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/lit/ - Literature

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11349459 No.11349459 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Literary confessions thread.

Confess your sins, it's not like you had any plans for today anyway.

>> No.11349464

one of my kids thought it'd be funny to try and kick my copy of gravity's rainbow down the stairs to see how far it'd go (my copy is quite large) and it ended up flying out of the window and landing on my car that morning so when I was ready for work and to take the kids to school I noticed it on my windshield with a massive shoe print on it

>> No.11349469

Nobody reads on this board. Anyone who says else technically reads something but not something which is extolled as a classic or is, in its essence, literary.

>> No.11349470

If my books have a spec of ink on them from when they were printed I always have to rub my finger on it just in case if it's dirt and if it's not I rub it a few times just to see if the ink rubs off easily on my book.

>> No.11349471

> making assumptions about the board as a whole

While I would agree that we do definitely get users here who don't read at all - god knows why - you making this assumption about everyone would heavily imply that you don't read anything literary and are overcompensating in the hope to find other users who can provide solidarity.

There is honestly no harm in reading a book and you could read something enjoyable rather than procrastinating online.

>> No.11349474

Haven't read in a year.

>> No.11349475

I don't regret spending 10+ years on this website

>> No.11349479

I instantly adopt all ideologies of the book I read

>> No.11349480

I would let Sucy sit on my face

>> No.11349488

it took me 5 months to read Les Miserables and ever since I've been very reluctant to read another doorstopper. I know I'd probably enjoy War & Peace but I don't think I have enough free time to finish it within a reasonable time

>> No.11349491 [DELETED] 
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>making assumptions about a person
While I agree that I do not read a lot of literature. You, making this assumption, about a person to whom you have no connection itself is not only risible but also hypocritical. Such projections themselves represent you as well, and thus prove my assumption to be correct in establishing the fundament of the users are indeed involved in a state of reverie of reading rather than actually reading. All in all, let us both read a book :)

>> No.11349495

Amen, brother. I'll go and continue reading The Idiot. Farewell.

>> No.11349499
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>making assumptions about a person
While I agree that I do not read a lot of literature. You, making this assumption, about a person to whom you have no connection itself is not only risible but also hypocritical. Such projections themselves represent you as well, and thus prove my assumption to be correct in establishing the myriad of users are indeed entrenched in a state of reverie about reading rather than actually reading. All in all, let us both read a book :)

>> No.11349520


>> No.11349529

I used to do this. You just need to read more stuff to get a grasp on what you actually think.

>> No.11349538
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A self-proclaimed ''joyce fan'' was mean to me because I hadn't read Dubliners and it's put me off reading Joyce ever since

>> No.11349540

I like harry potter

>> No.11349544
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I post in my goodreads page like I have read books, but in reality I listen them on audiobooks

>> No.11349548
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Don't listen to him, Anon. I think you're alright.

>> No.11349550

some people are just rude its ok

but please read Dubliners sometime because it's very enjoyable, it's a quiet collection of short stories that the further upon you reflect on it the more meaning there is to be gained

very nice book, I need to reread it to be honest

>> No.11349555

I read half of brothers karamazov, told myself I'd come back to it after i finished my school work that semester and never did.

>> No.11349559

Sometimes I get too sad to read the book that I'm reading at that moment so I have to move to a different one. This usually happens whenever the protagonist is in the process of ruining what could've been a good relationship.

>> No.11349560
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The Irish Embassy held a Dubliners discussion in English and I wanted to visit it but because I didn't know my way around I ended up missing the event and wandering two hours in the city aimlessly. The thoughts of this event still bring me to tears because it makes me feel like a failure who missed a once in a lifetime chance to discuss a Joyce work with actual Irish people.

>> No.11349562

haha thats gay haha love you too bud <3

>> No.11349568

Every year there's a Ulysses day in Dublin you could probably take part in, people dress up like characters from the book and there's recitals from the book as people visit the locations that inspired it. I don't know if the Dubliners day is an annual thing but the Ulysses one is.

