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/lit/ - Literature

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11337982 No.11337982 [Reply] [Original]

what are your thoughts on this dissertation of a depressed jew?

>> No.11337989

an absolute masterpiece

a depressed jew has more to say about what life really is than a thousand tenured anglos

>> No.11337993

We're anti-semites here. This isn't plebbit, try the redpill

>> No.11337996

A large number of dissertations must, in fact, be written by depressed jews, so you should use more precise language next time.

>> No.11337998

>try the redpill

don't make me cringe like this again.

>> No.11338003
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haha praise kek lmao

>> No.11338367

is this a meme book? ive seen this posted a bunch of times here what is it about?

>> No.11338398

the tragic futility of desire and the ultimate reality of death

>> No.11338999


"You do not carry the cross. Instead you are all crucified on the timber of your sufficiency, which is given to you, the more you insist, the more you bleed: it suits you to say you carry the cross like a sacred duty, whereas you are heavy with the weight of your necessities. Have the courage not to admit those necessities and lift yourselves up for your own sakes.”

>> No.11339004
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/lit/ is a philo-Semite board.

>> No.11339008

>Being born is nothing but wanting to go on: men live in order to live, in order not to die. Their persuasion is the the fear of death. Being born is nothing but fearing death, so that, if death becomes certain in a certain future, they are already dead in the present. ... He who fears death is already dead. He who for one instant wants his life to be his, only for an instant to be persuaded of what he does, must take possession of the present to see every present as the last, as if death were certain afterward, and to create his own life by himself in the obscurity. Death takes nothing from him who has life in the present, because nothing in him asks to continue any longer; nothing in him exists merely through the fear of death - nothing is merely because it was given by birth as necessary to life. And death takes nothing but what is born. It takes nothing but what it took on the very day one was born, the one who, because he was born, lives in fear of death, for the sake of living - because he was born. But he who wants to have his life must not believe that he was born, and is alive, only because he was born.

>> No.11339126

Jews are high-IQ and miserable degenerate fucks

Their opinions fucking blow

>> No.11339170
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jews are nice people how about you stop being a bully

>> No.11339182

Read Weil, read Michelstaedter, read Shestov.

I don't like jews and these three are GOAT

>> No.11339203

what is weil all about? ive seen heard posted around here.

>> No.11339211

Christian atheist. yeah, I know, go figure. absolutely brilliant. some of the best and most uncompromising spiritual writings I've ever encountered. same with michelstaedter. and shestov. these three to not kowtow to public opinion, their ideas are harsh and unforgiving but they're bracing

>> No.11339403


>> No.11339559


>> No.11339670
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anglo antisemitic boomers should be gassed asap

>> No.11339675

youre in for a surprise when you find out about the twentieth century lol

>> No.11339681

/lit/ is a board for 16 years with assorted emotional issues to pretend they read books and screech incoherently about race/nationality.
anti-semitic, anti-anglo, its all the same deep (and justified) self- hatred

>> No.11340471

ooo boy

>> No.11340475
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>> No.11340477

>see a michelstaedter thread bumped

gas yourselves

>> No.11340505

t jew baiting

>> No.11341358
File: 56 KB, 170x335, Carlo_Michelstaedter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11342778 [DELETED] 


>> No.11342787

What the fuck are you talking about? I love jews, in the way a scientist loves his lab rats. They're interesting af to study and dissect culturally.

>> No.11342791

anyone know where to find a pdf of this tasty oeuvre d'oeuvre?

>> No.11342797

And, to extend your analogy, destroy the lab when they're allowed to roam free, which is why they have to be rounded up and put in their cage then nuked.

>> No.11342834 [DELETED] 

I think someone said it was on lib.gen
I have a pdf though if there is a way to send it on here

>> No.11342896 [DELETED] 

ok here you go you can download it as a pdf

>> No.11343687

Can you upload it to tinyupload please?

>> No.11343718

ah ok i didn't know about this site
here you go friend

>> No.11343766

I'm pretty sure /lit/ is the most jewish board. I'm one btw.

>> No.11343769

and that's a good thing

>> No.11343794

There is a jewish infestation everywhere in the west. This is the problem. But a lot of the jews here have gone and you should do the same.

>> No.11343959


>> No.11343973

What does the eye mean?

>> No.11345104
