformed about a lot but nevertheless a polyglot who wrote about a large number of religious traditions and pretty much singlehnadedly started the field of religious studies though his exact views are inconsitent. Nowadays a more contrasting technique is employed which posits a similary unique and irreducible but no longer universal but instead culturally specific and personally specific religious experience. In short, post-modernism.

Cue: Guenon/Peterson crossover fans screeching