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File: 225 KB, 573x432, voltaire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11347627 No.11347627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So lit, who rules over us? It seems like nobody is beyond criticism these days.

>> No.11347630

>OP totally doesnt know everyone will say Jews

>> No.11347636

Tommy P

Literally flawless the madlad

>> No.11347637
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the nuggies rule

>> No.11347640

OJ Simpson, aka "Juice"

>> No.11347953

Op asks a question in the same post as he includes a quote from Voltaire that aims to address it. Op, your way of thinking is the problem. I rule over myself yet you come here and expect that a citizen of 4chan, a containment board for socially autistic nerds, will give you an answer.

Why don't we we put the question under examination using Voltaire's wisdom. OP, who are you not allowed to criticize?

>> No.11347955

This was not said by Voltaire. A neo-Nazi named Kevin Alfred Strom said this.

>> No.11347961

I stand corrected.
My previous post >>11347953 is nullified

Good luck on your search OP!

>> No.11347965

Black people, women, trannies.

>> No.11347992

Jews, obviously.

Those people are the useful idiots of jews, tools or stepping stones they use to obtain power over white men.

>> No.11347998

the leprechauns

>> No.11348019

>presents no evidence of a Jewish conspiracy

>> No.11348025

Do you live in the world?

>> No.11348027

This will be a fun thread
Enjoy the (you)s everyone

>> No.11348032

Do you? I think you live in a paranoid fantasy world where DA JOOS run everything.

>> No.11348036

Why is this quote treated like some unquestionable wisdom? At this point it's just a shitty bait, if not the shitty bait aiming to provoke a laundry list of hated groups that are supposedly immune to criticism (even though such a statement is refuted by its very utterance).

>> No.11348051

Who said "the jews run the world"?

>> No.11348056

White people obviously, if you critique them shit always hits the fan and they complain about "reverse racism" or something.

>> No.11348064
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This. As long as 'white' means 'jewish.'

>> No.11348067

Whoa whats with the antisemitism, OP?

>> No.11348073

Imagine having such a learned helplessness that you actually think Jews rule over you. Unironically slave morality. Also that quote isn't by Voltaire.

>> No.11348084

>you actually think Jews rule over you
Who said that itt?

>> No.11348086

Nobody actually stops you from criticizing the Jews. Hell, the US is one of the only western countries that doesn't have laws against Holocaust revision/denial. Everyone will just think you're an idiot, but that isn't the same thing.

>> No.11348087

war veterans
the mentally disabled
the physically disabled
the recently deceased
family of the recently deceased
victims of rape

>> No.11348095

I'm pointing it out in response to the OP image. Otherwise I would have replied to a specific post.

>> No.11348096

>war veterans
>the mentally disabled
>the physically disabled
>the recently deceased
>family of the recently deceased
All of these people aren't totally in control of their circumstance, though
>victims of rape
At least, victims of """rape""" that won't prosecute their attackers.

>> No.11348097

Jews are pushing to make it illegal to criticize jews in the US all the time, dumbass.

>> No.11348104

>jews rule the world
>jews run everything
>jews rule over uou

The above are strawman tactics jews use to discredit people who talk about the jewish problem, who never actually say that.

>> No.11348107

If they're having to push "all the time" then by definition it isn't illegal yet and doesn't look likely to soon become illegal, dumbass.
If Jews controlled the world, there'd be no Jewish conspiracy theories

>> No.11348111

OPs quote doesn't have qualifiers. i can also just introduce random qualifiers and pick and choose who i want to fit the quote too

>> No.11348117

What about the white boy problem? You guys are shooting up schools because a girl didn't like you for christs sake.

>> No.11348119

>useful idiots
I hope you used this term ironically.

>> No.11348120

Ah yes, all of those Jews on twitter tweeting vague criticisms of white people, so oppressive. What ever happened to sticks and stones? Truly, the west has fallen to twitter Jews.

>> No.11348127

Well, you can't really criticise Jews...or non-white races...or non-westerners...