>> No.11349573

You see it wasn't in Dublin or in anywhere Ireland, it was in bloody Central Europe, so it was pretty much a one off event that I failed to attend and not something annual.

>> No.11349576

ah shit, sorry to hear that, man

>> No.11349577

If you're in central Europe, you should be able to get to Ireland for a weekend pretty easily.

>> No.11349596


>> No.11349603

I buy books in physical but I never read them. The way I read is I go through a book on my Kindle (PC), I highlight everything worth remembering, I finish reading, and then read through all the highlights again a few months later until I memorize it all. I don't want to damage my physical copies.

>> No.11349633

I don’t believe you.

>> No.11349637

It's true. Granted, I should make clear that I only buy books I already read and find worthwhile.

>> No.11349641
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They made me read pic related in school and I actually enjoyed it and want to read it again

>> No.11349643

I'll never understand this mentality. Breaking a book in and having it become part of you is one of the great joys in life. If she's not a collectible or an antique' there's no reason to not snap that bitch in half.

>> No.11349645

Pics or it didn’t happen. Also please explain why.

>> No.11349654

whats it about

>> No.11349706

I've probably spent more time watching Little Witch Academia the past week than reading.

>> No.11349793

There is nothing wrong with being enchanted by something with a simple story and strong colours every once in a while.

>> No.11349831

I have nothing against LWA; it's just easy to get overwhelmed when I think of all the books I'd like to read.

>> No.11349837

i'm not sad that xxxtentacion got killed, not because he beat up a pregnant thot, but because he was an overproduced industry ringer who made crappy music that i find on about the same level of artistic merit is nu-metal, korn has a few jams that can give u angsty teen flashbacks, but that kind of sentimentality is hardly great art

>> No.11349882

Since i picked up a kindle i have read 10x more books. Its great, fits in my jacket inside pocket so i can take it to work and uni for my spear time. I also can read on my long train and bus journey home and not get motion sick like i do with books. I get bored and switch back and fourth between books a lot which is easier on a kindle.

>> No.11349943
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I am starting my philosophy degree next wintersemester in a European country so the courses will be free, and my parents are too kind and said they are willing to pay for my housing. I plan to as soon as I have finished my degree to move back to the US and go live in a remote area in some forest region and off of easy jobs every once in a while afford my cheap life away from everyone, abandoning family and responisibilites. The only thing that might alter my desire is if I somehow manage to kick off a writing career in my time in Europe.

>> No.11349946

i'm thinking about copping an iphone 8 plus so that i can read more

>> No.11349954

all fantasy

>> No.11349965


>> No.11350157

it took me about a year to read Les Mis, picking it up and putting it down for months at a time - then I read the last 300 pages in a single sitting and it’s a personal favourite. these long books are meant to take time, even if that means picking up the lit cred for having read them takes longer to accrue also. just start, and read whatever else interests you in between.

that’s awful, but considering this board i somehow believe you.

as for me - i bought the complete Modern Library edition of In Search of Lost Time about 5 years ago, struggled through Swann’s Way and haven’t touched it at all since. despite ‘appreciating’ it the thought of reading the rest seems daunting. i recall nothing of what it is even about beyond ‘for. a long time I went to bed early.’

>> No.11350180

I read lots

>> No.11350226
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I haven't read a book front to back in over a decade.

>> No.11350248
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I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and save my dear prince, Yukio.

>> No.11350461

I finished rereading Confessions of a Mask today.

>> No.11350466

I recently bought a copy of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead.

At a thrift store.

>> No.11350555

Pics of what exactly? I can't capture all my highlights of a book in one screenshot. And why? Because the reason I keep books in physical form is paranoia. I don't want them to be gone in case of a sunburst or something else crippling my tech. And I have a real issue with things getting damaged, so I'm very hesitant to break in a book and risk it getting stained or something else.

