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11339923 No.11339923 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that will make me a better person? I'm looking for history, science or self-help books (the good kind)

I don't like poetry, literature or philosophy books, I find them a waste of time and its only purpose is for mental masturbation. I want something that will actually teach me things. You think a person like Elon Musk read philosophy or poetry in his free time? You think he reads a book about the sun shining in someones eyes and him going on a murdering spree? (looking at you the stranger, shitbook)

No. reading these things is a useless endeavor only to be enjoyed by the "elite" because they have nothing else to do than resort to mental masturbating themselves on a mongolian basket-weaving forum.

>> No.11339956

Never gonna make it.

>> No.11339959

Nice comeback kiddo. Maybe try to formulate WHY you think that, otherwise you're full of shit.

>> No.11339962

Why do you think philosophy and literature are mental masturbation?

>> No.11339972

How can one person be this spooked.

>> No.11339973
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>> No.11339974

>self-help books (the good kind)
the state of nihilists

>> No.11339981

Philosophy is practiced for thousands of years and it brought us to this point, just being aware of that is enough for me, I do NOT need to read the countless philosophers and their ideas, I find it pointless and it definitely won't add anything meaningful to my day to day life. I believe reading those genres will make you a dull person who can't enjoy life

>> No.11339986

Typical mental masturbator to be seen here:

This specimen thinks he's better than others for reading useless books all day and being a social recluse.


I bet you're balding and nobody likes you

>> No.11339988

sounds like you're purposely keeping your mental horizons narrow. you want good self-help that isn't philosophy? good luck with that buddy.

>> No.11339999

Everybody goes through their own spiritual/mental path in life, and after a lifetime of experiencing I have concluded that philosophy is useless. Nothing wrong with being closed minded, being open minded makes you sway with the wind a little too much and you won't ever have stable footing in life

>> No.11340201

These super digits have a point. Philosophy can be a good way to self help in small, simple doses, but there more deep you get in there, the more of a miserable, hateful, self-indulging wretch you become.

>> No.11340243

Speak for yourself.

>> No.11340251

What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.11340253

People are trying to help you but you're just shooting them down.

I don't think you are interested in becoming a 'better person' at all.

>> No.11341467

>I don't like poetry, literature or philosophy books
>philosophy books
>I find it pointless and it definitely won't add anything meaningful to my day to day life
>I'm looking for... self-help books
I don't mean to be rude but you don't know anything about philosophy. The only kind of good self help is philosophy and it's not an insignificant part of philosophy.

>philosophy is practiced for thousands of years and it brought us to this point, just being aware of that is enough for me
What does this even mean? So did science yet you want to engage with that. How is learning about science going to make you a better person when the very idea of what it means to be a good person is a philosophical question?

>his specimen thinks he's better than others for reading useless books all day and being a social recluse
Philosophy created the sciences. If philosophy is useless so is science.

>Nothing wrong with being closed minded, being open minded makes you sway with the wind a little too much and you won't ever have stable footing in life
But by engaging in non-philosophic self-help you have no idea how to evaluate what it is you read because if there was a solid framework and set of arguments to convince you of why you should engage with it then it is philosophic. You are literally arguing you would rather have to take something on faith and hope it works but trying to think about and rationalize it will leave you unstable.

>Philosophy can be a good way to self help in small, simple doses, but there more deep you get in there, the more of a miserable, hateful, self-indulging wretch you become
This is a personal problem you have from either reading shitting material or being unable to properly understand what it is you read. That's what >>11340243 meant. I don't know many people (and zero post-grads) whose primary interest was ethics who shares your experience but rather the opposite nor can I think of many philosophers who could possibly lead you to start thinking like that.

>> No.11341689
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>I think of many philosophers who could possibly lead you to start thinking like that
I can think of at least one.

>> No.11341744

Well then I repeat myself.
>This is a personal problem you have from either reading shitting material or being unable to properly understand what it is you read
>being unable to properly understand what it is you read

>> No.11341843

What do you mean then by properly understanding it and name me someone who did it in a productive way for the betterment of society. And if you're a good sport, name me of the opposite.

>> No.11342426

Want to be like Musk?
Have a rich dad OP