>> No.11348128

criticizing an individual for circumstances that aren't caused by their actions is just stupid, anon. Gee why haven't you stopped all wars on Earth, huh?

And black people are shooting up streets every day because they want to look thug, but we don't talk about that

>> No.11348129

>If Jews controlled the world

Again, nobody says that but jews. Jews make up 67% of the Harvard graduate school class because they are tribal people who conspire.

>> No.11348141

Jews aren't controlling the world when you're pressed on your narrative, but they're behind everything and everyone knows it when you're not. For fuck's sake apparently the Jews are even behind criticism of the Jews. Do you not realize that you're demonstrating obsessive behavior?

>> No.11348144

>over 5000 accredited universities in the United states and he picks one because which has a high rate of Jewish people studying there

>> No.11348145

I'm sorry I struck a nerve, don't shoot up the local playground, white boy. That's not a good solution to your fragile white psychological issues.

>> No.11348148

you didnt address the point of my post, you just avoided it. but for fun anyway lets do this:

the draft doesn't exist anymore
retards and cripples sometimes do stupid shit that causes their situation
people kill themselves and also do things to cause their death that are completely within their control, like drugs, speeding, heart disease from a poor diet, etc
family could have intervened to stop things like drug use and poor diet

>> No.11348158

I can't criticize autists or the mentally disabled, so does that mean they are in power?

>> No.11348159

These jewish tricks just don't work anymore. Jews are nepotistic and hostile semites who are continually kicked out because of their behavior and inability to learn from it, one part of which involves constantly lying, as you are doing. I want you to understand, this is why you are always kicked out. You are dishonest, bad people.

>> No.11348169

LOL, what? Do you even understand what you're saying? That is an example of jewish nepotism in institutions jews did not build. Only a jew like yourself would try to justify such behavior.

>> No.11348170

>white people are fragile because blacks do things

>the draft doesn't exist anymore
True but soldiers aren't in control of when/how they'll experience injury any more than in any other high-danger field
>retards and cripples sometimes do stupid shit that causes their situation
That's fair, but it's a pretty low percentage of the total
>people kill themselves and also do things to cause their death that are completely within their control, like drugs, speeding, heart disease from a poor diet, etc
Again that's fair but we don't typically term those things suicide; dumbasses winning Darwin Awards for themselves are commonly criticized/made fun of. People who commit intentional suicide are usually mentally unhealthy, which may or may not be because of their own actions (so see above point)
>family could have intervened to stop things like drug use and poor diet
But that's beyond control of the individual. You can certainly blame the family though, which is again pretty common.

>> No.11348179

>everyone who disagrees with me is a jew
>Jews are smart enough to run everything behind the backs of everyone except Jews are also primitive goblins

>> No.11348184

It has nothing to do with black people. White boys are fragile because they are depressed out of boredom and complain about their virginity.

>> No.11348185

Is it so hard to conceive the idea that there are people on the internet with different opinions than you, or are you so convinced of your ideology that everyone else is a Jewish shill?

>> No.11348186

Common trait of antisemitism, anon. Jews are simultaneously all-powerful and weak. It demonstrates just how fucking insane antisemites are.

>> No.11348188

>Nobody actually stops you from criticizing the Jews
>the US is one of the only western countries that doesn't have laws against Holocaust revision/denial
do you see that you contradicted yourself immediately? lmao

>> No.11348191

He's a schizo why are you even replying to him?

>> No.11348195

What? I'm not making defenses for the EU or the other cucked ex-Western countries. If you can't address my point without strawmanning my arguments, don't bother responding.

wow stop LARPing anytime

>> No.11348197

See >>11348188
A mix of imbecility, paranoid schizophrenia and a lot of time on your hands gets you this.

>> No.11348198

This is Claude's MO, he has done this every day all summer. He had 3 threads up right now because nobody bothers to be a /lit/ janitor

>> No.11348199

No, I understand that completely, only that it's you who doesn't understand it's in one single university out of 5000+.