>> No.11350558

Since trips, I'll decide to confess one more thing. I have probably read every Horus Heresy and Primarch book Black Library has published, and I own them too, all sealed away in plastic to be preserved in the rebuilding of society in case the apocalypse hits.

>> No.11350610

I want to break into you house and slightly damage all your bookspines just to fuck with you. Not in any way that would make them less usablest to make them look broken in.

>> No.11350630

Pics of your books obviously. I want to see what shelves of never read books look like. I imagine it to be a pretty sad sight.

>> No.11350633

Some Sucyposter a few months back made me watch Little Witch Academia and now I'm in love with evert little witch

>> No.11350639

>I want to see what shelves of never read books look like. I imagine it to be a pretty sad sight.
I'm pretty sure you can see that in any home of most anons posting in threads on /lit/. But, if you insist, I'll try to take some tomorrow.

>> No.11350644

That would be painful.

>> No.11350668

I sort of started with Joyce. Now I have a hard time enjoying other writers unless they were almost as meticulous with each syllable (Flaubert, Proust, some Shakespeare, Blake), or writers who are philosophical (Borges, Melville, Hesse, some Dostoevsky).

It also took me WAY too long going down the rabbit hole of "philosophical" writers, trying to grasp their hidden messages, before I realized I could just read philosophy. Like two years of rigorously reading existential fiction before I thought to read Kierkegaard or something.

>> No.11350678

Same anon here. To clarify: I "started" with Infinite Jest, quit 300 pages in, read Siddhartha, then read Odyssey, Hamlet, Dubliners and Portrait before reading Ulysses. I didn't just get out of college with no literature degree and begin with Ulysses.

>> No.11350696

>philosophical (Borges, Melville, Hesse, some Dostoevsky)
>existential fiction
>read Kierkegaard
I hope to God you aren't older than 21. This is cringy.

>> No.11350698

For you

>> No.11350729

Hey man you wanted cringy literary confessions you got it

>> No.11350736

>>read Kierkegaard

what's wrong with Kierky?

>> No.11350742

Nothing is, >>11350696 is just a faggot

>> No.11350746
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>> No.11350776
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>this reply

>> No.11350841

I sniff the book. The book has a papery smell. My heart begins beating faster. I squeeze my eyes while looking up at the ceiling.

>> No.11350849

Non-native English speaker?

>> No.11350924


>> No.11350955

Oh . . . I've just never heard someone say the phrase "squeeze my eyes". I mean, we have a single verb for that in English: "to Squint".

>> No.11351471

iktf. Like K-on, every grill is best grill

>> No.11351478

Yeah, which is why I like MLP too

>> No.11351490
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I write/read romance fiction and shipping fanfiction and listen to girlfriend audios every night to vicariously experience having a girlfriend. I read pic related every year around Christmas. I paid a woman online over 150 dollars to make custom audios where she refers to me by name.
I liked the Lord of the Rings films but found the books incredibly boring.
I did a 15 minute presentation on Angels in America that counted for 40 percent of the total grade. Part way through reading it, I felt sick reading some of the descriptions and from then on used Sparknotes. I ended up getting an A on the project.

>> No.11351493

You'd make him commit suduko sooner lmao

>> No.11351505

Why you ackin like dis cus no motherfucka dis stupid ass baka

>> No.11351510


>> No.11351541

>I paid a woman online over 150 dollars to make custom audios where she refers to me by name.
oh dear. do you regret this at all?

>> No.11351567

I tried but I can't find the inspiration to write literary crap so all I ever do now is erotica or fantasy erotica.

>> No.11351674


White kids forming a gang in 1950s Tulsa

>> No.11351676

Not at all. I listen to them almost every night. I'll likely pay for more soon.

>> No.11351691

Was there something special about this woman? I bet you could get some random femanon to do that for way less money - maybe like $20.

>> No.11351694

Read Culture of Critique. after that all other ideologies become null

>> No.11351710


What made you feel sick about Angels in America?

>> No.11351782
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I only read 9-13 books a year.

