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/lit/ - Literature

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11345763 No.11345763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was once reading a book in a park and a dude passed by with a girl and said, "Reading some Shakespeare?" and he and the girl laughed and kept walking. I said nothing as I tried to understand the apparent putdown. I wasn't reading Shakespeare.

WTF was this...? Like drive-by anti-intellectualism? I think I was reading a hardcover copy of Inherent Vice with the jacket off, so it looked pretty nondescript. Did he think I was making a spectacle of myself by reading on a park bench...if so, that's fucking ridiculous.

Maybe others might have had a witty rejoinder at the ready, but I was too baffled, and besides, I don't consider it a good idea to talk back to rude strangers unless absolutely necessary.

Why has this memory stuck with me after all these years? I don't know! It was such a beautiful day, I was on the bench reading, and all was well, and suddenly I'm the object of someone's incoherent joke...

I guess reading in public was too obvious a demonstration of readerly habits for this insecure fellow and his friend?

>> No.11345790

>You don't read Shakespeare. You witness Shakespeare
and then whip your cape around you and walk away

>> No.11345801

Really embarrassing post

>> No.11345817

Based random passer-by. Public reading is cringe.

>> No.11345823

This shit looks hilarious in my head. Some 7"1 Chad with a tanned blonde bimbo walk by and the dude comes up with the first joke in his head, obviously it makes no sense and there's no punch-line, the joke is quite literally "you read books!" and you just stare, dumb-founded unable to understand a 3 IQ chad meme

>> No.11345826

Maybe you should strive to just ignore fuckwits and enjoy the things that you enjoy?

>> No.11345831

Lmfao I also imagined the same, nice story OP. You need more self-esteem, believe in your beliefs. Stand up for yourself. If you really believed in yourself you wouldn't second-guess yourself like this and still remember it years later.

>> No.11345843

I'm reading Schoppenhauer's On Women. Try the redpill.

>> No.11345848

Based, you don't read Shakespeare. You watch him.

>> No.11345938

this happened to me while I was studying on a college campus. I often replay their murders in my own head.

>> No.11345970
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>Reading in public

is there anything more pretentious?

>> No.11346012

Pro-tip: People who read in public often look pretentious to people who don't read at all. That's like wearing a sign that says "I think you're stupid."

Just do your public reading when on the bus or the train, not on a fucking bench in the park.

>> No.11346064

fucking kek

>> No.11346072
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>> No.11346078

I would never want to be your friend because you're an insecure little bitch who thinks too much about what other plebs think of what you do in life

>> No.11346080

>read book in the bus
>chad and his gf get in and place themselves right across me
>chad: Reading some Shakespeare?
>don't know what to say
>leave next station out of embarrassment and to avoid my awkward silence
>have to wait half an hour for the next bus to get me to my destination
>while waiting it starts to rain and my book is getting wet

>> No.11346085

...Did you just rewrite OP's story in a slightly different variation? Suck a cock it wasn't even funny

>> No.11346088

Why the fuck would you stop reading in a park, because some random one in a million douche feels insecure about himself and tries to make fun of you. If it’s a nice day, enjoy the heck out of reading outside, that dude shouldn’t have an impact on you

>> No.11346094

Just sharing some facts of life, kiddo.

>> No.11346102
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>read book while sucking chad's cock
>his gf walks in and starts laughing at me
>stacy: "Reading some Shakespeare?"
>don't know what to say, just make finger guns at her
>chad smacks me in the face
>start crying

>> No.11346111

Fuck you nerd I'll read where I please

>> No.11346126

He put his dick in your mouth and you said nothing?

>> No.11346183

How is he supposed to speak with a dick in his mouth?

>> No.11346186

you say “fuck you this is Pynchon; illiterate nigger” and then continue reading while he processes being compared to an ape

>> No.11346195

I'm not going to lie, every time I see someone reading in public I have a sudden urge to take their book and fucking tear it. What you're essentially saying is: "I'm better than you. Scratch that, I'm SMARTER than you." There's no way you're enjoying that book when your book is shaking on the train, it's packed, and it's loud as fuck. You're going out of your way, struggling to get your book out of your backpack, only to effectively read 1 page. Read in privacy. It's that simple.

>> No.11346203

Imagine being this insecure

>> No.11346207

He's right. You're reading boring books while that guy is living a truly fulfilling life going out and fucking women and having memorable experiences. Who is the smart one here? You, who lives for nothing? Or him, who lives life to the fullest and actually makes use of the body he was given?

>> No.11346212

You're presupposing a lot about Chad

>> No.11346229

>making the same pathetic post twice in one day
So this is the power of literature...

>> No.11346287
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I'm sorry that you have internalized this type of memory in such a harmful way, but you have to take it with a grain of salt.

Maybe he was some dudebro that thinks doing things other than "Gym Tan Laundry" or whatever is for Pussies, maybe he was thinking that you were posturing yourself for vanity's sake, who knows- but it doesn't matter. Fuck that guy, you know your intent for being there and there's nothing wrong with that. All you can do now is to mentally tell that guy to fuck off and be more confident about your own choices; You are your own person and entitled to do whatever you want, who cares what other people think. Don't let it deter you from reading outside if you like to do so to enjoy the weather or whatever reason, even if you are posturing to impress someone. Who cares.

>> No.11346299

Books are cumbersome in trains, but e-books are pretty nice. My commute is like 10-15 minutes, but I like to read there, it adds up to half an hour every day, so around 10 hours every month, which is in itself a whole book.

>> No.11346317
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Even Mishima would call you a bumbling fool.

>> No.11346320
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>> No.11346321

Why do you even think that? You’re a vapid cunt

>> No.11346334

>reading in public
Is there anything more pretentious, more attention seeking?

>> No.11346348

this reads like an excerpt from notes from underground