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/lit/ - Literature

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11336835 No.11336835 [Reply] [Original]

I want to do something with my life. Probably start a revolution. I want to read up on it, but the thing is, if decent information is out there, then other people would have done it already.

What are some hidden gems that will help you transform society (for the better) within your lifetime?

>> No.11336846

I remember when I was sixteen.

>> No.11336849

that’s just a distraction from working on yourself

>> No.11336868

Read 12 rules for life by Jordan b Peterson

>> No.11336913


>> No.11336919

you should still analyse past thinkers, even if it's just to find out where they went wrong and stealing their good ideas.

>> No.11337037

>within your lifetime
cant b done. the system has too much inertia. this is why a while ago the left decided the long march through the institutions and the right decided to ride the tiger

>> No.11337071
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>What are some hidden gems that will help you transform society

>> No.11337239

go to rojava and help the revolution there.

>> No.11337266

dont expect contemporary revolution to be folks walking arm-in-arm on the streets like the french revolution

>> No.11337313


>> No.11337339

>transform society (for the better)

>> No.11337360

this but fucking serious

>> No.11338911

Unironically this.

>> No.11338943
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>> No.11339381

>transform society for the better
please stop getting into teleological ideologies
why not mow the lawn at your dads', or something, do the shopping for your nan
or get into a non-profit with a non-utopian cause, e.g. cook for the poor

you know, things where you actually go outside and help actually existing people

>> No.11339395

>hey /lit/ i wanna kill my bullies, how do i do it if im a fag who cant into ar15s

>> No.11339400

Just make sure to commit public seppuku when you inevitably fail.

>> No.11340734

Well sure, if you have no qualms about using scapegoating as a method of social control and don't have any sense of truth or beauty.

In which case, don't even wait, just go and shoot yourself in the head because that's more than likely the outcome you'll get once you start down the path.

>> No.11340783

working on yourself is just a cop out for not wanting to deal with problems as a community at a government level. You are just another lone man in a white hat looking for a black hat hanging on a mirror. Go find out about local governments in your area, and then crush them with your intellect.

>> No.11341044

>I want to do something with my life. Probably start a revolution.
You'll be happy to get a 8to5 job by the time you're 30, anon.

>> No.11341048
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Here you go, anon.

>> No.11341062

This is a good idea.

>> No.11341069

>other people would have already hidden it
No they wouldn't have you dunce. Revolutions happen constantly and revolutionary literature is a major genre. Institutions in successful countries don't worry about revolutionary literature, because the stability of their government and social order make it far too difficult for people to both spur one another to revolutionary action and effect change by force.

On the latter point, its actually a ridiculous notion to think that citizens can overthrow standing regimes by their own power; there is always, ALWAYS a military element fueling the conflict on behalf of the rebels. So if you want to overthrow a power structure, your first practical order of business is to buy a military.

>> No.11341077

How can a man who isn't a master of himself expect to lead other people, or expect them to follow? "Money" isn't an answer, if you want people to be loyal to you then you need to demonstrate to them that you can efficiently procure money long-term and that requires experience and discipline greater than your competitors.

>> No.11341083

If you like fighting for American proxies, sure.

>> No.11341095

Does it matter who its a proxy for if it improves the condition of the country?
The growing pains of developmental capitalism are better than the inevitable genocide of every other ideology once matured.

>> No.11341166

>don't have any sense of truth or beauty

Beauty and truth are the utmost valuable things I seek in life and I'm a full on Hitler-did-nothing-wrong type. Substantiate your claims.

>> No.11341259

*messianic phase intensifies*

good luck with your teenage angst anon, don't forget to set your house in order before you criticise the world

>> No.11341281

>Probably start a revolution.
Why do you want to make everyones life worse?
You're just setting progress back by 50-75 years and playing catchup with the rest of the world in which the original state of the nation you're starting a revolution in would have progressed to naturally in 25 years time anyway.

>> No.11341500

Why are you people so satisfied wih being mediocre all your life and forgotten once you are dead?

>> No.11341506


>transform society
>for the better
>within your lifetime

You can only pick two

>> No.11341526

good post

Why are you people so concerned with "muh legacy"
The ones who embrace a regular lifestyle are just more self aware

>> No.11341557

give this guy some kind of reward

>> No.11341606 [DELETED] 

The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

>> No.11341629

Fuck off Sean.