>> No.11351795

That's much more than the national average. In fact I think the number of books per year for the most likely to read demographic (White women in their 30's with a university degree) is only 11 books per year.

>> No.11351817

You are correct. But still I wish I could be like some of these anons here that read 1-2 a week. I'm a former-NEET normalfag with a job and relationship though so I really don't more spare free time.

>> No.11351821

I'll repeat what I said in another thread: "I read X books a year" doesn't make any sense. There are books much more complex and difficult than others, and there are books with 150-200 pages while others with 1000+. So in my opinion maybe you shouldn't worry

>> No.11351834

this sounds a lot like something that would actually happen in a joyce novel. be proud

>> No.11351869
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>> No.11351886

no i don't read shit books

>> No.11351896


I don't read nearly enough. I also tend to be picky with what I like. I only know a very small pool of things that I like and I don't feel like I know how to broaden my horizons - especially when it comes to reading new books. When in bookstores, I pretty just grab the occasional book that grabs me based on cover/title, try to read it for a little bit, and put it back down. Sometimes I'll buy the book, read it for a few pages, and then never touch the book again.
Also, I like Sherlock Holmes but mainly listen to audio books rather than actually reading the stories. I tend to have them playing in the background while I work on artwork or something else.
Though I like Holmes I sometimes find myself feeling that a story could be done better: for example, the mention of rabbit bones in the Norwood Builder was weak, in my opinion. (And was changed to be the bones of a homeless man in an adaptation that I know of, which I think is much better.)
I think my not sticking with books comes from a place of feeling guilty, and telling myself that I'm not good enough to spend an amount of time reading a book when I think of it as "not productive enough".
Also, this isn't a confession but I don't know where else to put this:
Some bookstores don't have chairs. That's very odd, to me.

>> No.11351955
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>read chinese novel #954919
>insert generic chinese protag name
>world is something to do with KI energies/chinese body-soul cultivation based on poached tiger paws
>protag has a harem 98% of the time
>insert retarded characters that are either extremely arrogant or shoe-horned onto the protag's followers without anybody's consent
>generic plot to fuck someone's shit up or become the greatest douchebag of them all
>author splurges his shallow understanding of the world everywhere
>skip a couple dozen uninteresting fight scenes about dragon transformations and laser beam shaolin attacks
and I can't stop reading this horse shit

>> No.11351975
File: 163 KB, 324x436, Feelscault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that this is probably just bait but I still feel an incredible urge to respond to it.

I cannot imagine paying a woman $150 to do something that requires virtually no effort on her part as a means to happiness. I have a huge problem with the fact that I idealize the concept of women and trying to get over the idea that I'll never actually be able to 'deserve' being with a woman; I cope with that evergnawing fear of unavoidable romantic failure by telling myself that "women are just people and somewhere out there there is a woman who has similar fears and inadequacies as me and that somehow, on a human level, I could make her happy." I think that on some level I really might believe this but the idea of paying a woman $150 to do something that requires virtually no effort on her part simply because she is has some ætherial but undeniably real feminine essence shatters my fantasy of sexual equality and reveals the eldritch filter through which I honestly view the world and myself. I wish I could actually see women as people. I don't hate Women because they have the ability make me feel this way. I don't hate You because you claim to have done this. I hate myself because I could imagine doing this and this post made me think about that a lot more than I would have liked to today. I really wish I couldn't understand the desire to do that.

Sorry for the edgy blog post and shitty writing but for some reason your post really got to me.

>> No.11351997

this. I wish so badly that the obsession with book counts and reading speed could be completely done away with on /lit/.

>> No.11352045

Sometimes I go to read a book and I read the words but I'm not processing them, and I'll read a few pages like this, look back, and realize I understood absolutely nothing.

>> No.11352074

Did that with about 500 pages of Anna Karenina

>> No.11352172

Sorry. I know it's really shitty, she just had a really nice voice and an adorable personality and she was willing to do an audio about how she was totally okay with dating a shy guy.

