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11349710 No.11349710 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best philosophy of life and why is it Stoicism?

>> No.11349738

Biosemiotic neoanimism, obviously.

>> No.11349743


>> No.11349744

what is life

>> No.11349778

Ethical hedonism.

>> No.11349897

Stoicism can be very practical in some respects. Machiavellism is very practical. Rationalism and flexible ethics.

>> No.11350091
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Oh, hello there...

>> No.11350106
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What did Seneca mean by this?

>> No.11350108

how do I find the will to sledgehammer my computer, or at least internet, do it live?

>> No.11350115

This post is neither good nor bad.

>> No.11350120

reading philosophy is for insecure pseuds, go away

>> No.11350301

I interpreted it like St. Augustine's perspective that there is no evil, only good and the absence of good.

>> No.11350335

I don't ascent to this belief, and I feel ok about it.

>> No.11350341

>insecure pseuds

If my confidence is a sham and I never know that, does that mean I'm a narcissist?

>> No.11350572
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it's actually this and you can be sure because practically nobody has the huevos to attempt it

>> No.11351566

baby don't hurt me

>> No.11351892

no more

>> No.11351922

Who cares?

>> No.11352152

Stoicism is effiminate

>> No.11352154

What's the point of stoicism when it's just extremely depressing?

>> No.11352164

>richfags telling you to just not care

>> No.11352391

True happiness is gained when not only the lowly needs of the flesh are met, but when self sacrifice, moral obedience, responsibly and spiritual devotion are embraced. You will never truly reach higher consciousness, and be one with the universal without this (we should also use eugenics to achieve an achieve an even higher form.

>> No.11352406

>exhausted life denying faggotry for slaves and decadent elites
wow clever

>> No.11352423
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>> No.11352444
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Why is it Epicureanism?
Stoicism may-be the most noble and practical of the ancient schools of thought; yet I'd be hard pressed to be convinced that it'd be the best philosophy of *LIFE*... That's only my pseudish dumb opinion on it as of right now, though.

>> No.11353468

I've come to drop every philosophy of life I ever held, absurdism because I had to confront death, stoicism after reading Ward No. 6. Rn I think there's no one correct philosophy of the good life, only critiques of such philosophies (such as their usual assumptions of individualism and their essentialism).

>> No.11353476

If it is both most Noble and practical then why is it not the best for life? Explain please.
This itself is a philosophy, mate.

>> No.11353479

>stoicism after reading Ward No. 6
Can you expand on this anon?

>> No.11353524

Friendly reminder that Marcus Aurelius was a cuckold.

>just let people roll over you, external things are outside your control

Nice life philosophy desu

>> No.11353533

Yeah, clearly this is how he lived his life...

>> No.11353803
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Why resign and become a knight of infinite resignation when you could strive to be a knight of faith? You can resign and try to believe on the account of the absurd. Just have faith lmao

>> No.11353828

good god you are an idiot

>> No.11353880

You're right, but the unique thing is that there's no one way to do such a critique: Most of it will involve personal appeals such as "this simply isn't the way I see the world/this is not what I mean by my words". In that sense, it is distinct from other philosophies in that most of them deny the personal dimension which gives them force to their creators, whereas in a philosophy of critique the personal force is on full display, thus making it such that there is no ONE correct philosophy of the good life.

Basically Chekhov claims that to be a stoic is to deny the very stuff of life, namely the suffering we struggle against. Stoicism requires a sort of detachment, seeing pain as merely the feeling of pain (and therefore something to be overcome not by struggle but by changing one's perspective), seeing suffering as okay because we all die in the end anyway. Chekhov claims that a love of life requires feeling, and this sort of detachment significantly reduces such feeling, to the point where one is less alive.

>> No.11353936

its the faggot who started the whiney Cuckhov thread

>> No.11353949

>the absolute intelligence of cuck posters

>> No.11353952

Not me!

>> No.11354018

>higher consciousness
What do you mean when you say this?

>> No.11354260

Who's the most annoying faggot on /lit/ and why is it OP?

>> No.11354294

Lucretius is disappointed in you.

>> No.11354297

yeh but the doc isn't a real stoic though, Ward No. 6 is rather a critique of poor quality reddit tier stoicism rather than actual stoicism. Chekhov himself was an adept of stoicism and The Meditations is the book he annotated the most, or so I read somewhere

>> No.11354330

What I mean is that the doc is acting all mighty bc he's so clever and read lot of books and also proclaims that he is a stoic but his life doesnt look so hard and when he's been jailed he just can't support the pain so maybe Checkov wanted to show that tolstoi point of view was wrong about what true stoicism is

>> No.11354347

Thanks, why did you find this claim convincing?

>> No.11354381

Yeah certainly. I don't think that The Meditations being his most annotated book is necessarily evidence, considering he loved Tolstoy and even adhered to Tolstoy's stoicism at one point, yet repudiated it as we know. I still think you might be right, since reading stoicism as an encouragement to be detached, or to not resist struggle, is a widespread reading. In particular, maybe he wasn't criticising their philosophy so much as how well we can actually apply it in a society that rewards detachment as much as the "formalist" society he depicts.

>> No.11354415

Maybe that's why he made the mad one talk about how diogene life was much easier than ours, maybe he's explaining that stoicism in our society can exist if we change it a little bit or at least if we don't just stick to what Marc Aurelius said

>> No.11356161

a c c e l e r a t e

>> No.11356287

Stoicism is for NEETs
I practice Derridean Autofellatio every night

>> No.11356569

>Not knowing GG Allin

>> No.11356813
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Perhaps one of the reason why stoicism is practical because one of tits main ethos is (to paraphrase may based boy Marcus Aurelius) you cannot control what will happen to you, what you can control is how you react to it.

>> No.11356861
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>seek equipollence
>do not ascent to belief
>abide by customs
>seek tranquillity

Hey everybody! For once I realised Phyrroianism is actually kind of ingrained already into my attitude and I like knowing that because I didn't even need to read the greeks, not that his works remain so public. Wonder why we're all so like this. Wonder what this type of attitude could look like in another culture a couple hundred years ago. I don't know. I guess I'll never know or have to find out, because that's ok! with me, yup!