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11343627 No.11343627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

every single time
it's this or existentialism
they never know anything beyond one or two basic bulletpoints
why do they even speak on the subject
why am I even on tinder

>> No.11343632

Look retard, the girl doesn't think she's as smart as you. This isn't a challenge to your ego. She brought up what little she knows about philosophy because she wants to make you like her because she thinks you're cute. Stop being an autist and fuck her.

>> No.11343634

Holy shit this. Stop viewing everything as a challenge to your intelligence

>> No.11343635

It's a talking point, work with it. Your not going to find your twin anywhere. You seem ignorant on certain topics compared to her.

>> No.11343655

This girl wants to have sex with you. She's making an effort to relate to you in some way and you're gonna write her off because she dont know as much as you about something you went to school for. Pretty shallow, dude

>> No.11343659

>Stop viewing everything as a challenge to your intelligence
Where do you think you are?

>> No.11343661
File: 74 KB, 1128x2156, 1523049482974-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes talking philosophy on an app designed for getting laid by dumb whores and literally nothing else
This one is definitely goin in my cringe compilation

>> No.11343662

this, lmao OP is mega-autist of the year

>hurr durr why arn't random twitter whores able to converse with me about philosophy

>> No.11343681

Wow look at me not only do I get matches girls initiate conversations
Fucking off yourself OP, your humble brag is shit

>> No.11343690

Girls should learn not to lie about their interests.

>> No.11343691

Holy shit, where did I imply that I took this as a challenge to my intelligence?
I've gotten laid off of tinder a decent amount of times, I don't need you autists to tell me how it works
Being "into" absurdism is literally high school tier, and I don't really give a shit about boning this chick.

This is true and I'm under no illusion of the contrary. Just thought it was funny that she's probably the 6th or 7th girl to say something along the lines of "oh yeah I love philosophy, existentialism is sooo interesting it's right about literally everything." I wouldn't say something about how cool bacterial growth is to somebody who studies microbiology because I'd look like an idiot.

Funny that you're calling me shallow when I'm looking for something more than a superficial fuck with someone who flaunts a fake image to obtain my interest

Wtf is going on here tonight you guys are salty af

>> No.11343694

>Funny that you're calling me shallow when I'm looking for something more than a superficial fuck with someone who flaunts a fake image to obtain my interest
Dude you're on tinder, if you're looking for something other than superficiality you're on the wrong place

>> No.11343700

Just introduce her to a work that argues strongly against absurdism if you are concerned about this. Am I missing something?

>> No.11343701
File: 49 KB, 1063x335, SmartSelect_20180619-001405_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, loser
Does seeing my match queue make you jealous?
It shouldn't, I indiscriminately swipe right one everyone just to see who matches me back and 7/10 of those are landwhales or just straight up ugly

>> No.11343708

This is absolute fucking bullshit. This meme needs to die quickly. I don't even have any idea where this stupid shit came from. If this is the way it is for you, then it's your fault.

>> No.11343711

I do the same thing and still get no one. lul

>> No.11343715

You're missing the fact that OP is a moron who probably doesn't know anything about philosophy other than what Jordan Peterson regurgitated into his mouth

>> No.11343719

ah ok those are prettt avg numbers
>i swipe right indiscriminately
ahahahhhhhaaaaaaaaa LMAOOO

>> No.11343721

Have you tried being more attractive?
Then recommend some Nieztsche or Jung or-because it's tinder-Freud.

>> No.11343724

Stop writing like a nigger

>> No.11343741

College was a mistake

>> No.11343748

Jordan Peterson is a fucking dilettante and I don't know how people even consider him a philosopher

I've only been on the app for a little over a month, if those are low numbers then so be it
I've gotten laid 4 times from tinder and 3 of them were pretty fucking hot, the first one was out of desperation on both ends

What, does the acronym "af" really trigger you that much?

>> No.11343755

"yep, this one's going in my /lit/ compilation"

Sad little cunt.

>> No.11343761

He's considered a philosopher because he expands on the ideas of Jung.

>> No.11343770

You're just making yourself look like an even bigger dweeb by showing how many matches you've got. It's not fucking hard to get those numbers if you swipe right on everyone, dummy. The best way to save face is to delete the thread