>> No.11352382

You'll be fine, anon. Little experience around women, desperation and idealization of women from porn is a brutal combination. The only advice I can give you is to simply not care what they think. Acting confident can literally make people with down syndrome look cool. Just remember that no matter the result, you can always just go home and move on with your day. If you don't act like some creep then you won't be the worst guy they've met.
Also your writing is really good, anon. Find a chick that likes literature and you're set.

>> No.11352417

This so much. Confidence is why kids usually find adults so cool. Nobody cares what kids think, so it's easy to act confident around them. I'm not telling you to treat ladies like children, but the same I-don't-care-what-you-think mentality can be applied everywhere

>> No.11352758

I've preached about how good lovecraft was, but I've never read a book by him just watched some videos on the mythos.

>> No.11353610
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>Reading vu-hsia
Light novel tier
Actual Chinese literature is also full of tropes like the "honest scholar takes the imperial exam and performs so well that he gets to marry this really pretty girl", but I can't stop reading it.
So it's not like I have the right to berate your.

>> No.11353640

You should give Lovecraft a shot. I know some people don't like him and he's kind of a meme on here but growing up he was always one of my favorite writers.
Thanks for the kind words, Anon. On the most external level I know all that but what I 'know' about women and the way I actually feel about them don't mesh. I'm really sorry about the way I feel in regards to women; nobody should have my idealizations hoist upon them in a way that subverts who they actually are. (I wish I could get my point for that last sentence across better but I doubt there's a way to). Like I said before, I just wish I could honestly see women as people.
I hope I can get over this someday in a way that's not just ignoring it.
Thanks, again.

>> No.11353770

I'm glad this thread is still up.

>> No.11353773

Dostoyevski is my favorite writter but i'm still in the middle of TBK and never read Crime and Punishment (Just a huge fan of his other works)

Used to say Garcia Marquez was good when i never read him, not ever falling for meme auteurs again.

>> No.11353780

My younger brother - he's nearly 21 - has always expressed an interest in writing and getting published, and he's currently studying creative writing at university but here's the twist: he doesn't like reading. He says that he often gets distracted and that he finds it boring and that he's more inspired by Dark Souls than reading.

I suggested to him that - although there's no real harm in taking inspiration from different forms of media - that he should really try to push himself to read more because there's a wealth of literary influences he could be taking inspiration from for their thematic development, prose, structure, characterisation, identity, subtext, narrative, etc etc. I suggested he try to read the shortest books he owns at maybe 10 - 20 pages a day for an hour or something because eventually he'll want to push himself to read more and eventually he'd have finished more books (and if it helped him to turn off the wifi so he wasn't distracted by his consoles, internet, whatever, maybe to even try to leave the house, go for a walk and find a quiet place to read like a library or park).

I want him to do well, I do, he's my brother and I try to get him some accessible books when I have some spare money that I think he'd enjoy but he often says he never finishes a book. I told him that if he pushed himself to finish a book a month or something like that it would get a lot easier for him to finish books at a quicker pace (he said he was a slow reader and I said that's fine because some writers require a slower read through).

The thing is, if at his age he doesn't like reading, why does he want to be a writer? I told him one of the key things to writing is proof reading and re-writing and if he's not reading enough then would he really manage to get through proof reading? He said to me he's on his second manuscript which is cool but when he tells me "I re-drafted it five times this week" I can't help but smell whiffs of bullshit.

Any advice, /lit/? Am I just being a pain in the ass or something...

>> No.11353785

Hey dude don't worry about it, reading a book every week isn't particularly achievable if you have a life now. I used to read a book a week during my summer breaks but now I need to balance my love of reading with trying to find work lmao

>> No.11353786

I have an extreme dislike for Shakespeare.
Read his shit when i was 14, found it incredibly boring, never touching it again.

Not unpopular or a confession just a funny thing, i think postmodernism is the greatest time for films and music, but not exactly for books.

