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/lit/ - Literature

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11347777 No.11347777 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I want to write an epic fantasy series and have a huge mythology built up in my head but I’m too scared that people will think it’s shit.

>> No.11347789

I hope you write it anyhow.

>> No.11347793

Just write it, damn you.

>> No.11347824
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even if it is shit, someone will read it
Harry potter is shit and millions of people read it

>> No.11347831

People will think it's shit because that's how people work you retard. People will also fall in love with it so it's your job to sift the shit out, embrace the side that helps you develop your series.
Stop being a limp dick loser, get over your fear of judgement, and get it over with.

>> No.11347838

Don't write it. All the time you spent building up your universe could have been used to become a better writer. Instead of creating interesting characters and write good prose it will undoubtedly be garbage however sprawling your fake religion is.

>> No.11347841
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with great quads come great responsibility

the universe has already spoken anon, this thing is out of your hands now anyways

chapter one on monday

>> No.11347846

>tfw have a 2000 page Encyclopedic Fantasy novel but the themes are too revealing so I won’t publish it

>> No.11347854

don't show anyone

>> No.11347904

what you're really scared of is the work, you'd rather ideate all day than have an actual story

get fucked

>> No.11347938

i already think it's shit, and i haven't read it yet.

oh, god, ANOTHER faux-medieval society, with inequality, the lords are cruel and the serfs are downtrodden and here comes magic protagonist with yet another system of spells and shit, to right the wrongs.

see if you can find an essay by Charles Platt, called "The Curse of the Hobbit".

you may not want to write fantasy after that.

>> No.11347966

You can break down any genre fiction like that and make it sound shit, it’s meaningless

>> No.11348636

What is serious, realistic literature for no-nonsense adults? Is anything pre-modern (i.e. mythical) out? Did literature only become serious when it became realist? Is English literature serious enough, or does it have to be Scandanavian?

>> No.11348967

The whole genre is built on shit. Just do it for the money.

>> No.11348979

You got quads, god is telling you to write it faggot.

>> No.11348988

Is this pic from the pizza review?

>> No.11348991

write it anyways you slut

>> No.11349026
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>write an essay in the early 80s bashing authors for escapism and the immaturity of fantasy and complaining about how shitty things are compared to the good old days
>35 years later literally no one reads fiction at all

>> No.11349033

this, unironically

>> No.11349049

who gives a fuck if its shit write it anyway cunt

>> No.11349057

What are you retarded? For every Harry Potter there's a million other works, even potentially good works that no one will ever read and the author may as well just dumped down the memory hole

>> No.11349067
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>you should write it bro, fantasy is a worthwhile genre

The absolute state of this thread

>> No.11349073

The best way to become a better writer is to write and then improve on your writing. There's no reason to just '' train '' and never do anything with it, write a novel that you feel proud of and print one copy for yourself and put it in the bookshelf.

>> No.11349077

Hint hint because all genre fiction is garbage

>> No.11349078

>The best way to become a better writer is to write and then improve on your writing

Wrong. Its actually by reading

>> No.11349120

There's enough books to just read for a hundred thousand years. At some point you need to start writing.

>> No.11349136

Would anyone be interested in reading a series about a magic user who is turned away from practicing magic but instead becomes one of the most renowned dark magicians of all time? I was thinking of writing it in the style of Proust with him narrating his journey from childhood to adulthood as he grows up learning all sorts of trades and magic.

>> No.11349140

I'd read if you did it from a black magic / blood magic angle and the '' mage '' turned his/her back from the academy and lived with swamp witches. Make it violent and gritty, too.

>> No.11349190
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Never got the point of even thinking about or wasting time on fiction books, I only have time for theory.

Btw, I left a spook around here, anyone know where I left it?

>> No.11349204


Don't be scared and write it, you can't get better without making some mistakes

>> No.11349235

Write under a pseudonym, faggot.

>> No.11349268

Write it and publish it with a fake name.

>> No.11349311

>At some point you need to start writing.

You really don't actually

>> No.11349316
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>> No.11350354

Best case scenario: You're the modern Tolkien. People remember your name for generations to come.
Worst case scenario: it's shit, you make abit of money. No one will remember you, or your name, and it won't matter.

>> No.11350588

>essay by Charles Platt, called "The Curse of the Hobbit".

where can i read it?

>> No.11351025

Protip, you're not going to become the next Tolkien so focus your attention on something good instead

>> No.11351260

You don't have to be the next Tolkien, you don't have to be great or even good. Writing isn't about being famous, telling stories isn't about having an international audiences, it's doing something that you feel compelled to do.

Someone like you is a defeating fucking loser, and I mean that with all my sincerity. Writing isn't about being a legend, Tolkien didn't write LOTR thinking about all of the copies he's going too sell, he wrote it because that's just what he does. Write, even if no one will ever read it but you.