>> No.11348202

>Holocaust """revisionism""""
Nice euphemism, /pol/tard. What you're doing is called negationism.

>> No.11348205
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There is a hasbara infiltration of /lit/ tonight, itt especially. You can tell because these kikes are using talking points that even the jews who frequent /lit/ got btfod on and stopped using long ago.

Not going to work though. The next expulsion is coming, you rats. You know it too.

>> No.11348211

One of my mod friends says the mod authentication is down across all of 4chan.

>> No.11348212

As the guy who originally wrote the post he's quoting, 'revision' is the legal term, alternatively 'denial'
"negationism" is a word you just fucking made up

>> No.11348214
File: 272 KB, 552x1219, D7DB3F49-8A78-4584-B129-D891528C5B05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The supplier of this wisdom

>> No.11348215

this discussion was never explicitly about the united states, my guy

>> No.11348220

/pol/tards will defend this

>> No.11348222

Every discussion of politics is explicitly about the US, every other ex-Western country has already ceded the fight

>> No.11348223

I don't know how mod authentication works. What does that imply?

>> No.11348225

classic jew tactic

>> No.11348226

is hasbara claude's schizophrenic boogeyman instead of the jidf?

>> No.11348228

>The term "negationism" (négationnisme) was first coined by the French historian Henry Rousso in his 1987 book The Vichy Syndrome which looked at the French popular memory of Vichy France and the French Resistance. Rousso argued that it was necessary to distinguish between legitimate historical revisionism in Holocaust studies and politically-motivated denial of the Holocaust, which he termed negationism.
Outright denial of historical events for political reasons is negationism.

>> No.11348233

means mods can't log in and prune reported threads

>> No.11348238

they sure could last night because I got a 3 week ban on /sp/ for power ranking

>> No.11348245

Anon, why do you think anyone is going to use terminology coined in a history book from 1987?
Unless I spend my days studying the history of Holocaust "negationism", I'm not gonna know that word and neither is anyone else who isn't weirdly obsessed with the Holocaust. It certainly hasn't entered the legal jargon.

>> No.11348250

>do you see that you contradicted yourself immediately? lmao

>the US is the last bastion of free speech against the Jews
>the US left the UN human rights council because they were the only ones defending Israel while all of the EU strongly condemned Israel

You only get to pick one, bucko

>> No.11348251
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>> No.11348254

>not obsessed with the holocaust
*inhales for six million years*

>> No.11348255

To what extent do you REALLY tolerate self criticism, OP?

>> No.11348258

I'm not Claude, anon.

>> No.11348260

Interesting. That was quite the kike spaz wave. Something was clearly off.

>> No.11348261

Words coined a few decades ago aren’t necessarily “obscure” in the field of historiography. Revisionism is more than just a ‘legal’ term by the way, and applies to legitimate historical output.

>> No.11348266

Nice try Claude

>> No.11348267

>one guy that doesn't like jews gets in power
>the entire world goes against him and occupies his country

>> No.11348274

the first amendment is older than israel

>> No.11348275

The Israel question is, unfortunately, already a decided outcome. There's no practicable way to round up all the population of Israel and send them out of the country, it's past the point of saying "oops! those guys from the 20th century sure fucked up" and establishing a legally recognized one-state Palestine even if everyone wanted to.

EU countries condemn Israel because the EU inner party are socialists and dyed-in-the-cloth anti-semites. The US Federal Government may have troubling religious and business ties to developments in Israel, but support of at least a 2-state system is the only realistic solution to the ongoing violence.

>> No.11348283

No, see you are a conspiracy theorist and an anti semite.

>> No.11348285

They declared war because Germany invaded Poland, dude.
Do I need to tripfag to convince you?