I think american literature is pretty much trash besides London

Hesse is a hack and his shit is incredibly preachy

>> No.11353793

A few years ago I sorted my book collection into a originally English pile and a translations pile, and I haven't read a translation since. I'm also monolingual.

>> No.11353805

>read Shakespeare

There's your problem. Shakespeare isn't supposed to be read, it's supposed to be performed. Watch a stage or good film performance of Shakespeare if you want to enjoy it. Only afterwards should you study the text (read it). You cannot appreciate Shakespeare just by reading through the scripts dry. Anyone who has read the works of Shakespeare like they were novels is a fucking idiot and needs to start over.

I highly recommend you don't skip over the wealth of literary treasure that is Shakespeare.

>> No.11353806

Sounds like you’re spoiling him. He doesn’t want to take your advice so just let him fail or succeed on his own.
But yeah, I don’t understand wanting to be a writer but not enjoying reading either. I think it’s a big ego thing maybe.

>> No.11353809

I've never read any philosophy.

>> No.11353820

I do this and it's because my attention is on something else. I either put the book down or I snap myself out of it and force myself to re-read it until I understand it.

>> No.11353831

Dude just read Crime and Punishment. Who the fr*ck reads The Brothers Karamazov without having read the rest of his key novels? That's crazy, man

Did you like The Idiot? I'm currently reading that and thoroughly enjoying it.

>> No.11353835

Try re-reading Shakespeare now, dude. I used to hate him in school but reading it as an adult for pleasure is very enjoyable. Reading it outside of school without having a teacher beat you over the head with any semblance of meaning in subtext is much better, who knew

>> No.11353836

alright i'll just go down to my local theatre in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and watch a performance of Anthony and Cleopatra lmao

>> No.11353853

I'll still probably pick up some books for him when it's his birthday but I suppose I shouldn't try and pressure him.

>> No.11353864

Stop treating him with kid gloves man. I mean I don’t know you guys but you sound like a concerned mommy.

>> No.11353884

alright fair enough

>> No.11353939
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that was probably me

>> No.11353986

I want to find a new place to discuss literature because the constant shitposting, memeing and anti-white stuff on /lit/ can get genuinely exhausting. I probably talk about books more on goodreads than here now.

Some reason I just can't quite leave.

>> No.11353991
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Forgive me sister for I have sinned... A lot.

I love the Twilight series, and it alone is the sole reason why until today I have a weak spot for vampires in literature. Even when I know the book is bad, I usualy either try or like it, just because it has vampires. I just love vampires because of Twilight.

I also have a weak spot for edgy shit. When I write, I usualy write edgy shit. Sometimes I go so hard on edgyness that turns out ridiculous, and I just like it the more, because it makes me laught and I think it that the mixture is just to good to not be entertaining.

I also notice that what I write feels several times as anime/manga. I don't see a problem in my writing feeling like this, but sometimes I fear people won't take my books seriously because of such, still, not all my writing feels this way, still, many times it does, and I don't realy care

I hate Kant and wonder who could be a brainlet to think that Hegel is hard to read and have the nerve to say Kant is easy. Such persons can only be fucking autists

I believe YA can and sometimes does good literature.

I non-ironicaly write neko girls/boys in amoust everything I write.

I non-ironicaly write very often traps in my works

I non-ironicaly sometimes write some stuff majority of people would find disturbing/discusting in explicit detail in order to get some reaction of the reader

Those are some who come in my mind
Please sister, flog me so I can repent from my sins and become a better writer. Show no mercy for me, only in pain I can become better

>> No.11354003
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no lol I bet you'd enjoy getting flogged

post some of your writing, I want to read some

>> No.11354007

*pro-white stuff on /lit/ can get genuinely exhausting

>> No.11354017

Whats your goodreads?