>> No.11341640

Don't lie, you probably are sixteen. You're just of a different political position, likely of liberalism. Communism and Marxism are gay btw.

>> No.11341649

>DA JOOS are innocent

imagine being this retarded

>> No.11341732
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>hey /lit/ i wanna kill my bullies, how do i do it if im a fag who cant into ar15s

pay off scientists in some convoluted system where everyone believes your products aren't harmful and then have these so called bullies get hooked. When they find out your shit was killing them, you just shrug and move on and then laugh about it later when you're having a drink on your yacht with your family and employees. Later you may mention something to a mistress or competitor about it all being much to much, but, honestly, if you are going to go there, like really go there, this is really The only way to go to rid you of your bullies in true patrician style.


>> No.11341760

go away murdoch

>> No.11341771

>Communism and Marxism are gay btw.


You either being a tool and or to stupid to know what you are relly being used for.

Pro Tip: It's the devil.

>> No.11341858
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Wrong. Every Christian peasant rebellion, including the communist kind, is divined by the LORD. He works through us like instruments of liberation, we realise His sublimity this way.

>> No.11341869

>I want to do something with my life
>I think I want to start a revolution despite having done nothing with my life
This is your brain on leftism

>> No.11341871

>The ones who embrace a regular lifestyle are just more self aware
Ouch. This, I'm starting to realize I'd rather live a life in which I maximize my successes within my realistic capabilities than one where I forego realism to strive for a constant unrealizable ideal state.

>> No.11341884

He's just a pseud NEET or baiting. Half the leftists I know are completely cynical arsehole memers who have no hopes for a revolution.

>> No.11341894

You know some of the smarter leftists, then.

>> No.11342125

pretty sure this is b8, but just in case
consider that you're filtering "doing something of worth" through a prism of yourself and that your real motivation here is self-aggrandization/actually feeling something like catharsis or worth
it doesn't matter anyway because you're too self-absorbed and weak to effect any change, but at least you can spend your time on something more worthwhile than jacking yourself off to leading a charge on wall st.

>> No.11342617

Even if you're retarded enought to blame everything on one factor (the jews) the fact remains that Hitler fucked up Germany economically and military.

>> No.11342732

I would recommend Ayn rand or l Ron hubbard

>> No.11343076

define communism

>> No.11343086

Get fucked commie. You're going to be ethnically/ideologically cleansed once (if) your communist "revilution" goes through because you're just a middle class white male teenager and the very people you put into power will execute you and appropriate your house for homeless asocial homos to live in.

>> No.11343093

>the Nazis who beloved beauty to a fault and practically worshipped the concept of beauty don't understand beauty

You don't know anything at all lol

>Le scapegoat

Ah, to be in high school again.

>> No.11343100

Every useful idiot will end up dragged out, lined up against the barn and shot

>> No.11343105

not if you become stalin first retard

>> No.11343112

>hitler built Germany into a world-superpower in less than a decade out of a smoldering pile of rubble that was in millions of dollars of global debt, coming off the end of a world war

>Hitler ruined Germany

Lmao Hitler fucking BUILT Germany. They took on the entire world. They lost, but it's not like it was an easy fight.

Btw, not a nazi. I'm just not retarded

>> No.11343116

Stalin was an alpha male, if OP were gonna become Stalin (or if anyone were) they'd already be doing it. Even education isn't an excuse, Stalin was a street thug before he started applying his talents to politics.

>> No.11343118
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>> No.11343120

>Hitler's economic policies are divorced from Hitler's military policies
Hitler engineered a total state, military social and economic, that could never possibly accomplish its stated aims and then leashed it on the world. He's as responsible for fucking destroying Germany as he is for its temporary, short-lived glory.

>> No.11343152
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>> No.11343157

Read The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.11343433

I know many Antifa members or people who are sympathetic to Antifa

They literally believe that the global-liberal capitalist system is going to collapse tomorrow and then they are going to rush in with soviet flags and implement a communist government

I wish I knew leftists who were smart enough to be blackpilled

>> No.11343478

Major in a trade or applicable degree (ie., not something purely theoretical), find a wife and knock her up, join the military, volunteer with your local political parties twice a week, submit the occasional piece of writing to local newspapers/literary journals, get a gun and practice with it regularly, volunteer at your local homeless shelter/nursing home on weekends, go to church on Sunday or mosque on Friday, have more kids and homeschool them, get a law degree in your mid thirties, talk to strangers on the street and smile at everyone, when you’re in your mid 40s run for public office.