>> No.11348287

>legitimate historical output.
And in the US Holocaust revisionism isn't recognized as separate from other historical revisionism, or considered 'illegitimate'
That's why 'revision' is used over 'denial' or 'negation' in the US legal jargon

you're leaving out the part where he started invading other countries and breaking international law, my guy

>> No.11348288

After all, is not the question of who rules over YOU precisely answered by who you do not allow YOURSELF to criticize? How many of your holy cows have been bought out of convenience and cowardice? to what extent are you nothing but a fraud and a trickster? How many skeletons have you buried in your past and hazy memories for fear of peering too deeply and uncovering some hideous truth? Are you often the victim of forces beyond your control OP? Are you often surprised by how people treat and receive you in social interactions? When's the last time you looked in the mirror and saw the contours of your face without seeing the slef behind it?

>> No.11348291

Perhaps we should examine the clashing ideals in this thread and go from there, rather than going at eachother’s throats.

>> No.11348295

conspiracy is the most natural and common way for groups of people to acquire power.

>> No.11348296

Hitler was in the process of taking over Europe by force
The allies would have mobilized Jews or no jews

>> No.11348297

>you can't do anything to stop the oded yinon plan and anyone who criticizes israel is an anti semite.

It's like the jew thinks it's on reddit...

>> No.11348298

>And in the US Holocaust revisionism isn't recognized as separate from other historical revisionism, or considered 'illegitimate'
>That's why 'revision' is used over 'denial' or 'negation' in the US legal jargon
That’s fair.

>> No.11348304

substantiate that claim
The Jewish "conspiracy" itself can't even really be substantiated. There's not even a good hypothetical explanation for how the Jews have managed to 'take over everything', there's just broad appeals to prejudice (DA JOOS are ebul, nepotistic, greedy, etc)

>> No.11348305

I hate niggers, spics, kikes, arabs, and faggots.
I like Christianity and Islam, and hate Judaism.

>> No.11348311

What's your preferred solution, anon?
For the record I'd be staunchly anti-Zionist if the question were posed from scratch today, or more to the point I'd be pro-Palestinian Sovereignty. I don't believe people get to claim "rightful clay" after thousands of years of absence.

>> No.11348317

Wowser, I didn't know. I imagined they would declare war against the soviet union as well, if Poland was the issue.

>> No.11348319

Jewry is neither a race nor a mixed race. It is a confusing mixture of races, racial mixtures, and racial fragments, artificially held together by its rabbis. It acts as a kind of counter-race, which can only destroy, never build. Jewry is the product of the inbreeding of asocial, criminal, sick, degenerate, and rejected elements of every possible race in the ancient world. Jewry is neither a race nor a people nor a religion in our sense of those words. It possesses no homeland, but leads a rootless, parasitic life at the expense of the host peoples. Its current homeland is largely the criminal neighborhoods of the great cities of the world, its god is money, its policy is revolution and the destruction of the cultural treasures of mankind.

>> No.11348321
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I know, I was just joking.

Jews had been trying to push white countries into war for years, you lying semite.

Q: is this your first time here? I don't think you understand how things work around here. No one believes these lies of yours anymore.

>> No.11348325

>broad appeals to prejudice (DA JOOS are ebul, nepotistic, greedy, etc)
Surely you can do better.

>> No.11348329

The solution is to force every last semite, jew and arab, back into the desert and make sure they never get out again. The semitic race is a plague unto the world.

>> No.11348332
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>> No.11348333

Poland by itself wasn’t the issue. German expansion was. Poland was just the threshold, the “line”. Going to war with Soviets too would be suicide.

>> No.11348334

If we thoroughly study the racial nature of the Jew, we conclude that Jewry is not a race in the ordinary sense of the word. Instead, as Houston Steward Chamberlain wrote, it must be seen as a counter-race, although the term “counter-race” cannot be understood in a biological sense. From a biological standpoint, Jewry is a stable, inbred mixture of extreme races and racial rubbish. The concept of “counter-race” primarily means the destructive and disruptive effect of Jewry within natural races. The distinguishing mark of Jewry within human races has to do on the one hand with the racial makeup of the Jews, who have been scattered for millennia, and on the other hand in their stubborn adherence to the crassest materialism, based on their so-called religious laws.