>> No.11354036
File: 54 KB, 480x490, 760938afb51e5d47d5fc13ecfd6f8a588b48bf33_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another sin I have is that I know this man online and exchange with him flirts from time to time.
He also said to me I am the sole reason on why he grown a interest in traps (I ain't one, I just like traps and trapism a lot)
>I bet you'd enjoy getting flogged
I probably would.
>post some of your writing, I want to read some
I don't write in english, but I have this story with a neko-trap in with I am trying to capture the feeling of fairy-tales. Is nowhere near completion, and my english writing is very bad, but I am trying nonetheless, here is a sample from the doc.
>"Once upon a time, in a small kingdom, in a small house, there was a young lad by the name of William, his sister, Nina, and their parents, Joseph and Abigail. They were of a simple folk, and human they were not, for they were the mystical cat-folk that livid in that small country know as Valkahira. Such cat-folk were know by the name of neko, and they were a adventurous sort. Very similar in appereance to any other human or human-like folk, like elfs, fairys, etc, the only true think that made them unique were their cat ears on top of their heads and colourfull tails; like majority of people in the world, their hairs and eyes could be of all colours of the rainbow and more, and indeed, this was the case of this small family, all of them having hair and eyes of such feminine pink that, already told about their gentle and calm nature. William house may have been small, but his family wealthy and social status was better than the average serf, for they worked in trade, moreover, the trade of precious goods, comming from all the exotic places beyond the blue sea.
William was no ordinary lad, no. For he was a very feminine one, in his looks and in some of his actions. A slender body, small hands and feet, a loving for wearing simple tunics and/or dresses, a wish to from time-to-time be the bride of a valorous knight, sometimes with his mother and sister to use makeup and dress like a simple peasent girl, and other small things. This, as it probably already looks, was no problem between his family, for his father was a gentle and open person, loving and caring like his mother, and his sister, of such kind and warm heart that the makeup sessions, both learned from one another. William had no problems in life for this. He could one day go out dressed in the way the strong sex does, just for in the next one, to be of such girly disposicion that he could be confused by any other maiden for those who didn’t already knew of him."

This is the start of the book btw
Please forgive me onee-sama.

>> No.11354042
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I am just spoting the typo mistakes and the lack of ">" for the second paragraph.
End me.

>> No.11354205

Despite the typos - English isn't your first language is it? - this would probably find an audience with Amazon e-book publishing, you can find some genuinely weird erotica pulp on there.

>> No.11354219
File: 189 KB, 850x1172, __amanda_sennen_sensou_aigis_drawn_by_tasaka_shinnosuke__sample-ec40335276f3b4b9b86dc09ff7d310ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English isn't your first language is it?
No, it isen't. I can usualy hold a conversation and read english without many prooblems, but when it comes to creative writing, I suffer a lot. I am trying to improve it.
>this would probably find an audience with Amazon e-book publishing
I am looking for anything. I hope people enjoy, but if you sugest this, I may try there when the book is finished, although I don't know very well how e-book publishing in Amazon works.
>you can find some genuinely weird erotica pulp on there
Yea, I saw. I never read it full, but I saw some snipets here and there and it was fucking crazy.

>> No.11354230
File: 55 KB, 601x508, 7412CF7C-3742-4170-839F-4E2F565765B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought most of the Greek Philosphers were around before Christ up until I read St. Augustine’s City of God.
Yeah I’m a bit of a brainlet

>> No.11354317

>Greek Philosphers were around before Christ
Huh? Pretty much all of them pre-date Christ.

>> No.11354392
File: 25 KB, 704x470, FB_IMG_1529330558451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am v conflicted between going back and actually starting w the Greeks properly and just diving the fuck into gravity's rainbow

>> No.11354723

I can't fucking stand Dostoevsky's style and I have never been able to finish one of his books.

>> No.11354774

No offense bro, but from someone who takes his inspiration from video-games like Dark Souls we can only expect him to make YA books or something similar. Maybe he will make a lot of money from that (unlike most of us) but his works will probably be fan fiction tier fantasy book without substance

>> No.11354829

I fapped to that one Don Imus book where the protag's aunt had sex with the him for his 13th birthday.

