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11346648 No.11346648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of reading if it doesn’t get you a gf?

>> No.11346654

theres no point to literally everything

>> No.11346664

Everything we do we ultimately do for affection and sex

>> No.11346669

Did your reply help you in any way to reach your flesh desires?

>> No.11346685

yep that'll get you a gf anon

>> No.11346686

It was a self examination of the motivations we have and more knowledge that can be put towards those goals has resulted from it

>> No.11346691

Digestion helps you survive longer so you can procreate

>> No.11346698
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everything i do is for one thing and i can't even achieve it

>> No.11346700

Not yet, but in the long run I hope so

>> No.11346703
File: 28 KB, 220x307, 220px-Aubrey_Beardsley_spider_battle_in_1894_True_History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if reading one book did get one person a gf? Wouldn't it count as a minor possibility that at to the odds? And shouldn't you be doing everything in your power to increase your odds, given that.... Well, you know....

>> No.11346704

Yeah, that’s the sad part of being an incel

You probably

>> No.11346705

>tfw no qt trans gf who obviously doesn't pass but that makes it hotter and makes you want to destroy her boipussi more

>> No.11346713

Not with THAT attitude!

>> No.11346714

Procreation leads to more digestive systems, we really have just be fucking each other so there can be more people farting in the world.

>> No.11346715


Lol i read like two books once and got a gf a week later it works i swear keep trying

>> No.11346727
File: 39 KB, 645x773, 1318199516002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit anons, I can't take it anymore. Its all I've ever wanted, the last piece of the puzzle but I'm getting nowhere. I need to make it. I've got to find her.

>> No.11346737

just have a shower and be yourself bro

>> No.11346738

God damn, you're going to be so disapointed when you get one. Dude, it means nothing. True, authentic love for another is more important that "tfw now have gf". Improve yourself, pick your targets, and just stop worrying. Allow a healthy and normal relationship to arise. It will happen unless you lead an abnormal life that excludes you from being around females your age.

>> No.11346743

I'm sure if i did get one, i would still feel empty

>> No.11346747

>It will happen unless you lead an abnormal life that excludes you from being around females your age.

not him, but my social circle is really small, and everyone i work with is male. it's not going to happen

>> No.11346752

and at least not having one gives me something to hope for

>> No.11346753

He's right, though. At some point every thinking man needs to come to grips with his own mortality, and the mortality of man kind as a whole. No material thing endures forever.

>> No.11346763

Yeah man learning sanskrit is because I want a gf

>> No.11346781

Are you old enough to drink? Are you a member of a country club or church or something? It's a win-win to take up new hobbies or socialize more because even if no gf then at least you've added something to your life experience which is (or ought to be) your prime objective. Just be confident and don't let rejection EVER stop you. Brave men die once, cowards die many times before their actual death.

>> No.11346782

Were you having a stroke when you wrote that post?

>> No.11346789
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>mfw /lit/ actually fell for the gf meme

The grass is always greener on the other side eh?

>> No.11346792
File: 179 KB, 799x1000, 10905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


unironically this

>> No.11346797

That guy is on levels well beyond ours, anon. Best not try to interpret brilliance

>> No.11346799

I won't be disappointed. Being loved and wanted by another is all I want. It will cleanse me, wipe me clean. You say it won't but I know my own brain and all it's energy is swirling around this one thing. It's my white whale anon, I can't just stop and its certainly not nothing.

I'm not really sure what to improve.

>> No.11346800

You learned it to better yourself which improves your value to potential mates

>> No.11346809


This. gfs can be really disappointing

>> No.11346811

Not true

>> No.11346814

What is the gf meme
Is having a gf a meme now

>> No.11346818

Only if you pick shit girlfriends

>> No.11346820


Yes. Women are a meme a priori see >>11346809

>> No.11346823

Mate, not everything in life is about sex - we have as human beings transcended animistic modes of survival for procreation. Please enjoy and express the beauty life shows you for beauty is truly virtuous and noble and fuck off with your incel bullshit.

>> No.11346824

what do we want with those things?

>> No.11346826

Who says I want a gf for sex

>> No.11346831

tfw no gf is the oldest meme there is >>>reddit

>> No.11346833


That was my point. What are the chances that OP meets a girl who will be *the* girl? Slim.

OP and these other incels are approaching romance in the wrong way. And if they aren't in it for the romance then they should just get an escort or something.

>> No.11346838

>Brave men die once, cowards die many times before their actual death.
not true, only exposing yourself or old age kills you

good advice elsewise though.