Jewry is the result of the mixing of every possible race. It is the biggest racial mish-mash in history. This racial mish-mash is so dangerous for all peoples because it because it includes elements from every race. The bad characteristics of these races have been passed on for many generations through Jewry in ever stronger form. From this artificial, rootless, materialistic racial mish-mash, a parasitic counter-race has developed among the peoples.

The core of Jewry is the coming together of rootless, rejected, asocial, sick, and degenerate elements of the various races, predominately of Middle Eastern and Oriental origins. One should remember that in antiquity, lepers were ejected from their racial community, just as were criminal asocial elements.

>> No.11348335

He's absolutely right, and it's time for you to leave.

>> No.11348336

Declaring war against the Soviet Union as well would have been foolish. It would have been a stupid idea to declare war on TWO major superpowers.

>> No.11348338

As a result of its parasitic distribution among the peoples over thousands of years, Jewry wormed its way into almost all the races on earth. As a social parasite, it infected the lower classes, slaves, proletarians, the mob, etc. They had the least resistance to Jewish racial parasitism. These classes, which had largely lost their instincts against racial foreigners, allowed Jewish blood to infiltrate.

Already in the Old Testament, we read in Exodus 12:38 about the departure from Egypt of the Children of Israel: “Many others of the rabble left with them.”

Since these lower classes leaned strongly to criminality and asocial behavior, and were inclined to political revolution, the Jewish racial mish-mash incorporated the negative characteristics of these races, and increased them over the generations by mixing with the blood of the lowest elements of other races, passing them on in increased degree from generation to generation. Thus, the Jewish counter-race moved ever more to the negative side. The artificial Jewish racial mish-mash was held together by the force of materialistic religious laws that focused on life this side of the grave. It promised its adherents prosperity on earth, and lordship over all other peoples and nations. This Jewish racial mixture was kept strictly separate from the influence of foreign gods.

During several hundred years of the Babylonian Captivity, the Jewish racial mish-mash was strengthened by inbreeding. The inclusion of foreign elements, from this point on, was almost nonexistent. For the first time in history, a well-defined and distinct type emerged in the form of the Jewish counter-race.

>> No.11348339

At least semites gave us the alphabet, that was nice of them.

>> No.11348340

If the Jews helped push Germany to war, and Hitler wanted to go to War, why did Hitler want to purge Jews from the government and social public?
Sounds like he was persecuting his core audience

>> No.11348342

this is a woefully incomplete page but it presents itself as a list of "genuine political conspiracies" as opposed to the black helicopters list
there are numerous other examples of genuine conspiracies to be found even on wikipedia that are not included on that list, like the propaganda due conspiracy in italy. Look into the history of Licio Gelli.

Beyond historical examples it's simply obvious that within any public group of influence, be it a charity, government, NGO, business, church or what have you, there will be groups of people within that organization who will work together, often in secret, in order to advance their agendas.

>> No.11348348
File: 57 KB, 280x356, 7F19A10D-66E8-49AA-8D13-1B072AFEFE11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pro-appeasement newspaper makes headline about “Judea declaring war on Germany” to refer to international boycott
>70 years later /pol/tards point to this as if it’s some casus belli for Holocaust

>> No.11348349

I don’t follow your logic.

>> No.11348350

What? Jews think they have a right to live among and rule over others. Germany said no to that so jews began aligning everyone else against them.

>> No.11348353

That's cool, but it fails to substantiate the claim that conspiracies have been the number one tool to effect change historically - at least, not without a stunningly relative approach to the definition of the term 'conspiracy'

>> No.11348356

But Germany was gonna take over and rule everyone. That was the express aim of the Nazi party's policy of Livingspace

>> No.11348359

Listen, you and the other jews itt. You need to stop posting on /lit/. Stop coming here, stop posting here.

>> No.11348361

that was hyperbole, but it's certainly less ridiculous to assume that conspiracy was a major vehicle for shifts in power dynamics throughout history than it is to dismiss anything labeled as a conspiracy out of hand.

possibly outright war could be considered as more influential, but i find it hard to imagine any war taking place without conspiracy.