>> No.11354871

Nigga what are you talking about?

>> No.11355000

Thank you based Sucyposter

>> No.11355116

What's wrong with being white, anon?
t. Mestizo

>> No.11355131

Sounds like you have a gold mine of a mind. Exploit that shit nigga.

>> No.11355344

This but unironically.
Fiction doesn't always need to be used to reflect on reality, you can enjoy so-called 'mindless' things as well.
>inb4 snapposters

>> No.11355586

that pic makes a sick vaporwave wallpaper

>> No.11355921

Heart of Darkness was not good. Kurtz is built up throughout the whole book and when the guy gets to him, he just dies. Doesn’t reveal the reason he’s crazy or anything.

>> No.11355945

I dropped Ulysses a ways in.

I learned then that I really, really, don't like modernism or post-modernism. What sucks is that it seems all the authors this board likes are post-modernists, and I'd like to read some literary fiction from within the last 50 years every once in a while.

>> No.11356041

For my final AP exam of high school I wrote an autistic seven page paper on confessions of a mask.

>> No.11356046

Most contemporary fiction isn't very postmodern

>> No.11356054

Recommendations then? And it case it isn't clear already, I'm not very interested in genre fiction.

>> No.11356062

I also dropped Ulysses but because im a brainlet
I dropped Atlas Shrugged as well, terrible book

For my AP modern Euro final I wrote about how no one has ever tried "true communism"
I didnt get a good grade on it

>> No.11356074

I really want to pursue something lit related but am afraid to leave my current stem studies because I can't write worth shit

>> No.11356097

>For my AP modern Euro final I wrote about how no one has ever tried "true communism"
>I didnt get a good grade on it

>> No.11356284
File: 31 KB, 680x510, 985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try my best, desu

>> No.11356303

ASOIAF is one of my absolute favourites (apart from the latter two books, which were pretty shit)

>> No.11356429

i only read 50 pages a day

>> No.11356499

My nigga im without irony, i got the MLP movie on blu ray for "my niece"

>> No.11356504

Way to miss the point entirely.

>> No.11356508
File: 98 KB, 510x546, watatea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never read The Recognitions or Gravity's Rainbow and probably never will

>> No.11356524

You are literally me

>> No.11356735

I'm glad the MLP hate has died down. I guess there's more annoying fanbases out there that deserve more attention.

>> No.11356738

You can’t confess someone else’s sins

>> No.11356741

So you are responding to your own post? Pretty pointless tbqh

>> No.11356762

I don’t know why you are speaking in such broad terms, but I’ve seen posts and even entire threads where is obvious some people haven’t read much and some where it’s obvious that they’ve read a lot. It goes both ways as far as I can tell. I do kind of wonder why those who don’t read are on here though.

>> No.11356779

Why’d you stop?

>> No.11356790

It’s a mostly fun series. Heard it goes off the rails in the last couple books though. I don’t know I’m half way through the series myself. I’m only reading them because a girl I’m taking to told me to and I wanted to, you know, flirt with her.

>> No.11356802
File: 165 KB, 2048x1521, B79066E9-0A6B-475C-9493-1FA8BD4C2F71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audiobooks are a good cheat, but are literally worse for you than reading. They provide only a fraction of the positive effects of reading. There is no shame, but please try reading if you can. You probably could make more free time by cutting unnecessary stuff out if time is an issue for you.

>> No.11356820

Fuck me I’ve got to go to that one year. Sounds like a blast.

>> No.11356850
File: 196 KB, 1059x1324, 1529616727259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only post in Jezebel threads, I jack off to much, I really like "r9k" type of books like Notes from Underground

>> No.11356894

I'm reading philosophy in English which is my second language and I'm starting to hit serious reading comprehension walls, my proficiency is good enough to realize there's stuff going completely over my head and it makes me feel like a brainlet retard piece of shit. Fuck you guys I had to learn this shit.

>> No.11356943

Well done on getting as far as you have. Its impressive.