This is realistically the best way to do something with your life, short of maybe becoming a priest or doctor.

That, or read the Wikipedia article about D’Annunzio and stay up late at night staring at the ceiling full of dread at the fact that you aren’t the overman you’d like to be.

>> No.11343506

>wants a revolution simply to have a revolution
you'll fit right into society, lad.

>> No.11343516
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Tech corporations take data from a billion people to create models to better control them.

Write your own book by taking data from users here. See what they respond too and why. Analyse the data and apply it to control them.

4chan is mostly composed of isolated western english speaking white males with nothing to lose and no goals... this is the most powerful group (jews aside) that you could hope for. Harnessing them you can definitely change society. Whether it's for the better is up to you.

>> No.11343532


Read the bread book.

>> No.11343607
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>> No.11343625

>spend 20 years in prison
>life IMMEDIATELY gets exponentially better
So this is the power of prison industry

>> No.11344087

Become a soldier, go full mercenary and join a revolution in some shithole in Africa or South America

>> No.11344108

If you are asking on 4chan about it, you are 100% never gona make it.

>> No.11344276
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Good christian boy
dindu nuffin

>> No.11344601


>> No.11344615

How self-absorbed can you be?

You have no idea about society or any ideas for it, but you say you want to start a revolution with your life?

A revolution is something that occurs as a consequence of someone with societal understanding and strong conviction about it. If you just vaguely feel like you want to be important you'll only damage society even if you ever succeeded, you'll never have any societal prominence anyways, and on top of that you're a faggot.

>> No.11344623

Clean your room.

>> No.11344625

>comparing a fictional 19th century character who got 4 years for stealing and 15 for 3 escape attempts to whoever the fuck that is in the 21st.
Nigga there are plenty of real examples to draw from put soke god damn efgort into your infomemes.

>> No.11345152

>1800s anarchism

I really wish people would stop doing this. How about something that includes the internet?

>> No.11345210
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The good is my decree!

>> No.11345257
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>A revolution is something that occurs as a consequence of someone with societal understanding and strong conviction about it.
Not Op, but this is not true. Revolutions are reactions to and a reestablishment of legitimacy. A revolution happens due to many variables which are outside the control of individuals. The ideology that gets put into action in revolutions has nothing to do with rationality and everything to do with animals existing in an environment.
That the entire American revolution has been made into such an individualist fantasy that you still get people who actually believe in Making revolutions rather than co-opting the occurrence so as to turn their creative energies and determined desires towards the spectacle and make bank.

>> No.11345282

>transform society (for the better)
Learn how to hack computer and then fuck with capitalist pigs.

>> No.11345293

Half of the nazis economic growth was because of the army activity.
If Hitler wasn't pumping money like mad into preparing for his absolute autism germany would have remained piss poor. And then, of he just kept on going nazis germany would have collapsed.

>> No.11345351

Learn how to make IEDs and pick locks. There's a complete Paladin Press torrent floating around.

>> No.11345714

That's dumb and you're dumb

>> No.11345765


>> No.11345903
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Charlie Manson is the one true revolutionary spokesman of the turned on counterculture youth of America. Helter Skelter or bust!


I have gone through all the political ideologies, I tried being 'woke', I tried being a real communist, I tried keeping up with the economist and the nyt, I memed for trump back in 2016, and i just feel burnt out, man, I don't know who I am I don't know what reality is. I'm just 'ironically' bingeing on busted megalomaniac content in the hopes of achieving a transformation in consciousness. insurrectionary schizophrenia my dude. feels good. feels good. I suddenly feel exalted, i get to step out from this shitty reality and i feel exalted with cosmic purpose.






>> No.11345920


this but unironically

>> No.11346541


The bread book is on the internet.

>> No.11347170

Samefagging or /pol/?

>> No.11347295

This but ironically

>> No.11347454


>> No.11347464

This. The bread book changed my life.

>> No.11347705

It's shit lad. Pseudoscience and some snarky hot takes from a century ago.

>> No.11347721

no u

>> No.11347752

>gems that will help you transform society (for the better) within your lifetime?
Be a better man and you will transform society for the better withing your lifetime.