>> No.11348363

No, we Jews decidedly do not believe that we should rule over others. You're projecting here.

>> No.11348365

I’m not Jewish, Claude. I’m 100% pure Anglo. You are probably some sort of mutt, no?

>> No.11348369
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>literally refer to themselves as the chosen people and refer to everyone else as goyim - cattle who exist to wait on the chosen while they "eat like an effendi"

>> No.11348372

That is what jewish religious texts teach and have taught for centuries. Stop lying, it's not working anymore.

>> No.11348375

>but i find it hard to imagine any war taking place without conspiracy.
You've ascribed to a notion of history that would posit that big figures in historical events necessarily knew what they were doing. A vast majority absolutely did not. Though this remains true in the case of conspiracies as well.

>we Jews
/pol/ falseflag detected

>> No.11348377


>> No.11348378

Every religion teaches a fundamental form of supremacy; most followers of any given religion aren't particularly orthodox today

>> No.11348382

>an anglo defending jews.
You were conquered long ago, no surprise you can't even think for yourself anymore.

>> No.11348389

Every religion is not comprised of vagabond swindlers who have been physically removed from hundreds of places.

>> No.11348390

>says the man pathologically obsessed with the theory that another group is his master

>> No.11348391

Goyim means "nation", not "cattle", and "chosen people" means have been chosen to serve as an example of a good civilization to others, and does not mean we are SUPERIOR.
They say no such thing.
Not a /pol/tard. I'm a /his/torian.

>> No.11348394

He’s got you on the ropes anon

>> No.11348396

>Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc don't commit crime because I say so
ha ha
If Jews were as you say, crime rates would reflect it. Unless you think there's some institutional racism at play. Do they have Jew privilege, my fucking (a) white male?

>> No.11348397

You serve your enemy. There is none lower.

>> No.11348398

>the Jewish rhetoric, anons and show me your tits

>> No.11348399

I don't have a shrek cringe compilation reaction image, so just imagine the sound of a camera shutter going off and that's my response

>> No.11348406

What is your ethnic makeup? I hope you are not a MUTT MIX like the evil Jewish race.

>> No.11348407

How the fuck did you know I was female?

>> No.11348409

I’m instigating so you guys can fucking breath and realize how out of hand you are

>> No.11348411

Jews are a race that has incurred so much wrath because their nature is diseased. It was always a cult of destruction.

>> No.11348416

Because I’m a genius linguist

>> No.11348419


I don't need you to patronize me, massa.

>> No.11348421

How the fuck did you know I was white

>> No.11348422
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>> No.11348427

>Jews decidedly do not believe that we should rule over others.
The belongings of Gentiles are like the desert, and he who first seizes them may keep them. (Talmud Baba batra 54b)

As long as the Jew does the will of Jahwe, his work will be done by the hands of others. (Talmud Terakot 35b)

It is permitted to incite the sinners (Gentiles) of this world into war. (Talmud Berakot 7b, Megilla 6b)

The Jew is your comrade, the Gentile is not a comrade. (Talmud Sanhedrin 72b, Tosafot).

There is no honor among the Gentiles. (Talmud Sanhedrin 74b)

Kill the best of the Gentiles! (Talmud Aboda zara 26b, Tosafot)

>> No.11348428

>religious fundamentalists/extremists are despicable gutter trash
wow who knew

>> No.11348430

Many Jews condemned his remarks. Try again.

>> No.11348435

Fake quotes, lol. Those aren't in the Talmud.

>> No.11348440

Posts like these make me want to study Judaism. Really accomplishing your stated goals huh /pol/tards

>> No.11348441
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>> No.11348442

And a key point is how jewish leaders brainwashing the jews below them with these demonic mesaages for thousands of years is why jews are the way they are. That is responsible for the high verbal (rote) IQ and for jews' dual morality toward non-jews.

>> No.11348443

>The belongings of Gentiles are like the desert, and he who first seizes them may keep them. (Talmud Baba batra 54b)

Full quote is:

>Rab Judah said in the name of Samuel: The property of a heathen is on the same footing as desert land; whoever first occupies it acquires ownership. The reason is that as soon as the heathen receives the money he ceases to be the owner, whereas the Jew does not become the owner till he obtains the deed of sale.

>> No.11348450

The first and greatest lie, that Jewry is not a racial question, but a religion, inevitably leads to further lies. Another lie concerns the Jew’s language. It is not a way for him to express his thoughts, but rather a means to conceal them. Although he may speak German, French, or some other language, he thinks in a Jewish way. He may spout German poetry, but he remains a member of his race. Heinrich Heine is the best example.

The importance of such comprehensive educational activity, which was carried out even before the NSDAP by some decent Germans, can best be seen in our people’s recent history. Past generations saw even the mention of the Jewish Question as impolite. One intentionally ignored all these questions, even if the individual Jew was usually perceived instinctively as a foreign body.

Why do we Germans, and almost we alone, fight Jewry so energetically? Why in the course of German history have there always been times when the German element turns against Jewry? Alfred Rosenberg, in his book The Path of the Jew throughout History, provides the answer: “There is probably no nation in Europe in which people’s inner nature is so deep, and so influential, as in the German people. In its depths, therefore, it is the spiritual opposite of the Jews...”

Despite that, the power of Jewry and its supporters grew so great in the German people that it lead to the collapse in 1918. The primary cause for this was the large increase in the population of our people, combined with growing liberal tendencies, which led more and more Germans to misperceive the fact of the racial problem, and thus become indifferent to the Jewish danger.

The National Socialist worldview has in recent years opened the eyes of the greater part of our people to this problem. The German people has recognized that the Jew has crept in like a parasite not only into our people, but into all the peoples of the earth, and that it is attempting to corrupt the original racial characteristics of the peoples in order to destroy them both racially and as states, and thereby rule over them.

>> No.11348453

>That is responsible for the high verbal (rote) IQ
Jewish IQ began increasing from a modest point to the current high standard due to their adapting into Western cultures with higher educational standards, you retard

>> No.11348458

It is, nonetheless, false if one German or another concludes that since the Jew has been eliminated from German politics, that Jewish influence has also been entirely eliminated from our thinking and conduct. One even sometimes hears the superficial view that things are the same in other peoples of the world, since they have followed our example. That is true in only a few cases. Instead, we must remember that according to reliable statistics, there are about 16 million religious Jews in the world, 10 million of whom live in Europe alone, almost three fifths of the total. Another 4.5 million live in America, 800,000 in Asia, 530,000 in Africa, 25,000 in Australia. These figures alonge prove that the Jewish danger is particularly great in Europe. It is also clear why the dramatic growth of Jewry in America is such a danger for us. The Jew is establishing his main forces in the Western Hemisphere, from where he believes he will be able to continue to wage war against us from a secure position.

Despite the fact that he feels so secure, at least for the moment, the Jew is thinking hard about why the awakened peoples of Europe are defending themselves against him. Nothing reveals his uncertainty about the path his laws dictate to world denomination than what we often read in the works of Jewish authors.

It is in part this uncertainty that drives the Jews to pursue their goal of world domination more quickly and more consistently. Even Goethe wrote: “The Jew will not spare us.” We can be sure that this is more true today than ever before. In the book by the Jews Zangwill and Roth titled Now and Forever, a conversation reveals what the Jewish world parasite sees as its final goal, world domination [the book referred to is Now and Forever: a Conversation with Mr. Israel Zangwill on the Jew and the Future (New York: R. M. McBride, 1925)]. With all the passion in the Jewish breast, the book tells the story of a Jew out for revenge. He wanders from country to country, gathering his forces, at the head of which he ruins Europe with sadistic horror and lust for destruction, this Europe that will not bow to the Jew, but instead stands in the way of his path to world domination.

>> No.11348459

the talmud is an exceptionally autistic text
the quotes are real but there is context as well